
Wednesday 3 February 2021

Wednesday Post

 Hi Everybody!

Today I am sharing another piece for my 'heavy metal' challenge at AJJ. This is a hybrid piece using a mixed media background with a head cut from a photo of a rusty panel taken near here. The heart is cut from gold foil, and the stars and ribbon were added digitally:

Today's photos were taken on a spring day 3 years back in Burg (castle) Linn, a moated castle dating from the 12th century. It is situated in Krefeld, a town not far from here on the other side of the Rhine:

Hope you enjoyed this breath of spring - more photos will follow in the course of the week.
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love your journal page Valerie. and now I am ready for spring to arrive after seeing these beautiful photos-thanks for sharing I love the spring flowering trees and bushes

    1. Thanks Kathy! I'm sure we are all longing for spring to arrive! Stay safe.

  2. ooohhhh I needed that burst of spring ~ the path that leads to ? stole my heart this evening! Thank you for transporting me to a castle all in bloom with sunshine ~ I needed that more then you could know ~ Terrific page and I love the rusty textured head next to the shiny metallic heart ~ Wonderful! Stay well ~ The world needs your art, your photos, and your encouragement :)

    1. Thanks Karen, glad you enjoyed the spring photos. I love winding paths! Thanks for your encouragement!

  3. Beautiful mixed media and warming spring photos thank you!

  4. Oh I just LOVED seeing these photographs, very welcome and so cheering.

    Enjoy your day.

    All the best Jan

  5. I love your breath of Spring! Gorgeous!
    I love your art piece and I love the quote! You are so talented and creative!
    I also love your banner! Beautiful!
    Big Hugs and stay safe!

  6. Beautiful art and lovely spring photos Valerie.
    Thank you so much for sharing.

    Hugs 💮

  7. This piece is really gorgeous Valerie, love it! Your photos have me longing for spring. It's been unusually cold in Florida this winter and I'm ready for some warmer weather.

    1. Thanks Martha. Hope your warmer weather soon arrives! Stay safe!

  8. Using the rust photo makes an amazing image. I thought it was a real rusted panel for a minute. You have outdone yourself with this page Valerie. And those spring photos are beautiful. It's good to dream of what will eventually get here, isn't it? And other than dreaming, your photos are good to fill the wait.Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I am glad the rust looks so real. I can't wait for spring to arrive! Stay safe and well!

  9. How lush and green it all looks around Berg Linn, as we sit and shiver during Winter! Roll on Spring! Hugs, Deb

  10. Hello Gorgeous!
    You are so talented to see the beautiful things in a rusty panel .... I love your journal page! I can almost smell the lilac ... I can't wait for Spring!
    Have a beautiful day! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella. Let's hope we can soon really smell the lilacs! Have a wonderful day!

  11. Dein Journalseite ist so schön mit dem Rahmen und die Goldfolie dazu, klasse udn fantasiereich mal wieder!
    Ach du machst einen so richtig Lust auf den Frühling mit deinen Fotos, einfach schön!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, irgendwann kommt der Frühling! Bleib Gesund!

  12. Gee people wear earrings these days almost as big as that heart on the side of the face. And I thought that people wore their heart on their sleeve. Very creative, Valerie. I am sure that all your fellow crafters are aglow with appreciation while simultaneously being green with envy. Those wonderful images of spring are very encouraging. We know it is on the way, and in Europe you already have snowdrops. We are a long way from that, unfortunately. But it will come; it does very year. Yesterday we went for a brisk winter walk, not too far, only about 2.5 km but it was very enjoyable. It's always good to get outside - which I hope you will do today. Take good care. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David! My earrings are small and neat! I think we are all longing for spring, the snowdrops are there, Watkins on the trees and the daffodils are shooting up. And the Rhine is flooding. Glad you got in a good walk, here it's raining ☔☔ non stop. Take care of yourself, hugs, Valerie

  13. That is a wonderful combination and this piece is a good reminder.

  14. Beautiful journal page. So nice to see the green and flowering shrubs and trees. With all the snow we got, it will be several months before there will be any green things poking through the ground. Take care and have a good day

  15. Hi Val, good evening. Sorry I haven't been arot, our internet was down I 'll ring you tomorrow. Love the rusty page and beautiful pics. Take care! Hugs, Sarah

  16. You had me at rust! I love it. I love the head and the heart. I love the stars and ribbon. I guess I love it all. It's wonderful and inspiring for your theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    You are making me wish for spring just as our lovely weather is going into the deep freeze tonight. Now I want spring flowers and buds on trees (grin).

  17. Lilacs. I miss the lilacs.
    Head and heart, purrfect combo for a purrfect piece.
    Stay safe. Be well.

  18. Great art work Valerie, it is interesting using different media, Loved your spring photos.

  19. Love your words about a good head and a good heart - they do make a powerful combination. Super well done page here! Fits your theme so well.

    Love the pictures - such a lovely place and how cool there is a moat!


  20. Those lilacs remind me that despite the blanket of white on the ground, there will be a spring and we will see lilacs again. Love your metal piece, too!

  21. Loved these photos. So striking.

  22. Beautiful artwork Valerie, I love the rusty head and the gold heart!
    Great photos too.
    Alison xx

  23. Loving the rusty head, so beautifully designed with the heart too 😁. The greenery and sunshine really brightened my day with all the cold and grey days we've been having, thank you! Happy wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. The weather Here could be better, too. Have a wonderful weekend!

  24. Nows I know where this castle is I know where to head for if ever I get to visit Dusseldorf again. One can hope.
    Lovely page - I think the way you have treated this photograph of the bronze head is quite symbolic. The stars really are in the perfect position.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  25. Thanks Neet! Burg Linn is beautiful, let's hope you will be able to visit again! Bad weather here, we have been advised to stay home if possible. Have a great, new week!

  26. This is a stunning piece Valerie, the shiney heart against the rusty head is just fabulous! Take care and hope you are going home soon, Sue xx

  27. Absolutely brilliant page Valerie! Love the photos, roll on Spring and being able to visit some gardens again! Hugs, Chrisx


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