
Thursday 9 July 2020

Fairy Tales- Rain's Thursday Art Date and more

Hi Everybody!

I am so pleased that my OP is over and hope that I won't need another one in the near future.  Now I need a few days to relax.... For those who didn't see the update yesterday, here it is again:

'Thanks to all who left well wishes. The OP went off well. The scar tissue on my eye has been removed and the left retina lasered to stop it tearing again. Afterwards I slept all morning, had lunch and coffee and was allowed to go home after the doc had checked me again and told me what they had done. Now I need to continue the treatment with drops twice a day and ointment twice a day. Next week I need to go back for a control visit. I'm happy it's over and done with. The doc said I shouldn't be doing housew***, or bending or lifting in the next few days – what a lovely man!'

Today I have a hybrid journal page for Erika's 'when it's hot' challenge at AJJ. I used one of my photos as background with elements from Serif:

Rain's theme today is Fairy Tales and Nursery rhymes, so I am showing 2 books made back in 2009. For each book I wrote a poem, made mixed media pages to illustrate the verses and bound them to books. This is the first one about a lion, a unicorn and some other creatures who found a way to live together. It would be nice if that would function with people!

The second story has the classical fairy-tale beginning - once upon a time:

I have been watching the balloon flowers on my balcony open up; this is the second time they have bloomed this year:

We had lots of stormy weather and  little rainbow:

And lots of clouds:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I am delighted to hear that everything went well, Valerie, and as you say the doctor is a lovely man to ban housework! It's worth while having him poke you in the eye just for that! Your poems are very timely, when we see the worst kind of brutality inflicted on people because they look different, or practice a different faith. These issues have always plagued us but it is especially distressing to see the current resurgence of hatred. You would hope that we would learn from the past, but we never do. Stay well, stay healthy, keep an eye on things and go have coffee with Nathalie. Big hugs from across the ocean.

    1. Thanks David. The world is a difficult place just now. Today I will stay home and rest, feet up! I have audio books to listen to. Have a good day in your corner of the world! Hugs to you both!

  2. Pleased to read of fairy Good, lovely tale, beautiful book. So glad you are out of surgery, heal well.

  3. Both of these are wonderful Fairy Tales. I enjoyed reading both. I was especially taken by the embossing you did on both of these and the way you tied each page together using the ribbon through the word holder on the first one, and the duel tag you used for the second one.

    Your tales are truly timely. They both speak of good and getting along, things we in the states don't seem to be able to do right now, thanks to our pres. trying to tear us apart. I wish he could read these and learn from them, but, since he has NO empathy, he wouldn't get the point.

    I also liked the spread you created for Erika's theme at Art Journal Journey. It's a really lovely piece and I like the images you used, too.

    I'm also glad you let people who didn't see your update earlier know about your eye. Hope you rest now, please.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I don't think DT would get the message here. But the world needs to get together and heal.

  4. We've had storms today also. And love the new page. Bikes are fun in the warm weather, aren't they? I love how you added the digital pieces to your photo. Thanks so much for joining my challenge. And I am blown away by your fairy tale books. Amazing. And I didn't know you were such a poet! Hope you are seeing better and enjoying some healing time. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Yes, biking is fun in summer. Have a great day!

  5. Thanks Laurie. I am planning on a rest day today, feet up, listening to audio books and just relaxing, sounds good. Have a wonderful day!

  6. Hi Valerie I am so glad that your op went well such a delicate area they had to work on,my dad I'd in hospital with an aneurism in his neck and my hubby has heart problems so we have been back and forwards to the hospital a lot . Hope you feel better now and how lovely was the dr telling you no housework lol . Now I do love your hybrid page with you using your pic as the background it looks awesome and your poem is wonderful. You sure are a clever lady,rest up my friend and remember no housework xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl. Sorry to hear about your day and hubby not being well, and hope they are soon on the mend. Look after yourself! Hugs to all!

  7. Good morning dear Valerie!
    I’m so glad the operation went well!
    Love your fairy tail book! Amazing work!!
    And i like your your Summer,hybrid journal page!
    Wonderful photos of the preety balloon flower,and the beautiful skies!
    Have a relaxing day,take care! Hugs!

