
Friday 22 May 2020

Paint Party Friday

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all doing well.

Today I am sharing a rather grungy collage I made some weeks back using everything I found on my table and flying about in my kitchen - so I called it
'Everything but the kitchen sink'. I suppose it's a therapeutic way of changing my mess to an ordered mess which can be filed away!

I just went mad on an A3 sheet of craft paper and pasted and pasted till it was all covered.  Once  the background was covered with pieces of old newspapers, images and envelopes I started on the second layer, adding some washi tapes, a doodled feather, an Easter bunny, a scrap of floral decoupage paper, a scrap of vintage linen, and a photo of the 'unknown girl from the Seine', a girl who drowned herself in the 19th century, and whose beautiful face inspired many pictures and stories. You can read more about it here. It is poignant story and well worth perusing. And in the middle I put a photo of me taken when I was about 10 and had just had mumps. The numerals were from an old sheet of rub-ons, with a price tag of 1 DM, so they are probably from the 1990s. I finished it off by rubbing some gold wax here and there and then adding  some messy sewing. I was asked recently if I couldn't sew straight lines....Yes, I can. I used to sew all of the clothes for my family and taught sewing and textile art for many years, but on my journal pages I just want to have fun! Straight lines can be very boring! I am linking to Paint Party Friday, and to AJJ, Mia's flowers challenge as there are roses on it:

Last week the gates to the castle ruins were opened again, which made me very happy, and so I dived in and took lots of photos. The ruins are home to many birds, plants and rodents these days:

I love to see the plants sprouting from the stones - nature taking over her territory:

This was taken from half way up the stairs:

There's  a wonderful view from the windows, the castle dwellers were able to see every ship that passed by and authorized to collect taxes (The rich and powerful taking from the poor -some things never change!)

Here I'm right at the top:

And looking down:

The watchman:

Castle inhabitants:

This staircase is kept locked, pity!

I will show more  next time.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Awww Valerie you were just as cute back then even with mumps and still smiling. That's a great collage page, I paste pretty much anything into my journals now but every piece you have pasted is so interesting, those wonky stitches have much more attitude than those straight ones. Looks like you had a fabulous day out and well timed to find the gates open, the view from the castle window is spectacular. A beautiful day filled with sunshine, it's been a hot one here today.
    Wishing you a super safe weekend hugs Tracey and Happy PPF xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. It was hot here, too, but today will be cooler. Stay safe!

  2. Great art work, and I think your sewing is perfect for what you are doing , nice to have the castle ruins opened up again.

    1. Thanks! I am very happy to have the ruins opened up again!

  3. Interesting photo of you with the mumps. Nice art and so glad you can take photos of the opened up areas now.

    1. Thanks! It's great to have more freedom to roam and explore again.

  4. Those castle ruins are very impressive! And that is a wonderful kitchen sink collage! I could see how those could go either way but this one rocked!

    1. Yes, the ruins are wonderful, especially when full of flowers!

  5. Layers of brilliance and interest on your pages of art. Fantastic photos...cold here.xx

  6. Ah yes, if walls could talk - that would be something! I often think that in our ancient little town!

  7. I'm sure you enjoyed creating that collage.
    It looks you have summer already, we have spring, lovely spring, oh-la-laa May! :)

    1. Thanks a lot, it's early summer here. Have a good weekend!

  8. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you have slept well. It's a quiet morning here, so that's good for me. Love your collage, especially with that sweet pic of you in the middle. Good title, too! Wonderful photos, too, I'm glad you're enjoying being in the castle ruins again, be careful when you are climbing around there, and don't try reaching places you shouldn't be! Have a great day, take care, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I slept quite well! I always take care in the ruins, what do you think?!

  9. Your rather "grungy collage" looks fantastic! Very well done!
    I get goosebumps every time I see the castle ruins … and when I'm at the place ... I'm fascinated through the atmosphere and I always think of who that lived … then I'm a little crazy! LOL
    Have a nice day and a great weekend! Too bad the week gets a dent this weekend ... cloudy and only 20 degrees!

    1. The castle is a fascinating place, it would be great to see it as it was back in the day, filled with people. Enjoy your weekend!

  10. Ich finde deine Kunst wunderbar auch das darf sein, genauso die genähten Linien klasse fällt aus dem Rahmen lach so ist es richtig, das ist wahre Kunst dazu stehen und es anders zu machen liebe Valerie!
    Die Burg ist einen faszinierende Ruine mit all ihren Winkeln und Ecken, wie so Geheimnisse es verbirgt herrliche Fotos hast du gemacht darüber.
    Hab ein schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Dir einen schönen Tag und bleib gesund!

