
Friday 12 June 2020


Hi Everybody!

Although I've been a pensioner for many years I'm still happy when Friday comes around, it seems to be a built in feeling left over from school,  study and working days.

Today I have a piece to share for AJJ, a stitch in time. It is a double page in my second scrap journal, which I painted with some left-over paint some weeks back, so I added some bits and bobs and used it. I stenciled the diamonds and the other blobs with Adirondack espresso ink, glued on the squares of paper and the clock from the scrap heap and then the flowers and the little girls, whose dresses I coloured. The rub-on flowers have been in my possession for many years, and still worked well :

For Michele's dance challenge at Tag Tuesday I have used a tag which was also in one of the scrap boxes. It already had the structure paste and colour on it. I sewed the ballerina a dress from another scrap found in my boxes, added some little embellishments and the tag was finished:

I am also linking to PPF

Some walking and balcony photos from the past couple of weeks:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, I'm early this time, woohoo! Love the journal page and the beautiful tag, both are gorgeous. The Liitl'un is shouting, she wants the know her! Great idea to sew the dress, it looks so pretty. Wonderful photos, too, your moon photos always look better than mine. And the rainbow is beautiful, well done on catching it. Have a lovely day, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, I know how much you have to do, if you don't manage to visit, don't worry. And tell S. I'll send her the ballerina tag next week. Glad things will be a bit quieter for you in the next weeks and hope Leah manages to cope with your mum. Have a great day!

  2. Great pages and tag. Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Fabulous journal pages Valerie, time sure doesn't stand still.
    Thank you for linking them to Halle's AJJ theme.
    I love the tag and how you created the dress for your sweet little dancer.
    You were lucky to get the photo of the rainbow, I did enjoy seeing the lovely photos today.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I never know where the time goes, it just disappears....It was a stroke of luck that I discovered the ballerina and the 'dress' at the same time, and so they came together. Rainbows are always special, and this one stayed a long time. Have a great day, take care!

  4. Liebe Valerie, da hast du wieder aus deiner Restenkiste was wunderschönes gezaubert!
    Die Fotos über die Dächer, der Vollmond, Regenbogen und dieser Wolkenstarker Himmel sind wunderschön.
    Mir geht es aber auch so ich freue mich auch immer auf den Freitag dass Wochenende kommt. Jetzt ist mein Schatz Rentner geworden Probleme gibt es keine deswegen, ich freue mich hab ihm einen Kuchen und schönes Essen gekocht, bisschen feiern muss man das und er hat sich gefreut.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag und pass auf dich auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Restekisten sid immer irgendwie Schatztruhen! Natur is immer der allerbester Künstler! Schön dass du mit deinem Mann feiern kannst, schöne Grüße auch von mir! Euch ein schönes Wochenende!

  5. Wonderful shots from Balconia-by-the-Rhine, Valerie, where the origins of the name are on display. We of course know where the centre of government and power resides, but the arrondissements are terrific. An impressive range of sky views, showing so many aspects of weather. The last picture looks quite Wagnerian. I expect to see Valkyries riding through the sky. Enjoy the weekend, Valerie. i know you will. I bet you wake up every day showing enjoyment on your face before you even get out of bed. Be sure to take a selfie and send it the moment you wake up! Best wishes from one goose fan to another, David

    1. Thanks David! The force is with me, may it be with you, too! We had changeable weather, which makes for wonderful photos. Ah, the look on my face before I gt up in the morning must be terrifying. I get a fright when I walk into the bathroom and wonder which old hag is glaring, bleary-eyed from my mirror! This afternoon I'm off to visit the geese and ducks again. Have a fun day!

  6. Wonderful projects and fabulous photos. Enjoy the weekend.x

    1. Thanks Annie! You have a great weekend, too!

  7. Hello dear Valerie!
    Beautiful pages and i love the tag with the cute ballerina! Gorgeous creations!!
    Wonderful pictures and great captures of the full moon and the fantastic rainbow!
    Have a great weekend! Stay well and safe! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Dimi! I hope you are well and enjoying life! Nature offers us such wonderful thing to capture in photos. Stay safe!

