
Friday 7 July 2023


Hi Everybody!

It's Friday again and time for Nicole's FFO, where we show our face(s). I am also linking to Gillena's AFFF. Today I am showing the face of liberty, a face known to all the world. Liberty, freedom to think  and handle as we see fit. Nobody wants to be forced to do what others decide. Freedom should be for all - freedom of thought, freedom to take responsibility for our own lives and bodies, freedom to read the books we want to without censorship. Here in Germany the burning of books was the foretaste of much worse things, and I think we all know the unspeakable cruelty, murder, and other things that happened in WW ll. And it was an alliance of Americans and the free countries of Europe who put an end to it. For me the name 'America' was always synonymous for freedom, and I hope that this will not change!

These photos of me from the distant past were used as basis for paintings:

This face fascinated me. How did I make it? Well, it just got stuck in the printer and crumpled, but I love the effects:

This was a 5 minute pastel sketch:

And some variations:

This one was worked over patterned paper:

Another 5 minute sketch:

And faces coupled with time:

I will be back tomorrow with a piece for Alison's challenge at AJJ.

Have a great Friday, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful inspired pieces of art Valerie,

  2. amazing faces Valerie-I loved them all. I hope too America never loses our Freedoms-hoping the censoring on social media will finally stop after the Judges order to the present administration.

    1. Thanks Kathy. Yes, we need to stay hopeful! Happy weekend, hugs, Valerie

  3. Das sind wundervolle Bilder von deinen Gesicht gemalt und gestaltet und die Aussage über die Freiheit da stimme ich dir voll und ganz zu. Deine Jounalseite ist so romantisch, so schön hab einen schönen Tag und pass gut auf bei der Hitze wo jetzt kommt!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Ich hoffe dass ich nicht raus muss bei der Hitze . Pass auf dich auf! Alles Liebe dir!

  4. Hi Val, good morning. Love all of the art today, and your little speech is so true. We all need our freedom, and it is being curtailed in so many places! Have a great day, we're going to the Tower today, and tomorrow it will be time to go back home! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Now I'm jealous, the Tower is my Revier! Have fun, take care, and have a good flight back tomorrow! Hugs to all!

  5. Gosh, some really super portraits. I especially like the ones of you and the one you've done with patterned paper. As for your piece, the wrinkled going through the printer. We all get times like that and its serendipity that they turn out. as something we really like. Mind. I wouldn't recommend purposefully trying to wrinkle paper going through the printer. Paper jams are not funny are they? Hope you have a great weekend Hugs Deb.

    1. Thanks Deb, sometimes it's fun just to play and experiment. My last printer 🖨️ broke down after a paper jam and couldn't be repaired. Have a great weekend, stay as well as possible! Hugs!

  6. Hello, Valerie: I am not sure that America always connoted freedom to me. There were aspects of freedom, of course, but there was also the terrible legacy of slavery and racial segregation right into the latter part of the twentieth century, Jim Crow was brutal in many parts of the country, and McCarthyism found a willing audience. Little black girls had to be escorted by armed Federal agents to go to school. Freedom marchers were set upon with dogs and batons. “Freedom and liberty for all” was (and in many respects still is) a myth. On a different note, the series of faces of yourself are quite charming and certainly interesting. What creative flair you have! And you would represent freedom very well. Freedom of thought and expression, freedom of lifestyle, however different it may be from the “norm” (whatever that is), freedom to read whatever you want and make your own judgement about the contents of a book, without having the arrogance to impose your values on others. Your comments about book burning (it always begins with book banning) are chilling. We have seen it happen and we know what ensues. These are difficult times. The world is literally burning up due to human folly and now more and more frequently we are regressing to fascism and authoritarianism. I am grateful not to be ten years old. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi David. I think most lands were guilty of many, many things to multiply the money of the rich and to keep others enslaved, and forcing many to work very hard for minimal wages..
      Glad you like the faces. I have always done my own thing and been very independent from an early age. I have my own opinions and others have theirs - that's the way of the world. I have seen films of the burning of the books in WWll, and it was terrible. Heinrich Heine, a German writer and poet - also banned back then - said: 'People who burn books burn people'. And here the right wing party is getting stronger and stronger. I, too, am glad that I'm not a child any more! Stay safe! Hugs xxxxx

  7. Your artistic talent is just amazing with all of these creations! Each is beautifully done and Freedom is definitely worth fighting for!

