
Monday 12 October 2020

T sTands for loTs of This and That

Hi Everyone!

Here's wishing us all a good and safe week in these hard times. I spent a lot of time at the weekend making things for the Lifebook taster course. in this lesson from Effy Wild, where we created a little art book. I didn't have art cards in this size - 4 x 4" - so used coasters. The front of each page is a little collage, and this one is with my fave drink - coffee - what else?

I pasted designer paper on the back of each page with a sentiment:

This was my fave collage:

This was a fun course, and I will make more pages for my book as it's a good way to use up some of those odds and ends of scraps which seem to multiply each night in their box.

One of Sunday's lessons was to paint a happy cat with Cinnamon Cooney, also known as the Art Sherpa. I used an 8" x 8" square canvas. I am linking to Chris's 'Hold the line' challenge at AJJ, here the fly is holding the line:

And as this evening is also the begin of Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, I have some coffee flavoured photos for you:

I drank my coffee here again last week:

The geese and swan are pics from my best neighbour, Wolfgang, who takes me shopping with him once a week to pick up the groceries. There are a lots of delightful photos from him, and I will show you them in the course of the week:

My walks were, as always, round about our little town:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Great idea to use coasters. Lovely art and photos. Glad Wolfgang can help with groceries.

    1. Thanks Christine, have a great week, stay safe!

  2. what a fabulous way to wake up this morning to this gorgeous post of colours, art and wonders of life. x

  3. Those a great little collages and a fun little book. But your cat is the star of the art today. I love how you painted him/her in the corner. And the line is perfect for Chris' challenge. Sounds like you had a great weekend. And happy very early T day as I am stopping by Sunday night. I hope you have a super start to your week and a very happy t day. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! It was a fun lesson with the happy cat! Have a great week, stay safe!

  4. Good Morning Val, how are you today. Is it still so noisy there? I LOVE your beautiful little book and the happy cat, so lovely. I will show it to little S when she wakes up, she'll love it. She's sleeping with Mum just now, they seem to have a good effect on each other! Have a great week, stay safe, there's a little parcel for you on its way! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, Glad you like the little book. Good that S and your mum have found to each other, that's good for all of you. Hope your week won't be too strenuous. Stay safe, hugs to all!

  5. Hi Valerie what a great idea to use coasters and love your canvas. Wow that looks like an awesome coffee shop,love you photos,stay safe my friend xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl- it is a great place to drink coffee, you serve yourself and it's cheap and cheerful! Stay safe!

  6. I am so pleased you have Wolfgang to help with your groceries. For years I have had mine delivered and was just about to start shopping in person again when You Know What happened, so I am very thankful I still have them delivered now. LifeBook Taster fortnight is over, but I'm happy it's been extended for a week. Must get a wriggle on and do some! Have a great day, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb! Wolfgang is a good neighbour, and has been taking me to the stores once a week for years now, it's a great help. I missed him the last 2 weeks when he was on holiday! Yes, I'm happy about lifebook, too, there are a few things I would like to do again.. Have a good and safe day!

  7. Lovely swans and gorgeous album, Valerie. I am still on Day 2 !!! Let's hope that I will find the time to watch the rest of the videos. Hugs, my friend.

    1. Thanks MIa. The course is still open till the end of the week. I would like to join the year-long course, but unfortunately can't! That's life! Have a great week, hugs!

  8. Good morning, Valerie. Welcome to a new week. I have to say that I smiled at your comment about scraps seeming to multiply overnight. Miriam says exactly the same thing. She says that she thinks a fabric orgy goes on each night in her sewing room and the instant offspring are there for all to see! I am quite sure that one characteristic that you all share in common is that you can't bear to throw away those little odds and ends that "might come in useful." Bravo for your neighbour, Wolfgang. I am always encouraged to hear of neighbours helping each other, and it seems to me that it is especially significant during the pandemic. You still have an amazing amount of colour over there. Our gardens are getting quite wilted and brown I'm afraid, and while there is yet some colour, it seems to diminish day by day. Very soon now we will get the first frost and that will take care if what remains. The trees are gorgeous in their fall colours, but after a couple of windy days they are starting ti look very bare. It's great to see the swans. Looks like some of the youngsters will soon be as pristine and white as their parents. Enjoy the week ahead. Tomorrow is cataract surgery day for me, so I am not sure when I will be back on line but I won't be away for too long, I suspect. And before I go to the hospital tomorrow morning I am not even allowed coffee! How draconian is that. They need to open up a whole new field of research to permit coffee consumption whatever the circumstance! Hugs from Canada. David

