
Tuesday 7 July 2020

T sTands for a new challenge at TioT

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week got off to a good start!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT -
Use book pages.
As usual, you have 2 weeks to link to us and entries of all formats, digital, hybrid and physical are welcome. You just need to use some paper from book pages.
I made an A3 mixed media journal page. The image of Leonardo da Vinci's 'Leda' was printed onto a page from an old dictionary. The background was painted with gesso and then sponged with titan buff, burnt umber and sand, and given a stitched 'frame'. The diamonds were stenciled with Distress oxide inks in vintage photo and peacock feather. I glued the image to the centre and added a strip of canvas and some lace which I sewed onto the page. As embellishments I added a blue flower and a found feather.  I am also linking to Erika's 'when it's hot' theme at AJJ as the sand and blue colours remind me of beach holidays:

Today is also time for Elizabeth's  T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang.

We still have the booths from the festivities in the old moat:

Here you can chill out with cold drinks and ice:

I saw this lovely espresso set in one of the windows here:

And I went for my huge cappuccino to Backwerk. This time I sat at table 13, which was right at the front, where I could watch what was going on outside and 'people watch' without sitting outside and getting wet:

And how about this for a modern art installation?

Actually, I was just drying my freshly washed sneakers, and the grips on my home trainer are ideal for this purpose....

Today I'm sharing some photos from our little town museum here in Kaiserswerth:

It has a huge model of the little town as it was before it got bombarded with canon balls in the 18th century. The castle was reduced to ruins and many of the houses were badly damaged:

The buildings are all made of fired ceramics:

The lay of the streets has not changed at all, you can still find your way with this 'map':

The old mill was still complete, the horses on the tow path were there to tow the boats: 

This is how the castle looked before it was destroyed:

I have a scheduled post for tomorrow - Wednesday - as I have to be in hospital tomorrow at 7 a.m. for an eye operation. I am sure that everything will go well and I should be back by late afternoon.  I hope to be able to catch up with comments then!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good morning Val! Just saw your blog was up so I'm making a comment before I have to go out. LOVE your wonderful journal page, so vintage and atmospheric, simply gorgeous! Great photos, too, love the museum ones, I would like to visit there, too, the kids would love it. And I laughed out loud at your art installation with sneakers - too funny! Glad you never lost your sense of fun, that's the way to go! Have a great day, and good luck for tomorrow! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Have a good day out, enjoy! The kids would love the museum here, that's true. Take care! Hugs to all!

  2. What an interesting post, love the gorgeous vintage journal and fascinating photos...xx

  3. Hello dear Valerie!
    Your mixed media journal page is absolutely gorgeous!
    Wonderful creation ! I really like the old ceramic houses! Wonderful pictures!
    Good luck with the eye operation.Have a lovely day!Hugs!

    1. Hi dear Dimi! Thanks a lot, and thanks for the good wishes for tomorrow, too! Hugs!

  4. Your mixed media journal page is very beautiful! Can I register my post from yesterday to TIOT? There I used pages from a book.
    And so you see that a home trainer is good to use for everything ... even as a dryer for example! LOL
    I wish you good luck tomorrow with the eye surgery! I am also sure that everything will be fine!
    Enjoy your day! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella. It has to be a new post to be entered at TIOT, you could make another one just as beautiful! es, home-trainers have many uses! Thanks for the good wishes for tomorrow, all shall be well! Hugs!

  5. Good luck with the eye procedure! Have a speedy recovery.

    be well... mae at

  6. Good luck with that... outch.... eye surgery! And happy T-day.

  7. First of all I hope all will go well for your eye operation Valerie.
    It is a gorgeous journal page with lovely images , layers and colours. Super inspiration for the challenge theme.
    I love the photos of the ceramic models and the town layout, that must have taken a while to create in such detail.
    My big smile is of the art installation with your display of shoes. You may be on to a good idea here, art sculpture can cost a lot of money.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! Perhaps I should start creating things like that with my old shoes!
      And thanks for the good wishes for tomorrow. Have a great day!

  8. Such a beautiful page! I love the way you used the book page and what could be better than Leonardo Da Vinci as inspiration, the images, quote and colours are stunning - perfect 😀. Lovely to see all the T Day images and I enjoyed looking around the museum with you too! I hope all goes well tomorrow and wishing you a very Happy T Day! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. Leonardo is always one of my faves. Thanks for the good wishes for tomorrow! Have a nice day.

