
Wednesday 8 July 2020

Midweek Post - update

Hi Everybody!

Thanks to all who left well wishes. The OP went off well. The scar tissue on my eye has been removed and the left retina lasered to stop it tearing again. Afterwards I slept all morning, had lunch and coffee and was allowed to go home after the doc had checked me again and told me what they had done. Now I need to continue the treatment with drops twice a day and ointment twice a day. Next week I need to go back for a control visit. I'm happy it's over and done with. The doc said I shouldn't be doing housew***, or bending or lifting in the next few days – what a lovely man!

This is a scheduled post as I  explained yesterday, will catch up with you all later!

I have another tag for my 'add a sentiment' challenge at Tag Tuesday:

I used the same masterboard for the background, a TH paper doll and one of my painted and sewed leaves:

And some of the art installations in the Kunstpalast (Art Palace) Museum in Düsseldorf:

The Foyer of the Museum:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Go to bed. Get a good night's sleep and rest your eye(s) following your procedure today. We'll touch base again tomorrow. Hugs, David

  2. Interesting art on displaynthere. Hope all is well with your eye.

  3. I love many of these installations. But I have to say I love most your tag. When you work in those fabulous blues I almost always make an audible gasp!

  4. I hope your eye surgery is a success, dear. I worry about you when I hear eye and surgery in the same sentence.

    I absolutely LOVE the art installations. They are all so unbelievable. And the stained glass windows are amazing.

    I also enjoyed the tag. I like how the boy is hanging onto the thread, too. Great job and beautifully created.

  5. Arty and fabulous mid week post. Take care and don't worry about commenting, your eyes need care..xx

  6. Good morning dear Valerie!
    Love your tag and the vintage image of the little boy and how he’s hanging on the thread!Amazing detail!!
    Wonderful photos of the museum ! Good luck with your eye surgery.Take care! Hugs!

  7. I love this tag, the leaf is stunning. Have a wonderful day. We finally have much needed rain.x

  8. Hi Val, Hope all went well with the OP and that you are soon safe and sound back home. Take care of yourself, don't overdo it! I know you!!! Hugs, Sarah

  9. Such delicious eye candy. Your tag and the museum. Museums in Massachusetts are just opening up this week. I wonder how different the museum experience will be? Hope all is well with you. Take care.

    1. Thanks CJ. Masks and social distancing here!

  10. Thanks Laurie, take care of yourself!

  11. sounds like good news-and you can take it easy too-that's a good thing-hugs
    Love your newest art and enjoyed the museum visit Happy mid week Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. No housew*** is the best part of the deal. Now I have to switch off the computer, mustn't do too much!

  12. Take care and do everything you can to help heal your eyes.
    You always have such wonderful ideas for your artistic adorable.
    Wonderful art exhibit.

    Best Wishes and Big Hugs 🌷☕

  13. Those are beautiful art works from the museums you have chosen. I hope you have a speedy recovery!

    Be well... mae at

  14. Beautiful art and photos Valerie!
    Glad the op went well.
    Take care xx

  15. I didn't know you needed an operation-I'm so glad you are ok. Hope you are resting-obey the Doc, now. I LOVE your artwork.

    1. Thanks Debra, I'm sitting with my feet up and resting.😁 Have a great week!

  16. Another lovely tag - I do like the paint you have used on the background and the leaf is very interesting.
    So glad the operation went well and you are hoe and recuperating. I once damaged my eye and had to have drops and ointment to stop it keep tearing but now all is well so I hope yours gets the same attention and heals.
    Love the museum pictures, looks a very interesting place to visit. Next time maybe?
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. We need to be so careful with our eyes, sight is a precious gift. The museum is wonderful, I go there a lot. Have a great evening!

  17. Wonderful news all the way round, dear Valerie. Not only was the surgery a success, so was the fact you get out of doing housew**k for a few days.

    1. Yes, that's the best part of it! My eye is still sore but in a few days it will hopefully be back to normal.

  18. It was good news to read that all had gone well for you and that the surgery was successful. I do hope you will take things easy for a while and follow the doctors instructions, especially avoiding the 'H' word for a while.
    Your art pieces looked fantastic and I did enjoy seeing the photos from the museum.
    Look after yourself Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I am having a stay-at-home day today, and will be resting and listening to audio books today, so that will be fun. Look after yourself!

  19. Yay! Good news that all went well with your eye operation/procedure.
    Important now to follow Doctors orders …

    Lovely art and photographs.

    Take care and look after yourself.
    Sending lots of healing wishes to you.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. I m being good and following orders today!

  20. Glad the doctor's visit went well and you have a good excuse not to do housework for a few days. But seriously, hope this fix is good because a torn retina is not a good thing. Sending get well soon wishes. Nice tag and art photos. The museum visit looks enjoyable. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I know it'
      s not good, my eyes have been operated on many times, and sooner or later it tears again, but I'm hoping this time it will be later, much later!

  21. Wishing you all the best Valerie,take care xx

  22. I'm visiting via Rain's blog - I loved your artwork for the book, such a refreshing change to see art in a new way. Hope your eye doesn't hurt and will be strong and healed soon.

  23. Dang I miss so much when i'm in and out trying to care for everyone's needs playing catch up reading between the lines... grrrr
    Take care dear Valerie & do NOT pick up that duster.. sit and dream up more fabulous art works and tags.. Sending speedy healing hugs your way Tracey xx
    P.S That wee boy on your tag is a darling, another fab tag x

    1. Thanks Tracey! Dusters, mops and brooms have been banished here! Stay safe and well!

  24. OMG! Both you and Elizabeth are having eye problems? I'm so very sorry, and glad that you're on the mend. I hope that you are doing as the doctor says and resting so you heal much faster, and know you may not see this post for a little while. When you see this, can you please email me at Sending lots of hugs your way! RO

    1. Thanks Ro, I have indeed been resting and stayed home all day - that's a wonder for me! I will mail you later! Hugs!

  25. oh dear, I dont stop by for awhile and return to find out you've had surgery! I'm do glad it went well and I really do hope you will rest. gorgeous tag as and museum photos. xo

    1. Thanks Michele, I'm resting! Look after yourself!

  26. I miss museums, so this virtual trip is much appreciated. Thanks!

  27. I'm so glad to hear that your op went well, and your tag is fab! What a very interesting museum, we still have flints and fossils in ours lol. Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. The flints and fossils are in another museum!

  28. What fabulous exhibits! Love this tag - that feather is spectacular! Hugs, Chrisx


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