
Saturday 11 March 2023

Weekend Post!

Hi Everybody!

Today I have a hybrid piece for my anything goes challenge at AJJ. The original tulip image was a freebie from the Graphics Fairy. I digitally removed the background, and placed the flowers on a hand painted background which I overlayed with a transparent script. The green embellishments from Serif were also added:

Today the pharmacy sent my tablets, a whole bag full. Yes, I have to  take all of these tablets every day. Not nice, but necessary. Now I have to sort them into my tablet box so that my medication for each day is ready:

Today I went out for lunch with Heike. We went to our usual restaurant. I forgot to take a picture beforehand, I had Nürnberger sausages, buttery mashed potatoes and delicious Sauerkraut. There were 8 sausages, a huge portion. You can see the salad and Heike's meal at the back. She had a steak with braised onions and fried potatoes. We drank our usual, non-alcoholic beer, and were both very full up when we left to get some shopping. The weather was awful, strong winds, driving rain and then a thunder storm followed by hail. We need the rain, but I would like to see the sun again!

So now I'm going to leave my desk....

And sit in my cosy corner:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your tulip art is beautiful Valerie. It's the season for tulips, but here at least they need to be inside in vases. More snow is due to arrive next week-and it's supposed to be another BIG storm. And your meal looks yummy. It's fun to go out with a friend, isn't it? Your pills look like my husbands daily regimen ever since his kidney transplant. But better to take them and be able to feel better...And I love seeing your cozy corner. Your apartment looks so bright compared to my house. Your chairs look comfy, and is that your balcony through the window? Have a lovely weekend Valerie. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks erika. I think lots of flowers need to be inside just now, it's very cold here, too! I like going out for a meal, as I mostly don't make an proper meals at home, but I want o start cooking again, and not just living off sandwiches, athough I do like them very much! It is very bright and airy here, and a lovely view from my window when the trees green up. Hugs!

  2. I do like sauerkraut
    Beautiful flowers.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  3. Lovely art and thanks for the thinkies. The food looks delicious!

  4. Beautiful art, love it! Great colours and gorgeous design as well x [keep well ♥]

  5. Hast du es gemütlich bei dir, so schöne Dekos und Bilder auch die Möbel, so kannst du es aushalten wenn das Wetter mal schlechter wird .. wirklich urgemütlich! Daheim ist Daheim... ach und dein Journalbild ist grossartig und so kräftige Farben mit diesen schönen Blechrosen, klasse ausgedacht von dir. Huii da musst du viel schlucken aber wenn es dir dann besser geht muss es sein.Das essen sieht auch so lecker aus mit deiner Freundin.
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Ja, ich muss viel schlucken, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes! Mein Schreibtisch ab ich seit ich ein Kind war, und sitze immer noch jeden Tag dort! Dir ein shönes Wohenende!

  6. Hope that you have a wonderful weekend. Hugs Anesha x

  7. Hi Val, glad you have now settled in and are enjoying being home. Those tablets look awful, but I'm glad they keep you healthy! Have a restful weekend, take things slowly! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a fun weekend, hugs to all!

  8. Your piece is really great today, I think, so bright and cheerful, as is your cozy apartment where I can easily imagine you cutting and snipping, pasting and gluing, painting and colouring, sewing and stitching, composing and reading, and yes, perhaps even cursing and swearing! As for all those pills, I am floored! If I pick you up I am sure you will rattle! I can imagine that after chomping down all those medications your tummy is full and you barely have space for food. But I guess they are quickly absorbed into the blood stream and other targeted destinations so they race around like explorers on a newfound land. If they keep you well, that's all that matters, Valerie. That was quite a lunch you had! I am quite sure that never have I had an eight sausage meal! To start cooking for yourself is a good idea. Sandwiches have their place but so does a full plate with veggies, and a salad on the side, and there are lot of dishes that can be made for two nights. Stews, soups, casseroles and so on. I hereby appoint myself your official dietician and I shall expect a weekly report of what you have prepared, along with pictures, so consider yourself duly notified. The weekend is here. Be sure to go for a walk and enjoy some fresh air (is there fresh air left anywhere in the world?). Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi David, glad you like the tulips! Yes, it's a lot of tablets, and when I have written this for you I will need to start sorting the tablets into their compartments in my XL pillbox so that I have them ready for a week, and believe me, it's a lot of work! When I was a kid I asked my auntie how the tablets knew which way they needed to go after they had been swallowed! My apartment is always a hive of activity, I eat, read, sit at my laptop and watch TV in the living room, do my sewing, sleeping and more reading in the bedroom, and paint, listen to books and (sometimes) cook in the kitchen. I really need to cook more, my therapist told me the same! So I will try to make at least enough for 2 days. I will duly report to you what has been on my plate and occasionally show photos....okay?
      Have a great weekend, take care, big hugs! xxxx

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Nice art work with tulips vj.
    You have a lovely workdesk and cozy living. Beautiful art works on the wall!

