
Saturday 8 July 2023

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy! Here it's going to be very hot again at the weekend so I will be hiding myself somewhere cool. I am NOT a fan of big heat! For Alison's things with wings challenge at AJJ I have another bird page with a mixed media - paint/stencils/stamps - background:

Some funnies / thinkies:

This is so totally true:

These pics are from 2013, ten years back. They were taken with my old camera which didn't take such clear photos:

Fred Flintstone's car:

From the top of the castle:

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. Beautiful page. Fun thinkies and thanks for the lovely photos.

  2. Great assortment of photos-loved seeing them, awesome page for AJJ and I loved the thinkies too Happy weekend hugs

    1. Hi dear Kathy, thanks, you have a great weekend, too! Hugs!

  3. Wow...Gorgeous art to drool over today! Your photo variety are just awesome.. love the fabulous style and colours always in your post xx
    Have a great weekend, hugs

  4. Hi Val, good morning! It's our last day already! The Tower was wonderful, we all enjoyed it. I took lots of photos for you. This afternoon we're flying home, so I will tell you more later. Hugs from us all, Sarah

  5. Good morning, Valerie. Wow. I love your crow. Did you draw it yourself? It speak is wonderful. The weather here is crazy. Half the country's sweltering in a heat wave. here in West Wales. It's not exactly warm yet. Yesterday afternoon, the sun came out and a neighbour's garden hit 102 degrees Fahrenheit. Have a good weekend. Hugs. Deb.

    1. Thanks Deb. The crow is a stamp, one of my faves! Here it's 103 outside, and 98 in my flat, hot! Hugs, Valerie
      Tomorrow is supposed to be even hotter!

  6. Good morning, Valerie: I really like the one about scientists studying human stupidity. What a huge faculty that would be. Just imagine the number of researchers involved, assuming that they were not also suffering from human stupidity. There is more than enough to go around and it is found in every walk of life and in every income stratum. Like an amoeba it replicates itself too and multiplies without end. Generation after generation it continues, to the point where we have arrived at the greatest stupidity of all - a willingness to destroy the planet. If we don’t do it with profligate, unsustainable lifestyles we have nuclear arsenals to back it up, more than enough to destroy life as we know it. Yep, humans are pretty stupid. If there is one incontrovertible truth, that’s it. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Well, David, you have really nailed it! Today I am suffering with this extreme heat, I find it hard to have any intelligent sparks today. I hope you are feeling more comfortable over there! Yes, the planet seems to have a high temperature and needs to be treated, quickly! Have a good day, take care, keep cool! Hugs! xxxxx

  7. Your bird backgrounds are lovely and I love the vivid colors! Enjoying all the beautiful photos once again and especially loving the meme about studying human stupidity! Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thanks Carol, I think it would take a lifetime to study it! Hugs!

  8. Love your inky background, but that quote, I dunno, seems like in my retirement I treasure intelligence without ambition more, heehee. Yes, stay on and make yourself cool and comfortable if you can. XOX

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, I was never ambitious either, and never will be! Hugs, have a great weekend!

  9. Wonderful post Valerie. I hope you are feeling well. Guess what, I'm learning to speak German. My neighbor is teaching me. She is from Germany. I'm so excited. Have a great day today.

    1. Thanks Nicole, I'm looking forward to your first comment in German! Have fun, hugs!

  10. Love all the pics and funnies-fabulous hot journal page love the crow and butterfly
    Carol x

    1. Thanks so much Carol. It's hot, hot, hot here, too! Have a great weekend, hugs.

  11. I love that pic of the horses. So peaceful, so serene, munching on grass. They look healthy.

  12. Sad to hear about your heat wave. We are lucky now but it can’t last.

    Every conversation I have these days about current events and issues always seems to be haunted in the background by the consciousness that the world is warmer and warmer, the Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets are melting, and the consequences are becoming more and more obvious. In the long term, we’re all dead, said an economist, but he didn’t mean it this way.

    best, mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, the excessive weather conditions are really making hugs problems for our world. It's still very hot here, 35° today and 31° in my apartment, so I try to cool myself off with showers.

  13. Just when I thought it was going to be nice and hot it's cold (well, not winter-cold! Summer-cold) and dampish. Not good paint-on-the-porch weather but my jigsaw puzzle is moving along! Enjoy the weekend -- I love your opening piece!

    1. Okay, send me the jigsaw weather and I'll send our our heat, gladly. VERY gladly!

  14. That journal page is amazing. I love the bird that sits in the center of the saying, too. You have given us a wonderful entry for Alison's theme at AJJ, dear.

    I hope you noticed I am in catch up mode and left comments on your two previous posts.

    Your thinkies are wonderful today, especially the one studying human stupidity. I am SO sorry to read you are unable to get out of this dreadful heat. I hope it breaks soon for you, because I would die if I didn't have AC.

    Nice photos from 10 years ago. Your previous camera is better than my current one (grin).

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. It's very hot again, outside and inside, and it makes me feel bad. I'm too old for things like this! And I think a study 0f human stupidity would take many years! Of course I notice the difference between my new camera and the old one, but they are both Sony and good! Hugs!

  15. That page for Alison's challenge is great. I love the big crow. And those hot colors too. It's been very here, until this afternoon, and now it's just comfortably hot, at least for a few days. I hope you get some cool weather soon. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, have a great day and enjoy your cooler weather. Hope the bees are doing well and that your hives are not annoying you too much!. Hugs!

  16. Wunderschön deine Journalseite!Tolle Fotos von früher und all das andere!
    Ich mache auch nichts bei uns wird es heute bis 32 Grad und bei dir noch heisser.
    Pass auf dich gut auf und wünsche dir ienen geruhsamen Sonntag!
    Liebe Umarmung Elkes Lebensglück

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Elke. Here it's already 35 and I'm melting....Ich mache heute nichts - Füße hoch, lesen, chillen! Hugs!

  17. Great photos. This cat is sweet 😍 Have a nice sunday 😊

  18. Twoje prace jak zawsze są piękne a te dobrze oddają upalny klimat ostatnich dni. Milo jedt zobaczyć fotografie z 2013 roku i przenieść się w czasie. Udanego dnia😊

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks Lucyna. I like looking back on old photos! Have a great week, stay cool! Hugs!

  19. Great photos and beautiful art Valerie!
    I hope it's cooler for you today like it is here. I hide from the heat too.

    1. Thanks Alison, we've had storms this afternoon and more will be coming tonight! Hugs!

  20. BRAVO!!! Luv every bit of it
    Happy Sunday.


  21. Wow wonderful photos, thanks a lot for sharing.

  22. Happy you linked to Sunday Smiles today


  23. I want that mug! It's brilliant!
    Lovely painting and wise words too
    I hope you a re feeling a bit better and rested. Reading is always the thing to calm me down, I lose track of time and, although I don't often admit it, I often fall asleep with my Kindle.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. I fall asleep very often with my Kindle! I would like that quote on a shirt!


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