
Wednesday 28 October 2020

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

I have been having fun this past week with the course from Laly Mille. In the first lesson we made a collage, which was just loosely stuck down so that we could have a mood board as inspiration and still use some of the pieces in our third lesson:

Our second lesson was to make a series of small paintings. Laly's were all abstract, I added 'my' eye to each of them. They are each 6" x 6":

The third lesson was to make a collage on a painted canvas. My canvas is 18" x 18".  I did not paint over the top of the canvas as Laly did, but added lots of hidden pieces between the canvas and the upper layer,  And I had great fun making it!

I am linking to Chris' 'hold the line' challenge at AJJ.

And I have the rest of the photos from my recent visit to Südpark and the Botanical Gardens:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful works of art always so nice to visit your blog. Great photos of interest..♥

  2. Real fun art VJ... And some lovely photography

  3. Hi Val, hope you have slept well. Love all of your art again today, you have done some wonderful pieces for the course, glad you had some fun making them. It's a good way to be occupied these days. Nice to see you with your mum on the big collage, great idea! Everything okay here, take care, hugs, Sarah

  4. Schön diese Arebiten, eins wie das andere fantasiereich zusammen gestellt. Das mit der Leinwand ist grossartig bae rauhc die kleinen Werke. Du hast Freud daran das sieht man und Spazieren gehen auch in diesem wundervollen herbstlichen Südpark!
    Schönen Tag wüsnche ich dir und pass auf dich auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Dir auch einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  5. You've really brought your own unique flare to your interpretation of Laly Mille's tutorials.
    Stay safe and well, Deb

  6. I wish I could sit down with you and comment on each of your art pieces. Art challenges are great for rejuvenating an artist. I see a new freshness to your own quirky style. I like that you didn’t follow your instructor's exact formula, but held true to your own style.

    1. Thanks Teresa, the Challenges have done me good, but I don't just like to copy. Stay safe!

    2. Wow, your creations are wonderful. Do look like you had fun doing them all. Have a wonderful week. x

    3. Thanks Anesha. I did indeed have some fun!

  7. Your creative flair continues to impress, Valerie. It is one thing to create something now and then, but you do this every day! I think you must get out of bed in the morning and start into it right away and work nonstop all day long. I am quite convinced that you have an assistant who goes out and takes pictures along the Rhine, and at the castles, and visits the botanic gardens in your stead. You simply don't have time! But then there's the issue of the coffee at the cheap coffee place, and that certainly seems like something you would be doing. In any event, this Canadian klutz is impressed! Yesterday, one of the participants on my walk was a ninety-three year old, an amazing woman. You will be able to read about her and see her picture when I get the blog about these COVID walks completed. I do the segment for each day after the walk, as soon as Miriam has downloaded her pictures, so with luck I should be in a position to publish tomorrow evening. Have to visit the surgeon who did my cataract surgery this morning for a check on the left eye, and discussions about the right eye procedure scheduled for 17 November. I will be happy to have it done. I'll be able to see your wonderful crafts even better! Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Thanks David. Your wonderful exaggerations always make me smile! But I'm happy you're impressed. I love the thought of a 93 year ole going on a bird walk, that' fantastic. Some oldies are just wonderfully courageous. I'm looking forward to seeing the new post. I had wondered how you managed to get each section so nicely completed, now I know the secret. I had to go to the doc's this morning for my yearly check up, so I'm glad that's out of the way. Good luck at the eye-surgeon, hope he can carry out the second one as planned. I'm off for a nap soon, I made a delicious veggie soup for lunch and my full belly wants to rest! Have a wonderful day, hugs to you both, Valerie.

  8. Don't you love botanical gardens?
    The fun you had making your pieces comes shining through.
    Stay safe. Be healthy.

