
Monday 15 June 2020

T sTands for Tag Tuesday and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope you weekend was good! Here it was warm and stormy, and some places got huge amounts of rain. The rain fell there where people didn't need rain. We need it badly here, so it passed us by, we just got a few drops! But today it's cooler and the air feels fresher, so at least that's something!

This evening we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday. Our wonderful Wendy has made some beautiful and inspirational tags to get you going,  so hope to see lots of people joining in. As always, you have 2 weeks to join in, and tags of all formats are welcome.

I used a scrap from one of my boxes. It's card cut from an Amazon envelope and which I had evidently painted with left over colours some time in the past. I just added the cut-out feathers and stars and some silver-white twine:

This evening we are also beginning Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link parTy, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies who visit here. First I have some shop window photos:

And these are from a past visit to a bakery, I'm going out again this week, so that will be fun!

And some photos from my balcony:

And from my walks:

The accordion player always sits there in  nice weather and plays:

I saw these wonderful sneakers in the window of the bike shop, and I would love to add them to my collection, but firstly, I have more than enough, and secondly, they are too expensive. Isn't there a song, 'You can't have everything!' And you can see my reflection, too:

This is the path I usually take down to the Rhine:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, hope you are fit and well today. Love the beautiful tag you made, so pretty. And wonderful photos, as always. The food looks good, good job I just had lunch or I would be craving calories again! Look after yourself, don't work too much! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. I feel better today, but I do need to get more sleep! Have a great week, take care!

  2. Hello dear Valerie!
    Your tag is so beautiful! Great creation!
    What a wonderful view you have from your balcony!Wonderful pictures! So lovely you enjoyed your coffee and cake at the bakery!I also like those preety sneakers!!!!
    Have a happy week! Stay safe!

  3. Thanks so much, dear Dimi! Have a wonderful week, and look after yourself well. Hugs!

  4. Beautiful textured tag, your tea looks so good. Enjoyed the photos love those clouds. Too bad about the rain.

    1. Thanks Christine. The tea looks good because it's coffee! Have a wonderful week!

  5. Isn't it the way with water? It's always where you don't need it. I used to tell my grandchildren when they were little, "In the toilet guys, not on it, or on the floor!" Your sandwich from the bakery looks delicious, Valerie - really delicious, and I think that the views from your balcony are the best in all of Germany - it is Balconia-by-the-Rhine after all! Seems like life is getting back to normal for you in the most pleasant way. As for the sneakers, you are right you have enough! More than enough! But one more pair couldn't hurt could it? Maybe they will go on sale......

    1. Thanks David. Too true! My grandson never needed to pee, until we went out.... Balconia-by-the Rhine is indeed a nice place to be. I went on the tram again today and did some shopping in town, so yes, things are getting back to normal, but in trams and shops we must wear masks. And I, too, am hoping that a pair of those sneakers in my size might be reduced sometime, so I'm keeping my eye on the windows of the shops that sell them! Have a nice day, hugs to you and M!

  6. Your tag reminds me a dreamcatcher. So pretty. As always cakes and sandwiches look scrumptious and beautiful flowers and scenery on your walk. The sky photos are amazing! Take care.

    1. Thanks CJ. The sky was really, really beautiful, I was totally fascinated. Have a good week!

  7. Your tag is wonderful and I love the reused materials. Awesome! Sparkly too!

    Your pictures from your balcony and walks are gorgeous. So many beautiful flowers. Those shots with the clouds- could be framed and displayed for sure! Amazing! Hope you have a lovely day and I am glad you have some nice weather. The humidity is out of the air a bit here too. :)

    Stay safe!

    1. Thanks Jess. The clouds were so beautiful on that day I had to keep taking Pics!

  8. Sweet dreams, dreamcatcher comes to mind indeed.
    Great pics and awww, those shoes! Have a great T-day, GlG, Iris

    1. That's funny, I am working on a dreamcatcher now!

  9. A beautiful tag and wonderful photos Valerie! I love the sneakers, and the china in the shop window.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. I keep looking at those sneakers! Have a good week!

