
Tuesday 31 August 2021

New Challenge at TIOT

Hi Everybody!

Today we are staring a new challenge at TIOT - use book pages. As always, all projects are welcome as long as they fit our theme, and you have 2 weeks to join us. And don't forget to look at the lovely projects my teamies have made!

I made a journal page using a page from my Webster's dictionary. The image is from Gecko Galz. The quote is from the song of songs, sometimes called song of Solomon, in the Bible, and refers to the love between God and man. For my take I have altered it and showed 2 people in love. I drew half-circles in pencil as a guide for the lettering. I used stick-on letters for the English, and wrote the Hebrew words with black ink. The letters read 'Ani l'dodi v'l'dodi li'. I am also linking to Neet's type challenge at AJJ. This is the last day of her challenge, so thanks a lot Neet, this  has been so much fun for me, I really enjoyed the month!

Today I am carrying on with the photos of Bonn. I have added links to all of the important sites so you can read about them in English:

We got off the bus at the museum's mile and moved quickly to the German History Museum, as it was pouring. I would very much recommend reading about it, it was a fascinating experience:

This monument celebrates the re-unification of Germany:

This is the Godesburg

Lots of interesting buildings:

The bus drove along the Rhine and here you can see the 'Siebengebirge', although the hills are mostly hulled in rain and mist:

A picture from the town information:

Here you can see Schloss Drachenburg

After the re-unification of Germany  Berlin was once again made the capital of Germany instead of Bonn. This little kiosk opposite the old parliament building was once favoured by many politicians who popped out in the break for a hot dog, a chat and some normality:

The art museum in Bonn:

Outside the museum:

I hope you enjoyed your tour with me!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Thank you for the wonderful tour. I like your art work using the print page Valerie.

  2. Lovely art and thanks for the interesting tour of Bonn!

  3. I am in love with your latest journal page. It is beautiful and you write Jewish beautifully. Of course the sentiment in English is wonderful, too. I am in awe of this wonderful page you have created and it fits so very well with Neet's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    I really enjoyed the seeing places around Bonn, including the UN building and the Art Museum. What a fabulous fun-packed day you three had. So glad you shared it with all of us.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, It was nice that this page made a 'bridge' between 2 themes! Have a great day!

  4. Hi Val, good morning. this is such a beautiful page, and I like that you put the text in the original language as well as English. Thanks for sharing the tour of Bonn! Have a great day, good luck at the doctor's! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, glad you like it! Bonn was really fun! Hugs, Valerie

  5. I for one have thoroughly enjoyed the tour of Bonn. I just wish it had not been raining, for you, not for the photos as they still look great with the evidence of rain. In fact they are lovely when you can see the rain drops and the way the images 'wiggled' with the rain running down the bus window (that was yesterday).
    Now to your fabulous page! I simply love it! How coincidental that you could link two challenges so easily together with this page. It has so much impact with the silhouettes against the print. Those two figures of the lovers are beautiful and so is your lettering. It's not easy to get a perfect half circle like that but you did it - not once but twice!
    Thank you so much for this fabulous, what is the last entry, for my challenge over at AJJ. I've appreciated all that you have done and just lo9ve this one. You could frame it, it would make a lovely picture.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. I was happy that the 2 challenges met together here, that was a great coincidence. We had a lot of rain in Bonn, but we still enjoyed it all. For the circles I always use my plates and or cups and saucers!! Have a great day, and once again thanks for a wonderful and inspiring challenge month!

  6. Das ist eine wunderschöne Buchseite mit den Figuren, ich das!
    Bonn da bin ich nur mal durchgefahren, toll was da alles gibt hätte ich jetzt auch nicht gedacht.Das Wetter war nicht so toll dabei, schade.
    Schönen Tag wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Bonn is wirklich sehr interessant, so viele schöne Dinge zu sehen. Dir einen schönen Tag!

  7. A stunning journal page Valerie, the silhouette couple and the lovely quote make it a very special page.
    Great photos of the trip to Bonn, seeing the photos it looks like it could have been a bit rainy that day.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, it poured all day but we didn't let it stop us! Have a great week!

