
Thursday 9 March 2023

Snow and more

Hi Everybody!

I'm happy to say that I am back home. It's good to be here, but it took ages to get a taxi because we had snow this morning, and it was cold and slippery outside. The taxi driver was an angel and carried all of my luggage up to my apartment, which was great. I took these pics while I was waiting for the taxi:


Today I am sharing an A4 piece made with soft pastels:

I am linking to my anything goes challenge at AJJ.

These pics were taken from my balcony when I got home:

And a last look at the dining table before breakfast this morning! My table at home is much smaller, but a nice place to sit:

I am also linking to Nicole's FFO and Gillena's Friday Art Fun

And some funnies / thinkies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. Beautiful page! Welcome home! Lots of snow and good thinkies!

  2. 'The same when you're stupid.' ROFL Innit the truth. Glad you're home. Glad your taxi driver was your caring angel. Love your book piece. Hugs

    1. Oh yes, it is indeed! The taxi driver was really an angel, bless him!

  3. Snow is becoming tiresome here, though your photos do make it look lovely. Good to see you going back to your beautiful dining table surrounded by books and art!

    best… mae at

    1. Snow is here mostly a one day event. I often grab a book while I'm eating!

  4. Happy homecoming Valerie. The weather is definitely weird this winter. Your photos are pretty though. And I like your dining table. It is cozy with your books, those comfy casual chairs and your glass and other art pieces. It wouldn't be a boring place to eat because besides your food you'd always have something to look at. And your soft pastel piece is lovely. You know how to make great looking hands/fingers. Enjoy your first few days at home. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, it's good to be home! I often grab a book while I'm eating! Have a great day, hugs!

  5. Snow looks very exiting to me (we don't see it here) maybe it's boring for you as you are used to it. I loved the art work. Very nicely done vj.

    1. Snow is pretty when it falls, and never boring!

  6. So happy to read you are back home again-sorry for the snowstorm though on your traveling day. It does look beautiful after a snowstorm though. Great memes
    Welcome back home Valerie hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks so much Kathy. The snow really came as a surprise! But it always looks so pretty! Hugs!

  7. Oh that yummy happy snow, I would just LOVE one whole day of snow and would stand in it all day, or until I froze to death, I have never touched real soft snow..only ice, and we sure do not get cold enough where I live to get snow. or even barely a frosty morning anymore in the your pics and cute table and fabulous art work..must be so good to be home..take care..

    luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Snow is always soft, and clothes the world in a white blanket. I hope one day you get to see snow! Hugs!

  8. Hi Val, good morning! Love the snowy photos, it looks so lovely. The kids all enjoyed playing in it yesterday and were frozen and dirty by the time they came back in again. We still have some snow here, but our garden has been badly trodden down by the little monsters! Still, they enjoyed it! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. I can imagine how muc h fun they had! And I'm sure you needed to get the washing machine working afterwards!

  9. I bet you are so happy to be back home again. Love the snowy photos, snow was forecast here, however we have had rain...and lots of it,lol. xxx

    1. Oh dear, snow is really preferable to rain! Enjoy your day, hugs!

  10. Now that is serious snow, Valerie, worthy of a winter scene here. Not surprising really that the taxi was delayed, and how gracious of the driver to carry your luggage to your apartment. The age of chivalry is not dead. Your cozy little nook looks very appealing, quite how I would have imagined it. I can picture you working away at the hundred and nineteen challenges you have each week! It will be good to sit at your own little table for dinner. No doubt the food was terrific and plentiful at the clinic, but it does look a little institutional. I hope you settle back in nicely at home and stay healthy. Hugs and kisses - David

  11. I just wrote a comment and it all disappeared, I said a lot of bad and naughty words! I was very thankful to the wonderful taxi driver, the majority just drop your luggage onto the roadside and bugger off! I find my little table very comfortable, and I can always grab a book and read when I sit there. The food was very good at the c linic. My neighbour took me to Aldi to stock up this morning, he's also a great help and a lovely person. Here I will have to cook the food myself. I think I will make noodles with tomato sauce and grated cheese over it, yum! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie xxx

  12. so good to hear that you are in home again:) personally i do not like snow:)

    1. Thanks, it's great to be home again! I like to look at snow!

  13. Das freut mich dass der Txifahrer so lieb war und du jetzt daheim bist.Schön dein Platz zusehen und Schneefall bei dir. Bei mir war es nur ein Tag lang mit dem Schneefall. Soll morgen viellecht was kommen nochmal. Ein aussergewöhnliches gemaltes Bild , find es sehr schön auch mit der Pastellfarbe.
    Dann lebe dich gut ein und pass auf dich auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, es ist leider selten dass Menschen so lieb und hilfsbereit sind. Der Schnee ist weg, heute hatten wir Regen, mal gucken was morgen bringt! Heute gehe ich früh ins Bett, bin heute sehr müde. Alles Liebe Dir!

