
Monday 30 August 2021

T STands for this and ThaT

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all had a good weekend. Here it has been very wet again, but better than too hot for me!

Today I have another piece to share for Neet's type challenge at AJJ, this time an 8" square piece. I used copies of the old documents to cut out the heads, not the real things!

Today is also Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T gang who visit here. We saw this sign in Bonn on Friday,  almost at the end of our day out:

And I'm starting at the end of the day because this is where we got the food and drinks we were craving:

This was my dinner - and no, I didn't manage to eat it all, although it was very delicious, so the rest came home in a doggy bag:

The old pub where we ate was evidently Beethoven's pub, as he lived almost next door:

Here we are waiting to start eating, the waiter took the photo. I have my mask under my chin like a bib!

And this was a great was of saying 'No smoking!'

I loved the elaborate ceiling:

Beethoven was looking down at us:

I wonder how much beer goes in that barrel?

Ans this is Beethoven's house, now a museum:

When we arrived in Bonn we scurried around looking for the Tourist information centre to buy our tickts for the bus. This is the market place:

A drinking bear:

The old walls and gate:

A drinking fountain:

My friends C &  S hugging a fun statue of Beethoven in the tourist centre:

Then we hopped onto a hop-on, hop-off tour bus:
(Photo courtesy Stadt Bonn)
For more information please see here:

We got seats on the top at the front and could look down on the scenes all round us. During the whole drive we got explanations about the various sights, interspersed with beautiful Beethoven music:

The yellow building is a palace once used by the Bishops and Archbishop of Cologne; today it is part of the University:

The Minster, dating back to the 14th century:

The main station:

The old  cemetery where lots of famous people were buried:

The August Macke House:

The minaret of the Mosque. The wavy lines were created by the rain streaming down the window:

I will show the rest of the photos in my next post.

Some memes to make us smile and think:

Have a great day, take care;
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a great day out Valerie,those hop on and off buses are so good for finding your way around and getting the tourist info of where you are. The third last picture is so true.

    1. Thanks Sue, it was indeed a wonderful day, and we really got to see a lot!

  2. Your visit to Bonn looks just wonderful. It was so great when one could travel around Europe in a carefree manner, just go to the tourist office and get the info needed, and see what there was to see. Even without covid, it's more complicated these days. And more crowded than in the past

    best... mae at

    1. It was a wonderful visit, we had fun seeing as much as possible in one day! Yes, things are sadly much more complicated these days, with many restrictions.

  3. First of all I am loving your heads and that very fun page. And clever too. Everyone has had such fantastic ideas this month. and I've enjoyed my armchair visit to Bonn. You ladies look like you are having such a fun day out. I like doing hop off/ hop on tours. And seeing your photos also. Thanks for sharing. Have a great T day, and Monday too. Hugs-Erika

    1. This was the first time I have been on one of these hop-on, hop-off busses, and it was fun. Happy Monday!

  4. Hi beautiful lady, love your art and mostly the photos of you and your outing. We are still in lock down, over 1.200 cases each day....xx

    1. Hi Annie, sorry you are still in lockdown. Those who are vaccinated now have more freedoms, but you have to show your Covid-pass before going inside anywhere. It was great to get out for a day!

  5. Lovely art, and the photos are lovely. Thanks for the memes. Good idea to take leftovers home, no waste.

    1. Thanks Christine, I hate wasting food! Have a great week!

  6. If I was young I would try to slide down stair rail or banister.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Oh yes, that would be fun. I wouldn't try it these days, either!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Thanks for sharing the photos of Bonn, I havent been there for years. Glad you had such a fun day out. Have a great week, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, Have a great day, hugs to all!

  8. Looks like a great place to visit. I hope that you had a lovely time. Great mixed media piece. Love your kitty photos. Our new kitten has so life is a bit interesting. lol Anesha x

    1. Thanks Anesha, have fun with your new kitty!

  9. What a fabulous trip I have just been on, the city of Bonn looks wonderful. That is somewhere I would love to visit and the pub you went in reminded me of some I have visited whilst in Germany, but not as grand as this one. That was a marvellous place to eat your lunch in.
    So was your entry for my theme at Art Journal Journey. What a good idea, no, a great idea, it was, to use print to cut heads from and I just love that writing in the centre. To me that was very Germanic. (Gothic?)
    A fabulous post Valerie, and we got to see you as well.
    Have a wonderful week
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Bonn is a wonderful place to visit, lots of museums, many beautiful old buildings and so many things which caught my interest. es, I think the writing in the centre is gothic script. I will show more photos tomorrow. Pity it rained so much, everything looks better with blue skies, but we still had a great day! Have a great week!