  11. Love your collage piece, such lovely layers of interest. Love your photos. Thank you for your kind words about my ankle, I am trying to rest it. Stay safe. x

    1. Thanks Anesha, collage is always fun to make. Look after your ankle, sprains can be so painful.

  12. Mumps is something I managed to avoid as a kid, which no one could understand. I had 3 very close friends who had it and practically lived with each of them every day, and while they suffered, it passed right by me. Crazy!(lol) What a fantastic place to hang out,and as usual you took lots of great pics. Hope you're doing well! Air Hugs, RO

    1. Glad you missed mumps, I remember it as being very painful and unpleasant. Let's hope ou are immune to all passing illnesses! Stay safe!

  13. Awesome collage, and you are so adorable. Lovely that the castle is open again. Beautiful place for a walk. I liked the statue of the Watchman and then found it amusing that the pigeon in the arched window looks like another Watchman. Take care and enjoy your day. 😺

    1. Thanks CJ. My auntie always said I was very naughty! She might have been right! The pigeons and crows are really the watchmen of the castle these days.And that pigeon really sat there watching me....

  14. Your collage page looks full of very interesting things to discover!! I was moved by the story of the beautiful girl drowning emphasizes the fact that a person can look so lovely to others but perhaps doesn't see her own beauty, and is miserable... for whatever reasons... inside. I loved the old ruined castle walk.

    1. Thanks June. It is indeed a moving story, and one which fascinated me from the first time I heard about it - and nobody knows why....Have a great weekend!

  15. That is quite a story about the girl pulled from the Seine, Valerie. I had no idea that bodies were put on display in that manner and it was considered a family outing to go and look at the corpses. And I just look at birds! How boring is that. What a cute little girl you were in the aftermath of mumps! Now here's the thing. It is hereby decreed that every succeeding creation, grungy or not, stamped, stickered, gessoed or plain, stencilled, cut out, formed, shaped, planned or contrived, no matter the medium, shall contain a picture of you in the various stages of your life. Perhaps sometimes it can be artfully concealed, and it will be like that game "Find Waldo" and we will spend countless happy hours searching for the hidden cherub. I can hardly wait to get started! And as for the old castle with its birds, I could lose myself for days there. I hope that all is well in Balconia-by-the-Rhine, that the sun shines, the leaves are green and the coffee is delicious. Every your devoted correspondent, David.

    1. Thanks David, you always improve my mood with your fun comments😁 And yes, imagine calling the kids together to go for a walk to look at the corpses in the window, yuck! I don't have photos of me a most stages of my life, I was always hiding behind the camera! The castle is a wonderful place, so much to see and discover each time. The wind is blowing up in Balconia and it looks like we might be getting a storm - we shall see! But as long as the coffee is good....

    2. Obviously my comment above should read "Ever your...." not "Every your......" I swear that when I use my Ipad, which I did to leave that comment, the keyboard does whatever it feels like!

    3. Ipads and other tablets often do their own thing - don't we all?! Have a nice afternoon!

  16. You always take the most beautiful pictures!

    1. Thanks Natalia. And you cook the nest food! Have a great weekend!

  17. Super gorgeous post Valerie. I also have a weed sproutin in my post today
    Happy PPF

    much love...

    1. Thanks Gillena, your weed is beautiful. Have a wonderful weekend!

  18. A great page and it must have been very therapeutic making art and tidying at the same time.
    Lovely photos and I'm glad the castle is now open, I know it's a favourite place of yours.
    Have a great weekend and stay safe.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril. It's always good to get some of those UFO from my table and make something with them. Stay safe!

  19. Your art is spectacular! Love that doodled feather. And the wavy stitches-much more arty than straight would be! The castle is amazing-I loved seeing it. Lots of painting opportunities there!

    1. Thanks Debra. A lot of people take photos, sketch and paint there, and sometimes there are plays enacted or concerts - such fun! Have a great weekend!

  20. Well the kitchen sink had me grinning, its ages since I heard that saying. Its a fabulous page Valerie full of interest and the photo of yourself with the dreaded mumps.
    I loved the photos you shared, it looks like a very nice spring walk destination and not to many folk around either.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. My Auntie used to use that saying a lot - that's why I often thins of it. I think there was a song about it, too. The castle is a great place for a walk. Have a happy and safe weekend!

