
Wednesday 1 September 2021

New Challenge at AJJ - Vintage

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at Art Journal Journey, and this time the lovely and talented Wendy is hosting, and has chosen  vintage as her theme, which gives us a wide scape to create our journal pages. The challenge runs for 4 weeks. And don't forget to look at the blogs of my teamies for more inspiration! And a BIG thank you to Neet who hosted the wonderful Tape challenge last month!

I made a hybrid page using a photo from Erika, a distant cousin:

There's already a touch of autumn in the air - morning mists, rain, and yellow leaves falling from the trees - happy September!

The horses are well wrapped up:

Early morning from my balcony!

Ships on the Rhine:

And some memes:

I can so relate to this one:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I could feel the autumn vibe you gave Erika as she peered out the window onto the falling leaves. I also love the vintage feel Erika gave to the piece. It is a lovely first entry you have chosen for us at AJJ using Wendy's theme.

    I really love the moody feel to the photos you gave us. I think it has to do with the fog. Love the sunflower, too. Welcome to September, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. Erika always liked autumn. And today it's cool and damp here again, autumn is pulling us in!

  2. Göod morning Val, hope you had a good sleep. Love the beautiful Journal page with Erika and the fabulous photos, Have a wonderful day, take care, hugs from us all! Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I slept for long time as I was very tired after the tests etc yesterday. Hope all is well with your tribe! Hugs to all!

  3. A fabulous page, I love the use of the Autumn colours and the photo. A lot to see and great composition. Love all the photos as well.
    Hugs Wendy.

    1. Thanks Wendy, have a fun time at AJJ this month!

  4. I love your page, the words are so true. There is that distinct chill in the air already. Life is very full at the moment with trying to introduce a new kitten to the other cats. lol Have a great week. Hugs Anesha x

    1. Thanks Anesha! Yes, there's a nip in the air just now! Good luck with the new kitty, give her a hug from me!

  5. Interesting to see horses with shirts on :) !!

    1. People look after their horses well, but it does look strange!

  6. I am with you hoping this month feels more like fall. Beautiful photos, and gorgeous autumn scene on your journal page for AJJ. I like Erika looking out the window. She is definitely dressed for cooler days. Smile. This page really captures the beauty of autumn, and has a wonderful vintage look. Hope the month starts off well for you. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, it's really cold and grey here today! I'm having a book reading day! Hugs!

  7. I absolutely love this page Valerie. It has an autumnal feel about it and the weather here is cool so in keeping with the way the little girl is dressed, and with her muff. Maybe I don't need a muff but I do need to wrap up.
    There's so much in your composition I like, particularly the script on the right hand side that is just visible and the window that the little girl is looking through, the flowers, the old door by the script - all add up to a lovely page.
    This has given me a glow inside.
    Hugs Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, glad you like it. Have a great day, keep warm, enjoy September! Hugs!

  8. Good quote and pretty page. It looks cold over there when horses need to be wrapped up.

  9. Hi Val, Bill here, lovely art and photos. Keep warm!

  10. What a wonderful Autumnal feel to your post. Your page is fabulous - I love that Erika has some blue sky behind her.
    Your early morning photos are beautiful and it's always good to see the horses and a smiling sunflower!
    Two of your quotes especially perked me up . I do love to smile at people who don't like me - or people who look a bit grumpy when out too...makes them wonder what you can see that they don't and usually they smile back!
    The other one is the one with the circle of feathers - I am having to learn to say no to quite a few things - and not feel like a bad person!
    Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! Yes, smiling at grumps and frumps is always fun! I'm slowly learning to say no, it's difficult! Hugs!

  11. I like that quote in your art. So true! I have never seen horses all wrapped up like those. Amazing.

  12. Your hybrid is lovely -- and so are all your photos!

    1. Thanks, it's really cold today, made not soup for dinner!

  13. That's a quote I can embrace! You captured lots of atmosphere in that misty/foggy photo.

  14. Thanks, I like it too. Have a great day!

  15. Beautiful post, Valerie! The collage makes me think, especially seeing Erika looking forward from her past to our future. I wonder what she was thinking, what she learned from her past, and what her future dreams were. Life passes so quickly, and all we can be sure of is the present moment. I like the closeup where you can see Erika's eyes better, but I like the softer colors of the full image more. Perhaps I'm feeling melancholy right now! Love your beautiful, moody photos and the sayings. I need to brand the Tiny Buddha one of my forehead. Have a happy, happy week! Hugs!

    1. Erika had a !ong life, with good experiences in childhood and later years, but bad ones during the Nazi times when her fami!y had to flee Germany. I was with her when she died, she was a little lady with a great charater. Have a great week!

  16. A beautiful page and great photos Valerie!
    Very Autumnal here too, it has been for a while.
    Happy September,

  17. amazing art and so lovely sunflower:)

  18. Wow I love your piece Valerie, it's so pretty! Autumn is definitely in the air here now, I keep seeing sunflowers that are way taller than me lol. Take care and have a very happy September, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, yes, after winter in summer it's now autumn, Wonder what comes next?!

  19. Beautiful art and photos, love your memes!

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  21. Those horses look so well cared for. I'm glad:)
    Some great memes.
    Fall is on the way....

    1. Yes, the horses here are always well cared for, and that
      #s good! Have a great day!

  22. Gorgeous page Valerie, I love the autumn elements and that fabulous quote! Great photos, what a beautiful sunflower.
    Take care, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, autumn is creeping in here! Have a great day!

  23. Beautiful art! Beautiful pictures! Love the quotes at the end! I love smiling at people who don't like me, too! LOL! Big Hugs and Happy September!

    1. Thanks Stacy. There's something very fun about smiling at people who don't like you!

  24. A fabulous page Valerie and good to see Erika featured again, I wonder what she would think of the world today and I was drawn to the words of the quote you used as well.
    Super photos especially the last one about the voices. Happy September.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Erika was always very up to date, but things today have changed very radically. Have a great September!

  25. Good morning Valerie: I am a full day behind with you! I hope that you will forgive my tardiness, entirely unwanted I assure you. Our nature club has now resumed offering outings again, as COVID restrictions have been eased somewhat, especially on outdoor gatherings. I led a full day's outing to the north shore of Lake Ontario, and I had to leave home at 7:15 and did not return home until after 5 pm. It was a wonderful day, a great chance to meet up with old friends again, and make some new ones. The birds cooperated with many interesting species. We ate lunch at the edge of Lake Ontario, with Double-crested Cormorants performing in front of us. Those birds should give lessons to the human fisherfolk to let them know how it should be done! Great art here, and some profound, and amusing, words at the end. I absolutely know you could have written the last one. Later this morning I will get to your most recent post. In the meantime, hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David, good to see you around again, I was hoping you were on a trip and not ill or something. Glad you had such a great day out. It's great to be able to spend time with others again, it's horrible not being able to socialize with others. Cormorants and other fishing fish are always fun to watch. Here I often see the herons and cormorants fishing, and the never come up with an empty beak! I hope you will be showing photos of Lake Ontario and your birds. Have a great day, look after yourself, hugs, Valerie


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