  10. C'est si Bonn! What a fine time you had with a couple of very agreeable chums. A visit with Ludwig, a ride on the bus,listening to his music, sightseeing, photo-taking, general gawking, and a dinner fit for three! I am trying to figure what is nestled beneath the egg, but that whole platter looks like a defiant challenge to the arteries! Your sense of fashion is very much Ă  la mode since the mask that doubles as a chin strap seems to be commonplace of late. I must say that I have not worn mine in such a fashion, nor do I plan to do so. I have seen a few that look like they have been worn since the first days of the pandemic! To call them gross would be too kind a statement! Maybe one of your heads could have been adorned with one. I can see why you needed a day to recover, Valerie, but now you are up and att'em again. Until the next time, hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David, Bonn is really a fun place to visit. My dinner was really enough for three. Underneath the egg there was a HUGE Schnitzel, and underneath the Schnitzel a large portion of fried bacon, crispy fried onions and mushrooms. I ate well on Saturday, too. Good that things like that only get eaten once in a again for the week. Tomorrow I have to go to the neurologist again for my tests, so I'm wondering what she plans to do! Have a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  11. Hi Val, Bill here. Lovely art and photos. Have a great week!

  12. Your heads are amazing. I love how each is so very different, too. Those fonts are perfect for Neet's theme, too. I really like your thinking on this latest AJJ entry, dear.

    Of course, I REALLY enjoyed your trip to Bonn and the hop-on, hop-off buses. It's sad the day had to be spoiled by rain, but it appears that didn't deter you in the least. You three look so happy raising a glass in that restaurant. BTW, that is exactly how I like my eggs. Now I'm really hungry, too. Thanks for sharing your lovely art, the trip to Bonn, the meal you had, and your drinks with us for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! I have enjoyed this challenge very much! We had a wonderful day in Bonn, there was so much to see and enjoy! Happy T Day!

  13. What a fun post! I love that photo of the three of you at the pub. You look so beautiful, you show show more photos of yourself. I love Beethoven, he is one of my favorite composers. Love all of his piano concertos and the violin concerto, too. Bonn looks like such an attractive city. Wish I had seen it when I lived in Germany back in Dec 1969-Feb 1970. Such a long time ago!

    1. Thanks a lot. I don't like having my photo taken! Beethoven is wonderful, so all in all a fantastic day! Mist go again and see more museums.

  14. Very nice post! I like the stairs' photo ♥

  15. Great photos Valerie, and lovely to see your face in one of them. Wonderful art as always.
    Happy new week.

  16. Awesome art today Valerie, love the heads! Looks like you had a great day out with friends, awesome photos and architecture! Love the cute cat funnies :)
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! We had a wonderful day out! I love the cat funnies, too. Have a great week!

  17. so jummy photos:) i am hungry now xd

  18. Another beautiful post and fun filled day. I love seeing all the places you go.

  19. Bonn is such a pretty town! Your pictures brought back some nice memories.
    I love your "type" page, what a great idea!
    Oh, and that last cat photo - priceless!

    1. Thanks Carola! Glad you enjoyed it all! Have a great day!

  20. Hi Valerie, I so enjoyed everything in your post. Looks like a very fun and awesome trip-thanks for sharing with us. hugs

    1. Thanks Kathy, it was a fun day out and about!

  21. Super cool late page for Neet's Text theme. I love the head shapes and old documents. The pub pictures look so cool and how fun to be where he stepped and hung out. Loved all the pictures - especially the ones of you and your friends and the funny ones! Super post. Happy T-day. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy, glad you like my heads! We did indeed have a cool day out! Hugs!

  22. I don't think I can remember everything I love about this post! Most of the quotes, especially the one about thanking God. The drinking bear. The polite no smoking sign.
    Great t day post, Valerie. Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks Sharon, glad you liked the post! Have a great day, hugs!

