
Monday 26 October 2020

Monday Post

 Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was good, and I'm wishing us all a happy and healthy week, stay safe. 

We had grey skies, and it was cold and windy at the weekend, so apart from my walks I stayed home, listened to audio books and played in my arty kitchen. This piece was made after watching a video, 'Moon Magic' from Melanie Rivers. I painted the moon with water colours, cut it out, sewed lots of curved lines into it and then sewed it to a sheet of black A4 cardstock. I added the stars, moons and planets with gold paint and a gold pen, a sentiment, and collaged a wolf to bay at the moon.

And I have an Autumn piece with the 'green man', but his leaves are now autumn colours. The background was made with left over colours from my junk journal brayered on, layer for layer:

 I am linking to Chris' 'Hold the line' challenge at AJJ

And I'm still not finished - I have another tag for Michele's all Hallow's eve challenge at Tag Tuesday
Bony Marony has woken up and wants to go out and play:

Photos taken from my balcony:

The street where I live:

The way leading to the Rhine:

By the Rhine:

And back on my street on the way home:

The castle ruins:

Have a great week, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Such wonderful Autumn colours where you live.
    We've had wet and windy weather in the UK over the weekend so time was spent indoors catching up on housework! Well, it has to be done sometime! LOL!

    Hope the week ahead will be a good one for you.

    All the best Jan

    PS Lovely artwork and tag.

    1. Hmmm, housew**k, might have to try a bit here sooner or later! Have a fantastic week! Stay safe!

  2. Hello :) Wonderful pictures! I love FALL the most :) Definitely my fave time of the year

  3. More beautiful art work Valerie, I like the circles on the moon and I especially like the green man! Very clever. Looks like a damp walk for you, great autumn colours.

    1. Thanks a lot! I had fun sewing the moon! Have a great week, stay safe!

  4. Nice!! I love the wolf you added to the first one, really completes the piece and the green man is amazing! Beautiful art and photos as always. Have a fantastic week :)

    1. Thanks Martha, have a wonderful week, stay safe!

  5. Beautiful art and stunning fall photos such a pretty walk Valerie.

    1. Thanks Christine, have a great week! Stay safe!

  6. What a fabulous post with loads of variety to view...great art,...hugs.

  7. Good morning Val! Hope you had a good sleep! We had a good weekend on the whole, everybody is well and happy. Love your moon piece especially, the tree man is also fabulous, as is the tag. Have a good day, stay safe, and hope you are feeling better. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a lovely day, hugs to all! Take care!

  8. Wow, the colors of your first work are spectacular!

    1. Thanks Natalia, have a great week, stay safe!

  9. Good Morning and what a lovely arty way to begin a new week. Your Green Man in Autumn is spectacular indeed. Loving your current header, I have a thing about owls. I am happy for you to have so many trees and loveliness nearby.
    Stay safe and well!

    1. Thanks Deb. Owls are beautiful indeed. Have a great, new week, stay safe and well!

  10. Das mit dem Wolf und den Nähten in den Mond sieht toll aus und dieses Herbstseite gefällt mir, schöne Idee! Das Tag passt zu dieser Zeit *gg*lol!
    Wie schön herbstlich es aussieht bei dir jetzt und bei mir war das Wetter auch nicht anders!
    Schönen Wochenstart wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Herbst ist wirklich eine schöne Zeit, ich hoffe du kannst sie bei bester Gesundheit geniessen!

  11. Good morning, very awesome art! and I really loved all the autumn photos-you have such great places for walks-lots to see, always different, that's nice

  12. Another day, another theme - or two, or three. Your brain, Valerie, must be constantly percolating with ideas, and I bet you can hardly wait to start to dabble and watch it all come together. The wolf, baying at the moon, is very evocative. Just twice in my life I have seen wolves in the wild, and while I have several times heard coyotes calling to each other, never a wolf. Heard on a dark forest night it must be a hair-raising experience. Your little town looks so attractive, and the fact that you are able to walk down to the Rhine, that legendary river we all learned about in high school geography lessons, must be a special attraction. And then, of course, you are able to drift back through the castle and conjure up visions of the past, and how things might have been when it was a bustling centre of civilization. Stay well, stay warm, drink coffee, eat pastries, keep crafting. Love from Canada. David

    1. Hi David, thanks! And thanks for the command to eat pastries, I can't refuse that, can I?! We have wolves in Germany again in the past years, but I've never seen one here. But I did visit a wolf shelter some years back, and that was very exciting! It's a pretty place to live here, lots of nature round about and 20 minutes into town on the tram, so that's good. I hope you have a good week, and have lots of birding opportunities. Take care, stay safe, hugs to you both!

