
Tuesday 2 February 2021

T sTands for a New Challenge aT TIOT

Hi Everybody! 

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT - love is in the air. You can view the beautiful creations of my teamies on our blog. Projects of all formats are welcome, and you have, as always, 2 weeks to link to us.  I didn't want to make a valentine, so made a journal page with a photo of my great aunt Fanny, a very dear lady, who was really always there for me, and was an anchor for me:

Today is also Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the ladies of the T Gang who visit here. My drink is, as usual, cappuccino:

And this chocolate biscuit with milk-cream filling was also very delicious:

We woke up again to more snow:

And some smiles:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. This is so much better than a valentine. Oooh more snow. Be careful when you walk out there. I laughed at the last one with the cow and the cat. Very funny.

  2. Beautiful page with your Aunt, lovely winter photos and memes.

  3. Snow seems to be falling everywhere. Although MIchigan usually is a heavy-snow location we aren’t getting as much as the East Coast this week. Yours looks attractive.

    Your great aunt Fanny looks very nice — tell us more about her!

    be safe... mae at

  4. Love this post the love heart journal page and the coffee heart and cuteness in the pics. xx

  5. Great post Valerie. Another great art piece and you have really made me want a cappuccino. It's so cold here tonight and winds are howling. I love that last one with the cow and the kitty, too cute!

    1. Thanks Martha. I loved the cow and kitty, too. Have a great day!

  6. Thanks Laurie, don't worry, I wish I had a dollar for each time I messed up!

  7. Your diary page is great, as always! Your aunt was beautiful and I am glad you have great memories!
    The cow and the kitten are beautiful! So funny!
    I wish you a very nice day, my gorgeous! Hugs!

  8. Deine Tagebuchseite eist so romantisch ich liebe es und deine Schneefotos sind auch wunderschön, bei mir hat es auch noch Schnee udn soll auch noch schneien nochmal. Deine witzigen Bilder ich musste so lachen darüber danke dir und versüsst mit leckeres und zum trinken!
    Hab es gut, liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Der Schnee hier ist weg und der Rhein steigt, aber nicht so schlimm wie das letzte Jahr! Bleib gesund!

  9. A beautiful page and tribute to your aunt. Hugs, Teresa

  10. That last picture is pretty funny, Valerie! It is a good thing that you don't have to pay royalties to your Great Aunt Fanny for the use of her image - she would be wealthy and you would be a pauper! It is great to have such fond memories of her and I am glad that she was always there for you during your childhood, not something I ever had. Looks like a fairly decent coating of snow there now. I expect that you and all the other residents of the clinic will be outside throwing snowballs at each other and making snow angels - or in your case little devils! Then you will all be able to go inside for coffee or hot chocolate. Sounds like a good idea to me. Miriam just made a whole new apple cake and a loaf of banana bread so our mid morning coffee snack is secure for a couple of weeks. In return I made dinner last. night - lemon pepper chicken, baked potato and a green salad with feta cheese and celery seed dressing. Need I tell you it was deeeeelishus? Take care, stay warm, stay safe, drink coffee, play often, read well, listen to Beethoven's 9th and Schubert's Trout Quintet and get the vaccine as soon as you can. I think that's all for today. If I think of anything else, liebe freunde, I will be back in a flash. Hugs and kisses, abrazos y besos, gros bisous. David.

    1. Thanks David! I have really used my aunt's photo a lot, that's true! The snow was a lot by our standards, but melted away rather quickly. And yes, snow balls and snowmen were the order of the day. Just now it's mild and wet and the Rhine is rising . Apple cake and banana bread sound good! You dinner sounds divine, shame I wAsn't there! Lots of hugs to you and Miriam!

  11. What a beautiful page! A very sweet tribute to your Aunt. Your coffee and biscuit look divine this morning especially, and your funnies made me smile! Thank you for helping me get off to a good start ~ Enjoy your day & your snow!

    1. Thanks Karen, glad you enjoyed the funnies! Have a great day!

  12. Such a beautiful page! I always love how you create pages with your family photos and this looks amazing 😀. Loving your cuppa with the heart shape on top and the snow photos are wonderful! Happy February and T Day, wishing you a wonderful week! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! I love using the old photos!. Have a great week!

  13. When I first saw this I knew who it was - you are making your beautiful great aunt famous! It's a beautiful page Valerie and a wonderful tribute to Great Aunt Fanny! The snow pictures show just how beautiful cold days can be! The cappuccino and chocolate biscuit are definitely just the best accompaniment to days like these! Love the smiles pics - the cat in the cabbages works for me! Happy T Day, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, great aunt Danny would have been tickled pink to see her photo going round the world 🌎! Happy T Day!

  14. I love the choice of your aunt for this challenge Valerie. I seem to remember your not a big one for hearts and romance, and this page works perfect for love. My Auntie (Elsie) was a big part of my life so I know the sentiment well. And you did get some snow. Luckily, we just escape the storm and didn't get nearly as much as they predicted. That is a relief. Love the animal memes. The cat made me smile and the peace of the lamb is precious. Have a wonderful T day. Or hope it is going well. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! It's great to have a loving auntie to turn to! Glad the storm missed you, let's hope it stays that way! All is going well here! Stay safe and well!