  23. Thank you for taking me to Bonn. I have never been there and I must say it looks like a beautiful city with an interesting old part. I like the Beethoven link.
    Your meal looks good but it was a bit much I can see that. I don't mind restaurants that do that. It means I will have another meal out of it at home.Today we are going out for lunch and I am already planning the chicken dish that I will cook tomorrow with the leftovers from lunch, lol.
    It was great to see a picture of you three ladies (including yourself).
    I hope your doctor's appointment went well this morning. Until 11 a.m. is a long time to stay nil-by-mouth.
    Your artwork is beautiful! As Elizabeth says, it was a very good theme, with lots of ways of interpreting it.
    And the funnies at the end cracked me up! No, the world definitely doesn't need anymore successful people! Loved the hurricane scale. Thanks for the giggles.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca, glad you enjoyed Bonn with me. It was a fun and worthwhile trip, and no dinners to cook at the weekend as a bonus! The appointment went well, lots of tests again, and I hope to get the results tomorrow. The funnies were really good, we need something to smile about these days! Have a great week, hugs!

  24. Lovely photo of you and your friends enjoying a good meal in a restaurant again. Looks like a great place! I wear my mask below my chin like you when I'm out eating(which isn't often at all).
    Thanks for taking us along your tour of Bonn- you know I just love the old buildings , museums and such. And I think every city should have buses like the one you enjoyed. Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda, it's difficult to find a good spot for the masks! The bus ride was fun, something different! Happy T Day!

  25. Loving your post and artwork! It looks like you had a wonderful time with your friends 😀. The pub is amazing and your meal looks delicious and I so enjoyed seeing the sights and architecture with you. Great funnies too! Take care and Happy T Day wishes! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! The old pub is a nice place to eat. Bonn was fun!

  26. I love your heads with all the different text inside them, what a great page! I also really love the carved wood inside the pub, how beautiful that is. Love all your photos, you must try out the new coffee place when it opens! Elle xx Happy T Day

    1. Thanks Elle, so many heads these days are empty! The old pub really was a treasure. Have a great day!

  27. Loved seeing the pictures of your trip. The carvings on the pub staircase are gorgeous! What a fun place to visit! I would love to see Beethoven's house.
    Funny memes!
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks, I think you would have enjoyed Bonn and the museums. Have a great day!

  28. What a fabulous day out, I enjoyed all of your photographs.

    Great funnies too :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, we need something to smile these days!

  29. What a fantastic trip!! I love all the pictures ~ the staircase in the restaurant is just stunning. I appreciate this post more then you can imagine as I feel as if I've traveled and seen some sites at long last! I loved all your additional funnies too ~ Enjoy your week :)

    1. Thanks Karen, Bonn was beautiful, and the carvings in the pub were fantastic, a great day out!

  30. Started reading your TioT post and came here first to the start of your visit to Bonn, wonderful photos and those hop on - hop off busses are great, lots of information. I was amazed to see the cable cars going over the city, I bet those views are great. Beethoven's pub looks interesting and the food look delicious. Loved the memes at the end of this post.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril, glad you like the photos, it was a great day out! The food was very delicious, and enough for 3 on each plate! Hugs!

  31. What a terrific excursion. I'd love to see Beethoven's house! What a genius. And that dinner looks terrific. I adore eggs for dinner!

  32. Love those heads Valerie - a very clever page! That meal does look substantial - no wonder you took some home! Hop on /hop off buses are a great way to see somewhere new - we have done two and are thinking about doing a Paris one this year - we never have and think it might be a way to see some familiar places from a different point of view. Bonn looks to have some interesting places to see.
    Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! I've not been on a bus like this before, and it was great. And only 15£ for 24 hours. It would be fun in Paris, too! Hugs!

  33. I missed T Tuesday completely this week but am happy I can join you for yours :) Beethoven's pub?! Wow! This looks like such a fun trip.

    1. Yes, it's a bit surreal to sit there or walk through his house!

  34. What a great day out! That place where you ate looked like so much fun! Loved your heads page! Very cool! Big Hugs!

  35. What a great post! Filled with everything! I love the drinking bear and of course the kitties! And what a great place to stop and eat and drink with friends! I'm very late but I'm here now! So I hope ypu had a fab Tuesday and an even greater Thursday! (Lyn)

    1. Thanks Lin. That drinking bear is fun, isn't he, I just caught it in passing! Have a great week!


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