    1. Thanks so much, dear Dimi! I am happy that all went well yesterday. Have a wonderful day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  8. Das freut mich dass alles überstanden hast gut mit der OP und pass auf dich gut!
    Schön deine Märchenwelt zu sehen in den Büchern all die wunderabren Seiten dazu!
    Klasse gestaltet!
    Das Journalseite ist so spassig!
    Diese Ballonblume habe ich auhc noch nie gesehen, wie sie auf geht toll in Fotos zu sehen un all die Wolkenfotos!
    Ich wünsche dir einen geruhsamen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Die Ballonblumen sind sehr hübsch. Sie kommen wieder Jahr für Jahr und machen mir viel Freude. Dir einen schönen Tag!

  9. ahh what a lovely post, happy and so cheery and also to read your op went fine....that's the best news...hugs.xx

    1. Thanks Annie. I'm glad all went well, too. Have a great day, take care!

  10. Really glad your operation went well. love your pages realy sweet. Have a great day.x

    1. Thanks a lot Anesha, you have a good one, too!

  11. So glad everything went well! Love your stunning works, so pretty!

  12. I am very happy for you that everything went well!
    I do love your hybrid page and photos!
    Take your time and relax, it will do your eye good!

    1. Thanks Ella! I'm having a very lazy pyjama day today, no work, just fun! Have a great day!

  13. So glad the operation was a success, as seen yesterday, but now even better to find you don't need any further surgery.
    Came on here to look at your page for Erika's challenge and thought it was absolutely fabulous. I love how you used one of your photographs and used those amusing figures with it.
    But ...
    The scene was stolen by your two books. Valerie, these are absolutely stunning! I cannot believe someone could make something so beautiful as this. Gorgeous work and I just love the words you wrote. What a fantastic imaginative piece of work. Nothing else but stunning!
    Hugs, Neet (off for another look)

    1. Thanks Neet. Glad you liked my fun page, sometimes I just need to play.... The books are ons which I haven't given away in the course of the years, as I liked them, too - most others were given away so I don't have them any more. Have a good week, look after yourself!

  14. OMG - such whimsical and lovely artwork, and those clouds look so soothing. Thanks for reminding me of childhood memories. Hugs, RO

    1. Thanks Ro, clouds are indeed soothing to watch. Have a great day!

  15. Hi Val, good afternoon. Sorry, I never made it before. S. fell over and chipped a tooth, so we had to wait ages at the dentist's, there's always something! Love your fun journal page, and both books are fabulous. I remember them from back when, and I still have the one you gave me, it's a treasure. Lovely clouds, too, and how wonderful to see the pics of the flower opening. Look after yourself and get enough rest, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, sorry about that tooth, that must have hurt, give S. a hug from me. Take care, no more accidents, please! Hugs to all!

  16. I am glad you have responded well to treatment. Take care of yourself. Your art is gorgeous!

  17. Glad to hear you operation went well. And even better that the doc told you no housework. I'd milk that for quite some time 😺The poems and books are so pretty. The balloon flowers are cool and the clouds could fit in your fairytale books. Take care.

    1. Oh yes, I'll be milking no housew*** for as long as I can! The clouds are really magical.

  18. So much beauty and creativity. You are a woman of many talents.
    So relieved the surgery went well. Pamper yourself.

    1. Thanks Sandra! I'm doing my best with the pampering!

  19. Tus trabajos son fantásticos y tus fotos extraordinarias, me gustan mucho. Un abrazo desde el norte de España.

  20. i adore your art and this blue flower:D

  21. What a pretty flower! I feel like I got to watch it bloom :) That was a good catch on the rainbow photo. Lovely. Those clouds show so many colors and moods. Congrats on a happy resolution to your eye operation. I know it's a relief to have that behind you.

