
Thursday 21 May 2020

Rain's Thursday Art Date - round and round.

Hi Everybody!

The week is flying by again - where does the time go? I wish I knew.
Rain's theme this week has inspired me to dig out a few of my circle pieces.
I am always fascinated by them, and use them a lot in my art.

A round clock-face is always a good example - the hands go round each  and every day:

I have used circles - the symbol for the circles of life, time, and the year here:

And here:

Lots of circles in this print of one of my lino-cuts, and the quote from Einstein fits very well to the theme:

Life is a series of adventures which circle around us:

This lovely Punch figure is on the Punch Tavern in London:

Here a diary - a record of how our life goes round - bound with circles:

Some altered, paper-bags (used to store art):

Here with a quote,'Life is a circle, the end of one journey is the beginning of the next. In the circle of the year the end of each season is the beginning of the next':

And the beautiful moon is round, and waxes and wanes in the circle of the month:

And the sun which makes life on earth possible:

 Many circles in nature, too:

Coffee and cake make the world go round too!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Monica, much appreciated, have a wonderfu day!

  2. You get an A+ for finding so many great circles. I remember some of that art and it is great to see it again. Circles are my favorite shape, so this is a super challenge. I hope you are feeling better. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks for the A+, always my fave grade! Circles are always fun!

  3. Valerie great pieces for DAT. I love these moon photos and the lemon pie oh yes.

  4. Interesting post with heaps of beauty...enjoy your day..x

  5. Wonderful collection of circles 😁. Nature holds all kinds of interesting things when we stop and look.

    1. Thanks. Nature is full of fascination, we can see so much beauty there.

  6. Lovely circle theme for the art date today Valerie, my favourite are the moon photos.

    1. The moon is always my fave! Have a great day!

    2. My water wheel was inspired by a photo I saw on your blog. I updated my post about that. Thanks.

    3. That's lovely, it's good to see when people make things with my photos. Thanks!

  7. Valerie - I love the circles on your projects because symmetry makes me happy! Round and round - and the colors you used are on the cool side which are my favorites! I love the moon - we watched the May full moon as it's the flower moon! Big hugs!

    1. Thanks. Symmetry is important, it keeps us in balance. The moon is always my big love! Stay safe!

  8. Thanks Laurie, have a great day!

  9. Beautiful art for Rain's Thursday Art Date. I can't play today because I'm finally getting my 2nd Thursday Tutorial in order. It's ONLY a week late (grin).

    I just copied that clock face from Graphics Fairy. I love what you did with yours. It's incredible and layered beautifully, too. Of course, I love all the circles that go round and round. And those moon shots are stunning. Have a super Thursday, dear friend.

    1. Thanks E. Wow, you are early today - are you trying to shock me???!! That clock is wonderful, that's true!

  10. Good morning Val! It looks like a wonderful day outside, everybody else is still sleeping, hope they stay that way for a bit! Love all the circle pieces you found, they are all lovely, and the moon photos are fabulous. Any your cheese cake looks terrific, I would love a slice right ow with my coffee! Have a great day, and take care if you go out, there will be lots of drunken fathers about! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, enjoy the few, quiet moments before they all get up! I'm off for an early walk before the idiots all go out and celebrate. Have a great day!

  11. Liebe Valerie
    deine Kreise in all deinen Bildern sind grossartig, toll ich liebe dein Posting übers Rund sein und ich war auch schon draussen und bleibe lieber auf meinem Balkon überall ist es schon voller ich glaub ich hätte um 5 Uhr raus müssen, krass bei uns auch. Gestern war es schlimm schon es ist wie wenn die Tagesgäste und Urlauber wie Insekten aus alle Löcher krabbeln würden.Abstand halten oder Mundschutz nichts davon, Da meinste du bist im falschen Film.
    Mach es dir gemütlich bei dir daheim!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Ic war jetzt draussen - sehr viele Leute unterwegs am frühen Morgen und viel zu viel Radfahrer sehr schnell unterwegs. Jetzt bleibe ich hier bis heute Abend, und hab meine Ruhe. Bleib gesund!