  8. Good morning Valerie: Your book page looks wonderful. Very creatively done, and the addition of a few words of Hebrew adds to the allure. Ah, that young couple, dewy-eyed and gushing over each other. Was that us once? I believe it was and then we became curmudgeonly old folks putting up with each other! Such is life, I suppose.i must say that Bonn looks like a very interesting place to visit, so full of history, with many contemporary themes too. Even in the rain there is much to do, as you proved to us. A good museum is always the hallmark of a great city for me, and if they have a symphony orchestra too, so much the better. I have never taken one of these off and on bus rides, but it seems like an efficient way to see an unfamiliar city, and probably not too expensive. On my travels, I am rarely in a city, so that might explain why I have never taken one of the buses! They generally don't go to the forests and wetlands which is where you would find me. By now I expect you are coming to the end of the dinner for three you were served in Bonn. Back to cooking, I' m afraid. Our Tuesday walk will be taking place this morning in a local woodland I have not previously visited. I am looking forward to it, and all but one of the group will be there this week. Take good care. Hope the neurologist delivers good news. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Ah yes, the dewy eyed feeling is probably not coming back at our age, but it's always nice as long as it lasts! Hebrew script is beautiful, I like to use it here and there. The museums in Bonn are in good supple, something for everyone's taste and Beethoven was being played in most shops and cafes, great! Yes, my Friday dinner is now all gone, but it was good while it lasted! Enjoy your bird walk. I bought new bird food this week, and they can't get enough of it, it seems to be very well liked! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  9. LOVE your art journal spread Valerie! That lettering just pops! And love all your photos!!! Have a fun week! ((HUGS)) Helen

  10. Thanks for the tour. That was very nice. There are some lovely sites and those flowering balconies are the best.
    Your page is gorgeous in its simplicity. That is such a beautiful scripture. Years ago, I remember singing it in church.

    1. Thanks Teresa. I like that verse, too. Have a great day, take care, hugs!

  11. I am loving your latest art journal page Valerie. Not using anything other than black and white is really stunning. And I am enjoying your visit to Bonn. Too bad you had some rain, but at least you had museums to visit. I hope you might have some photos to share. Happy end of August. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, glad you like it! The museums were all wonderful. Have a great day, take care!

  12. Your book page is beautiful. Great photos even though it was raining. Beautiful town.

  13. Such an interesting use of black and the book page. Really makes the images sing off the page. Not sure how Webster would feel about Hebrew?

  14. I enjoyed the fascinating tour, Valerie.

    And your journal page is beautiful!

  15. Hi Val, Bill here, lovely art and photos!

  16. Wonderful sentiments on your piece.
    Your country is so beautiful. And every place looks so clean.
    Take special care.

  17. Fabulous page! It showcases book pages so beautifully 😀. I enjoyed the tour too, glad I managed to see everything whilst keeping out of the rain! Thanks for the inspiration and wishing you a wonderful week! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, glad you didn't get wet! Happy T Day!

  18. Nice art. Wonderful list of photos vj. Liked the German reunion monument design.also the UN building- typical Bahaus school of architecture.

  19. A wonderful page, I love the quote Valerie. And great photos of Bonn's beautiful sights and architecture.

  20. this love art with a quote is truly brilliant;)

  21. Gorgeous page Valerie, I love how you added the curved sentiments! Beautiful photos with the rain and mist- still waiting for it to rain here in Colorado. Take care and enjoy the rest of your week.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, Wish I could send you some rain! Take care, hugs!

  22. FABulous journaling page and I love the silhouettes and printed background, great photos as always..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  23. Such a nice journal page and quote.
    I enjoyed your photographs.

    I can't believe it's the last day of August!
    Happy September wishes.

    All the best Jan

  24. I'm a big fan of museums.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  25. A fabulous journal page with a wonderful quote. Enjoyed the rest of the photos, such a shame it rained for your visit, but it doesn't look as if it spoilt your day.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril, we enjoyed it in spite of the weather!

  26. This is really a beautiful piece, Valerie. The black and white is perfect.

  27. I loved this page when I first saw it. Bonn looks an interesting place even in the rain - do you think you will go back and visit some of the places you saw? Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, we want to go again and visit the art museums, you can't do everything in one day.

  28. That art piece makes me smile and think of my husband. Sweet!

    Your photos and descriptions and histories make me want to see all these places in person. I'm enjoying the virtual trips, though :)

  29. What an amazing page page Valerie, so striking and I love the Hebrew script. Thanks so much for the tour of the city too, so much to see. Take care, Sue xx

  30. I loved your tour! So much history! I love your art page! Very sweet! Big Hugs!


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