
Saturday 10 October 2020

Weekend Post

 Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a happy, safe and healthy weekend. The Corona Infections are on the rise again here, things are starting to look grim.

Today I am sharing 2 pieces made in the taster course at Lifebook. This was made after the beautiful lesson from Eris Klein, using water colours, pencils and pastels. Once again, I was not really happy with it, and will try it again when I have more time, but it was fun to work on:

This was made after Nicole Warrington's wonderful course 'Nature's Palette'. First we were sent out to take a walk and bring some 'bits of nature' home. I was only too happy to oblige and walked along the Rhine collecting feathers, stones, shells, seaweed and some leaves. Then we were asked to paint some shapes - I chose ovals - using the colours of the things we had collected. I found the shapes looked a bit like eggs, so added some speckles using walnut powder:

This was a very peaceful piece to make. I am linking both pieces to Chris' lines challenge at AJJ:

And here some photos from our little town:

A headless Nile goose:

At Castle Kalkum:



More pics from the farm shop:

The heron at the stream:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!
See you on Monday!


  1. Beautiful pages, love the pumpkin photos! Covid reached an all time high here in Ontario. A lot of it from bars and restaurants.

    1. Thanks Christine. Same here, and huge wedding parties with 300+ guests....

  2. haha love the pumpkin cheeks.
    Wowzer and a beautiful post full of amazing creativity...
    Monte is fine now, I watched him today while outside and he is cautious of what he drinks, had a bucked of soapy water there and he sniffed and walked away....lesson learnt! xx

    1. Thanks Annie, glad he learnt his lesson, that's important. Hugs from me!

  3. Ha ha love the pumpkin gardening man and his builders/plumbers bum!! Lovely art work, how good to go and gather form a walk and then come back in and create! Perfect for you!

    1. Thanks, glad you liked the pumpkin man, he's fun! Have a great day!

  4. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well! We all had a good night, including Mum, so that was great. Love your art, as always, and the photos are such fun! Just a quickie today, Mum's waiting....Have a great one, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, don't worry about commenting when Mum's there, I know she's a lot of work for you. Thanks for the kind words, take care, hugs to all!

  5. Covid is on the rise here too. We've been lucky here, so far, but after our county was opened to tourists who failed to observe any kind of distancing or mask wearing, the inevitable is happening. I am turning more and more now to my abandoned art for solace. I knew straight away, today, which lessons you share from LifeBook! You've done both so very well indeed. Thank you for the walk along the riverside, and I just adore the 🎃 pumpkins on display, even if one is "cheeky"! Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. It's astonishing how careless and arrogant some folks are. just out for pleasure and what happens afterwards doesn't seem to concern them. Art is indeed a big solace, glad you liked my interpretations of the themes today. The young man who repaired my freezer last week was also showing his pumpkins when he bent down! Have a good and safe day!

  6. I saw both those lessons, but didn't watch either of them because I'm SO far behind doing behind the scenes things and working in my basement. You did a brilliant job on both of these. I should try the second one. The first I'd never do. Thanks for sharing both of these with Art Journal Journey using Chris's theme.

    Had to look twice at the headless goose. Loved the cheeky scarecrow. I still have heard nothing from Mr. Linky, so I'm heading to bed.

    1. Thanks E! You would enjoy the second lesson with Nicole Warrington. Mr Linky seems to be down completely, I couldn't make a link at Tag Tuesday, either. Have a great weekend!

  7. Das war sher schön dieses erste Bild mit der Frau gefällt mir und mit den Formen schön und beruhigend.
    Toll was sie so Aufgaben stellt!
    Schöne Fotos sind das wieder!
    Pass auf dich auf und bei wirds auch schon mehr!
    Schönes Wochenende wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Die Aufgaben in den Kurs sind sehr variiert und meistens sehr schön! Dir auch ein schönes Wochenende, bleib gesund!

  8. This looks like a new departure for you, Valerie, and the lady with her arms outstretched looks for all the world like Eva Peron on a balcony in Buenos Aires. I wonder what her message is. Given the times we live in, maybe it is wash your hands, wear a mask, keep your distance from your fellow human beings. I will be leaving soon to go to the bioblitz where among other duties I will be registering the participants. Having checked the list there are a few old friends who I have not seen for a while, and it is going to be so abnormal not to shake hands and hug. But we have to resist don't we? Thanks for the great series of bird pictures. You know that always strikes a happy note with me. Yesterday we saw a Ruby-crowned Kinglet in the backyard, not a bird we often see right here, although it is quite common at this time of the year throughout the woodlands. Enjoy the weekend. See you on Monday. Hugs from across the water! David

    1. Hi David! This is not something I would usually do, but I am trying everything on the course, including those things I don't really like or care for. Yes, these are strange times indeed, it's months since I touched anyone or got touched, except for the visits to the doctor's....I am sure you will enjoy the company of your friends just the same. I feel a bit like being in solitary confinement just now. I just looked up the ruby-crowned kinglet, what a pretty bird. In 2014 I had a hoopoe on my balcony, and even got a photo, that was fabulous! Have a great weekend, hugs to you both!

  9. Your creations are just so cool, Valerie. They make me want to take a class too. How fun to capture colors from your walk. Your walks are the best so I know the pieces were amazing. The walnut powder was a great idea too.

    Love your pictures - that gardening pumpkin is so funny! Great fun! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy! It's been a fun time, and tomorrow is the last day. But I have signed up for several more free courses in the coming weeks, it gives me something to do! Yes, it's always fun to see pumpkins! Have a great weekend!

