
Wednesday 17 June 2020

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. Here it's still warm, and was cloudy all day - but still no rain. Perhaps tomorrow?! We shall see!

Today I am sharing more pages from my scrap / junk journal, 'Without rhyme or reason'. I have now used more than 2 thirds of the scraps, and by the time I am finished the second album will be full, too. And at the end of the month, less than 2 weeks , it will be time to fill a black sack with the leftovers!

These 2 pages are different but have a time theme, so I am linking to Halle's challenge at AJJ:

Lots of faces here:

I don't really like this one, but it's too late too change it:

There are some family photos on this one - my mum is on the right page, and the other 2 photos are people I never got to know. By the time I got the photos nobody could tell me about them:

The doll on the left page was a freebie many years back from Mannon Popjes, for the left side I used a scrap of muddy, marbled paper and some stencils to draw the outlines:

More leftover bits and bobs:

And more photos from my balcony:

Today the 'flower-man' was at the market, so I bought some more pots of lovelies:

A hover fly came straight away and enjoyed fresh pollen:

Lots of birds circling overhead:

Some young deer on the meadow near the Rhine, evidently looking for food. They don't often show themselves during the day, mostly in the evening:

And some pics from the park:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Very, very nice balcony shots. Love the bright cheerfulness and the deer. The art is as always, wonderful. Even if you didn't like it, I tell you, it looks great. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

    1. Thanks Iy, you are funny! That cheered me up!

  2. Hi Valerie wow what beautiful pages. I love how you have added your special pics love the one of your mum,welll done my friend on your beautiful work. I am enjoying your photos love the one of the flower and the bee,take care my friend xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl, much appreciated. Have a wonderful day!

  3. Ohhh I like your banner and that second piece is awesome. Wonderful summer photos too.

  4. You have been really busy using your scraps. I love them all, even the one you didn't like. I really liked the ones you created for Halle's theme at Art Journal Journey. You sure used a lot of those TH dolls on the right one with the cogs. Thanks for once again sharing these with us.

    Your other pages were superb, too. I would love to make a scraps book that looked as beautiful as yours. You are working hard to get those scraps reduced.

    Your photos today were great. I really enjoyed seeing your new flowers you purchased. They are beautiful and sure brighten your window. I also LOVED that last metal sculpture. It is beautiful. Hope you're having a great week, dear.

    1. Thanks E. I thought of you when I saw that rusty piece! I knew you would like it!

  5. Glad you have made such progress on your scraps with beautiful results. Lovely flower photos. I hope the deer have enough food.

    1. Thanks Christine. It's probably hard for the deer as everything is so dry and the fields have been harvested.

  6. Beautiful banner and weee... you´ve been busy, great outcome - the first one I like best.
    Maybe cause TV is off and I hear all my clocks ticking!
    My balcony looks sad as ever, the seeds are ruined, I guess. First the dry weather forever then the heavy rain...

    Deer at daylight, quite a treat. Have a great day, GlG, Iris

    1. Thanks. have lots of clocks, but don't let them tick! The dry weather is not good for the plants, I have to keep watering....and the deer are probably hungry, or they wouldn't venture out into the open during the day. poor things

  7. Love this mid week post and nice to see what you have made, gorgeousness everywhere.xx

    1. Thanks Annie. It is really gorgeous everywhere just now! Have a great day!

  8. Twoje prace zawsze mnie zachwycaja . Świat na twoich fotografiach jest piękny kwiaty, sarenki nawet mucha. Miłego dnia:)

    1. Thanks so much Lucyna! have wonderful day, stay safe, be happy!

  9. Good morning dear Valerie!!
    Love all your scrap pages and those with the family pictures and your sweet mum!
    Wonderful creations! Like all the details ! You are so talented!!
    Great captures of the preety flowers and the cute deers and geese’s!
    I really enjoyed your today post!! Have a lovely day! Stay safe!Hugs!

    1. Thanks Dimi, much appreciated! The flowers and the wildlife I get to see are always a great source of joy for me! Have a great day, stay safe! Hugs!

  10. Really lovely way to use your scraps. Love the photos of the deer. Have a great day.

  11. Fun pages so much to look at. You picked some pretty flowers for your balconey. The deer are so cute and so many of them. If you put a butterfly on the tail of the first little guy, that pose is just like the one from Disney's Bambi. So cute. The wow picture prize goes to the clouds in your banner. Enjoy your day.

    1. Thanks CJ. Those clouds are great, have a good week!

  12. I so enjoy looking through your junk journals!
    They are so creative and inspiring!
    Love your photos and that beautiful rainbow cloud header!
    Thank you for starting my day with such beauty and color!!!