  12. Your art is so beautiful and your photography is detailed and gorgeous.

  13. I need warnings when bugs come up! ;-)

    Love the circles and Einstein sure is right again.
    Great, positive post, thank you, just what I needed!
    Sun is out and 16C "already", GlG, Iris

    1. Danke Iris! 24° hier und die Temperatur steigt! Dir einen schönen Tag!

  14. Very nice collection of circles! The circle can represent the power of the female, a symbol for a goddess, and the sun. The circle can symbolize also Mother Earth.
    The moon photos are very beautiful and the flowers too!
    We celebrate Fathers Day in June (June 21 this year)
    In the Netherlands, it is always celebrated on the third Sunday in June.
    Enjoy your day, have fun! Hugs!

    1. Thanks, circles are very interesting und full of meaning. I hope your Father's Day is not as wild as here! Have a great day!

  15. Hi Valerie your artwork is so interesting and beautiful ,I always love seeing what you do . I love the tavern punch it's awesome and your moon pics are stunning,hope you have a lovely day ,stay safe my friend xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl. The Punch Tavern is a fun place indeed.

  16. Wow, lots of wonderful circle creations today. I love the diary cover and the shopping bags. Have a great day.x

    1. Thanks Anesha, the diary cover is my fave. Have a great day!

  17. To prawda koło to doskonała figura a świat kręci się w koło, pory roku, wschody i zachody słońca... Wspaniałe są twoje prace a pomysł z wykorzystaniem papierowych toreb doskonały. Miłego dnia:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna. I always find it comforting that everything goes round in circles. Have a wonderful day, take care!

  18. Hi Valerie! WOW! What a beautiful depiction of circles in nature and your artwork! I especially LOVE the beautiful flowers, the coffee (my FAV drink) and all of your artwork - you have been busy creating!!!!! What a beautiful diary you have created!! I love the cover so much - you are going to fill it with treasures, I'm sure! HUGS to you, my friend!

    1. Thanks Sharon. Glad you are a coffee lover, too! Art keeps me happy! Stay safe and well!

  19. Beautiful art, food and flowers to match the round theme ~ Blessings

  20. Thank you very much for this circular discussion, Valerie, You came to it directly not in a roundabout way. It all has a ring of truth to it. Okay, enough, David! Great creative output. Your ability to do this every day never ceases to amaze me. I shall begin to brag to people about my famous artist friend who lives at Balconia-by-the-Rhine. I shall namedrop shamelessly. I expect that I will soon be requesting mountains of autographed photographs, so better get your fingers flexed up for all that signing! I just had coffee and a slice of wonderful banana bread made by Miriam. You would have enjoyed both.

    1. Thanks David, your comments always make me laugh. And did you say banana bread? Send me a slice or 3 please! I'm having a restful afternoon here, sometimes it's necessary. Have a great day!

  21. I remember some of the circle art you shared Valerie and it is just as awesome today as it was for the first time. I often think we take shapes for granted, yet they carry their own beauty.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. The shapes have their own beauty indeed. Have a good day, stay safe.

  22. Very awesome post about circles-I loved it! Have a happy day hugs



  24. Thanks Gillena, we have to try everyday!

  25. I am just amazed at how many examples of Round you managed to find. Great going!

    1. Thanks. I always have a lot going round in my head!

  26. I'm a big fan of circles, and your circle art is beautiful Valerie! I love the sun and moon photos too.
    Hope you're having a good week,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. Circles are really special. I will be happy when this week is over!

  27. … yes, where do the days and weeks go! I often ask myself that!

    Lovely art today, so colourful, a great selection.

    All the best Jan

    PS Enjoy your Friday

    1. I think the older we get the faster time flies by - or did I just slow down?!

  28. I LOVE your red moon photos and your GORGEOUS diary, Valerie! Hugs, my talented friend!

    1. Thanks Sweetie! Have a great evening, look after yourself!

  29. I know why you left when you did ... you were going to sit down with that yummy coffee and have a piece of the yummy cake, right? I love all of your circles ... you have a knack for finding the perfect quotes or expressions to go with your art, this time being no exception. I would be hard pressed to pick a favorite, but I especially like your diary as yes, it does hold all of our secrets from our lives that go round and round. Your moon shots are incredible as are your sun sets ... oh my, what a lovely post, Valerie ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea! You caught me out there with the coffee and cake! Have a great weekend, take care!

  30. Looks like you had a blast creating with circles.
    Coffee is on

  31. I love your circle design book cover. And so many circular forms in nature, too :) I admire your great moon photos.

  32. I have to say that last photo got my appetite going!! Is that a creme caramel? I love the coffee art, and your circles! I love the Punch photo too!

    1. It's a lemon cheese cake made with lots of delicious calories, butter, cream, eggs, cream cheese....yummy


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