  9. Lovely art journal page. That model replica of the city looks great. The castle was beautiful. What a shame it was destroyed. I hope your eye surgery goes well. Happy T-Day!

  10. I love this page, it is so beautiful!

  11. wow...loved the miniature model...

    1. Thanks, it's very well built, it's like looking into the past.

  12. The model of the town is quite wonderful, so detailed and precise. It is sobering to contemplate that back in the eighteenth century towns were being destroyed by cannon balls, and we are still doing it today. Have never taken a break in fact. The cannonballs just keep getting bigger. Good luck with your eye surgery. i hope that all goes well and that you will be able to see the world more clearly. I was scheduled for cataract surgery just as Covid-19 caused all elective procedures to be cancelled, and still have no idea when it might be rescheduled. With luck you will be able to get back on your computer tomorrow so that we can all read a brand new post. If not, I will be having serious Valerie withdrawal! Bonne chance et bon courage, chérie. David

    1. Yes, that model is great. they fired 80,000 cannonballs from their ships on that day. You can still see piles of stones, rubble and masonry all along the shore of the Rhine. I will never understand this need to destroy other people, towns, countries etc, and as you said, it has never stopped and probably never will. I am sure the eye surgery will go well, I have had 14 eye OPs up till now, and always at this clinic, so I know I am in good hands. Hope you get your cataracts done sooner or later, that makes such a big difference. I will be back!! Hugs!

  13. Pretty ceramics buildings, cool photos❤

  14. First of all Hoping everything goes well with your eye operation-hugs
    I love your art page with the theme for TIOT what a fun theme
    That is amazing the map of the town made in ceramics-wonderful-enjoyed the history too
    and you had be going with the new art installation haha wouldn't be surprised though for someone to call it art.
    Happy T hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks for the good wishes Kathy! Believe me, there were really art installations at the art fair which looked like strange household objects! Have a great day!

  15. STUNNING! Love how you made the image onto the book pages! Great idea! And.. the rest of your post is awesome as well! You have the best photos!!! ((HUGS)) Helen

  16. Truly beautiful. I use to tell my students that very quote. Nice to see the museum.

  17. Love the page you created. It's so lovely to see photos of your beautiful town. Have a great day. x

  18. Happy T day Valerie. I really love the Leda printed on book paper. Very clever take on the theme. And the colors do remind me of the beach also so perfect for the When It's Hot challenge at AJJ. Thank you so much for linking up. And that model of he castle is really interesting. I looked that those photos for quite some time. Thanks for sharing them. Hope your day is going well. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Less is always beautiful. The models of our kitty town back in the day are very fascinating. Enjoy your day!

  19. Love your journal page, it's such a beautiful image. Loved seeing the photos from the museum, what a beautiful old village it must have been. Interesting to know that the street layout hasn't changed. I think I recognise the tow path from pictures of your walk.
    Hope everything goes OK with the eye op tomorrow.
    Hugs, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril! I often take pictures of the towpath and walls when I 'm walking. Thanks for the good wishes for tomorrow!

  20. such a lovely DaVinci page Valerie. Glad you were able to enjoy your cuppa inside at the window. Always fun to people watch. Love the old village display! Good luck with your surgery, and happy T day!

    1. Thanks for the good wishes Linda, happy T Day!

  21. Those espresso cups are adorable, and it's so nice to have a tiny cup when you want espresso. People-watching is one of my favorite things, and a window seat with coffee sounds perfect. The museum is fascinating. Such history! I trust all will go well with your eye :) Happy T Tuesday!

    1. Thanks! People watching is always wonderful! Thanks for the good wishes!

  22. Oh, good luck with your eye surgery! Speedy recovery! I loved looking at the castle, the moat, and the houses. It was a metropolis in its own way.

    1. Thanks. As small as the town is, it was really a town with everything necessary!

  23. OMGosh, Val. Didn't realize you were going in for eye surgery. Wishing you all the best success. Simplicity equaling sophistication I love it.
    The lady bugs in the cups make me smile.
    You take special care. I'll be thinking of you.

    1. Thanks Sandra. Those cups are sweet, huh? Keep thinking of me!

  24. A beautiful page and wonderful photos Valerie! I love your modern art installation! :-)
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. This art piece is something different, huh?!

