
Saturday 13 June 2020

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy!
Here it's hot and sunny, and there will probably be storms later on, so I hope we might get some much needed rain!

I have been practising my usual routine, playing with scraps and going walking, with a sprinkle of unfortunately necessary housew**k in between. Yesterday evening I watched a film on TV, so did 7 minute cleaning spots when the adverts came, and managed to get the place (more or less) clean in those times. Today I am planning on cleaning the windows, at least if it doesn't storm or rain....

This huge page (A3) started out as an underlay page on which I try things out, and was then collaged. Sorry, the first photo is a bit fuzzy:

This is how it started out:

Collaged, but not yet sewn:

With lots of added sewing:

I am linking to Halle's stitch in time challenge at AJJ.

Some pics from my walks. I love standing at the end of the main street and watching ships go by. Reminds me of my childhood in London near the docks:

The topless mill:

A wonderful name - this ship goes past here very often:

Lavender growing out of the wall:

A wind-ornament at the Rhine:

Have a great weekend, take care and 
thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Great show piece from start to end, fabulously designed and result is awesome.xx

  2. Hello dear Valerie!
    Love your gorgeous page!Like the collage images ,the preety colors and the different stamps you used!Great work indeed!!
    Wonderful pictures of the birds,the Mill and the ship with a lovely name!
    Enjoy your weekend! Take care and stay safe! Hugs!

    1. Thanks so much Dimi! Just came back from my walk and saw that ship again! Have a great weekend!

  3. Hi Valerie what a wonderful college page ,it looks fantastic I love the deer,well done on your beautiful work. Your photos are always interesting to see ,Thankyou for sharing them my friend ,stay safe xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl, always glad hat you visit here. Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Was ich alles zu sehen habe toll die Raubkatze und toll gemischt alles mit den Nähten sieht das wieder ein gesamt Werk von einer Sinfonie!
    Die Schiffe beobachten ist immer was schönes und alles was noch so gibt herum. Tolle Fotos hat mir wieder Spass gemacht.
    Gutes putzen Valerie auch ich bin gespannt wie das Wetter wird, war am Wochenmarkt und was rum geradelt und nun mache ich erstmal essen.
    Schönes Wochenende und pass auf dich gut auf beim Fenster putzen!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke! Schiffee anschauen ist wirklich schön, mach ich viel. Hofee dass das Wetter hält, langsam zieht es zu hier, ist aber immer noch sehr heiß. Dir ein schönes Wochenende!

  5. Good morning Valerie: The process you go through with your scraps reminds me a little of Miriam when she starts to work on a quilt. She lays out with what seem to me to be random pieces of fabric on her table, and then starts to transfer them to her quilting board, and rearranges them and suddenly a pattern starts to emerge and the design is coming together. It never ceases to amaze me. I can barely organize my thoughts, let alone material! I can understand the fascination with watching the ships sailing by. When my daughter was a little girl I used to take her to the Welland Canal to watch the ships go through the locks, and sometimes the sailors would throw foreign coins to her as they passed by. If men offered her money today it would mean something quite different, wouldn't it?! Enjoy the weekend with no more housework! Enough with that already! Coffee, walks and leisure are allowed, but nothing else! Big hugs, David

    1. Hi David! Oh yes, we workers of scraps have a method to our madness! Thoughts re much harder to organize, believe me! Watching ships is indeed a fine pastime, but nobody has ever thrown me any coins! Perhaps it#s too far from the ships to where I stand! I still need to do a bit of dreaded housew**k, but then it's finished. Nathalie was here, I made us a potato, cheese and tomato oven bake for lunch, and it was good. Best wishes from her! And of course hugs from me to you and your lovely Miriam. Enjoy your weekend!

  6. What a wonderful collage page - so many images for the eye to move around and catch the attention. The stitching detail is so great for additional texture. Fabulous photo with the sun breaking through the clouds, and I particularly enjoyed the lavender in the wall too. Sorry I've not been visiting much lately - too much going on, but once Monday's over, I should be back on form!
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. The lavender in the wall is my fave today, such a pretty sight! Have a good weekend!

  7. Great pages, love the stitched detail. What a great idea to clean during the breaks in the movie. Enjoy your weekend. x

    1. Thanks Anesha. By cleaning in the breaks I get to do something useful and watch a film! Have a great weekend!

  8. Love your journal page!
    My goodness the work and love that went into it!
    I adore that handsome!

    Always fantastic photos!

    Hugs and Have a Wonderful Weekend ☕🌷

    1. Thanks so much Jan. It's nicer spending hours on crafting that housew**k! Enjoy your weekend!

  9. I love the giant collage. You have some cool images Valerie. It's great for HAlle's challenge at AJJ. Thanks. And that is a smart way to clean Valerie. I need to try it. But not until Monday as with the hubby around, and also daughter, over the weekend, it gets a bit messier than usual. Nice photos. Happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Yes, it's a good way to get some cleaning done! Have fun with the family over the weekend!