  8. I am trying to use my scraps since you inspired me. In fact, I started a new altered book for just that reason. However, I can't seem to get my scraps to work together like yours seem to. You act like you can whip these out in no time, and I created one page and it took me SIX hours to get it together. Your two page spread is gorgeous and I love how you used the roses with the little girls. Such a great combination. Thanks for sharing this spread with us at Art Journal Journey using Halle's theme.

    Another great find was the skirt you added to the little TH ballerina. Again, your scraps work to your advantage. That background reminded me of a stucco wall. It was fabulous.

    You have the most beautiful streets to wander. Even if you aren't interested in the exercise, the beauty of the flower boxes you pass would be enough to encourage me to get out and see these incredible homes and flowers.

    1. Thanks E. I set myself a time limit of 45 minutes for a double page, and I need to be quick, but it works. On top of that I have a maximum of 10 minutes to gather the scraps before I start. Don't start out with too many scraps, less is sometimes more. The double page here took about 20 minutes, but the background was already painted beforehand. Keep going, it will get quicker!

  9. Oh how beautiful your art journals page and tag are!!!
    You are an amazing artist with fantastic ideas!
    I always love your gorgeous!
    I love the rainbow photos today especially!

    Hugs and Stay Safe ☕❤

    1. Thanks Jan! Rainbows are always so special, I am always happy when I see one and can a pic of it! Enjoy your day!

  10. Pretty time flies pages. I thought the roses as the hands of the clock and the butterfly as time looks like time is really flying. The ballerina looks so cute and happy with her tutu. Your photos today are jawdropping. The moon! The rainbow! And I need the lady with the geraniums in her flowerbox to come and help me make my flower boxes as spectacular. Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks CJ! Glad you liked the photos, they did turn out well. I think a lot of the people in the middle of our little town have their boxes planted by professional gardeners, so they just need to water an dead-head the flowers. My balcony flowers NEVER look that good, that's certain! Have a fun day!

  11. Exquisite pages and love the dance tag! Beautiful photos too.

  12. I feel the same about Friday. Not that I work outside from home but it feels like aaahhhh the weekend. LOL I really like this blue clock in your first piece. The ballerina is beautiful. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks. It seems like Friday is special for us all. Nearly there, weekend is coming! Enjoy your weekend and hope it stops raining. We need the rain here!

  13. Such a happy post! I'm loving your pages, time certainly flies 😁. The tag is gorgeous, you chose my favourite paper doll, it always makes me smike and the netting you added to her skirt is perfect! The rainbows and moon photos are amazing too 😊. Happy Friday and Weekend! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. The older I get the quicker time flies. Or I just get slower. Or perhaps a bit of both? Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. Your journal pages is filled with fun details. Loving that sweet tag. I see your wonderful rainbow as well! Love your moon photos. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    1. Thanks Jean. It's always great to see a rainbow, so we were both lucky this week. Have a great weekend!

  15. That is a fantastic page for AJJ Valerie. The sheen gives it a dreamy feel. And the images are wonderful. And I have yo say you used your dancing girl on your tag much better than I did on my pink one last week. She really stands out. Someone commented my girl was too small for the tag, and that is it. Isn't it funny how sometimes you can't figure out what is wrong with something until someone points it out to you? But nothing wrong with your at today. And love the sky photos. You had quite a variety lately. Have a great start to your weekend and thanks for joining us at AJJ. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I often have the feeling that I should alter something, but just don't know what. Afterwards we know better! But your piece was very pretty, too. Have a great weekend, the first retirement weekend!

  16. oh the pink tulle tutu!!! your moon photos are inspiring, dramatic, and peaceful all at the same time!

    1. Oh yes, the moon is a never ending story, always wonderful.

  17. Your pieces are always so fun and pretty.
    You caught a rainbow! I make them with the hose when I water the flowers:)
    Be safe. Be healthy.