  15. What a lovely tribute to your aunt Fanny. I think you mentioned her before. Please tell us more about her. She sounds a wonderful woman.
    More snow. Every blog post I look at has snow. Well, wrap up and stay safe when you go out. When you are a certain age, bones break that much easier. One silly little slip... so do be careful.
    Thank you for the smiles. They made me chuckle.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca, she had a hard life but was a lovely person. I am very careful outside, I don't need any accidents here! Stay safe and well!

  16. Love the memes and the light in the dark photography.
    What a lovely way to honor your aunt.
    Stay safe. Be well.

  17. Your journal page of your Aunt Fanny is lovely. I like how you framed her.
    The snow pictures are beautiful. I love the look of freshly fallen snow. We have similar views at the moment.
    And the biscuits covered in chocolate look delicious.
    Funny Memes. I especially like the bunny in the lettuce.
    Happy Tea Day,

  18. What a lovely tribute to your Aunt. The snow is pretty too...always a bit of a pain but pretty.

  19. Your aunt was a very beautiful woman. I am glad she was there for you when you needed her. The coffee looks delicious. Love the looks of the snow, but don't enjoy the cold.

    1. Thanks, she was lovely indeed! Cold is not my fave either!

  20. Your chocolate looks delicious, perfect with that pretty cuppa :)

    We never get snow (well, so rarely and so little...), and I'm enoying your photos. Thanks!

    Happy T Tuesday :)

    1. Thanks. We don't get much snow here, either, and today it's raining cats and dogs!

  21. Gorgeous art journal page Valerie.. and what a fabulous tribute to your aunt! ((HUGS)) this week! Helen

  22. What a gorgeous page and a lovely way to show your aunt's photo. It's not always about the romance is it! The snow looks lovely, we woke up to it today too. The animal photos are so cute, it's definitely good for us looking at cute animal pics lol. Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. Enjoy your snow! Have a great week?

  23. That is a beautiful journal page with your dear Aunt Fanny. It's a lovely way to preserve some of the memories of her.
    Cappuccino- yes please, and that piece of chocolate is the perfect little bite to enjoy with it:)
    Lucky you not to get too much of that snow. Our total has come to 27" and everything is blanketed under it all. Many streets have yet to be plowed so neither hubby nor I will be going anywhere at least for another day.
    Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda. That sounds Like lot of snow, stay safe! Ours has already gone. Happy T Day!

  24. A beautiful journal page using your Aunt's photo and although it's a lovely tribute, it does look very romantic too. Lovely photos of the snow, we woke up to snow today but it's quite wet, so don't think ours will last.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril, our snow has melted in the rain!

  25. What a stunning page Valerie and beautiful picture of your aunt! I love the animal pictures, nothing better than adorable animal photos, especially the cow one, so funny! Take care, Hugs- Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, I love the cow funny, too! Have a great day!

  26. Hola Valerie!
    Adoro tus pasajes!Tu propuesta perfecta, llena de símbolos y significado para ti

    BESOS...Me gustaría unirme a TIOT próximamente.😉

    1. Muchas gracias!Que tengas una semana muy buena! Besos!

  27. Your aunt looks very nice surrounded by lovely things.

  28. Lovely work!

    The snow looks so pretty in all your photos. We have a lot here right now and I do enjoy looking at it (I would enjoy a little less wind and bitter cold). :)

    1. Thanks Jess! It always seems to be colder over there! Stay safe!

  29. What a beautiful page, and lovely photos of the snow Valerie! Thanks for the smiles too.
    Alison xx

  30. This coffee looks very delicious. Very fine photos ;)

  31. Your aunt Fanny was a beautiful woman and you do her justice with this piece.

    How come it is that snow always looks more beautiful and romantic in Europe?

    1. Thanks Jeanie, good question! The other man's Grass ist always greener!

  32. What a lovely tribute to your aunt. We should all be so lucky to have an Aunt Fanny... I did. Her name was Myrtle.

    It looks like you had just the right amount of snow. Enough to be pretty, but not so much to make it impossible to get around. (Um, if we could actually GO anywhere... HA)

    Take care, sweet lady. Hugs.

    1. Thanks Susan! Hope going somewhere will soon be possible!

  33. That is a lovely page.

    It was nice to see your snowy photographs, we have had some rainy days recently.

    Happy Wednesday Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  34. Your Aunt is beautiful and I love your journal page! Yummy chocolate and cappuccino! Gorgeous snow pictures! Thanks for the smiles at the end! Big Hugs!

  35. Its good to see your beautiful great aunt on the journal page, its a wonderful romantic page. Super photos as well.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  36. It's wonderful that you chose to pay homage to your great aunt Fanny. I think she was more of a mother figure to you, and the love you showed her with this page is wonderful.

    You got SNOW. At least it's beautiful. And I'm delighted to see you had a cappuccino with a bit of chocolate too. Thanks for sharing your art and your cappuccino with us for T this week. And I had to smile at the adorable animal antics.

  37. Lovely and very romantic page, I like this.
    Your winter photos are fantastic.


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