    1. Yes, I do love botanical gardens, and always find edible to try while making my rounds....Stay safe!

  9. So much gorgeous art! The photos from the botanical gardens are beautiful too!

    1. Thanks Martha, it's a lovely place to be. Stay safe!

  10. The class sounds fun. I love the projects you are doing. And as always, the photos are terrific. The dahlia takes my breath away!

    1. Thanks. There are huge Dahlia gardens there, so beautiful.

  11. All of those pieces from class are amazing. Collage is such a cool form of art. And fun to make too! This sounds like a super class to take. Those botanical garden photos made me wish the one around me was still open. That dahlia was amazing! Plus I do enjoy end of the season plant life. It is interesting, isn't it? Happy rest of your Wednesday . hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I had fun with all of it. I Love watching plants winding down for Winter. Stay safe!

  12. Wow these are all so pretty and the photos today. Amazing. Have a great day today.

  13. I like the texture in those abstracts, and I'm loving that collage!

    Oh! those flowers and berries and that Autumn color! Great photos :)

  14. I love that fuschia deep pink color of the first flower, a dahlia?


  15. Beautiful photos of autumn in the Botanical Garden. The eye adds mystery to your graphics. Good evening.

    1. Thanks Lucyna, havea nice evening, take care of yourself!

  16. autunm flowers and vegetables and fruits are awesome;)

  17. Lovely art and photos from the botanical gardens, nice to see the fruit and vegetables too.

  18. Gorgeous art Valerie, loving the fall photos too-happy mid-week hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, have a good rest of the week, stay Safe. Hugs!💖

  19. Great art work, love the canvas, so much detail to look at. That dahlia flower is beautiful, great to see the autumn colours and the veges.

    1. Thanks a lot! They have wonderful Dahlia gardens there.

  20. Great works. Love the photos.

  21. Aprendes rápido Valerie, todas las lecciones son muy creativas,tienes mucho talento.

    Mucho contraste de color entre las flores del jardín botánico y el paseo campestre.


  22. Oh wow. I signed up for that class, but wasn't able to take it. Now it's gone and I'm going to have to enjoy your entries. They are wonderful. I love the eye series. It is beautiful. and the one where you added the lines for Chris's theme at Art Journal Journey is fabulous. Thanks so much for sharing these beauties. I loved them all.

    I also was impressed by the Dahlias, too.

    1. Thanks E! Sorry you didn't have time to join in. Have a good and safe day!

  23. Such a beautiful collection of photographs from the visit to the park. I love the autumnal colours and the berries.
    I love your lessons, especially when you did the ones with the eye on. What a lovely collection they are - and what a gorgeous eye - is it a stamp? It is beautifully coloured.
    The final collage is gorgeous - I love all the various pieces you have put together, I hope this canvas is displayed somewhere in your home. It deserves to be.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet! The eye is a stamp from LaBlanche, an old one, I don't know if it is still on offer. I have run out of wall space at home, no space left for hanging more things! Have a great week! Hugs!

  24. Such wonderful pieces and gorgeous photographs too. It's far too dark to take photos here today, so it's lovely to see your cheerful flowers. Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks ue, flower are always special! Stay safe!

  25. Lovely art, and your photographs from the botanical gardens were all wonderful, such colours. Nature provides such delight.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. Nature is always the best artist! Stay safe!

  26. You can see the joy you had in creating the pieces for the course you are taking. So much color and growing things in the park. My garden is tired and dull and expecting a first taste of Winter snow. 😱 Take care.

    1. The park is always a great joy for me. My chrysanthemums have started to blue, the only things with some lovely colours just now! Stay safe!

  27. Your artwork from Laly's course is fabulous Valerie! Wasn't it a wonderful few days, with such a supportive community?
    Lovely photos also.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. It was indeed a good few days, almost like having friends! Stay safe!

  28. Great creations. I so need to take a class!!!! Love the eye creations but your collages are fab too. Thanks for the botanical garden pictures - loved them all. Hugz

    1. I have enjoyed the free online courses I've been taking lately, and they help me through the lonely times at home. Stay safe!


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