
Tuesday 13 October 2020

New Challenge at TIOT - Halloween

 Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT -

🎃🎃 Halloween 🎃🎃

Projects of all formats are welcome, and as always you have 2 weeks to link to us. Pop by our blog and see what my teamies have made!

I made an A3 mixed media page. I used a textured and painted background which I collaged with various Halloween motifs: 

Late afternoon at the Rhine is always beautiful:

It rained and we had real puddles so I could wear my wellies again:

The fire boat:

Veggies at the market:

I saw this at the tram stop. It says 'wandering building site'. There was no building site in sight, so it looked like it had wandered to the tram stop alone:

The following pics were sent to me by my neighbour Wolfgang. They were on vacation in a wine-growing region:

You can see the vineyards in the background:

An elegant bird house:

Strange wild life from the region:

I asked Wolfgang if I could show his pics on my blog, and he said he is happy that you all get to see them!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love your Halloween page and your photos are beautiful as always :)

    1. Thanks Martha, great to see you here again! Stay safe!

  2. Lovely Halloween page. Thank Wolfgang for the lovely photos and I enjoyed yours too.

  3. Hi Valerie oh I love your journal pages ,I love Halloween wish we did it here in Australia. I always love seeing your beautiful photos Thankyou for sharing them with us my friend xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl, have a wonderful day, stay safe!

  4. Gooe Morning Val, hope you slept well! LOVE your Halloween page, so much to see. I wonder if there will be any trick or treat this year? Probably not. Lovely photos, from you and Wolfgang, he also has a good eye. Have a lovely day, take care! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, and yes, I slept quite well! I don't think there will be any here. Wolfgang is a fantastic photographer! Have a great day, stay safe! Hugs to all!

  5. Fabulous display of amazing things as always you know how to make me drool over your art and craft and photos. Take care. xx

  6. I love our little visits along the Rhine. The next best thing to being there, and as none of us, well, most of us, are not travelling your photos are bringing me joy to see each day. I suppose I should think about decorating my porch for Hallowe'en, but no one will see it this year, only me.
    Stay safe and well
    hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb! Decorate your porch for yourself, you are important! Have a good day, stay safe!

  7. What a great way to show Halloween. Your journal page is made up of all things I conjure up when I think of that holiday. I really enjoyed the close-ups, too.

    Thank Wolfgang from me for sharing these lovely photos of both the vineyards and the unique wildlife. Hope you have a super day, too. I'm off to bed in about an hour or so.

    1. Thanks E! Wolfgang is a very good photographer! Have a good sleeep!

  8. Fantastic Halloween page! With all the wonderful images and colours, it looks like you certainly were 'brewing up some fun' when you created it too 😁. So many beautiful autumnal leaves and it was fun travelling with you today, those sculptures are amazing! Happy and creative wishes! Hugs Jo x

  9. Your Halloween art does look spooky. Haha. Love Wolfgang. Cute fellow.

  10. Great page and wonderful photos Valerie! xx

  11. A fabulous Halloween page, you've used some great images - love the cat peeking from the side! Lovely photos and how kind of your neighbour to send you photos from his trip - love the 'wildlife'
    Have a lovely evening.
    Avril xx

  12. Hi Valerie, Bill here! Lovely art, Hope you are well.

  13. Thanks Bill, have a great week! Stay safe!

  14. Spooky piece! :)
    Lovely pics. I always enjoy them.

  15. This is fabulous, the wings definitely suit Edgar lol. Take care and have a very happy week xx

    1. Thanks Sue, you have a great week, too!

    2. Wonderful art Valerie, and photos along the Rhine. Wolfgangs photos are great too, I remember seeing rows and rows of vines stretching of up the hills when we visitied Germany.

    3. The hills where the vines grow are always a beautiful sight. Take care, have a good day!

  16. I love the images you chose for your page. Nice and Halloween spooky! Also gorgeous photos Valerie. The wine growing region photos from your neighbor are really interesting. I love seeing new places, even online. Hope it was a great day. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I'm slowly getting into the Halloween mood! Have a great day, stay safe!

  17. What amazing page. The design is fun.

  18. Love this page Valerie, great background for you spooky images! Love the photos both from you and Wolfgang, how kind of him to send you some. I love the idea of you in wellies just walking straight through those puddles! The Wandering Building sight sign made me smile, don't know why, and now I've gone back to it my mind is working overtime and I've got the giggles! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. I LOVE walking through puddles in my wellies, I know I need to grow up, but perhaps not just yet....Have a great week!

    2. And I know what you mean about that sign, I imagines it marching around with a shovel and pick looking for work....

  19. Awesome Halloween page Valerie, you have me wondering about the spider cuisine, I'd like to see how it would be served in a posh restaurant.
    Super photos but not so good to have all the rain.
    Stay safe and I hope your heating problems get sorted soon.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I'm sure if they served spiders and fried bat-wings in some of these fancy restaurants people would pay and enjoy them! Stupidity knows no bounds! Have a great day!

  20. Great great collage page for Halloween, lovely photos too as always


  21. I love your Halloween art piece! So much fun! Amazing photos! Wandering building? LOL! Great pictures from your friend! Big Hugs!

  22. The strange wildlife is especially fun -- I really love that!


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