
Tuesday 27 October 2020

T sTands for a new Challenge aT TioT

 Hi Everybody!

The Corona numbers are rising and rising, so life is getting a bit scary again. Most people seem to keep to the rules, but there are always a few who think they only apply to others....

Today we are starting  a new challenge at TIOT - embossed. This can be heat embossing, or embossing using folders, pastes etc. As always, you have 2 weeks to join us, and projects of all formats are welcome. Please take a look at the projects my teamies have made on our blog. The background of the 18" square canvas I made  was painted, and then embossed by adding powders into the wet paint and heat embossing it. I added some pearls into the wet paint to add more texture, and glued on some metal keys. Then I collaged the autumn leaves and embellishments:

Tuesday is also time for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang.

I drank a coffee at the self-service coffee shop:

Cups and table ware in the window of the thrift shop:

Beautiful cups in a shop window:

I visited 2 different castles - Schloss Kalkum:

And then I walked on to the next village, Angermund:

This is part of the old castle from the Middle Ages. The war memorial was, of course, added later::

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Ohhh my friend you make me homesick! Ich vermisse Deutschland so sehr! I love the peeks in the window and soon will be the Weihnachtsmarkt! Okay, your beautiful project! I love the colors and the texture and design - perfect for these times! Hugs! xx

    1. Thanks Kelly, very kind. Weihnachtsmarkt will probably not take place this year! Stay safE!

  2. Yes, corona numbers are going crazy yet a large section if people are careless...very scary!

    Amazing art.
    VJ your village is so photogenic!

  3. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are safe and well, too! We are all doing well here, the numbers are rising, and it's scary! I LOVE your new canvas, such a beauty, and the colours are fabulous, well done. The colours are so much autumn. Take care, have a good and safe day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks a lot. You must be worried with the kids going to school every day. Look after yourself, stay safe, hugs to all!

  4. You may not know, but Wales is now in a 17 day long "Fire Break" lockdown against the rising cases to try and help ease pressure on the wonderful NHS in the coming months, which also bring flu. I love the blues and oranges on your canvas, and you have some beautiful reflection photos of the bridge. If only our winds would drop and the water be so still!
    Hugs from Wales, Deb

    1. Hi Deb! I saw it on the news, and I think there will be something similar here again, too. Some towns - like Berlin - already have lock-downs in place. We have to take it as it comes, but life isn't getting easier just now. And people are hoarding again, especially toilet paper....Have a safe day!

  5. Again you give us such a beautiful walk with you through these villages and castle grounds! I love the photos of the ducks under the bridge. And shop windows with cups plus your coffee cup.

    be well... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, there are some beautiful spot to walk near here, and I enjoy visiting them! Stay safe!

  6. Wow, I love your canvas, the colours and textures are wondeful.Anesha

  7. Your piece is fantastic, Valerie. How could it not be with an owl and autumn leaves? We are seeing lots of autumn leaves on this most recent series of walks, but no owls, at least not so far. I don't think I know anyone else who can go into town, have a coffee, and take in two castles on the way home. As you say the resurgence of COVID is more than a little concerning. It's too bad the virus couldn't be confined to the idiots who continue to flaunt the protocols and refuse to do simple things to aid in preventing transmission, but they will of course continue to facilitate the spread of the disease to others. The great and glorious leader, Trump, in the United States claims it is all a fake news conspiracy, and that they are rounding the curve there! meantime the number of cases and the death toll both keep rising. I think he went around the curve many years ago! Stay well, Valerie. Hugs from Canada. David

    1. Thanks David, glad you like it, I had fun making it. We are lucky here, there are 3 castles within easy walking distance, and another dozen or so reachable by bus and tram. There are so many Covidiots, one was protesting loudly at being thrown out of our supermarket this morning for not wearing a mask and accused us of being part of a fascist plot! And as for that awful Donald T, I think he has long beamed himself away from the planet of reality. I just hope and pray he gets his due reward soon. It didn't rain today, so I had a nice, long walk along the Rhine with the wind blowing leaves into my face - nice! Have a good day, stay safe, hugs to you and M!

  8. Your page looks so 3D. The shop windows are so pretty with all the cups and dishes. As always a lovely walk with you. That stone knight is awesome. I was thinking he would make a handsome addition to the Zensical Garden. Stay safe and have a Happy T Day

    1. Thanks CJ! I love looking in the shop windows. The knight might be a tad heavy to transport there, he's very huge! Happy T Day!

  9. Beautiful artwork and photos. I love that Medieval man embedded in the wall. Happy T-Day!

  10. The pandemic is getting more scary by the day here. I love your gorgeous art and all the beautiful photos Valerie!

    1. Thanks Martha. It's so scary and there are still people who think it's 'fake news'! Stay safe!

  11. Fantastic art. Loves owls. Fall is a splendid time of the year. the color and the smells are unique to the season. Cool weather is the kind that make walks a time of reflection.

