
Thursday 11 June 2020

Summer feelings

Hi Everybody!

For Rain's Thursday Art Date - summer plans - and for Paint Party Friday I have a selection of artwork and photos which remind me of summer. I don't go away for vacations, but spend my summers enjoying the lovely places near here, as I do all year round. The pieces I made today were all inspired by blue skies, birds, flowers and summer feelings.

Stamped and coloured:

Various photos digitally combined:

A summer journal page:


Stamped dragonflies on a dripped background with stamped plants and circles:

Altered photos again:

A lady in a hat:

Combinations of photos and digital images:

Some digital fun:

A panted tag with a cut-out lady:

Some hybrid pieces:

Painted summer colours:

 Summer fun:

 Before sunrise:

A visit to the Japanese house and Zen garden in Düsseldorf


  1. Your art work share amazing Valerie, I love the doodley looking birds. The Zen garden is beautiful, lovely place for a wander.

  2. Your art is all fabulous! thanks for sharing.
    Loved this garden too-hugs

    1. Thanks Kathy. I think you would enjoy walking in that garden!

  3. You have really captured the joy of summer here in your art and photos today Valerie!

  4. So many fabulous pieces with a summer theme Valerie. I really enjoyed this collection. They are happy as the summer season tends to be. And the Japanese garden is beautiful. I hope you are having a nice week! Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, summer is a happy time. The garden is wonderful, very well made, witha house and a temple, too.

  5. What a volume of art, Valerie -- you've been busy!

    I love the Japanese garden. I have a great sense of loveliness whenever I see a Japanese garden and this is no exception. Very nice indeed!

    1. The garden is a wonderful place to be. Have a great day!

  6. Looks awesome the whole bang lot in this post. Great colours. ♥ Still adding stuff to my new computer takes forever.xx

    1. Thanks Annie. our new computer wil keep you busy for a long time!

  7. I love them all but the 6th one down I would love to hang. Mind if I print it? Very, very pretty and I just love it.

    1. Thanks. No problem, help yourself. I'm happy you like it! If you can't download it let me know via the contact form and I'll send it by email.

  8. Hello dear Valerie!
    So many gorgeous creations made by you!!Great artwork!!Love the pieces of the Summer theme!!
    What a wonderful Japanese garden you visit! Beautiful pictures of the flowers and the amazing sunrise!
    Thank you for sharing! Have a happy day and safe safe! Hugs!

  9. Thanks Laurie, have a wonderful day!

  10. What an incredible assortment of gorgeous art and photos. I loved the hollyhock and the snail had me laughing so hard I nearly fell out of my chair. Of course, I always love it when you take us to the Japanese Gardens. That is a true joy. These are fabulous bits of summertime in your mind and your world.

    1. Thanks. Glad you like the snail. I had fun making that one! Enjoy your day!

  11. Schöne Arbeiten, die Möve ist mein Favorit! Wir haben hier auch viele Girlanden.
    Von dem Garten wusste ich nichts, sehr schöne Fotos, aber ach, wo bleibt der Sommer?!
    13C! Und morgen soll es dann auf 27 hochschießen, hoffentlich! Dir einen schönen Tag, warmlaufen ;-) GlG, Iris

    1. Der Japanische Garten und Tempelkomplex ist wunderschön, in D'dorf wohnen und arbeiten sehr viele Japaner, auch mit Japanische Schulen und Läden etc. Ja, es ist zu kalt, brrrr.

  12. Deine Seiten für das Thema Sommerpläne grossartig und alle sind kleine Kunstwerke! Herrlich diese Zusammenstellung ob Hintergrund oder die Details. dazu.Ich liebe deine Art und Weise!
    Die schönen Fotos passt toll. Ja, daheim ist doch am schönsten und es gibt so viel noch zu entdecken so mache ich es auch.
    Wir haben hier die zweite grösste Infizierte von ganz Deutschland und es macht sich breit unwillen in unsere Stadt wegen den Urlaubern. Gestern war ich was besorgen gerade dort Urlaubsgebiet ojeee das war schlimm und Missachtung jegliche Art ob Abstand und Mundschutz. Da wurde nichts gesagt von den Ladenbesitzer nur Geld sehen sie verlaufen egal wie... die Cuxhavener sagen wir müssen daheim bleiben um uns zu schützen usw... da bin ich mal gespannt wie das weiter geht. Aber erzählen uns alles ist prima und lockern noch mehr auf.Haben ausreden.Der Ärger ist spürbar überall.Ich war das letzte Mal vorläufig dort so lange wir so viele Infizierte haben. Genug davon ich mache mir es schön und nur da zusein wo kaum Menschen sind.
    Ich wünsche dir eine schönen Tag
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke! Es tut mir leid dass Alles bei dir so chaotisch ist momentan. Leute können so unvernünftig sein. Wenn die nicht aufpassen wird alles wieder geschlossen. Pass bitte sehr gut auf dich auf, zuhause bleiben ist bestimmt das Beste wenn es so voll ist. Hier gehen nächste Wochen auch die Schulen wieder los, mal sehen ob es klappt ohne neue Katastrphen! Dr trotzdem einen schönen tag!