  10. Our numbers are rising also. The governor keeps saying it is because of kids back in school. Maybe, maybe not. But at least in my little state the numbers are still lower than elsewhere, but I fear some isolation will be coming soon. Nice art today. I don't know what to do with pastels other than coloring which then smudges so I was really curious and studied it. I can see some effects from them, the light spreading of color. Looks nice. And I really had to laugh at the scarecrow with the pumpkin cheeks. That could be my husband-ha ha. Have a great weekend with hopefully heat, no need for trams or buses, and all good things. Hugs-Erika

    1. The rising numbers seem to universal, and scary. Winter will be a hard time, we have to be very careful. Pastels do smudge, but you can spray them with fixative - or even hairspray - which helps. And I had to laugh that that scarecrow's pumpkin cheeks remind you of your hubby! Too funny! Enjoy your weekend!

  11. Very fine and interesting photos! Have a nice weekend ;)

  12. Wonderful header and love the Nile geese ~ (have not seen these before) ~ Gorgeous sky shots and wonderful autumn photos ~ scarecrow is fun! Creative artwork too ~ Such talent ~ Xox

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Thanks so much Carol! Have a good and safe weekend 😁

  14. I'm so happy to see you are sharing both of these fabulous pages fro my AJJ theme! So many lovely colours around at the moment. Your photos make me happy too, the headless goose, the fabulous skies, the humour at the Pumpkin Farm and the wonderful heron being reflected in the water!
    Corona figures are on the up here too, especially in the North West where we live. We are expecting tougher restrictions to be put in place soon. If it means not going out of the city limits it will put paid to a few of our walking places - even though we are just inside the line!
    Enjoy what is left of your weekend, Chrisxxx

    1. Thanks Chris. I think we can all expect some hard times this coming winter. Have a great Weekend, stay safe.

  15. Covid cases on the rise here, too. We're being warned of a second wave as the weather gets colder and people move indoors. Several school that tried to open had to shut down. It didn't help that parents were sending kids to school sick even though the parents knew their kids had tested positive for the virus. Stupidity reigns.

    So, you're oval color samples are a lovely piece of calm and the picture of the mushroom gatherer made me laugh. Some people are just so clever. Enjoy the weekend.

    1. Yes, stupidity is perhaps the worst illness of all. Have a great Weekend!

  16. Enjoyed your pieces. That first one just radiates joy.
    Loved the stroll through your town.
    Hope your weekend is filled with energy and fun.

  17. Wonderful post Valerie. Grim isn't even the word to use for the US. It is so far past grim. I am staying positive though. Love your art and the photos always make me happy. Enjoy your day.

    1. Thanks Nicole. We're all in for hard Times, stay safe and well!

  18. What an interesting way to focus attention on the colors nature shows us. I love the pumpkin photos :)

  19. Replies
    1. Thanks Kinga, have a great weekend, stay safe!

  20. I really love your ovals. they're beautiful and I love how you did them on a page with the different tonal colors.

    Stay well and safe my friend. On the rise here, too.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. We seem to be in for a hard time this winter! Stay safe!

  21. Tus trabajos d de pintura son fantásticos, el contraste de alegría y vitalidad del primero y los tonos suaves y neutros del segundo, un buen ejercicio.

    Estoy enamorada del paisaje al amanecer de tus fotos, del paisaje otoñal que nos regalas en tus paseos.

    BESOS...Feliz Domingo!

    1. Muchas gracias Maria José! Qué tengas tambien un Domingo muy feliz y una semana buena!

  22. I like that photo of the headless goose. Sometimes, the camera catches such scenes.

  23. Beautiful work, full of colors!

    1. Thanks Natalia! Have a good weekend, stay safe!

  24. Piękne fotografie, zabawne są te postacie z dyniami. Miłego tygodnia:)

  25. Beautiful artwork Valerie, I love the lady and how she is reaching for the stars! Great photos too, the Nile geese are gorgeous and I love the scarecrow with the pumpkin bum, so cute and funny. I hope you had a nice weekend.
    Tammy x

    1. That Tammy! I Just saw mr. Pumpkin bum again at the Shop. Have a great week!

  26. Hello Valerie,
    I'm sorry to read about the numbers being up over there.
    From your lesson results, its obvious you enjoyed it. Painting, sketching, etc is all a good distraction isn't it.
    Beautiful scenes from your town, love the humour of pumpkin man and love those photos of the gorgeous skies.
    Stay well and happy :D) xx

    1. Thanks Sue, being creative is a great distraction. Stay safe!

  27. Hi Valerie love your journal work ,so artistic,well done my friend. Oh wish we had Halloween over here,love all the pumpkins. I will pray that you stay safe my friend,take care xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl. I just bought a pumpkin home with me from the shops, I'll be making soup this week, yummy!

  28. Fantastic art and photos Valerie. Those art courses sound really interesting.
    The virus rates are rising here in NE of the UK more restrictions will be announced today. There will be no easy fix until everyone respects each other.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. That it so true, these people must learn to respect that they are not the only ones on the planet! Have a safe week!

  29. Such a gorgeous painting, loving the rainbow colours and beautiful lady 😁. Those sunrises always look so spectacular and I love the golden weather vane too! Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, have a wonderful week, stay safe!

  30. Wonderful photos and beautiful art! xx

  31. Wow these are both fabulous pieces, what beautiful colours! Covid has really got a grip here again too, the numbers are doubling every week. Trying times for everyone xx

    1. Thanks. Covid will be giving us a hard winter, take care!

  32. I think your Goddess is gorgeous and I love the oval shapes with the colours! Those birds are so cute and I love the pumpkin man! He was showing his bum! LOL! Big Hugs!


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