    1. Thanks Sandra. I never tried making a Rainbow, Sounds like fun!

  18. Wow! ~ lovely artworks ~ my favorite is the first creation ~ very unique and tag is great too and what delightful photo tour and awesome moon shot!

    PS ~ thanks for finding me

    Be Safe. Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Always a pleasure to find you! Glad you liked the photos! Have a great weekend!

  19. Such a gorgeous page for A Stitch in Time! The layers are lovely. I also really enjoyed the tag you created. The tule skirt was really fun!

  20. Beautiful AJP Valerie, I love the roses and how you lightly colored the girls dresses! And gorgeous texture on your tag, her dress is adorable! Fabulous photos today, that moon is stunning! Have a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, glad you like the journal pages. The moon is always my great love! Have a great weekend!

  21. The art is pleasant to look at. Very creative of you. Love the flowers and shrubs along the way.

  22. Oh Val, me too! I love Fridays - it just invokes a fun feeling for the weekend! I also love your art and journal pages - so refreshing and lively! It's always a fun time to see your European streets and architecture - living in Ulmen for so many years, we saw it go from an old city to newer construction and I miss the city! Hugs!

    1. Oh yes, Fridays are fun days! Have a great Weekend!

  23. A beautiful page and tag Valerie, I love the added tulle!
    Great photos too.
    Happy weekend,
    Alison xx

  24. I love your walks. They always seem so varied to me, although I suspect you get into the routine of them and perhaps they are close to the same. But I find them such fun.The rainbows, especially. Of course I love the art but especially your sweet ballerina!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, even when I walk the same routes I always see something different.

  25. Wowwww your Art journal pages are really Wonderful Valerie !! Love the flowers and the girls, great background. Your tag is amazing, this blue for the background is super beautiful, so tender dancer.
    I always enjoy your walks, and the rainbow is fabulous. I wish you a very happy weekend, and send big hugs,

    1. Thanks so much Caty, you are so kind. Have a great Weekend!

  26. Luv your beautifuk art today Valerie and happy you dropped by my blov

    Happy PPF


    1. Thanks Gillena take good care of yourself!

  27. Moon and rainbows, couldn't get better. Happy PPF
    thanks for dropping by my blog today

    much love...

  28. Beautiful art, love the ballerina skirt. The old buildings have beautiful details don't they.

    1. Thanks a lot. Yes, the old buildings are beautiful. Have a great day!

  29. Thanks Laurie! Take care of yourself!

  30. Schöne Arbeiten! Das Karo Muster, besonders in schwarz/weiß erinnert mich immer an Freddie Mercury :-)
    Das ist so eine wunderbare Jahreszeit, ich glaube ich muss mir mal ein paar deiner posts als Favoriten für den Winter speichern!
    Warte immer noch auf Regen... dir einen schönen Tag, GlG, Iris

  31. Lovely tag and spread Valerie. The assemblage of flowers and butterflies around the girls is very eye catching.

    I hope you're enjoying your weekend. Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen, Had a quiet and restful weekend with lots of crafting time! Have a great week!

  32. People devote real efforts to those balconies. Wow! And I always love your sky photos :)

    1. That's true, I should give my plants more TLC!

  33. This is fabulous, I love your dancers dress, and what beautiful photos of the moon! Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. Have a great week!😁😁😁

  34. Lovely seeing the rainbow shots :)
    Hope you've had a good weekend.

    All the best Jan

  35. I definitely see that large moon making it to one of your pages soon. Love all the paper dolls and the dress up you did on the tag. So much fun - makes me want to get another set of the dolls! Lovely pictures of your walk setting. I really enjoy them! Hugz

    1. Thanks. I certainly have plenty of moon pics to use! Those paper dolls are pretty. Have a great week!

  36. I love rainbows and the moon! Two of my favorite things. :) So fun to see all these pictures from your walk. Lovely! A nice way to start my day. Hope all is well!

    1. Thanks, they are my faves, too, always so beautiful and full of hope!


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