  14. Your photos of the snow look beautiful. :) And I love your art piece, it has such a soft feeling to it, and the details are awesome.

  15. I am happy to find your blog and am following it now. I like the snow photos, I live in California and miss snow.

    1. Snow is pretty to look at, but California must be lovely, too

  16. How wonderful that you are back home! Your breakfast area with all those books and art looks so cozy - it really is home sweet home. Beautiful piece of art that you made; soft pastels is something I only seldom use, but when I do I really enjoy it. I still don't really know how to handle them. Snow in March - yes, that is what I remember of Germany (among other things). Here the weather is quite weird as well, but since we can't really do anything about it I roll with it and try to make the best of it. It sometimes bugs me that I can't go out on my bicycle. That taxi driver was a true gem!

    1. Thanks Carola! Yes, it's good to be back home, it still feels a bit strange! I love playing with the pastels but they do make a lot of dust!

  17. I love your table at home and it must feel awfully good to be back at it, near your books and beautiful blue glass. All the snow views are lovely -- rather like a fairy land! Welcome home, my friend. I'm glad you are back.

  18. We don't have taxi service in our community.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  19. I love the pictures of the snow against the greenery, but I imagine it wasn't fun to traverse.

    1. Thanks, the roads were very slippery here, but my driver was very careful!

  20. Wow. You got snow all right. It looks so pretty while it is fresh. It's a lovely view from your balcony. So is the view from your table. To be surrounded by that cobalt blue glass!

    Your journal page is amazing. I love the abstract you created from the pastels. The colors and lines are perfect. This is ideal for your theme at Art Journal Journey. Thanks for sharing it.

    1. Snow always looks pretty till it's been churned up into a sodden and slippery mess! Hugs!

  21. So glad you are back home Valerie!
    Beautiful art and photos.
    We had snow here on Wednesday, but it was all gone yesterday.
    Keep well,

    1. Thanks Alsion, the snow was short lived here, too. Hugs!

  22. Your snow photos are such a treat for those of us living in the tropics.
    So glad you're back home again.

    Hugs and blessings, Valerie.

    1. Opposites attract, I always love seeing photos with see, blue skies and sunshine!

  23. ...I feel a bit cheated this winter, we have had so little snow! You have some fabulous, humorous words of wisdom. Enjoy your day.

  24. Luv your snow pics. And your interesting art. Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday


  25. I love the faces on and around your little table/bookshelves. Honestly if I were there I would want to look at them up close -and then explore the bookshelves to see what kind of treasures I could find.

    1. My bookshelves are full of treasures to read. I need my books and have them in every room!

  26. Our snow went so quickly. Enjoy your snow and keep safe. Anesha x

    1. It didn't stay long here, either and today we had storm with hail and wind! Have a great weekend!

  27. I'm so glad you are home. I know you are too. Those snow photos are just amazing. So pretty. Love the funnies and the face for FFO. Thanks so much for joining in. Have a wonderful day.

    1. Thanks Nicole, have a good weekend, take care!

  28. Home Sweet Home. Glad that driver took your luggage upstairs. What a blessing!

    1. Oh yes, I wsould have needed 5 trips up and down all of those steps! Have a great weekend!

  29. Oh so glad you are home and that the driver carried your bags up to your apartment

    Gorgeous photos and lovely soft pastel art work ~ delightful funnies ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks Carol, the taxi driver was so helpful!

  30. Hi, you must be so pleased at being back home. What a kind taxi driver to do that for you. Looks like your weather has been similar to ours though our snow has more or less gone now though not in other parts of the country. Gorbgeous art work, you are so talented. Wishing you a lovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela, have a wonderful weekend! Hugs!

  31. I'm glad you're home, but depressed by the sight of snow. We're supposed to get a little bit of snow tonight and a larger storm Monday. Your table looks so pretty and cozy. I love your blue glassware. Take care and have a good weekend.

    1. Thanks CJ, the snow was an unpleasant surprise for me as I was preeparing to go home. Let's hope for spring soon! Keep warm!

  32. So pleased you are home :)

    Lovely snow pictures.

    All the best Jan

  33. I know you're happy to be home. I'm glad you had help getting in during all that snow. The snow is pretty, though...

  34. Such beautiful photos. The ones taken at the clinic will no doubt be cherished as a reminder of how the grounds look in the snow. The ones at home must look great and remind you that you were warm and snug inside. Thanks, really enjoyed seeing them all.
    That is a lovely picture you shared with us, fingers are not easy to draw or paint and I remember when I got my print of Klimt's muse I realised how he could not draw or paint hands. They look like a bunch (hand) of bananas. Well done you, better thanKlimt.
    Take care, glad you had a nice guy to drive you home.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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