
Saturday 11 February 2023

Weekend Post

Hi Everbody!

Here's wishing us all a very happy and relaxing weekend!

Today I am sharing another face painting, this time a girl with golden hair and big, red lips, which are my ticket for linking to Erika's seeing red challenge at AJJ:

 I have more pics of my daffs opening up:

I love to watch the morning sky:

These are once again photos which took themselves:

And some thinkies / funnies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. I like how her eyes are done.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  2. Lovely lady and fun thinkies. Good to see the daffodils

  3. Hi, Valerie! I love your lady with the bright red lips. I especially like how you created the texture in her hair. I don't have to dream of the wind here. It has been wildly windy in Honolulu. There were very few boats out on the water today. So you have photos that take themselves too ~ lol. This happens to me daily. Love your thinkies/funnies, especially the Zen to Zany one. Hugs to you!

    1. Thanks Louise! Everytime I look at my pics, I have some which smuggled themselves into my camera. have a great week!

  4. Hi Val, good morning. Hope you are feeling well. Love your gorgeous lady with the red lips, so pretty! We're off to Leah's today, so no cookng for me! Have a great weekend, take good care of yourself! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I'm going home till tomorrow, so hope it will be good. Have fun at the weekend, hugs to all!

  5. Liebe Valerie,
    ein wundervolles Gesicht, es ist so was in dem Ausdruck das mich gefällt!!!
    Schön und hoffe dass es dir gut geht Daheim, endlich mal wieder die eigne Vierwände zu haben. Ich drück dir die Daumen!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Vielen Dank liebe Elke! Es fühlt sich etwsas setsam wieder allein Zuhause zu sein. aber ich muss mich bald wieder daran gewöhnen. Ich hab Staubgesaugt und die Schränke in der Küche ausgeräumt and ordentlch gemacht. Dir ein schönes Wochenende. Jetzt mache ich Computer Pause! Slles Liebe Dir!

  6. Now that is one gorgeous lady. I think you and I were both thinking red lips (as I did on my page yesterday). It could be me if she wasn't so beautiful as I have the blonde hair and my top lip is all puffed up from my hives this morning. Smile. I think she is dressed
    to attend something wonderful. And some of those self taken photos are pretty good, like the pencil. Nice post Valerie. Have a relaxing and wonderful weekend. hugs-Erika And also thank you for joining AJJ with this wonderful piece and those red lips.

    1. Thanks Erika. Sorry your lips are swollen again, it must be painful. I am home for the weekend, and trying to clear up and tidy things here, slowly by slowly! Have a great weekend! Hugs!

  7. If your beautifully drawn woman lived here in Kansas, she wouldn't have to dream of the wind. It would knock her off her feet at times, especially this past week. She's a real beauty, though. Thanks for another great entry for AJJ using Erika's theme.

    Those thinkies and funnies were all perfect today. Guess you can tell I've turned into a cat person.

    1. I'm sure it's windier in Kansas than it is here. We do have windy days, but nothing like what you get. Glad to hear you are a cat person! Hugs, Valerie

  8. Wow, What a beautiful painting and your pictures of the sunrise are lovely too. Have a great weekend Michelle x

  9. Love, love love your painting. The picture of the cobblestones-I think outside of your window-are so pretty!

  10. Hi Val, love your wonderful painting, she is gorgeous! Have a good weekend, hope you are feeling better! Martha

    1. Thanks so much, Martha. I am home for the weekend! Hugs!

  11. She is beautiful Valerie, love her ruby lips and golden hair with the details painted in there and her eyes could really tell a story..Happy weekend..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  12. Indeed, I might buy one for myself!

  13. A lovely lady, I like her red lips.
    Your daffodils are looking good, I enjoyed seeing them open.

    Have a relaxing weekend.

    All the best Jan

  14. Your ladies brighten a dull day for sure. Enjoyed the funnies too. Happy creative weekend, Angela xXx

  15. Thanks Angela, have a happy Sunday! Hugs!

  16. Fabulous painting... Great post vj

  17. Sweet little daffodils :) They are beginning to bloom here.

    1. Daffs are always a sign of spring coming nearer!

  18. Great funnies, and your golden haired lady is beautiful Valerie!

  19. I love the photos that took themselves! And if I lived in Dusseldorf I'd be bring you daffodils, too. They're so cheery. And loving the art, too.

    Between company last week, prepping for a Cork Poppers do, an ear and/or sinus infection, and then this week's mass shooting in our town, I'm so behind blog reading, I'll never catch up! I'll try to take a look at all but not comment and hopefully be back on schedule this week! If I've missed things or am slow to reply to comments, please forgive!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. Don't worry about catching up, give yourself a breathing space! Hugs!

  20. The "Please be normal" funny still has me chuckling. They are all great but this one got to my funny side really well. Lovely photos, I love daffs at this time of year, they really brighten a room.
    Gorgeous portrait, I do enjoy seeing how you do these and the hair is always a real talking point but today the lips are a close contender. Lovely painting, I hope you get as much joy from painting these portraits as I do from viewing them.
    Thinking of you
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, I do enjoy painting my ladies very much, glad you enjoy them, too. Hope your pains are getting less! Hmm, what is normal these das?! Hugs!


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