
Monday 10 July 2023

T sTands for whaTever you like!

Hi Everybody!

Hope you enjoyed your weekend. Here it was extremely hot, not my cup of tea. I  hope it soon cools down! 

For Alison's come fly with me challenge at AJJ I have  another hybrid page, using a painted background and photos of the herons and the little bird on the branch. The other elements were added digitally:

Some early morning sky photos taken from my balcony:

This evening we will be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link & drink party. I wanted to show you the drinks we had in the bakery Café , but we both forgot till it was all over. I had cappuccino and Heike had cocoa:

This is a nice, friendly place to have a coffee break:

And I wanted to show you my earrings as they fit here  well!

And I told Erika I would show her my bee earrings:

These nuns seem to be having fun in the Vatican:

Some thinkies / funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Cute earrings! Lovely page and skies. Thanks for the fun thinkies!

  2. Fabulous bright art piece Valerie, love the birds and love your earrings and those naughty nuns..ha ha ha..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, glad you had some fun, too!

  3. Fabulous art. Awesome sky shots Vj.

  4. Your art is amazing, loving your ear rings, you have awesome balcony views, and fun thinkers-Happy new week hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks, dear Kathy, have a great week, take care. Hugs!

    2. I decided at the last minute to post for T so wishing you a Happy T too-hugs

    3. Glad you're joining in today, hugs!

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Love your beautiful art, and the fun thinkies. Had to laugh at the nuns, too funny! Have a great week, I still have mounds of laundry to do. Hugs from us all, Sarah

  6. Jak zawsze Twoja praca jest zachwycająca. Kolczyki są śliczne a te z lotami w filiżanka bardzo mi się podobają są takie zabawne. Miłego dnia😊

    1. Thanks Lucyna, glad you like the earrings! Hugs!

  7. Do I detect that the nuns are angling the selfie stick slightly upwards? I can only imagine the jokes after that experience! It’s good to have themed earrings and I like both sets you show. Miriam does not have pierced ears so no bird or quilt related earrings but she does have a whole selection of jewelry with nature-related themes, birds especially. She hardly ever wears it though. Recently she has been wearing some of it when we go out with friends and some of the pieces are quite smashing. I will try to take pictures and sneak them into my blog. Her sister who lives in Harrisonburg, VA was visiting for the past few days. She has become a whacko Trump-adoring conspiracy theorist so I passed on the family reunion! Enjoy the new week ahead, Valerie. Hugs and kisses for both you and the lovely Heike - David

    1. I enjoyed seeing the nuns having a bit of fun! Glad you like the earrings. I also have bird ones! I have times when I like wearing jewellery, and other times when I can't be bothered. Yes, take some pics of Miriam's collection. I won't tell! Your sister in law reminds me of my sister, she was a great supporter of Trump etc, hard to take, I know! She was waiting for the end of the world....I just came back from visiting Heike, It's still too warm here and really sweaty weather, not what I like. I come from England, I cope better with rain! Have a great week, hugs to you and Miriam, xxxx

  8. Those are fabulous bee earring Valerie. I bet they are fun to wear. I love how one is the bee and one is the honey pot. :) Those kitties in the teacups are great too. Your page for Alison's challenge is beautiful; the gold really pops. And sorry to hear it's still so hot. We are back in the rain, and it is humid. There is a lot of major flooding out near where my daughter lives, but luckily she still only has a lot of rain. This weather is insane. Stay cool, and happy early T day. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, glad you like my bee earrings. I always think of you when I wear them. Today its hot and humid. Sorry about the flooding near your daughter. The weather is really insane. Happy T day, hugs!

  9. Wow, love the art, Valerie. Beautiful color for the sky and the birds are perfect. Very cool! Awesome coffee, coffee shop, and earings too. The funnies/thinkees all made me smile. The nuns are especially funny. It is hot here too and I am ready for Fall! Happy T-day!

    1. Thanks Nancy, let's all hope that the weather gets back to normal soon. Have a lovely week, hugs!

  10. Love those cute earrings.
    Thanks for the fun thinkies.
    Your art is beautiful as always.

    Hugs and blessings, Valerie

    1. Thanks Veronica, hugs and blessings to you, too!

  11. I love dangling earrings!!! Yours are so cute.

    1. Thanks, I like them, too, and have a big selection!

  12. Nice work of art, the atmosphere in the photos you share is also calming for me.

    Thank you for Sharing👍😁.

    Greetings from Indonesian Bloggers 🇲🇨

  13. Lovely art and post Valerie, thanks for visiting my blog, still having trouble answering you there!

    1. Don't worry, Sue, lots of things aren't working just now! Loved your photos today!

  14. Your sky photos are really uplifting. I would like to have coffee with you at that cafe.
    best, mae at mae

  15. Your sky photographs are lovely.
    I like your earrings.
    Very colourful art ...

    I do hope the weather cools down for you soon.