  21. Your piece has so many fun details! Love the photo of you! And such lovely photographs! So much to see!

    1. Thanks Jean. I was sweet back then! Have a happy and safe weekend!

  22. fantastic collage art Valerie! I do love the wonky stitching on mixed media pieces too:)Thank you for taking us along through that stunning castle with those beautiful views too! Happy PPF and have a great weekend

    1. Thanks Linda. After so many years of having to sew straight it's great to make wonky lines! Have a great Weekend!

  23. I know how excited you must be to get back out there and enjoy the walk _through_ the now-open gates. Lovely photographs :)

    1. Yes, I was really excited, I've missed my castle! Enjoy your Weekend!

  24. Beautiful. Enjoy. ❤️😀

  25. Valerie you live in such a beautiful, interesting place! Your page is wonderful, especially the sewed bits. These collage pieces you have been doing are really special. Happy PPF

    1. Thanks Susan, Collage is very relaxing for me. Stay Safe!

  26. Stunning collage Valerie! I love all of the details, textures and that sweet picture of you, fantastic piece! Wow your photos are gorgeous, that would be an awesome place to visit, very beautiful!
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Hugs Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! I had fun with the collage. The castle ruins are always lovely. Stay safe!

  27. Wonderful 'kitchen sink' collage so creative and colorful ~ sweet photo of you too. Lots of wonderful photos of the castle too ~ Great 'eye.' ~

    Be Safe, Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks Carol. The castle is a wonderful place to take photos. Stay safe and well!

  28. I like what you said about today's art - everything but the kitchen sink. Lol. Love seeing that old castle.

    1. Thanks! My next collage will be 'much ado about nothing' Have a great weekend!

  29. Hi Valerie, your collage is absolutely beautiful. I love the grungy feel of it and especially like that picture of you! And your photos are awesome - I can almost imagine being there! The flowers and wildlife look amazing with the architecture. Thanks for sharing them!.Have a great weekend. HUGS, Sharon

    1. Thanks Sharon. I had fun putting the collage together. The castle ruins are wonderful, I love the contrast of the flowers and the stones. Have a great weekend!

  30. Wonderful collage. The castle looks a great place to visit.

  31. Oh I love castles, Valerie. I am always attracted by their mystery. And I totally admire your beautiful page. You created a gorgeous collage. Thank you for joining again my challenge at AJJ. Hugs, my friend.
    And hope that you will join my blogaversary candy!

  32. Lovely collage.
    So nice that the Castle is open - great photographs.

    All the best Jan

  33. That picture of you in your art is just way to cute, even with mumps. I absolutely love your photos today.

    1. Thanks Nicole. Bach then we all seemed to have the same hairstyle!

  34. your artwork is so emotional and expressive. So much depth! The castle however... I toured one on the Rhine once, while on vacation I spent some time with a wine tour guide, heh heh, and he set it up for me but it was a privately held castle not public. It looked so like this one. What is the castle name? I want to look up it's history! LeeAnna at leeannaquilts at gmail dot com

    1. Thnaks Leeanna. I will mail you later with some links!

  35. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sorry, Tammie, I read your comment and pressed delete instead of reply! But you're right - little bits of my life! Have great weekend!

  36. Wow! Your collage page is fantastic Valerie! Lovely photos too!
    Happy weekend to you,
    Alison xxx

    1. Thanks Alison, you have a good weekend, too!

  37. Cool collage. Sometimes those clean up make the best art and is also good for your brain too. Thinking out of the box that is. Sad story about the girl who drowned herself in the Seine though but she is a pretty view on the page. Hope you had a great Friday and happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks. I just finished another collage, I love making them, it's very relaxing, I'm having a lazy day today, I need it badly!

  38. What a fabulous collage! I love all the images and the stitching - amazing 😁. The ruins where fun to explore too! I hope you've had a lovely week! Happy wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  39. Love that you put a picture of you in your journal page! Fabulous! Love the doodled feather and fun other elements. Super well done and thought-provoking.

    Fab pictures - I love looking at the castle pictures - sooooo cool!!!


  40. I apologize for taking so long to visit. I'm still trying to get over my illness and try to play catch up at the same time. Your journal page is amazing. Sometimes adding all those bits and pieces to a page is what gets the mess off your work table and onto a paper canvas. I'd call that a win-win.

    That girl they pulled from the river. How horrible. Rather dire way to display a corpse. Enough said.

    I'm SO glad to see the castle has been reopened. As you know, I LOVE that statue. I saw a real theme here in these photos. Arches, arches, rocks, and arches. Water, birds, and flowers took a back stage to arches, arches, arches!! Loved it.

    1. Thanks. Anything which minimises my mess is good. Imagine going to View a shop window füll of corpses on the way to Walmart....glad you enjoyed the castle ruins Tour!

  41. I love this collage, its a great way to make a collage and this looks as though it came together very well!
    So pleased you can get into the castle grounds now - it does look so lovely! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, the castle ruins are my second home, so I'm happy, too!


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