
Wednesday 20 October 2021

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

It's the middle of the week already - where does the time go? Today I got my flue shot and my arm is aching and sore, but I suppose it will go over in a few days, and always better than catching a virus flu!

Last week I tried the LB taster lesson from Ildiko  Karsay, a very talented lady. And her painting of sunflowers looked so easy. Help! It wasn't easy. I kept trying to add some colour here or take it away there and the results were not inspiring. I painted 3 versions. I'm showing the third and best one first so you don't all run away:

Sorry, the photo is not really sharp, I should use the tripod as my hands often shake. Anyway, this was the 2nd one:

This was the first one, which I didn't like at all:

I am linking my sunflowers, good and bad to Tracey's October colours challenge at AJJ.

Melanie Rivers suggested making  a little focal point with items from nature, and for another course which is starting today we were also encouraged to decorate the art table, so this is my tray made with bits and pieces collected on my walk. I found stones, flowers, leaves, seed-pods, berries and more, and added a candle to it:

On my way home from the flu shot this morning:

And some memes:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I actually like all 3 of your sunflowers. I'm horrible at making things actually be what they are. I think I panic when I try, and then I get frustrated. I can tell all 3 of yours are sunflowers. And they are perfect for AJJ. I hope your arm feels better in the morning! Happy Wednesday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I know what you mean about panic! Same here! Have a lovely day, take care, hugs!

  2. Fun memes and you did beautifully for the art challenges, I love sunflowers.

    1. And good you got your flu shot ours should be coming soon

    2. Thanks Christine, it's so important to get these shots. I had Flu as a kid ad nearly died, I don't miss the shots these days.

  3. I hope your arm feels better soon ...

    I liked your sunflowers, they are such a cheerful flower.
    I'm still chuckling at your fun memes.

    Have a good Wednesday.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, those memes are all good today! Have a great one!

  4. I love these flowers Valerie. You live in such a beautiful place. Have a great day.

    1. Thanks Nicole, it is pretty here. Have a great day!

  5. Beautiful designed art, so love those colours. xx

  6. Hi Val, good morning! I think all of your sunflowers look great, you are too hard on yourself. Fun memes and wonderful pics, too. Have a great day, take care, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, you are too kind! Have a great day, hugs to all!

  7. Beautiful paintings of sunflowers. They are all good paintings. Love the fall colours.

    1. Thanks Nancy, The colours of the trees are amazig just now! Have a great day!

  8. All three sunflowers are differnt and fun, but that first one is really extra special. Wow. I want to take that class!!! Great journal page. Super table decorations too - lovely things you collected and they look great together.

    Glad you could get your second shot - I know it made you feel a bit safer. I am waiting on the booster.

    Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures and funnies (hard to pick a favorite). Have a great day!!! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy, Have a wonderful day, take care!

  9. Good morning, Valerie: I am sorry to hear that your arm is sore from the flu shot, but better a sore arm than the illness. I only ever had flu once, an experience not to be repeated. Miriam and I will have our shots next week. She tends to get a bit of a sore arm for a couple of days, but generally I don't, other than if I rub a little too hard in the shower. I have looked at some pictures I have of sunflowers and the flowers are all a little different one from the other. Some stand upright and tall, some perhaps are thirsty and droop, some look a little ragged, and a few look downright sad. So, I have come to the conclusion that your pictures are perfect. They represent sunflowers in all their wonderful variety. Nature portrayed in the manner of Jael Tups, I say. Your walk home from the flu shot looks delightful, just the therapy needed after a shot in the arm. No doubt you went home and made coffee. It's the sensible thing to do. Today I will be giving a presentation to a group of blind and visually impaired people, combing visuals for those who still have some sight, and audio. It will be interesting to see how that goes. On Saturday, I am conducting a walk for a women's group. To be off in the woods with a dozen women sounds like a fine way to spend an afternoon, don't you think? Hugs and kisses. David

    1. So, you are off to the woods with a bunch of women - enjoy! I had Hong Kong flu when I was 9 and nearly died, and I can still remember those awful days. I visited a friend in a neighbouring town today, and just got home. So please forgive me for just leaving a short comment today, I am very tired! Hugs to you and Miriam!

    2. A visit to a friend sounds like just what the doctor ordered. Now take it easy and relax. That's what Dr. David orders.

    3. Yes it was nice, we hadn't seen each other for a couple of months. And this evening I am really going to sit in my comfy arm chair and put my feet up! Thanks Dr. David!

  10. I think all three paintings are nice, but my favourite is the 2nd. It looks more free and translucent than the others and I like the vibrant colours.

  11. I need to get my flu shot today, this week at any rate, since I'm committed to getting it during October. I didn't used to be quite so committed to the annual flu shot, but I am now.

