
Monday 1 February 2021

New Challenge at Art Journal Journey

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. I enjoyed being home for 2 days and having my own routine. I hope that I will be able to come home soon.

Today we are starting a new challenge at Art Journal Journey and this time I am hosting. My theme is Heavy metal but it's not as heavy as it sounds!  Your journal pages should contain something related to metal - metallic paints - as I have used here, gilding flakes, rust, perhaps a picture of something made from metal, steampunk elements or a quote about metal - silver, gold, bronze, old iron, rust - the choice is yours. I hope you will have fun with this theme and look forward to seeing your creations.

I made an A3 mixed media page. The background was painted with gesso and then with metallic gold, bronze and blue. The vine was painted with bronze metallic, and the stars were stenciled with gold and bronze. The eagle was collaged and then outlined and overpainted with gold. I am looking forward to seeing your creations! Have fun!

The last part of the photos from Zons:

An original mailbox!

Have a great day, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I absolutely LOVE your eagle. It is very well painted and drawn. I especially like how you represented those wicked looking claws. It is amazing and a great example for your theme this month, dear friend.

    Glad to read you are home, if only for a few days. I'm sure it's no secret my favorite photo for this phase of your trip to Zons is the copper mail box. There are other beauties, too, but that is what really caught my eye. If only!

    1. I'm Back in the clinic now, but I hope to be home soon. Take care of your eye!

  2. Happy for you that your weekend at home went well, and hope that very soon you will be home for good. Great eagle art. I've never used gilding flakes but they do make stunning effects. Such pretty flowers in your photos, and I think I am in love with that mail box! I want one!

    1. Thanks Deb, Things are looking up! We all love that Mailbox, I've never seen one like it before!

  3. Schön deine Jorunalseite mit dem Adler und dem Hintergrund, die Worte sind passend!Ein tolles Thema hast du ausgesucht und ich wünsche dir viel Spass beim hosten.
    Ich drücke dir die Daumen dass du bald wieder ganz daheim bleiben kannst.
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, ich hoffe auch bald nach Hause zu gehen!

  4. Its been a while since I last left a message here, I have been reading your posts and looking at the inspiration and beautiful photos. I hope you will get home soon, it was good to read that you had a couple of days back home.
    You picked a super theme for AJJ this month Valerie and your eagle looks fantastic, loved the words as well.
    Stay safe and keep well my friend.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, good to see you visiting again! Stay safe!

  5. An interesting theme, Valerie. I love steampunk and metalics so I will need to put my thinking cap on. Your eagle is beautiful on your lovely background and with your inspiring words. Great page!

    So glad you got to come home for a bit! I know it was awesome.

    Great pictures. I love all the little whimsical statues and that mailbox is soooo cool! Beautiful place!


    1. The weekend was good, and soon I will be able to go home again. Have a great week, stay safe!

  6. Hello Gorgeous!
    Wow! The eagle 🦅 is very beautiful!
    I wished you once more, to have the eyes of an eagle!
    With all these summer photos I am really looking forward to summer!
    ~ Stay safe and well ~ Hugs!

    1. Hi Sweetie! Eagles are such beautiful birds. I would like to fly with an eagle! I hope spring comes soon!

  7. Thanks Laurie, I'm looking forward to going home soon. Have a great week!

  8. I guess today's challenge permits you to show your mettle! Okay, you can groan if you want. Your eagle looks very splendid, Valerie, a regal eagle in fact. It must be lovely to spend a weekend at home, knowing where everything is and setting your own schedule and deciding whether to do things or not. I hope that it all went well and perhaps you even had a chance to chat with the nice neighbour who takes you shopping for groceries. Today is the beginning of a whole new month and perhaps for new beginnings. It will be my birthday towards the end of the month. I am a Pisces and Miriam says she knew I was a little fishy from the day she met me! Well, I guess she reeled out her line and caught the fish! Too late to throw him back! I can probably conclude that your coffee maker has been working overtime, and mine just announced that coffee is ready. I will go and get a mug of hot, steaming java and slurp in your honour. Hope all goes well returning to the clinic today. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David! my mettle indeed, what a groaner! Thanks for the smiles! It was good to have a couple of days at home with a bit of normality. In another 2 - 3 weeks I will be able to go home! I didn't visit my neighbour, he warned me off as he has a bad cold just now and din't want to pass it onto me. And soon it will be your birthday, that's good, even if you are a bit fishy. I like fish! I'm sure Miriam is very happy with her catch! I drank lots of coffee, that's true! Remember the dinosaurs didn't drink it and they're all dead! Have a great day, take care, hugs to you both!