  10. It is fun to look at your art and photos. You have such a nice view from your balcony.

    1. Thanks a lot. I love to look out onto the green surroundings.

  11. I love your hanging leaves tag... gorgeous!!!
    I would be sitting there everyday, weather permitting of course :)
    Your photos are so exquisitely beautiful, talented Valerie!!!
    Big Hugs 🌷🌞☕

  12. Gorgeous tag Valerie, I love the painted background and the beautiful feathers! Awesome photos today, everything from that bakery looks delicious and I love the really blue sky in one of your walk photos! Have a great week.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! The bakeries here are all dangerous everything is so good!

    2. Woderful tag Valerie. Love the featehrs theme. Those cakes looks so yummy. Have a great day.x

    3. Thanks Anesha! have a nice evening!

  13. Love the tags and your fun shop windows! And always your balcony and walk views. Happy week!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. You have a great week, too!

  14. Hi Val, beautiful tag, the views from your balcony are beautiful, and always love the photos from your walks-cool castle.
    That will nice for you to have your coffee out again-along with a bakery treat smiles
    Have a good new weeks hugs and Happy T Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. I'm looking forward to visiting a nice Cafe this week. Happy T day!

  15. Great tag, love those die cuts. Lovely photos and yummy looking food. Go on buy the sneakers.
    Hugs Wendy

    1. Thanks. Those Sneakers are very tempting.... Have a Good week!

  16. Your tag is gorgeous, Valerie. I was so impressed with those feathers. They are beautiful and the background looks so old world.

    That first service you showed had some really delicate looking china. Too delicate for me, but beautiful. Th silver service I might be able to handle, since it doesn't look as delicate.

    I bet you can't wait to get into the coffee shops again. I'm sure you are longing to have a coffee or cappuccino someone else makes for you.

    I'm sure you can guess my favorite photo today is at the castle with the rusty statue I love so much. I also liked seeing the flowers on your balcony, too. Thanks for sharing your beautiful tag, your photos, the tea and coffee services, and your past trips to the coffee shop with us for T this almost Tuesday.

    1. Thanks E. I knew the rusty statue pic would be your fave - what else?!

  17. Great tag, Valerie. Those die cut (?) feathers are beautiful.

    Fabulous sneakers!

    As always, I love viewing your photos.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen xx

  18. Sharing the scenery in far away places is one of he best part of reading blogs. I would love to see your walking pats and quaint shop windows!

    be well... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, it is indeed a special place to live. Have a great week!

  19. I want that raspberry cake!
    Your Tag is beautiful, I like that you re-use things like the Amazon envelope. It's been a long time since I made tags, but I'm currently creating a few ATCs.
    We need rain as well - won't get it until much later in the fall. We already had our first smaller fires, that doesn't bode well.
    Such beautiful photos. I'd love to explore a bit in those ruins and then walk along the Rhein.

    1. Thanks Carola! Rain is so necessary. The ruins are fun to explore!

  20. Such a beautiful tag! Your lovely photos always bring a smile to my face.
    Happy T day!

  21. Happy T day Valerie. You must be excited to go out again this week.And I love the new theme and the new tag. Feathers...hmm..I can think of few ideas. And nice walk photos. Those are cool Dusseldorf sneakers. I would wear those. They are fun. Have a great Tuesday. And have fun on your trip out this week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erik, those sneakers are really cool, I want them! Have a great T Day!

  22. Hi Valerie oh my I love this tag. How unquie it is ,well done my friend on your beautiful work,this tag is my favourite so far. . I love the crockery from the shop window ,beautiful and I love seeing your beautiful photos,Thankyou my friend xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl, much appreciated. Have a wonderful day!

  23. Beautiful tag and feathers! Hope to get a tag done for my next post:) Never saw sneakers made of map before- these are so cool!! Gorgeous looking treats and views out and about. Love that old castle? ruin. Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda, looking forward to seeing what you make! These sneakers are really nice, I want them! The castle ruins are fun to explore.

  24. LOADS of beauty of nature here, food looks too nice, and the tags are awesome. I love those sneakers.xx

    1. Thanks Annie. Those sneakers are cool, huh?

  25. your feather tag is delightful! wonderful photos as always! be well. have fun out there! xo

  26. Hi Valerie, great photos as usual of your area, you always make my mouth water with the photos of cakes, delicious, can't wait to see next weeks if you are going out.
    I love your tag, I never make tags but after seeing yours and a friend just showed me one she made I might be inspired to try.
    Have a Happy T Day
    Jan x

    1. Thanks Jan. It's hard to pass by yummy food! Try making a tag, it's fun!

  27. Love your feathery tag - the twine binding is a great touch, with them dangling free of the rustic background - very cool. Love those sneakers too... but yes, you can't have everything. At the moment, I'm happy with my robin family and my lavender plants - and they don't cost me anything much (except some time and attention!).
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. I think real feathers need to dangle, so one can see the beautiful movements, and I applied the same theory to my cardboard ones! Enjoy your robins!

