
Wednesday 8 March 2023

Birds of a feather

 Hi Everybody!

Short post today, got  a lot on my plate!

These tags were once a sheet of paper on which I made a quick bird painting with water colours. Our new challenge at Tag Tuesday is birds, so I  cut the tags from the page and made a duo of tags. Then I put both of them onto a black background, 8x8" and ade them into a journal page, which I am linking to my anything goes challenge at AJJ:

Hope to be back to normal soon and have more time for blogging!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I like the pink in sunset.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  2. Love your tags-great memes take care

  3. Nice tags vj. The sunset pic is glorious

  4. Good morning, Valerie: The outline of the bird on the left tag clearly indicates that it is a swift. No doubt there will be a special award for coming up with this piece of erudition and I shall be checking my mail carefully over the coming days and weeks. Birds are already returning from their sojourn in the south and two days ago I saw my first genuine migrant robin in my backyard. He is a very handsome fellow and soon will no doubt be occupied with raising a family. "Our" crows have proven very faithful and they visit us every day for their snacks, responding to Miriam's voice when she calls them. They are such handsome, glossy birds, with swagger and confidence, and smart too. I only wish I could send them to peck Putin's eyes out. They would get the job done. Today, at the very opposite end of the bird scale I will be giving a presentation on hummingbirds at a church. Probably the only sensible buzz that happens there! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Wow, you recognised a bird from a painting, unbelievable. Let's see if that award comes your was! It's good to see the birds returning. Our magpies and crows dominate the scene here with their loud voices, but they are really beautiful. Today it snowed, a lot for our region, must have been nearly an inch! And I had to wait ages for a taxi home, because everythign breaks down when it snows here! Had to laugh at your last comment with the buzz at the church. 'To everything there is a season...' Hugs, Valerie xxxx

  5. I love these tags and your theme Valerie. I have some ideas to make a couple. It won't be today as I have 2 appointments, but tomorrow I'm planning on an art day. And nice meme selection today. It is true we take our daily life and those in it for granted sometimes. That moon and stars one was nice. Is today the day you go home? Welcome home if it is, and I hope all goes well. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I will trat myself to an art day at theweekend. Or perhaps an art weekend! Today I need to unpack my cases and settle in. It's strange being home again, now I will have to start making my own meals again!. Have a great day, hugs!

  6. Wow, I love these tags. I think you are going home today?

    1. Yessssssssssssssssss! I am home, and drinking coffee at my own desk! Hugs!

  7. I love the blending of your colors. It's gorgeous. Happy homecoming today!

  8. Hi Val, good afternoon. Glad you are back home, that's great. There's a little parcel on its way to you, hope you like it! Hugs from us all! Sarah

  9. Hi Valerie, hope you're having a rest. I love your tags, amazing colour combination. Good collection of funnies too. I translated the dog one, very funny and just as expected, lazy boy. Sending gentle hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela! I came home today, and it's good to be here. Sorry, sometimes I don't notice if it's English or German! But it's a good funny! Hugs!

  10. All things bright and beautiful Valerie, it says it all..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  11. Love those tags. Colorful and sweet.

  12. Das sind so schöne Tags!!!
    Mach schön langsam, du hast ja Zeit und ruhe dich gut aus bis du wieder dran gewöhnt bist und alles alleine machen musst, es war eine lange Zeit wo du weg warst!
    Ich wünsche dir alles gute, lieben Gruss Elke

  13. I love all the inspirational quotes- so inspiring. Also , the birds on the colorful background are super!

  14. Inspirational quotes. This was great for my early morning, thank you!

  15. I LOVE the shape of those tags. They turned out great. and of course, I am so glad you turned them into a spread for your theme at AJJ, too.

    I almost lost it when I saw the one about the rose. Welcome home, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I put the rose there today especially for you! Hugs!

  16. Stunning Tags Valerie, I just love the colours and the way you can picture different things in them. xx

    1. Thanks Sandie, I love just playing around with colours and seeing what happens!

  17. The colors of your tags are cheerful and I like your header photo of the cat and chickens plus the painted cat.

  18. I do like your tags.

    All the best Jan

  19. What pretty tags! And that lovely sky. I like the colors in both :)

  20. Those tags are absolutely gorgeous. I love the colours in the background. The shapes are fabulous too. They really catch the eye when you turn on to the page and the black background works perfectly against the bright colours.
    Lovely thinkies and a gorgeous sky in your photo.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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