  9. It's good to know that you have had some time at home. What a fabulous page this is with your beautiful metallic background and that magnificent eagle! I'm looking forward to using some of my metal products this month! Zons looks beautiful and I hope that you and Sabine can visit there again soon! Take care, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! I have lots of metallic paint and wachs, so am looking to using some of it! Let's hope we can all soon go for trips again! Have a great week!


  10. I am delighted with the eagle. Very interesting photos.
    A funny frog sat down on the street :) Have a nice week :)

    1. Thanks Lucyna! I loves that frog, too! Have a good and safe week!

  11. Terrific page with a wonderful sentiment. I loved the mailbox, the metal door, and all the beautiful flowers! I'm glad you were able to enjoy being home for the weekend ~ Blessings on the week ahead.

    1. Thanks Karen! We are all in love with that mailbox! Have a great week, hugs!

  12. Love this theme of heavy metal. And I love the metal effect on your page, including the stars. That quote is great, and I must say I like the new header. I need that sun today. Cloudy with a BIG snow coming in. What a way to start the month. And you have so many interesting photos from Zons. I was going to say I liked the mailbox and then you had some other fascinating items too. Hope it's not too hard to leave your home, and even more so, hope you'll be back soon. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, this is a theme I like, too, something different. Sorry you have bad weather coming in, they are threatening similar things here, too. We all like that mailbox! I'm happy to stay at the clinic for another couple of weeks, and am also looking forward to being home again - not long now!

  13. Nice article guys :) have a nice day

  14. Lovely page. Beautiful Zons, love the mailbox. So glad you could be home for a bit, nothing like our routine.

  15. I am glad you had a good weekend at home. Hope you get to go home permanently. Love your art and photos.

  16. I love the idea of trial periods at home. There's nothing remotely like that here, but it sounds like the solution to many problems.

    I'm always particularly drawn to the sculptures, and those little niches are delightful. Love that frog and that face. Such a variety!

    1. It's a good Idea indeed! Zons is really a special place!

  17. Lovely page. I’m glad you enjoyed your weekend.

  18. Fabulous to hear that you got to spend two days at home! What a fun challenge theme you have chosen, it lovely to see you hosting at AJJ and I hope to join in the fun soon 😁. Your eagle page is beautiful and I love the wording - perfect! The old mailbox caught my eye and what a wonderful sculptures too. Wishing you a Happy February and have a lovely week! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. It was indeed good to be home again. Have a wonderful week, hugs, Valerie

  19. You did such a fantastic job on your art piece! I'm so glad to hear you were able to go home for the weekend, I'm sure that was nice. Thanks so much for sharing all the gorgeous photos. Have a great week!

  20. Beautiful page, I love that eagle and fabulous quote! Awesome photos of Zons, the stone statues are gorgeous! Enjoy your week and stay safe.
    Tammy x

  21. What a fun theme! I'll be looking forward to seeing the art from this one. I'm so glad the home visit went well. I do love statuary and Zons has it!

  22. Great photos and I love your eagle Valerie! Glad you were able to go home for a couple of days.
    Alison xx

  23. Despite the clinic being so lovely it must have been nice to come home for a couple of days. I can imagine how much you sat and enjoyed your balcony.
    Love this theme - just had to come and tell you - and I love your page with its majestic eagle, My word he is grand! And beautifully painted.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. It was good to ne Back Home again! Glad you like the theme!

  24. I love your page Valerie, your eagle looks amazing on its metallic background. I'm glad you enjoyed your weekend at home, I bet you can't wait to be back for good. Have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, another few weeks and i'll be home.

  25. So pleased that your weekend home went well.
    I do like your eagle and really enjoyed your photographs.

    Take Care.

    All the best Jan

  26. What a powerful art piece! Gorgeous!! So happy you were able to go home for awhile! Love the photos! Love the mailbox! Big Hugs!

  27. At last I am here, happy weekend YAY!! I'll say it again your Eagle looks so regal with his golden outline. Metal and wood is a winning combination for me, i'm hoping my metal garden pots will weather and wear very well this year and bloom just like those blooms shared in your post.. I need my garage door to look just like that old one in the photo, your giving me ideas now hee hee.. So happy to see you host this month, keeping everything crossed I can play more this month. Take care Hugs Tracey xx

  28. beautiful eagle and sentiment. always love your photos!


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