    My area is still very low in new COVID cases. It is picking up in other areas which is scary. Stay safe and well.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings

    1. Thanks Jim. Our town is a hot spot with a frightening amount of cases. Stay safe and well!

  12. Such a beautiful post with your artwork and autumnal photos! Your page looks so stunning with the sparkle of the embossing powers and pearls in the background 😀. It makes the perfect night sky for your owl too, I love it! Thanks for the inspiration and have a wonderful week! Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! I love sparkly! You have a good and safe week, too, and a happy T day!

  13. Gorgeous photography I always love your photos. Beautiful art and I like seeing the store windows too. Happy T wishes Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, store windows are fun, Huh? Stay safe, happy T Day!

  14. Love the owl, the keys and the key hole ~ they're just the right touch ~ Great fall photos too ~ Enjoy your week!

    1. Thanks Karen! I've had those metal bits for years, and at last found something to do with them! Have a great week, stay safe!

  15. Great post. A self serve coffee shop brilliant. Covid is up up up here too.

    1. Thanks Nicole. It costs half as much and you get a huge mug!

  16. Gorgeous colours and textures in the background of your page. hugs, Teresa

  17. Wow what a fabulous canvas, those purples are gorgeous, but of course you already had me with the owl! The photos are wonderful too, those geese don't have a care in the world do they. Take care and stay safe, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. The geese are being fattened up for St Martin's Day in November when it's traditional to eat goose! Stay safe!

  18. Beautiful art, the pearls are a subtle addition. Thanks for the lovely walking tour.

  19. I like your Enjoy Life Autumn art. I'd be tempted by the little cups and saucers in the shop windows. The Autumn colors in your area are gorgeous. The knight is a great figure. Happy T Tuesday!

    Oh, and numbers of covid cases are going up here, too. I worry about our hospitals :(

    1. Thanks. 2 neighbours living in our house work at the local hospital, it must be very hard just now!

  20. Piękna jest twoja grafika i fotografie. U nas od kilku dni pomimo pandemii kobiety protestują na ulicach , walczą o swoje prawa. Dużo zdrowia życzę

    1. Thanks Lucyna. I saw it on the news. The women are very brave, I wish them strength and good health to fight for their rights to make their own choices! Stay safe!

  21. Beautiful background on your canvas I like the foreground too. I hope you plan to hang that on the wall or door, at least for Halloween and fall.

    Your shopkeepers dress their windows so nicely and they seem to change them frequently. I enjoy seeing all the pretty things.

    All the photos are lovely; but the one of the red flowers reflected in the river is stunning!

    Happy T-Day. Stay safe and stay well. Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen. The canvas is hanging on a wall, but not mine, I sent it to a friend who is very kind to me. The windows here are always lovely, the shopkeepers are all very houseproud! The red leaves are at the castle moat, I go there very often as it such a beautiful and peaceful place. Have a good week, stay safe!

  22. I like those autumn leaves in your collage. Also, awesome to see that castle from the Middle Ages. There is history in Germany.

  23. Super cool colors and textures on your page!!
    Love visiting castles , so thanks for taking us along- they are beautiful, as well as your photos of the surroundings. Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda! I love all the old castles here, always a great place for a walk. Stay safe!

  24. Your embossed piece is amazing. I LOVE the owl. It is perfect for the new challenge. And self serve coffee sounds like a good option with Covid. And of all your photos, the stone knight (or is it a long) really jumped out at me. How cool is that? Hope you’ve had a super T day. Hugs Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I enjoyed making it!. Self serve coffee is really good in these time, and a good price, too!

  25. Your background looks fabulous giving a magical feel to this night time theme page.
    Lovely autumnal colours in your photos, and there's some beautiful china in the shop windows.
    The rising cases of Covid really make life seem scary at the moment, so stay safe.
    Hugs, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril, glad you like it. Look after yourself, take care!

  26. Your area has a castle from the Middle Ages??? We weren't even formed in the Middle Ages:)
    Love your piece and the rich colors in it. Love the splots of red in your pictures and those cups.
    Stay safe. Hugs.

    1. Yes, lots of ancient castles round here Our little town was grounded in the 11th century. Have a good week, stay safe!

  27. Beautiful art Valerie, and I love your photos!
    Keep safe and well xx

  28. Fabulous art, just love the colours ...

    Great photographs, I think it's brilliant that you are able to get out and about and see such variety.
    I especially like the bridge/water and reflections ...

    Happy Tuesday, I can't believe it's almost mid-week again!

    All the best Jan

  29. What a gorgeous project Valerie! So much texture and colour. I loved your photos today. You have captured a very colourful scene there. Covid is really bad over here at the minute, the numbers are going down but the hospitals are jam packed and we had 13 deaths today :( Stay safe xx

    1. Thanks Pinky. It seems to have got worse everywhere. Have a good week, stay safe!

  30. Those shop windows always make me happy. That bridge is SO pretty with the foliage of green and red. And I bet that medieval castle is wonderful place to visit. Thank you for sharing your signs of Autumn.
    Sorry too hear that your cases of Corona are rising.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. I rarely buy anything, but I do love looking in the windows! Stay safe!

