
Thursday 21 October 2021

Thursday Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

I had a great day today, and visited  friends in a neighbouring town.  I travelled by tram and bus, and enjoyed it. And the made delicious scones especially for me, some with strawberry jam and some with cheddar cheese, yummy!

The piece I am sharing today was inspired by the fun mark-making lesson from Holly McLaughlin. I really enjoyed creating various layers of marks on a pre-painted background, then I added a layer of collage and lastly my quirky girl:

This piece was made inspired by the lesson from Leaca Young, where we made little packages of various papers and topped it with painted leaves and flowers with positive intentions. The pocket was made from designer paper and sewed together. I have made a heap of these pieces, they make great collage fodder!

I am linking to Paint Party Friday .

Some October photos:

And some funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely art and October photos! Enjoyed the memes.

    1. Thanks Christine. the first meme reminded me of my Kitty, she always woke me at 6 in the morning!

  2. oh awesome-thank you for all of the sheep photos-loved them
    So glad you were able to get out and visit a friend-and enjoy homemade treats too.
    great art, and loved all the sky photos too-fun memes too-hugs

    1. Hi Kathy, glad you like the sheep, I thought of you when I posted them! I always love it when the are here! It does me good just to stand and watch them! Have a great day!

  3. I think it is wonderful that you socialized with your friends. Always a feel good picker upper. Love your pictures.

    1. Thanks, it was wonderful, I have missed seeing them these past months! We had a fun day!

  4. I like the Quirky girl smile. She looks full of joy.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Thanks, I wanted her to look happy! Have a great day!

  5. Wonderful you could go and visit friends, the scones sound great! More interesting art pieces Valerie, love your girl and the positive intentions pocket is a great idea. Great outdoors photos and nemes.

    1. Thanks Sue. It#s great to be able to visit friends again. And I have scones for today, too, yummy!

  6. Pretty art pieces and October photos. Nice to see the sheep out in the open. Hi to the fierce looking cat. Lol!

    1. Thanks Nancy, glad you said Hi to the cat! The sheep are lovely, and they live outside all year round.

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are feeling okay today, have a rest day, hope it helps ease the pains. Take care, hugs from us all, Sarah

  8. Hi Sarah, thanks, it's still very painful, it will take a few days to heal. My fault for not being careful! Hugs to all!

  9. Such a fun, joyful art page. It made me smile. Your collage pieces are great and so hopeful. Beautiful photos, especially the sky shots. I hope you have another great day. Hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa, I had fun with this one, sometimes I just need to be silly! Have a great day, hugs!

  10. It took me a minute to recognize this was the same taster that Holly prepared. Your quirky girl is SO much better than hers, which seemed either sad or mad. I didn't even look at hers because there was no way I could make anything like she did. However, I really, really like yours.

    I like what you did with the little pieces you made for Leaca's taster lesson. I didn't have a chance to see it, but I really like what you created. I also have lots of collage fodder that I am sure I could put together, too. Yours was inspirational.

    LOVE the sheep. They are simply adorable. And those cats are hilarious, too. Hope you are rested from yesterday, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I liked Holly's piece, but it was a bit 'cold' and sad, so I made mine happy. Leaca's lesson was easy to follow and I made a huge pile of little stitched together packets to use on collages, it was fun. As are the cats. My Kitty always woke me at 6 in the morning with little taps to my face which got harder if I didn't react!

  11. I love your bold use of color and the pocket in your folder. The sheep are my faves!

  12. Hi Val, Bill here. Wonderful Art and pics.

  13. Wonderful art Valerie, I love the little collages!
    Great photos and memes too! Those late lambs are so sweet.

    1. Thanks Alison, I'm always happy when a Flock of sheep is here!

  14. Beautiful art Valerie, love the bright colors on your first piece and awesome pocket design on the second piece! Gorgeous photos too!
    Hugs Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, have a great day, take care,hugs!

  15. Fabulous post and most gorgeous colours... Love this one. xx
    Happy weekend. ♥

  16. Your quirky girl is beaming Valerie, I can tell you enjoyed working with all those layers a great lesson and your pocket fodder is fantastic. I get very distracted by creating things like this but it's all so lovely and useful.. lovely work.
    So glad you had a good day with friends, it's very good for the soul.
    Wishing you a safe and happy creative weekend and Happy PPF Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey, glad you like my smiley girl! I very much enjoyed making those little packets of collage fodder and had problems to stop! Have a great weekend, take care, hugs!

  17. LOL cartoons. Luv the quirky girl. Your photographed sky look like paintings from the masters of old.
    Have a nice weekend. Thanks for dropping by my blog today


  18. I like the grumpy-looking cat. Your October photos are colorful, and remind me how this colorful season will soon be replaced by the muted shades of a dark winter.

    best… mae at

    1. I'm trying to enjoy autumn, but Winter ist in it's way!

  19. I'm jealous of travel by tram and bus :) Our public transportation here is not very user-friendly. I love the atmosphere in these seasonal photos.

    1. Here we have a very good network of trams, buses and trains. If you live somewhere on the land it's different!

  20. Wow, two stunning creations. Love the face you created. Have a great weekend. Anesha

  21. Love your quirky girl art, and the collage fodder packets are delightful Valerie! You accomplished much more than I did as far as the lessons go;)
    Love the photos- especially of the sheep and sweet lambs. Have a great weekend and happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda. I have 2 more lessons I would like to do. Have a great weekend!

  22. hahaa, love your funnies 😄 Cats are just perfect for memes. Those little packages with paper are so cute ♥

  23. I am so happy to hear you had a such a great day. Scones with jam and cheese sounds delicious! Your little quirky girl is so sweet with her quirky hair. I want to look into your folder and the little collage cards are so beautiful. Lovely October photos! Funny memes specially the first one :)


    1. Thanks Soma! It's good to have a supply of collage fodder waiting to be used! Have a great weekend!

  24. Your quirky girl is fun and colorful! Sounds like a wonderful visit with friends!

  25. Sounds like you had a very enjoyable day :)

    I like your quirky girl and enjoyed seeing your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  26. Love the art and the funnies. Great photos as well.
    Hugs Wendy

  27. Your girl is so much fun!! I do so love scones. Happy PPF

  28. What a colorful girl, with a relaxed grip and strong colors.
    Sheep are my favorite (and chicken). :)
    Have a good week ahead!


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