
Tuesday 15 December 2020

Tuesday Post

 Hi Everybody!

Today I have some Christmas pieces I managed to make. I am linking to Sandie's challenge at Tag Tuesday, Christmas or anything goes:

And I have some photos from a winter walk in Hofgarten:

Somebody had evidently been sleeping here, so sad:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful holiday art today Valerie. I know Christmas isn't your thing, but I can't tell that from your art. And I like today's walk photos too. That stag (the ones that are dark) is really stunning. I hope you are doing well. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! That stay is my big fave since I first moved to Germany. Have a great day!

  2. Beautiful tags and photos. Definitely sad that someone was sleeping out there in the cold. Hope you are beginning to feel a bit better. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha. It's sad that people are still having to sleep rough in this enlightened world.

  3. Your Christmas pieces are so pretty and festive Valerie. I hope you are feeling so much better these days.
    Such a beautiful winter walk you show. Love those ducks and geese on the water. Very peaceful.
    I'm closing my blog for the year, sorry I haven't been around very much of late.
    Sending you my warmest good wishes, Sue xx

    1. Hi Sue, always good to see you. Enjoy the rest of the year, stay safe, hugs!

  4. Such lovely tags! Beautiful photos, except so sad that someone had to sleep like that.

    1. Thanks Christine. There are lots of people sleeping rough in the park, so sad.

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well and are now recovering slowly but surely. Have a good day, all is well here. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah! Have a great day, take care, hugs to you all!

  6. Needless to say, I love the first tag. How could I NOT since it included an adorable rocking horse. All the tags were lovely. You have been working overtime on these.

    You had some incredible photos of your visit to these gardens. So sad the plight of the homeless, especially at this time of year. It's also dangerous for them, because they don't have access to sanitation. Entirely touching photo.

    1. Thanks E. It's so sad that there are still so few possibilities for the homeless, especially now in Corona Times.

  7. Loads of Christmas cheer on this post along with fabulous photos. xx

  8. Nice work, Valerie. As I glance at all the Christmas decorations around here, outside mostly, but some that can be seen through windows, having been strategically placed for that very purpose, and various representations on blogs, it is easy to forget that it all began with a Jewish kid being born in a stable! There is very little that I have seen that gives the slightest inkling of these beginnings in the orgy of crassness it has become. And if you see images of Bethlehem on TV there are armed soldiers everywhere to protect those who have come to celebrate peace. Should you wish to enter the Holy Sepulchre, a spot where you may want to pause in quiet contemplation, you get a ticket like at the deli counter in the supermarket, and they hustle you through. It is all a tad bizarre to say the least. Better you walk along the wonderful pathways of Hofgarten, and spend time with the birds; noting of course where a homeless guy has slept. Society doesn't even accord him a place in a stable. You can bet that baubles are not part of his Christmas as he struggles to survive each day. His spirit of Christmas no doubt comes in a bottle if he can lay his hands on it. Better hurry quickly by if you see him so you don't have to deal with that. Stay well. The vaccinations have arrived but there are doubtless a lot of arms to prick before yours and mine. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Oh yes, David, man has advanced over the last 2000 years! So may people have enormous wealth and are never satisfied, and others have to sleep rough! What is the world coming to? Here people are moaning because they can't have fireworks for new year or hold big parties. That thousands have died doesn't seem to interest them. Have a great day, stay safe! Hugs to you both!

  9. What sweet tags. I love that rocking horse. I hope you are doing well.

  10. Wow - some awesome tags! You went all out on the details and sparkle on these. I love teh rocking horse and the angel. Great pictures too. Take care and hope you are mending well my friend!

    1. Thanks Nancy, I had fun with them! Have a great week!

  11. Such sweet tags, and each one a miniature work of art and tiny gift in itself. Love the swan reflection photo. Hope you are doing well. Hugs, Deb

  12. What a beautiful little face. Lovely post for sure. Have a good day today.

  13. WOW, I love all of your tags Valerie, so beautiful and sparkly! Gorgeous photos, the walk along the water looks beautiful!
    Take care, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, I had sparky fun with those tags! Stay safe!

  14. The tags are great! So are your pictures (always!). It's fun to see where you live-it's so beautiful. Take care and God bless you!

  15. Great photos! I hope you are feeling better.

  16. Beautiful festive tag art Valerie!
    I love the water birds and that fabulous stag too, and gorgeous blue skies!
    Best wishes,
    Alison xx

  17. so amazing photos;) truly stunning autumn :)

  18. Hi Val, Bill here. Lovely art and Photos!

  19. These are fabulous Valerie, I love your tags! It's such a shame that people still have to sleep rough. In the first lockdown everyone on the streets was given a room but now people are back on the streets. All these people have a story to tell, we don't know how lucky we are! Take care and have a happy week xx

    1. Thanks Sue. It's a slap in the face of society that people have to sleep rough in this day and age. Have a great week!

  20. Thanks for the beautiful Christmas art! Love them all! Love all the nature photos!!! It is sad, that someone was sleeping there. I hope they are ok! Big Hugs!

  21. I love those little tags! Simple, yet striking designs, and perfect for the season.

  22. What a wonderful collection of art. I love your individual tags (or ornaments?) They would be ornaments on my tree! And I always love your waterfowl shots!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, I had fun with them! Stay safe!

  23. Lovely Christmas pieces, and I can't believe how near it is now!

    All the best Jan


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