  28. The tag looks fantastic I especially like the feathers.
    Oh course I love the photos, and reading that you are getting out more must feel so good to you.
    It is super to see whats for sale in the shop windows, the sneakers looked fun and I think they will be popular, but who has the cash to pay the sort of prices they will be.
    I'd join you for a cuppa if I could and enjoy one of those delicious cakes.
    Stay safe when you go out.
    Yvonne xx
    Happy T day wishes.

    1. Thanks Yvonne. It would be fun to have a cuppa together, and some delicious cake to go with it! Happy T Day, take care!

  29. My goodness, that tag is so lovely, and it's always so wonderful to see the beautiful scenery from your walks.

  30. Luv the different textures in your tag Vakerie
    Happy Tuesday

    I am inviting you to joinmy linky on Sundays where i ask what's your Sunday like


    1. Thanks Gillena, I will try to join in next Sunday! Hugs, Valerie

  31. That shop window would have me wanting to go in :) You have a lovely balcony view and a great place to walk :) Happy T Tuesday!

    1. Those windows are indeed very tempting, bt I try not to go i!

  32. Fun, multi-layered piece and lovely photos.
    It's raining here. Wouldn't it be wonderful if viaducts ran through out the country and the areas with too much rain could send it to the dry areas?

    1. Thanks Sandra! That would be good indeed. Some places have had awful flooding and here it's dry as dust! Have a good week!

  33. That's a gorgeous tag with those pretty feathers! I enjoyed looking around the shops with you and those cakes at the bakery look so yummy 😁. The views of the countryside look so beautiful and I'm loving the blues and yellows of the flowers, reminds me of summertime! Take care and Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. It is summer here! Have a great week!

  34. Your tag is lovely. I like the stars. Great assortment of photos. Those sneakers are nice, but I wouldn't buy anything if it was too expensive, either. Happy T-Day!

    1. Thank Anne! You're right, things have to be worth the money you pay for them. Best wishes for your cat!

  35. Very sweet tags! Love the shop windows-and those sneakers! Wow-I want them too! You have a wonderful, awesome place to live in.

    1. Thanks Debra. If I ever win the lottery I will buy them for us both!

  36. Stunningly beautiful tag, yummy treats for tea, and love all the beautiful scenery from your balcony and walks! I would like those sneakers too...;)

  37. Beautiful tag and beautiful images of our wonderful world.... and love the sneakers too. Always good to have something to wish for and dream about.

    1. Thanks Wilma, we need dreams! Have a great week!

  38. I'm sorry I haven't commented earlier. We have been out all day yesterday. And blogger doesn't like the iOS so I have to wait until I'm home and boot up the old desktop PC.
    I really enjoy you lovely photos. Those clouds are awesome. And the castle is a real feature. Very interesting.
    I liked the pretty cups and saucers. That silver plated tea pot (or coffee pot) brought back memories. My grandmother had one exactly like that.
    Your dreamcatcher tag is great. And I don't even have to mention thecheese cake. My mouth waters!
    I can imagine you had to have those Dusseldorf sneakers (the umlaut on my keyboard has stopped working). They are great. (So is the price)
    Sending you hugs,
    and a belated happy T-Day,

  39. Thanks Lisca. I would like those Sneakers, but they are too dear. Have a great day!

  40. I love your tag Valerie, what a fab background. I wouldn't mind the sneakers either but I also have loads- flats are all I buy these days. Take care xx

  41. Wow Valerie your tag is so gorgeous. Love the background colours!! Such amazing photos today. I really want some cake now though!

  42. We had plenty of rain yesterday,none today, even though it was forecast - just as well - we went for a long walk! I love the sights on your walks and the flowers on your balcony! Those sneakers do look rather nice! I would wear them too! I'll have to search out my feathers but hope to get a tag a made! Belated happy T day! Chrisx I'll be back for a look around later in the week!x


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