    2. WOW Valerie, your page is gorgeous!! I love how you printed directly onto the old dictionary and the colors and stitching are beautiful! Love the ceramic model of your town, so many details! Hoping all goes well tomorrow, sending big hugs!
      Tammy x

    3. Thanks Tammy, glad you like the journal page. Thanks for the good wishes for tomorrow!

  25. Love that page!! Happy T day!

  26. I'm getting muddled..I read this first then went to your previous post! However I am still jealous of your coffees out!! This page is a stunner - love that image and it looks great with those colours in the background. I loved seeing the display in the museum! That was some castle! Your drying gym shoes made me smile - very appropriate drying area!! Good Luck with the eye operation.Happy T Day, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. I like to go out for a coffee here and there, it#s a nic change from doing everything myself! Glad you like my 'shoe-dryer'!

  27. i love drinking coffee and adoring your art:)

  28. This is gorgeous Valerie, I love your colour combo and this is one of my favourite Da Vinci images. Your walker was definitely designed as a trainer dryer lol. Good luck with your op tomorrow and take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, glad we're in agreement about my sneaker-dryer! Have a nice evening!

  29. LOL! I love your modern art installation …

    Good luck and very good wishes for your eye operation …

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. A bit of fun is sometimes good!

  30. Oh I didn't know you were having an eye operation! Hope it all goes well, and you'll be right as rain tomorrow night.
    Your Leda on book paper is beautiful. (and I like the book page, it looks like a hebrew vocabulary or dictionary)
    And after drooling over your mug of coffee and staring at your 'trainer art installation' I really enjoyed the museum scale model of Kaiserswerth. That castle is (was) enormous and beautiful too.
    All the best tomorrow with your op.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks for the good wishes for tomorrow. I used an old Hebrew dictionary for the picture. The Model is well made. Have a good week.

  31. Love the image on the book page. Hope all goes well with your eyes.

  32. Leda is very pensive and the page is beautiful. Your modern art installation made me chuckle. Is that a comment on fitness? The machines are perfect to hang your clothes 😺 The ceramic town is so cool! Someone needs to add little people. Hope all goes well with your eye operation. Take care and Happy T Day

    1. Thanks. I like to use things for different purposes!

  33. I hope your surgery goes well. You and Elizabeth are both having eye problems. Hope all goes well for the both of you! Love the replica of the village at the museum. It really is amazing! Your journal page is both amazing and inspiring! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Sharon. This is eye OP number 15 for me, it will go well!

  34. Oh my, those incredible "little" buildings -- what a good job they did. And I love your piece. That's one of my favorite Leonardo sketches and you did it proud.

  35. I'm finally back online. Thanks for joining this week's T party. Next week we will use Inlinkz because you can remove your link and start over again if you make a mistake Be sure to use ONLY your name in the "caption" and not your blog post, please.

    I hope your eye surgery goes well. It sounds scary to me, but that's because of my current situation.

    I want to revisit this post when I have more time, because I'm really interested in that village model. Fired clay sounds intriguing, too.

    Loved those espresso cups, the "art installation" and the cappuccino you shared with us for T this Tuesday.

    I'd also be remiss if I didn't mention how much I like the art you made for Erika's theme at Art Journal Journey. too.

    1. Thanks E. It is scary, but they can so so much These days.

  36. Love your book paper piece , it's a beautiful image


  37. All the best with your eye operation, enjoyed today's post!

  38. Lovely soft page, Valerie. The colors are very restful and she looks like she's resting. The town model is fascinating. I enoy miniatures like that.

    Good luck with the operation.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  39. I love the way you are so casual about your eye op - I am petrified of going in for an operation. If only I could be like you! Would say Good Luck but as I am late you have already had it and are home now. Hope you are feeling fine.
    I just love the ceramic town. I did ceramics at college so this really interested me and I will no doubt be back for another look time and time again.
    Love your page also, I think I have a stamp of Leda or it may be someone like her. Love the colours you have used in the background, it ties in so well with the diamonds and everything else about the page.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. I was scared, but I had to go through with it, so I just did it. But they are very good there at the clinic. I have Leda stamp, too, from Lost Coast. Have a nice evening!

  40. Now I find the post about your op... made me feel very guilty that I appeared to have missed it :( Love the theme for this TioT challenge and your piece is perfection with the pretty gal grounded with that stitched lace, feather and flower so beautiful Valerie, keep everything crossed for me that I can find time to play along with this one.
    Love that espresso set, I always love to sit close to the door where I can watch the world go by too, even though it will be a while before I venture off for an outdoors coffee me thinks.
    Off to check out today's post now and see if you are still on the road to recovery.. Healing Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey, don't feel bad, it all happened rather quickly, and I am recovering well! Hope you can join in at TIOT. Stay safe!


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