  31. Beautiful castles. I would love to go and see one :)

  32. Beauriful canvas Valerie, love the colours and the owl, like how you have added the keys too. Self serve coffee is a great idea, hopefully you still find the taste good. Always enjoy your walk photos, the autumn colours are wonderful. Great how you have castles to walk by, that knight carving is amazing.

    1. Thanks! The self serve coffee is really good, there are different sorts to choose from. Glad you like the pics!

  33. I agree- Enjoy Life! Gorgeous piece! But- be careful and respectful of others so we can all enjoy life. :) Numbers are going up here too. In my area they are the highest they have been since early June- which is scary. Please stay safe!

    Love the pictures of the bridge. So beautiful! Thanks for sharing your visits and coffee.

    1. Thanks Jess. Life is really scray just now. Stay safe!

  34. *wow* ist das schön mit der Eule und diesen wunderbaren Hintergrund.
    Die schönen Fotos ach herrlich sie an zuschauen!
    Bei uns wird es auch mehr und so viele Urlauber von NRW und von allen Krisengebieten. Leider halten sich an Maskenpflicht viele nicht von ihnen. Es wurde extra aufgefordert die Urlauber nicht zu meinen hier keine Maske auf zusetzen zu müssen in der Zeitung.Die Cuxhavener schimpfen gewaltig dass es wir mehr daheim bleiben für dei Urlauber.Ich bin gespannt was morgen beschlossen wird.
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Freut mich, dass es dir gefällt! Ich hoffe dass die Regeln bald strenger gemacht werden, sonst sind wir bald alle krank. Dir auch einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  35. You take the most gorgeous photos Valerie!!! And I LOVE your embossed art piece! Beautiful!!! Have a super week! ((HUGS)) Helen

  36. I think you have much better thrift shops than we do. Ours tend to have more junkiness and not the pretty things you see here. And so nicely displayed. I agree with Helen on the quality of your photos -- they are beautiful. You have a terrific eye for composition, which (of course) makes sense, given your sense of art. Loved it all. Stay in and stay well!

    1. Thanks Jeanie! The thrift shops here are always nicely decorated. Have a happy day.

  37. heartbreakingly beautiful! I LOVE the arched bridge with red flowers shot but all are grand. It's hard for me to just enjoy life, I feel so unsafe right now. Hard not to compare how our two countries have handled the virus threat differently... so I live through your posts of the world. LeeAnna

    1. Yes, The USA are not exactly blessed Just now. I hope very much that it soon changes. Stay Safe!

  38. I am leaving this generic message for everyone who visited and participated in T Tuesday. I want to thank you for visiting. You may have noticed I was offline off and on for three days. I kept losing electricity. Each time, I was able to visit a few people before the electricity went out again. The third time, I was leaving a comment for Valerie when I heard a huge BOOM. There was a flash of light, the windows and walls shook. It felt like an earthquake to me, but it only lasted a second or two. I believe they have finally fixed the electricity in my neighborhood. I won’t know until I get to explore the internet, but it may have been very local. I know I saw two bucket trucks driving up my street less than an hour after it happened. With no heat, the temperatures both nights dipped into the mid-20s F (low 4s C). Thanks for your participation and thanks for hopefully understanding why I was unable to visit for T this week.

    1. Poor you, I wonder why the catastrophes always look for you...I hope I wasn't to blame!

  39. I am leaving this generic message for everyone who visited and participated in T Tuesday. I want to thank you for visiting. You may have noticed I was offline off and on for three days. I kept losing electricity. Each time, I was able to visit a few people before the electricity went out again. The third time, I was leaving a comment for Valerie when I heard a huge BOOM. There was a flash of light, the windows and walls shook. It felt like an earthquake to me, but it only lasted a second or two. I believe they have finally fixed the electricity in my neighborhood. I won’t know until I get to explore the internet, but it may have been very local. I know I saw two bucket trucks driving up my street less than an hour after it happened. With no heat, the temperatures both nights dipped into the mid-20s F (low 4s C). Thanks for your participation and thanks for hopefully understanding why I was unable to visit for T this week.

  40. Love your photos; always so great! Your TIOT canvas project is fabulous! Have a great week!

  41. This is gorgeous , the background Autumn colours are really beautiful.
    Have a nice week!

  42. This piece makes my mouth water, lovely embossing within the paints then heated. Makes me want to go do some right now, the streaks of gold look quite delicious. That self service coffee looks quite lonely Valerie, it needed a nice slice of cake to go with it!!
    Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey, I had fun with this one! I try not to look at the cake.... Hugs


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