    I actually like all 3 sunflower paintings. Each one shows a different side of my favorite flower :)

    When the kids were little I kept a seasonal nature collection on a little table. I'd forgotten all about that 'til I saw your photos. It was always a fun activity as the seasons changed, to bring some of it inside.

    1. The flu shot is important indeed. A 'nature' table decoration is nice, I used to do that a lot with the kids at school!

  12. I love all of your paintings too, they are really beautiful. sounds like a really good art class-looking forward to seeing your next piece.
    we haven't gotten our flu shot yet-we need to get out of the house and do that. enjoyed the photos too happy mid week hugs

    1. The Lifebook taster sessions were very enjoyable, I'm still not finished! Have a great day, hugs!

  13. I think the third painting of the sunflowers is the best, but I lke all of them. Good that You get your shot.

    1. Thanks Alexa, those flu shots are important indeed! Have a great day!

  14. What beautiful sunflowers. Although the last ones were most like those the artist showed, I never thought to draw them. I like all three choices and they are really appropriate for Tracey's theme at AJJ.

    I am glad you got your flu shot. I've never had one in my life, but I hope to get my J & J covid booster soon. Hope you didn't suffer too badly and your arm is feeling OK, now.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I never miss my flu shot, I never want gto have flu again. I get my booster in December. My arm feels better today! Have a good one!


  15. I love sunflowers. I really like your paintings, especially the third one. I wish you much health and joy :)

    1. Thanks Lucyna, glad you like the paintings! Have a great week!

  16. this sunflower art is so amazing;)

  17. Your sunflowers are beautiful Valerie, third time the charm, gorgeous to find a cockroach..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Yes, it's a good way to get the place cleaned! Hugs!

  18. Hi Val, Bill here! Lovely art and photos!

  19. I like all your paintings, I think they are very clever!

  20. All three of your paintings are lovely but there is definitely A big difference between the 1st and 3rd. We both had sore arms with our flu jabs this time - hope your arm feels better soon. Better than having flu though! Love your tray!,Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. Sore arms seem to be common, but it's better than flu! Have a great day, hugs!

  21. After the lockdowns of COVID, to venture across town on trams and trains must seem like a real adventure. Tiring perhaps, but enjoyable, and much better than getting tired from doing hous*#@k! The fact that you had these lovely scones, baked in your honour no less, makes the day all the more special. I am very fond of scones - tea biscuits we tend to call them here. Miriam and I shared one recently when we stopped for a coffee. It was a new flavour for me - sun dried tomatoes and basil pesto, and it was damn good! Today I am meeting my young friend, Josh, for lunch and we are going to try a restaurant where we haven't eaten before. The online menu looks good, so I hope the food lives up to the pictures! I did my presentation to a group of visually-impaired people yesterday. It went very well and everyone enjoyed it. One lady who has a guide dog has asked me if I will take her somewhere to hand feed a chickadee. She was hesitant to ask, in case the dog scares off the birds. We will find out! I hope you are well rested from yesterday's exertions. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David. It was an adventure indeed. I times my journeys to travel at times when there are not too many people on board, and it all went well. Glad your presentation went well, it sounds good. Let#s see what happens when the dog accompanies you! My dog used to love birds, she always chased after them! Have BIG fun at the restaurant with Josh, it's good to meet up with younger people. I'm going to art group this afternoon, so I'm looking forward to that. Your scone sounds delicious, yummy! Have a great day, take care, have fun! Hugs!

  22. I just realized that I left this comment on the wrong post! Ah well......

  23. Your sunflowers are terrific. I have never pulled off a really good sunflower painting. Well done. And I really enjoy seeing what you collect on your walks. I got my flu shot a few days ago too. The arm didn't hurt for long!

  24. Thanks Jeanie. My arm is better already! Have a great week!

  25. How I love that dog meme - and the cockroach one for a bit of fun.
    Love your tray of autumn goodies, isn't it a riot of colour and don't those berries make it.
    Another great lesson you are sharing with us. Definite improvement between 1 and three. In fact I think three is absolutely the best. Better than I could do.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, glad you liked the funnies. I had fun painting the sunflowers, good and bad! Hugs!

  26. Your sunflower art is beautiful Valerie! I love the table decorations too.
    Great memes, they made me smile.

  27. All of your sunflower paintings are gorgeous Valerie, I love them! Great memes too, the cockroach one is so funny! Take care.
    Hugs Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. I loved the cockroach idea! Have a wonderful day, hugs!

  28. Oh Valerie your Sunflower paintings are amazing, no one would have believed that that lesson was challenging you have captured art in the most finest of ways. These look like they should be in a gallery.. each one unique to it's own beautiful self. I'd buy the top one as a print in a heartbeat.. so inspiring. Thank you for sharing these lovelies and joining me again I really appreciate it Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey, glad you liked them, that cheers me a bit! Hugs!


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