  13. Fun artwork. I especially loved the wolf howling at the moon. You live in such a pretty area, and it looks like it's an easy area to walk about. I hope your heat is working. Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks CJ. The heating is working, wow, they only needed three weeks this time! Here is really ideal for walking and cycling, but that#s about all! Have a good and safe week!

  14. Fabulous art VJ... And a great collection of Autumn hues

  15. Cool pages. I really like your leaf face.

  16. WOW ~ I love the autumn quote! One of my favorite things to do is walk while leaves are falling, or walk through a pile of leaves, or just sit by a window and watch them fall. Your photos are beautiful too, I pinned the one with the trees in a perfect row and the leaves have turned yellow. Enjoy the week!

    1. Thanks Karen. Autumn trees are always beautiful, I can never get enough of them! And scrunching through the leaves is wonderful! Stay safe!

  17. Hi Valerie, Bill here. Lovely Post, Hope you are well.

  18. Lovely work, Valerie.

    I absolutely love the green man dressed up for fall. The phrase is perfect too. Did you compose it? It's wonderful.

    Your photos really do justice to this beautiful season.

    Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen. I found the phrase in a book I read, but I don't remember from whom it is. See sou tomorrow at T!

  19. what a stunning places for photos you have found;)

  20. Hallo liebe Valerie!
    Das sind wieder sehr schöne Werke, die du da geschaffen hast. Die Kombination mit dem Genähten gefällt mir sehr, besonders das Mond und Wolf Bild. Auch deine Herbstimpressionen sind, wie immer, wieder super.
    Bleib gesund, fröhlilch und kreativ.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

    1. Danke Sabine, bleib gesund! Dir eine schöne Woche!

  21. such fantastic art makes and autumn photos today! i love every bit of it! xo

    1. Thanks Michele, your challenge is going well! Stay safe!

  22. Fabulous art today, and so much of it Valerie. The wolf and the moon is a wonderful journal page. You and Chris must have been on the same wavelength. And the green man makes a super autumn man. I also love you skeleton tag. I hope he doesn't decide to take a walk down my street. Smile. It is really pretty around your area right now. Fall is gorgeous, isn't it? Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Strange that we both had the same idea. The skeleton is staying here! Have a great week!

  23. Love the seasonal art! Spooktacular! With the weather you are having you can definitely get into the mood of fall and spooky things. Beautiful fall pictures too! Such a fun time of year- though I don't need it to get any colder than it is now. :)

    1. Thanks Jess!It's a beautiful season, but I'm not looking forward to it getting colder either. Stay safe!

  24. I always like your photos of Germany. The ruins of that castle are interesting to look at.

  25. What gorgeous pieces today Valerie, I love the stitching around your moon, and I know just how the howling wolf feels lol. Your green man looks stunning in his Autumn finery. I love the green leaves of Spring, but the Autumn oranges are prettier. Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. Autumn is for me the best time of the year! Sooner or later I will go and howl on my balcony when it's full moon!

  26. That top one strikes a chord with me. Fall leaves do have a life of their own. It looks like you'll have the perfect spot for watching the moon on Halloween.

  27. Fantastic art and beautiful autumn photos Valerie! xx

  28. What fantastic photos. I love autumn and its colours and you have captured so many. It would be hard to choose a favourite.
    Lovely moon collage with all that stitching that is so effective. I just love the wolf baying at the moon it really finishes the artwork off to perfection. Similarly I just love the green man. I always like anything featuring him but the way you have coloured your work is really just that bit different and so effective. Finally the tag is lovely and spooky - great idea to use black and gold for the main colouring.
    Have a good week.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, glad you like my pieces. Have a great day, take care!

  29. Your Greenman is making me smile. And what fabulous shots of the color and creatures in your world. Very nice!

  30. What an Autumn Feast for the eyes here Valerie! I love the baying wolf...and that stitching! I do have a strange liking for all things Green Man and I absolutely adore this entry for AJJ. You photo, the colours, the architecture and that sun that starts them all off, Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. The green man is always fascinating. Have a nice evening, stay safe!

  31. I love all the stitching on your tag..something I have never tried..
    The colours of the leaves in your photos are just many different colours, my favourite time of the year xx

  32. So fun that you are doing Halloween art. Tis the season! They are fun to see. Your glimpses of autumn look colorful and delightful. I love ruins.... of old building. Always want to explore them. Wonder-full Halloween to you!


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