    All the best Jan

  16. Loving the funnies and the gorgeous photos too. I'm with you and will be pleased when it cools down. I have theory though that the weather changes when the children break up for the summer which will be friday here. It usually did when we were teaching in fact it usually poured it down! Have a good week. Hugs, Angela xXx

  17. Your journal page is very colorful!
    What beautiful photos of the sky and I love your novelty earrings, so fun!
    you always have the best funnies!
    Happy Tea Day,

  18. I love those cat earrings, they are so cute - and it can't get better than cats and coffee. Your art is beautiful as well, this is an exceptionally beautiful page. I love the herons and birds and cattails - just lovely. Great funnies as well - the nuns cracked me up. I'm sorry it is so hot, I'm not a big friend of too much heat either. We are at the other end here, temperatures have been below normal for quite a while now. This week it's supposed to heat up, but still below normal. I'm okay with it as long as it is not gloomy.

    1. I love the silhouettes as it reminds me of the scenes along the Rhine in the evening. Have a great week!

  19. I love this art Valerie. The thnkies/funnies have me cracking up. Have a great evening.

  20. Oh, my goodness, great funnies! LOL Great earrings, too. Love the teacup ones. Lovely journal page for AJJ. Happy T Day!

  21. Seeing your work i n silhouette is inspiring me to try something of that ilk -- watercolor base with a subject that way. I'll let you know how it turns out!

  22. I really like this artwork. It is a beautiful combination of colours. Sky photos are wonderful too. I enjoyed those. Beautiful earrings too.
    Happy T Tuesday!

  23. I was sure I left you a comment this afternoon, but I don't see it. I checked my spam file to see if your lost blog comment was there, but it wasn't. Sorry.

    I adore your hybrid page for Alison's theme at AJJ. It is moody because of the colors you chose and it is awesome, too. Thanks for sharing.

    Your sunrise photos are charming. The color shining through the clouds is really impressive.

    Your earrings are very clever and quirky. You have a great sense of design when it comes to accessories.

    Nobody said the cup had to be full when you take a photo. I can tell that Heike had hot chocolate and you had cappuccino from the coffee rings in the cup. You may not have the actual photo of a full cup, but you have the memories of time spent together.

    Thanks for sharing your AJJ art, your earrings, your thinkies, your sunrise, and your drinks with us for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, much appreciated. My earrings are probably not suitable for old ladies, but who cares?!

  24. Beautiful sunrises and I also liked the heron in your art piece.
    Had a giggle at your funnies, especially the nuns. And oh those earrings! They are beautiful! Thanks for sharing.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca, sunrise is always such a beautiful time.

  25. Wunderschöne Kunst zeigst du wieder und Fotos mit all den anderen Spruchbildern!
    Hoffe du kommst gut über die Runde bei der heutige Hitze wieder bei dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  26. Your page is a contemplative work. Loveit. The photos from your balcony are beautiful. The nuns brought a smile as the setting is not one you would expect. Love the thinkies, especially the last one of the native american. I have native american ancestry.

    Hugs and Blessings

    1. Thanks Jim, the native Americans had so much wisdom. Hugs!

  27. Yes, m'am, Valerie, I hear you about the heat, I've not been feeling well because of it. Woke up yesterday and when I opened my eyes the room was spinning. I closed them and went back to sleep it scared me so bad. Been having vertigo, Honey has been too. I think it's the barometric pressure from the heat dome we are still under. Ugh. Nice hybrid page putting that photo on your painted background. I hope we both get some rain soon. There's some disturbance in the North Atlantic forming, maybe it will come your way! XXO

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, I have been having vertigo, too, it really could be from the weather. At least I didn't have to go anywhere or do anything, that was good. I'll take a disturbance gladly if it cools us down! Look after yourself, take care, Valerie

  28. Beautiful art journal page Valerie! LOVe the bright background and dark silhouettes ... AND OMGosh love those earrings!! So unique , both of them... always love some funnies... Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  29. You've got some great funnies. Love the earrings and your coffee shop. And of course your heron piece. YOU have a great one.

  30. So nice post, thanks for your sharing...

  31. Fabulous page Valerie, I've lost count of the number of times I've remembered to take photos of drinks! Happy T Day, I'll be back for a catch up! Hugs, Chrisx

  32. Hi Valerie, thanks for your visit and kind comments, love the earrings and funnies, really made me laugh
    Jan S

  33. I love the earrings and those cheeky nuns Valerie, and your silhouette art is beautiful.

  34. A day in my head would drive someone bonkers
    What. gorgeous page. I love the colour of the sky, the birds stand out so well in silhouette against it. A beautiful composition,
    Love the ear rings, despite my love of bees I think the little cats have taken the top spot with me. how gorgeous are they!
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. Glad you like the earrings, I do, too. Have a great day, take care, hugs!


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