  22. Bravo, luv them all. Happy Thursday Valerie


  23. I love your page Valerie, what a very cool dog! I remember your story too about the lion, crocodile, and unicorn - we've still not managed to live together have we. I have to say you have an excellent doctor, definitely no housework! Take care and make sure to rest, Sue x

    1. Yes, the Doc is good! Some Wannabe Leaders on this planet need to learn that Story! Hugs!

  24. Hi Valerie, so glad your surgery went well, that's great news. Adorable page, I love how you added the fun images over your own photo. AND WOW your books are amazing, I bet they were really fun to make! That balloon flower is amazing, great photos of the growing processes. Take care, hugs Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. I love playing with photos and changing them. Have a great day!

  25. I Wish you a speedy recovery from your eye surgery.
    Now be sure that you don't do any housework!
    It is best to listen to the doctor...God Bless Him ;)
    Your book is totally magical and stunningly beautiful!!!
    Feel better soon 🌷☕

  26. This is just a fabulous post … I will give you 12 out of 10 (if that were possible) and at least two gold stars :)

    Love your art, love your photographs … and

    I'm so pleased that your eye operation/procedure went well.

    Enjoy the rest of Thursday and have a happy Friday - and remember Doctors orders - no housework!

    My good wishes

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, that's great note. And no housew*** - Guide's honour!

  27. Hope you have been listening to what the Doctor said, putting your feet up and NO housework..?! That pug is a cool wee thing, I always wanted a red bicycle, great page but your once upon a time journal is magical, i'll remember your poem if ever I see a glimmer of golden dust or diamond shimmer. Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. Red bicycles are special, that's for sure. Have a great weekend!

  28. So good to hear your operation went well, take the time to recover. Your books are stunning! That is a beautiful flower, have not seen a balloon flower before. Amazing sky photos. Look after yourself.

    1. Thanks a lot! The balloon flowers are lovely. Have a great day!

  29. Glad your op went OK and please do take care to rest(well actually I know you are, PJ day and all!) I love this AJJ page! Both of your fairy tales are wonderful and have a great message behind them! I'd like to think that lessons have been learnt and selfishness and animosity are things of the past but sadly.......Oh! you's not going to happen with some folk!!! Those flowers are beautiful and the cloudy skies....mmmmmmmm! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Yes, the big get-together and stay-together will not happen yet, but we can stay hopeful!

  30. Wow, I knew you were super creative, but had no idea how much! Wow. Love all your creations and writing. Very well done. Super pictures too. I have not been feeling the best and haven't been to visit much - I will catch up soon though. Many hugz!!!!!

    1. Thanks Nancy. Hope you soon feel better, look after yourself!

  31. Fantastic art pages ans super stories. I loved the journal spread you created and linked to Erika's AJJ theme, I am grinning at the dog with the spectacles and the woman doing the happy dance.
    Glad to read you are recovering well, take care and stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. That dog is a cutie, huh? Have a lovely day!

  32. My goodness, Fairy tales and Poetry ... does your talent never end? These are wonderful stories and I love the theme of being different and still being able to live and have fun together ... a lesson lost on most humans, I am afraid. But, if people like you keep putting the message out, maybe the time will come when we all see the light. Your artwork illustrating your verse and your story are delightful. Everything you do is delightful ... Thank you for another uplifting few moments in my day, Valerie. Stay well and stay safe :)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea! Yes, the human race needs to learn a lot and come together before it's too late. Have a great week, Valerie

  33. Congratulations on your eye and having that out of the way. I think I missed this was happening somehow but I'm glad it's done, you're feeling OK and moving on. I love the journal pieces you showed. The story really works! Happy Weekend!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. It's good when things are done and dusted!

  34. Darling page for AJJ, Valerie. I'm so glad your eye surgery went well. My hubby has had a lot of those. I know (vicarously) how scary they are.

    Your Fairy Tales and Nursery rhyme books are stunning and very meaningful.

    The Tale of Fairy Kindness Good poem is beautiful. Hugs, Eileen

  35. Hi Valerie! Great news about your eye! I'm so happy for you, and I love that you consider work a four letter word lol, that made me laugh! :) Oh I love your "when it's hot" lady! :) I really love that you included your original tales, they are just lovely and so is the art you made to go along. Poetry and writing is a hobby of mine and I really appreciate reading other people's great works! You put so much of yourself into those fairy tales Valerie, thank so much for sharing!!! Oh I've never seen a balloon flower, how neat!!


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