
Tuesday 19 October 2021

Tuesday Post

Hi Everybody!

Today I have another piece for Tracey's challenge at AJJ, the colours of October. This was made with various scraps from one of my bit boxes- I sewed it onto a craft-paper background, but my machine was very uncooperative, and there are more holes than stitches. The stamps of the little girls are from Crafty Individuals:

And I have another piece for the LB Tasters, inspired by the wonderful lesson from Emma Pettit. This is not my usual style, but it's good to do things outside the 'comfort zone':

And some pics from my walks:

The flowers in the fields are still blooming:

I walked through the woods and then to the lake:

I love these paths:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Amazing what can be created with our discarded scraps, a sweet little piece full of layers. Love the stamped girls with the torn journal tops but my favourite has to be the button still with it's thread. Another fab page shared for my October theme.
    Love the Emma painting, I love the colours she uses. I have an A3 page from last year that I really need to do something with, thanks for reminding me.
    Wishing you a super week and thanks as always for the beautiful walks in pictures
    Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! Glad you like my scrappy piece! The Emma Pettit piece was very challenging, but I enjoyed the process. Enjoy your day!

  2. You certainly had a lovely walk, your photographs are so nice to see.

    I always enjoy seeing your art-work.
    Have a happy Tuesday.

    All the best Jan

  3. I am loving all the texture and details in your AJJ piece today Valerie. It is really lovely. And yes, we do need to step outside of our comfort zones, and your face really shows why we should do that. It is really amazing! And your photos look so pretty. October is a lovely month, isn't it? Have a wonderful Tuesday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Glad you like the AJJ piece, although I went OTT with all the embellishments! The face was something quite different, but I liked the process! Have a great day, take care!

  4. We all need to step out of our comfort zone. I find it some time exhilarating.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Thanks Dora, it is indeed good. Just drinking my coffee now. Have a great day!

  5. I like the piece that is out of your comfort zone.

  6. Great Art journal and the textures and colours are as always, fabulous. xx

  7. Hi Val, good morning! I know you have an appt. at the doc's today, so good luck! Your art and photos are wonderful as always. Love that beautiful face! Have a great day, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, I'm up bright and early and need to leave in half an hour, but I'll be back quickly, it's just a flu shot today. The weather is cold and rainy, ugh! I'll call you later!

  8. Nice craft and painting. Pretty wild flowers and beautiful reflection at the lake. Have a great day too.

  9. Beautiful sewn page and a very dramatic face.

  10. My word, Valerie, that is quite a face that you have created. I have been trying to make up my mind whether it is a man or a woman and I think I have settled on a woman (I'd settle on a woman any day!), but I suppose the point is not to ascertain the gender of your creation. It is a very strong face. There is power and strength in that physiognomy. It has a fierce look, akin to an Eagle Owl glaring down at you from a tree, letting you know that it could scoop out your eyes with one sweep of its talon. The lovely walks through sylvan lanes and by peaceful water are in complete contrast. They have a very calming effect and draw one in. One could be contemplative there, Worsdworthian even. Too bad we live so far from each other or we could amble along there together. Of course, at the end of the walk, we would stop for coffee and strudel, my treat, all the while ignoring the woman with the fearsome face glaring at us from off in the corner. Hugs and kisses, more hugs and kisses, and today I am feeling generous, so even more! David

    1. Hi David! Painting like that isn't really what I like to do, but sometimes it's good to challenge yourself and do something completely different. Anyway, please believe that I am smiling at you and neither scowling nor glaring! I love walking through the woods and little lakes here, it's always peaceful and serene. Yes, it would nice to be able to walk there with you. I often show this spot where the lakes are to friends, it's off the beaten track and you need to squeeze though trees so most people don't know it's there, which is good! It would be sad if wild picnics were to take place there and people leaving their rubbish everywhere! For coffee and strudel I would gladly join you, especially if it were your treat! Thanks for all the hugs and kisses, I'm sending lots back to you, too!

  11. I like the buttons on the assemblage piece and the face of the strong woman. I can't believe how many flowers are still blooming in your area. It looks more like Spring than Fall. Enjoy the day!

    1. Thanks CJ, we've had lots of mild and sunny weather lately, but now it's over. Today is grey, cold and wet, good weather to stay home, paint and read! Have a great day!

  12. Those lovely woodland walks and meadow flowers, such pretty places to walk :)

  13. thank you for those stunning flowers compositions:)

  14. Your AJJ piece is delightful. And I like the face out of your comfort zone. Lovely photos.

  15. Hi Val, Bill here! Lovely art and photos!

  16. I love the flower on your piece and the flowers in your pics.
    Good on you for broadening your horizons.

  17. ohhhh Valerie that face is magnificent. Well done my friend.

  18. You post faster than I can catch up. I love your incredible scraps you chose for Tracey's theme. Your scraps are MUCH nicer than mine. You did a great job. You also did a fabulous job on the face, too. That was one taster I didn't even bother looking at, because I knew I would never be able to draw it.

    Still LOVE the flowers in the meadow. They are of course, my favorite photos from those you shared in this post. Now I'll try to catch up!

    1. Thanks E! I found the face difficult, as it was a new method which I had never tried before, but I got through it in the end. The wild flowers are really a joy, but I suppose they won't last much longer. Have a great day!

  19. Wonderful art Valerie, I hope your sewing machine settles down and behaves. Always enjoy your walk photos, I really like those paths that wander thru the countryside.

    1. I think I am going to need a new machine, this one has made difficulties right from the first day. Perhaps it doesn't like sewing on paper! The paths here are alwas fun to walk! Have a great day!

  20. 3rd attempt at leaving you a comment. I love your journal page and hadn't noticed the holes until you pointed them out. I don't think I would have even attempted the face but this is wonderful Valerie. Once again you have included some fabulous photos, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! Blogger is being rather problematic at the moment, I don't know what they are up to! Have a great day! Hugs!

  21. Gorgeous photos, I so enjoyed my walk with you.
    Love the Taster painting. I wish I had joined in with some of the lessons you have taken - it would take me to places I have never ventured before and I would love to do a portrait like this.
    Such a pretty page with all your collage elements on it, shame the machine did not behave as you wanted but it doesn't show anything other than beauty to the viewer.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet! The portrait lesson was very challenging, but I enjoyed it! Glad you liked the little collage, too. Hugs!

  22. You still have so many flowers blooming. We're pretty much done. I have to tear apart and cut back the garden and yard and just haven't got around to it. Hopefully over the weekend or next week.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, thr weather has changed here, so The wild flowers will soon be over! Have a great weekend!

  23. Whoops! Missed this one! Your page is beautiful and the face is amazing Valerie! Lovely photos of the flowers too.
    Happy Friday,

    1. Thanks Alison. The face was challenging, but sometimes it's good to try new methods! Have a great day!


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