  10. Beautiful page. House cleaning is such a chore. I have never seen lavender growing out of a wall, very neat. Love the idea of watching all the ships go by.

    1. Thanks Christine. Lavender in a wall is really something! Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Hi Val, hope you are having a relaxing day after all that cleaning yesterday. But it is a good idea, I must say. Love your huge Collage, so much to see, I can't imagine having to bring all that together - you have patience and talent! Lovely photos, too, the lavender in the wall is fun! Have a nice evening, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! You won't believe this, but I've been cleaning again, and yes, it was necessary. Now the windows, curtains and balcony are all clean and shipshape! No more today, it's feet up time! Have a good weekend, hugs to all!

  12. The collage page reminds me of the Find the Object page in the magazine I got as a child. How fun! Fun to watch the boats and wonder where they are going or where they have been. The ferry is so colorful. Take care and enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks CJ! There's a lot to see, that's sure. I often wonder what's in those boats. Have fun!

  13. A wonderful post Valerie, I love your collage art and walks! xx

  14. I have no artistic talent, so I do admire yours. And to think you clean your home during TV commercials makes me laugh.

    1. My methods are perhaps funny, but they work for me! Have a great weekend!

  15. It must take you hours to do a piece like this -- it's quite impressive! I've done the commercial cleaning thing, too! And love those decorated boats!

    1. Yes, it's one way to make cleaning bearable!🧹🧽

  16. Lovely post Valerie. Best, Bill

  17. What a wonderful collage, I admire how you put all the things together. I always enjoy your walk photos. We stayed in a hotel on the Rhine several years ago and I really enjoyed watching the river traffic.

    1. Thanks. Watching the boats is very calming. Have a great day!

  18. Ohhhh wowow! This is so interesting. Right away my eye went to the buck in his nice suit. Love it.

  19. You have beautiful scraps. I love the buck and the vintage lady. I enjoyed seeing all the sewing you did and how many items you saved and used in one piece. You make it look easy, but I'm sure either you have a lot better scraps than I (which I DO suspect) or you have a keen ability to put all those scraps together with ease. This is a real beauty and is a great addition to Halle's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Great walk you shared today. I have killed BOTH my lavender plants I overwintered indoors and you found lavender growing a wall. Somehow that doesn't seem fair (grin).

    1. Thanks E. Lavender isn't an indoor plant, but I was surprised to see it growing out of a wall!

  20. Thanks so much for well wishes for hubby, an attack of kidney stones is not a pleasant pain to go through...xx

    1. It sounds very painful, poor man! Hope he keeps getting better!

  21. Very interesting post! ✔️✔️✔️ Have a great day ! 💮💮💮

  22. "housew**k"! Gepflegtes Fluchen, LOL!
    Ja, so mach ich das auch oft, Werbepause > aufräumen.

    Schönes Werk, viel zu sehen.

    Wir haben gestern ein Kanu gesehen, viel mehr gibt die Oker nicht her...
    Dir einen schönen Tag, GlG, Iris

  23. I wish my lavender was that tough lol The wind ornament is appealing :) The river views are nice. Always something interesting on a river.

    1. The lavender is astonishing, I could hardly believe my eyes! Have a great week!

  24. Beautiful colorful page, Valerie. I think you have everything on there except the kitchen sink! Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen, next time I'll try to fit the sink on the page! Have a great week!

  25. I love your collage Valerie, the stitching really ties it all together. Well done for tackling the housework, 7 minute chunks sounds just about long enough! Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

  26. Nice post... and I don't like the storms!! :(

    1. Thanks. I don't like storms either! Have a great week!

  27. I do like your collage …
    Always good to be beside water, there's usually so much to see.
    Great photographs again, thank you.

    All the best Jan

  28. The weekend is almost over, love your collages and always enjoy your photos. happy new week hugs

  29. Great piece for A Stitch in Time! Love that you showed process photos.
    The lavender growing at the top of the wall made me smile. Nature always finds a way.

  30. First of all tank you for linking the fabulous journal page to Halle's AJJ theme
    its a super collage of interesting bits and pieces.#Wonderful photos of your walk, its good to see the your view of the scenery around your home, I'd enjoy seeing it as well.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  31. Beautiful work, we also had hot weekend. Stay safe everyone ☺

    1. Thanks Natalia, stay safe and have a great week!

  32. Wonderful sewn page. I love that deer image - so cool! Great pictures too - you have such a lovely place to walk! I see why you bring your camera and go out as much as possible. Lovely post as always! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. Yes, I am always on the go and with my camera ready!


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