    Big Hugs Always ☕🌷

  13. Your pages are amazing, even the one you didn't like. You sure have some fun scraps and made some interesting pages. I like how each has a theme. ANd congrats for getting through 2/3 of your scraps. Nice new flowers too. They look beautiful on your balcony. I don't think anyone can ever have enough flowers in their lives, of any kind. Hope you get your rain and you are doing well and enjoying your week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks. You can never have too many flowers, Sneakers or friends!

  14. Good morning Oh Paragon of Resoluteness: When you fill this sack with scraps be sure to take pictures and post them! Not that we doubt your commitment to dump the junk, toss the dross, bid farewell to the leftovers, but hoarders and craftspeople have been known to waver in their commitments. Just sayin'............. In the meantime, keep posting picture of Canada Geese. How could anything be more perfect that that? And I have to tell you this. Miriam has been making headbands of late, and selling them on her ETSY site, and yesterday she came to me, smiling and victorious, smug even, to tell me that she just received an order for five headbands, all made guessed it.....,scraps she hadn't thrown away, Happy midweek, my little cherub from Balconia-by-the-Rhine, surely the most exciting place in all of Germany. Balconia über alles is what I say!

    1. Thanks David. Vodafone is down, No Internet, normal Service Back soon I Hope!

  15. Awesome pages Valerie, all so different and beautiful, I love the colors on the feather one! Your potted flowers are gorgeous, you have a very colorful balcony and the fawns are sooo cute! Take care of yourself.
    Hugs, Tammy

  16. I really like your photos. You have a good eye for beauty and a fast camera that can capture these animals in motion.

  17. Great art for A Stitch in Time! Loved your pots from "flower man". They are so pretty. I chased a deer out of my backyard this morning. Yesterday she had eaten the greenery off my potato plants and a few squash leaves. UGH.

    1. Thanks Halle! The flower man always has tempting plants. Naughty deer in your yard!

  18. so pretty flowers:) I adore those;)

  19. Look at those babies! And such beautiful flowers! I always enjoy your pieces and love it when you include family photos.

  20. Look at those pots of flowers? They are totally glorious! Oh, I can see why you bought them and so many, I would have done exactly the same. And those fawns -- oh, what a gift to see them!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. He has such wonderful flowers!

  21. Wow I love your pages, you always seem to know what goes with what, even when it's not that obvious. Those plants and flowers are gorgeous, they must make you smile everytime you see them. Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. My flowers make me Smile indeed!

  22. Ohhhhh those flowers!! They are so inspiring! I could stare at them all day and learn to watercolor! I love your art pages, too - so colorful and detailed and fresh! Hugs!

  23. Wunderschön deine tollen faszinierende Journal page! Goldig mit deiner Mutter so schön gestaltet. Herrlich an zusehen all diese mit den Resten!
    Die Tierfotos ahc wie liebe ich sie und auch die Blumen. Da hast du wunderschön angereihte farbige Blumen auf deinem Balkon.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag und mal sehen ob es regnet bei mir und bei dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  24. Lovely photos Valerie, you seemed to be able to get close to the deer, they are such timid animals. I love your journal pages as well and I'm so happy you have linked again with Halle's theme at AJJ
    I will have to find some motivation instead of just seeing the four walls and feeling trapped..
    Stay safe my friend.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I feel for you being trapped at home so Long!

  25. That rusty screen is absolutely gorgeous. I so look forward to seeing your pictures from the park and todays are as lovely as always. I loved seeing the baby deer, how wonderful that the wild life is coming closer to humans these days. My only worry is when things go back to normal what will happen to the wildlife then?
    Anyway, your pages are really nice and I think the one with the photograph of your mother on will be a real treasure for you for always. I like the little doll on the left of the other page and the feather is stunning. Some really lovely pages.
    Enjoy your flowers, looks lovely on your balcony,
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. We have some wonderful parks around here, and I always take pics of rusty bits because Elizabeth loves them- The wildlife hat lots of secluded places where they live here, it's just hard for them to find food just now. But we did get some rain yesterday and today, so perhaps that will make things a bit better!

  26. Wow, you've been productive, Valerie! Great pages, even the spread you don't like. If I don't like a page or spread, I just can't let it go. It's a wonder I ever finish any journal pages. lol.

    Your photos are gorgeous as always. Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen. It's hard to let things go!

  27. Gorgeous collage pages! The different designs and images look amazing 😁. How lovely to see the deer too, they looks so sweet! Happy and creative wishes! Keep well! Hugs, Jo x

  28. We had heavy rain night before last, and here at mid-morning on Monday it's pouring. We needed the rain, though. I love your balcony photos, and the pots of flowers make me smile :) Sweet deer photos. I love that rusty metal sculpture!


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