  13. Replies
    1. Thanks Natalia, they are always beautiful. Have a nice day!

  14. Good morning Csarina: There is a real nature theme throughout here, with all manner of flora and fauna. Birds, dragonflies, damselflies, butterflies and flowers are guaranteed to make my day. Add to that your creative output and your bons mots and I am set for the day. But, my dear, you will have to be modifying your habit of not taking vacations. I have been scouting out all the local coffee emporiums and have several on the list awaiting your taste testing. When I have told the proprietors that Valere the Vamp, the Champion of Coffee, the grand Judge of Java, is coming from Germany, they are dizzy with excitement. Cheesecakes will be made, strudels formed and tased, muffins baked, and tarts will be at the ready (the kind you have in a plate, not the street corner variety). The brass band is polishing their instruments, they are tuning up for the first time in years. The moth holes in the carpet will be repaired and the mayor will burnish his chain of office. How can you resist that kind of vacation? Nathalie will perhaps accompany you as a sort of lady-in-waiting. Something for us all to look forward to! Auf wiedersehn - in Waterloo! Gros bisous! David

    1. Hi David, thanks for my laugh of the day! I'm glad you are checking out the watering holes for me. My visit must just wait til my private jet is finished....And here in our little town the tarts are only to be found at the bakeries. But cheesecake is a good idea, I might make one later. And perhaps Miriam could send over a care packet with her famous muffins? To tide me over till the jet is ready! Have a great day, hugs!

  15. A wonderful selection of art and they have brightened the cold day it is here in the UK. Promises of summer to come when looking at the beautiful garden photos.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. It's still cold here, too, but it will get better, summer will come. Take care my friend!

  16. So many wonderful pieces and pictures today.
    The blue on the duck really pops doesn't it?
    Have a great day.

    1. Thanks Sandra. The blue looks almost like a label has been sewed on to the feathers!

  17. Oh WOW!!! Gorgeous Gorgeous Gorgeous!!¡
    Love this whole post!!!

    Hugs 🌷☕

    1. Thanks so much Jan! Take good care of yourself!

  18. Your art is so inspiring. Must have taken a long time to create them. Love the Zen garden. The roof lines are very Buddhist.

    1. Thanks so much! The Zen garden is a beautiful place to relax.

  19. I love the birds in dresses lol and that cute gold hat :) What a lovely garden. Those azaleas are stunning!

    1. Thanks, my balcony birds never wear dresses....

  20. Preciosas fotos y dibujos, me han encantado. Enhorabuena Valerie, un abrazo desde el norte de España.

  21. Beautiful art and photos Valerie! xx

  22. What a fabulous summer themed post this is.
    I enjoyed seeing your art and your selection of photographs is fabulous.

    Have a happy Friday … can't believe the weekend is just around the corner!

    All the best Jan

  23. Hi Valerie. I love this post. That first piece I love all the rest are amazing. I have always been impressed with the dragonflies and that cow!!!! I always feel like I have been on a vacation when I come to your blog. Thanks so much.

    1. Thanks Nicole, glad you enjoyed my 'vacation'.

  24. Hi Valerie such beautiful artwork. Loving the pages. You are very clever my friend,and wow the zen garden is beautiful. Thankyou for sharing it with us xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl. It is indeed a beautiful garden! Have a great day!

  25. Hi Val, I know, I'm late again, but this week has been chaos from start to finish. Yesterday I took mum to Leah's she is going to stay there for a few weeks now, so hope that goes well. Love your beautiful summer creations, one lovelier than the other and all are magnificent. Fab photos from Niederkassel, too, it's such a pretty garden there. Have a great day, off to visit the next post, perhaps I'll be the first one there! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Glad your mum is now at Leah's, that should give you a little rest, you have enough to do anyway! Have a god and hopefully restful day! Hugs to all!

  26. Everything you touch seems to turn to gold ... your art, your photos are all amazing and uplifting. You have captured the warmth and beauty of summer and the part that nature plays in all of it. This was a wonderful experience ... thank you, you lift my spirits.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

    1. Thanks for your kind words, they mean a lot to me!

  27. Hi Valerie :) I'm just like you, I don't travel for vacations, never really have. I just enjoy where I am! Oh I LOVE your penguins! How cute!! The detail of your birds on your journal page is amazing. And I do love that cow...what a great piece. The Zen Garden looks like such a lovely place. I wish I could grow a rose garden...maybe it's in my future. :)

    1. Believe in your rose garden and it will come true! Have a great week!

  28. Wow what beautiful Summer inspired art and photographs! We've had a week of rain and more to come, so I guess it's Summer here too now lol. Take care xx


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