    1. Thanks Carol, it is indeed! Have a lovely day, Valerie

  8. I'm loving that tag Valerie. It certainly feels hot. And Looks cool too. And it's great to see all your faces today, and I can say your faces too, at least for some of them. Happy Friday. hugs-Erika

  9. I agree with you. I hope that America continues to stand for freedom.

  10. First I want to tell you how beautiful all of the faces are. You are so talented and the joy of your art comes through. Thank you for sharing with FFO. Now for freedom in America. Were we ever free here? Someone has always dictated what we do or don't do. Laws that are good for some and not for others. It is a lie that we are free we just don't see the truth of it, lost in our own little worlds. As more and more far right take over the governments (federal and state) we are losing more of our so called rights. Especially women and people of color. I could really get carried away with this topic. But I will end it with this. 30 years ago I met a women who came over here from Russia. In a conversation with a group of people she said, "You Americans are so blind. You think you are free but your government rules without consideration of the people. It is a farce, and one day someone will come in a prove it." At the time I thought, "what does she know." Haaaaa coming from where she did she saw what we couldn't or wouldn't and now we have what we have. I too am glad I am not young in this day and age.

    1. Sometimes people from outside see the picture as it really is. I would not like to be young again in this age, either. In Europe a lot of countries are experiencing a movement to the right, and that's scary. Take care, have a great day 💗 hugs!

  11. Your faces are full of intriguing possibilities!

  12. I hope that America always stand for freedom, some days it looks doubtful. I love, "Take time to grow, love, shine" and "take time to plant seeds of thought and watch them grow!" Have a fabulous weekend.

  13. A thoughtful post. Beautiful faces especially yours. Have a good weekend

  14. Wonderful sentiments on Liberty and much appreciated. Let's hope that does not change over here. Love all the faces, particularly yours:)
    Hugs, Sandra

    1. Thanks Sandra. Let's hold tight to freedom!

  15. Wonderful series of faces ~ all so creative ~ love the last one ~ thanks, ~ The Liberty one is awesome for the season ~.

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. I guess I like the last one the most. Cool to have that clock there in lieu of the eye, and I like the hair, too.

  17. Wow! Awesome art. Have a nice friday. There was an earthquake 5.0 here🇹🇹 about an hour and a half ago. And now its raining heavily.

    Remember to drop by with a smile on Sunday and link to Sunday Smiles


    1. Oh my, were people hurt? I hope you and your family are all well! Hugs

  18. Thanks so much, Jan. Enjoy your weekend!

  19. Lovely faces, especially yours! Worry leads to stress and that leads to inflammation. You have the power to choose not to worry so much. :))) Hope your weekend is going well, xoxo

    1. Ha, my face lovely? <that's an idea I need to get used to! It's very hot here, no AC, so I'm not a happy bunny. I prefer it cooler! I know it's probably not as hot as in Texas! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  20. I so love and agree with your words on freedom, each and every one. Book banning leads to burning and we all know where that led. And the portraits of your face are just terrific. I love all the different techniques. Happy weekend, my friend.

  21. So, it is true our freedom is not perfect, but it is a far cry from fascism or authoritarianism and it is for those of us who vote to elect people who will support the concept of freedom no matter the color of skin or the choices of lovers ... only then will we ever regain the freedoms we have already lost to the white supremacy right wing (via our supreme court) and we should never give up on the concept. Freedom has to have limits in order to respect the rights of individuals we have to accept their right to their views ... but we don't have to accept that it is okay to carry guns that are meant for war and use them on people we disagree with or shoot the children in our schools just to vent our anger about what?. Capitalism is another issue ... where greed is allowed to dictate who has and who does not have ... and that leads us to the need to have the power to control the laws that allow the rich to get richer at the expense of the poor. So being a free country isn't a simple matter ... and I am not sure I would believe a person from Russia where absolutely the Government rules without consideration of the people. At least here we have the opportunity to elect the people who govern. That there is so much apathy that a large percentage of people don't bother to vote or only vote the way their parents voted without really learning what that means, that is where the problem lies. I don't begin to know the answer to how to achieve freedom as we want it to be, but I do know that we need to choose a path that will lead us toward a "more perfect union" (sound familiar) rather than complain that we are not perfect and therefore ... what???
    Now Miss Valerie ... you are beautiful and your art is beautiful and your heart is beautiful and I come here to lift my spirits and to spend time with someone who is kind and caring and treats others the way they should be treated ... so I don't want to argue politics in this peaceful place. So let us all "Take time to plant seeds of thought and watch them grow" ... I think we could be pleased with the results.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Your reply is beautiful, thsnks so much. We need to stay alert and watchful, and protest where we can, but with legal means. I thin many people really need their heads screwed on the right direction! Hugs!

  22. OMG, these faces are amazing. I am in love with them. I also LOVE what you wrote about Freedom. Yes, it is true and because my country is being torn apart by those MEN who want to force us into "The Handmaid's Tale" situation, we may have to fight for our rights sooner rather than later. Thanks for this wonderful journal page on Freedom, dear friend.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, we all need to stand up for the basic rights of humanity and our countries, our world!

  23. Liberty is a strong and powerful piece. Well done. But the other faces are fascinating and I love how you have portrayed yourself in so many different ways
    I must say I absolutely love love love the last one with the delicate colours and linework. She is so pretty.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. I have many faces, and these days many lines and wrinkles, too! Hugs!


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