  11. Your tulip page is so cheerful. something needed as my area and Erika waits to see if we get a big storm on Monday. I love going out to eat with my friend, Teague. Actually, I like going out with anyone to eat just so I don't have to cook. Your apartment is so cute. I love your little herd of cows, too. Have a good weekend.

    1. Thanks, it really is a treat to go out for a meal. I have lots of cows here, I started off with one and then I got lots as presents, I love visiting the cows on their meadows, too. Have a great weekend! And stay safe in the storm!

  12. Hi Valerie, just checked you out on FB as I hadn't seen a post from you in a while so popped over here instead. Sorry to hear that you need to take all those pills etc every day even if they're necessary. Really love your beautiful digital art and loved seeing your cosy nook ( love the squared rug which is so colourful). In need of my lounge back too as it's full of my elder child's stuff whilst we're hunting for a flat (very hard as so far there's been one bidding war we lost followed by an accepted offer with the seller pulling out 10 days later!!!) and hoping for third time lucky...... sigh! Thinking of you xx

    1. Hi Fliss, nice to hear from you. I have been in a clinic for the past 10 weeks and was not able to keep up with FB and other things, sorry. I am back home since Wednesday, and am trying to get everything sorted again. Sorry about the problems with buying a place, that's always hard here, too. I hope I will soon be able to vist you all on FB again! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  13. love the tulips and your special place!!!

  14. Thank you for sharing us a glimpse of your beautiful home, which I dearly love with that fantastic art on the walls and all your wonderful light. I think you might have more daily pills and meds than I do. I told Rick the time I feel oldest is when I fill the pill boxes for the months. When/how did that happen? Well, thank goodness for it, because it helps keeps us going so we can do all that wonderful art and have delicious lunches with friends! I'm so very glad you are home.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, I like my little place. My new medis are really a lot, I spent an hour today sorting them into my little boxes for the week. But as you say, they do enable us to live a more or less normal life. Have a great weekend, hugs!

  15. Great artwork and it looks like your had a really enjoyable lunch. Sometime your list of meds looks never ending but they have a purpose don' they. Its really lovely for you to share your home photos too, I hope you have a great weekend too. Michelle x

    1. Thanks Michelle! The medis really look over the top, but as you say, they have a purpose! Hugs!

  16. I do like your tulip art, and lovely to see photographs of your home :)

    Wishing you a good weekend.

    All the best Jan

  17. Your tulip art is beautiful. As always, I am impressed with your digital entries. This is a really lovely entry for your theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    You have about the same amount of pills my friend Sally takes every day. She spends hours once a month getting all those pills in large boxes marked breakfast, lunch, dinner, bedtime. I would go nuts if I had to take all those. I am sure they are very helpful, though.

    I love your work area and of course, I adore your living room that is bright and cheery. I like the African art on the table. Your cow collection sounds a bit like my rocking horse collection. It all begins with ONE!

    I bet it was nice to eat out again. It seems like you got a very large serving, too. Sounds like being home is really brightening your days.

    1. Yes, being home is good. The tablets are unfortunately necessary to keep me going. Hugs!

  18. That's a lot of medication Valerie!
    I love your hybrid art.

  19. That is a cozy spot by that big sunny window with handy pillows and blanket :) Nice!
    I'm glad you have a handy way to keep track of the meds. It can be difficult.

  20. Those tulips are beautiful, what a lovely picture to play around with and what a fab job you have made of it. Love the blue and red together.
    Oh me.oh my, what a lot of medication you are on. I thought I took a lot at 12 a day plus a sachet and two inhalers but I think you have the edge on me there. Hope they work for you.
    I cannot get my head around eight sausages. Wow, that is some meal! They look a fair size too. I know someone who would love a meal like that.
    Great thinkies but I am afraid you photos of your apartment rather takes priority. It is lovely now to be able to picture you sat at your computer or resting on the lovely comfortable chair by the window. Is that the river I see through the window? It looks so cosy and comfortable and knowing you have a balcony as well makes it a very desirable residence. Fab pictures on the wall.
    We need to think about downsizing but I love our bungalow and cannot imagine living anywhere else. Will wait and see.
    Hugs, hope you are keeping well
    Neet xx


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