    1. Hi David! I think all crafters, sewers and others who like being creative have a very special relation to scraps .... it COULD come in useful one's too good to throw away....but they are such pretty colours, such good paper etc etc etc! I have lots more photos of the swans and a gaggle of very handsome white geese and more from Wolfgang, he always send me pics when he's away. No coffee before you go to hospital - DIS***GRACE***FUL! I was always allowed coffee beforehand as there is no anaesthetic given. Tell that doctor what I think of him! But perhaps better AFTER the OP! I'll be keeping my fingers, toes and whatever else I can find crossed for you tomorrow, all the best, and BIG hugs from me!

  9. Your book is adorable and clever to use coasters as the pages. Coffee, ducks, flowers, and leaves are, as usual, wonderful, but your kitty corner picture really made me laugh. A fly was a featured guest in last week's vice presidential debate. 😺 I've watched some videos from the Art Sherpa. She wonderful and explains things so well. I hope coffee wasn't the only way you got to stay warm. I hope your heat is back on. Take care and Happy T Day

    1. Thanks CJ. I had fun making that little book, that's more my thing....The Kitty was fun, too, she reminds me of my lovely Kitty. I saw the fly on Pence last week, it was fascinating....Yes, she is really good, and funny, too. Still no heating, the house admin say they are doing their best - LOL!

    2. Obviously, the house admin’s best isn’t good enough. You’ve been without heat for over a week!

    3. And still no heating! They are waiting for the spare parts, perhaps they're being delivered with snail mail!

  10. Dein Buch ist so süss geworden, klasse wie goldig jede Seite gestaltet und beschriftet wurde. Auch ich musste lachen über Kitty am Eck mit der Fliege super toll valerie!
    So schöne Fotos wieder auch vom Kaffe trinken
    Ich wünsche dir ein happy day und pass auf dich gut auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Kitty hat Spaß gemacht! Kaffee trinken ist immer schöööön! Bleib gesund und dir einen schönen Tag!

  11. Cute and funny canvas. I like the unusual diamond orientation. Sweet little art book too.

  12. I know that when I come here I will see exception art and wonderful adventures in photos. That vampire cat is AWESOME! Enjoy your day.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. I see why that collage is your favorite, but it'd be hard to pick just one. I'm still not having coffee out, so I'm enjoying my virtual cafe outings with you. Thanks! The Autumn color on your walk is gorgeous. Happy T Day!

  15. Wow, what an amazing little book you created from the coasters! I'm loving the different designs from the brightly coloured coffee to the autumnal butterfly scene - gorgeous 😁. So lovely to enjoy a coffee too and the old style teacup and saucer is fabulous. The autumnal flowers and leaves are perfect too! Happy Monday and sending you joyous T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, happy T Day and have a great week!

  16. I love this painting of the cat. I haven't gotten that far yet. In fact, I haven't opened the last eight lessons yet. I'm so glad Tam gave us another week. Too much too fast, I fear. I'm glad you kept up. The cat is adorable, and so is the crooked line you sewed in place. It's so much fun to see this, too. Thanks for another wonderful entry for Chris's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Your neighbor took some wonderful photos and they are amazing. So are yours of the area where you walked. My favorite today are the ones of the house with the bench in front. I couldn't tell if that was rosemary or lavender in the one pot. Very well done, though.

    You certainly gave us some coffee related photos today. Seems you enjoy that one shop. I enjoyed seeing the interior, too. It's a very clean looking place and I'm glad you feel safe there. Thanks for sharing your great art, your photos, and your cappuccino with us for T this Tuesday, dear.

    1. Thanks E! The flowers in the pot are rosemary, they always smell so good. I'm glad I finished Lifebook. I would like to join the year's course, but it's too expensive. But I have joined a few other free courses, so that should be fun! That coffee shop is huge, you serve yourself, and plenty of space to sit near the open door, so a good place for me. Most people just get take away so there's always loads of space inside. Happy T Day! Stay safe!

  17. What a fabulous little book Valerie, I love all of the elements and the awesome quotes! Your cat is so cute too. Gorgeous photos, I love the beautiful autumn foliage on the sides of the buildings. I hope you have a wonderful week.
    Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy! I have been having fun with the Art course. Have a wonderful week!

