
Thursday 9 February 2023

Thursday / Friday post

Hi Everybody!

It's Thursday, and I'm sure we are all looking forward to the weekend, I know I am! Today I have a hybrid piece for Erika's seeing red challenge at AJJ:

Some sunny photos:

Blue skies and blue water in the Rhine:

I treated myself to some daffodils, and am enjoying watching them open:


The tulips are wonderful, too:

Beautiful roses:

We are lucky that the clinic is always nicely decorated!

Some photos seem to take themselves:

Have a great day, and a happy weekend,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Loving the sun on the rust in the second photo from the top.
    Isn't it funny how sometimes your camera just gets the wrong shot right? You got some good ones there.
    Lovely piece for Erika's theme at AJJ and such a wonderful sentiment from the man himself. Your use of red in the background is lovely and has a layered brayering look to it.
    I hope your health is improving, the Tiger Balm is not working as yet but maybe early days - it was terrible yesterday, not much better today but I am hopeful.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Hi Neet, sorry the Tiger Balm isn't helping yet, I really hope you soon get some relief from the pain. Yes, MLK had the right dreams and thoughts, and I hope it all comes true one day soon. I have lots of strange photos, I will show them bit by bit, they are too good to throw out! My fave one shoes 2 toes and a piece of toilet paper! Have a good day, get well soon!

  2. Hi Valerie! I LOVE your hybrid piece made for AJJ's seeing red challenge. What a wonderful dream Martin Luther King had! It brings tears to my eyes. My hope it that his dream is coming true . . . Also, I really loved seeing your amazing sunny photos, your gorgeous photos of the Rhine, and of your beautiful flowers! And the ones that took themselves were my favs and really made me smile!!!! Have a great weekend! Hugs, Sharon

    1. Thanks Sharon. MLK was really a beacon of light shining in the darkness, a wonderful man! Hugs!

  3. Hi Val, good afternoon. I just finished my lunch here, heated up a slice a fish pie and it was very nice! Hope you had a good lunch, too. Love your art and the lovely, sunny photos. Great quote from MLK, very moving! Have a nice day, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, we had fishcakes here, they tasted good, too! Hugs to all!

  4. That quote is very poignant , and you chose such a nice way to illustrate it. And it even has red in the quote-smile. Thank you dear Valerie. I also love that photo of the sun coming in on your art supplies. It says good morning to a new creative day to me. And flowers. I need to get some because here it is icy snow which is dirty now, and we are just warm enough my road turns to mud. The other day I drove to a shopping center to walk around it just to get a walk in. I guess it is time for spring. Enjoy your flowers and the Rhine and your walks too. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks so much Erika, glad you liked it. I suppose a shopping mall is also good for running about a bit in winter. I love them when it's hot, as they're always air conditioned! Hugs!

  5. Wunderschön dein Posting ob dein Journalseite oder der Spaziergang und in der Klinik, tolle Fotos! Schöne Tulpenfarbe ist das!
    Hab ein schönes Wochenende und pass gut auf dich auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Thanks so much Elke, dir auch ein schönes Wochenende! Hugs!

  6. Nice art and great quote by Martin Luther King Jr. Beautiful blue sky and blue water. Glad your are enjoying the daffodils.

  7. Lovely art and views from your window-awesome you can view the sunrises too! that always makes my day. Enjoyed the views of the Rhine-and enjoy your spring blooms-a perfect way to brighten up your room-hugs from the lake Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. Flowers alwas make a room look better. Hugs!

  8. Your cut flowers are a treat to see.

    I think MLK would be disappointed to see where we are now :(

    1. That's true, the world seems to get sadder and madder day by day!

  9. Your flowers are so pretty! I hope you will feel perfect soon!

  10. What lovely flowers. Great example for your red challenge.

  11. Great hybrid piece. Love your new header. Have a great evening. Anesha x

  12. So nice to see the daffodils, tulips and roses.
    Our local supermarket is selling bunches of daffodils at £1-00 a bunch ... who can resist them!!!

    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks. My daffs are opening beautifully. They cost about the same here!

  13. These are some beautiful photos. The flowers are so pretty as is your art. I hope you are feeling well. Much love.

  14. I never bought red sneakers, but i have bought red shoes and red sandal in the past.
    Valerie thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday.


  15. I love flowers of all kinds. Wish we had tulips in Hawaii.

    1. Wha don't you have tulips? They are so pretty!

  16. I love the daffs by the window with the paint brushes and palette. So artfully arranged. Looks like beautiful weather along the Rhine. Take care.

    1. Thanks CJ. We had some really good and mild weather, but t's supposed to get cold again!

  17. I enjoyed your beautiful art and the lovely views from your window.
    Hugs and blessings, Valerie.

  18. Now that my previous post finally published, I can catch up. BTW, I checked my spam folder and saw that you had asked me to link you. That request ended up in spam, so I didn't see it. I apologize.

    That is a gorgeous entry for Erika's theme at AJJ. I love how you included the quote by King whose words of wisdom were perfect. I love the way you created the background and used one of your photos for the focal image.

    What great photos from the Rhine. Just stunning shots. Loved your flowers and laughed at the shot that was a mistake, but fun anyway. Fingers crossed this will publish.


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