  18. Great use of the coasters Valerie, I like the sentiments very much, and the cat is very cute. Wonderful walk photos once again. Keep safe.

  19. Nice cat -- my favorite coffee quote is "A mathematician is a machine for turning coffee into theorems." Perhaps I should mention that at least 5 of my very close relatives are mathematicians.

    be well... mae at

    1. Fun quote, haven't heard that one before! Happy T Day! Stay safe!

  20. Sweet art projects Val! I've only had the time to watch a few and create a bit much as I would have liked to do more. Will see if I can get one or two more in this week sometime;)
    Your photos in town of autumn are so beautiful. Thanks as always for sharing a favorite coffee place and delicious cappuccino. Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda. I at least always have plenty of time, if nothing else! It's been a fun time!

  21. It's the evening here already. Your photos are so wonderful, you have such a variety of places to choose for a walk-thank's really nice.
    I love your art book-and looks fun to make Happy T and rest of the week Kathy

    1. The little art book was fun to make, perhaps I will add some more pages this week. Have a good one, stay safe!

  22. What an amazing collage page for Halloween! LOVE all the elements, spooky and sinister! And of course... love your photos!!! Have a super week! ((HUGS)) Helen

    1. Thanks Helen. It's on another page but never mind!

  23. I love your little coaster book Valerie, and the cat canvas looks great. I haven't had a chance to do these sessions, but now we have a few more days, maybe I will.
    Alison xx

  24. Lots of lovely art, Valerie. The book is delightful. I'm partial to the butterfly collage page too. The "art is the window to the soul" also caught my eye. I love your cat canvas.

    Thanks to Wolfgang for sharing his beautiful fall photos. The colors are wonderful.

    Happy T-day! Stay safe and stay well. Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen. . Butterflies seem to make everything better, don't they? Have a great week, stay safe!

  25. your artwork came out so good... LOVE your pics from walks. What you see in the camera frame.
    The goose face is inspirational... imagine doing a series from him/her

    1. Thanks, the swan is beautiful indeed, love how it's staring at the camera! Have a good week!

  26. Yay for good neighbours! It's very good of him to help you with the shopping. And he takes awesome photos too.
    Your coffeeshop is a real winner. Luckily it is not very busy, so it's easy to keep your safe distance.
    I love your autumn photos. That lovely ivy that is turning red. Beautiful.
    Your little coaster book is great. I think it will prove to be a really good size and format. Good idea.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca! It is indeed good to have a helpful neighbour. It's only 2 miles to ALDI but too far to carry heavy things back, so it's a boon that we have our weekly trip.

  27. I love your coasters, what a great idea to use them, and your happy cat canvas is superb! I quite agree, coffee does make anything possible! xx

    1. Thanks Sue, coffee is indeed the essence of life!

  28. You certainly have a lot of beautiful places to photograph in your town. I especially love all the foliage on the exterior of the buildings.
    I love that what you have created for Lifebook Taster. I just completed my first piece today. I am finding it so difficult to find the time. I was very glad to hear that they extended another week. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.
    A lovely coffee shop.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. I have lots of time, so have been able to keep up with Lifebook. It's been a fun taster course! Have a good week, stay safe!

  29. That's a lovely little book, some nice quotes too! I love that cat with the "holding the line' fly! Such fabulous colours. Thanks for linking to my theme at AJJ.
    It's great that you and your neighbour can go shopping together. Wolfgang's swan photos are beautiful.
    I love seeing your town Valerie, there are some lovely areas!
    Your coffee place looks to be a safe place to go, and the coffee looks good!
    Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. The coffee is always good! We all have to live for something....

  30. Fun little collage book ~ I like how you added quotes on the back for each picture as well. Lot's of great coffee references in this post today ~ lot's of beautiful fall pictures too. The berries are my favorite! Beautiful ~ I would love to bring a few branches indoors to enjoy. You did paint quite a happy cat and I like how you painted him on the diagonal ~ too cute! Enjoy

    1. Thanks so much Karen! I had fun with that little book, it's nice making things that can be finished fairly quickly! Have a good week, try not to be too say, hugs!

  31. I love your coaster art cards! They are perfect!! And, your black cat painting is so cute! I bet CJ loved it! LOL! Gorgeous pictures! Big Hugs!

  32. Your photos are beautiful. I love them as well as your lovely little coaster collage book. What a great idea for the backs, too. Have a great week end!


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