
Tuesday 19 May 2020

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all keeping well and fit!

I have been out and about and walking as much as possible, I 'need' to keep visiting the ducks and geese in the various parks to see how the little'uns  are growing. And they are growing fast!

This is the last of the floral pages I made with my too-wet water-colours. The painting was digitally places onto a hand-painted background, which was given a script overlay in Serif. I am linking to Mia's theme at AJJ:

And I have a hybrid tag for Pinky's 'animals' challenge at Tag Tuesday. All cats seem to be fascinated by balls of wool, toilet paper rolls  and other things which move so easily, and this one is no exception. The cat is from Mischief Circus and the tag was assembled using Serif:

On Sunday I visited the duck pond at Schloss (castle) Kalkum and was pleased to see the geese and ducks, large and small all flourishing:

And I have 3 very short videos taken with my phone, so not good quality:

Sorry about the cyclists passing through. Cycling is forbidden in the park!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Koty jak zwykle cudowne. Piękne są twoje fotografie pełne radości i kolorów. Miło jest spacerować po parku, mieście i cieszyć się z każdej chwili.

    1. Thanks Lucyna, you are right - we must enjoy every moment! Take care!

  2. Love the colorful art, flowers, and the wildlife.

    1. Thanks a lot. It's good to have so much beauty to see.

  3. Hi Val, good afternoon. Another lovely post! Great journal page and a fun Tag. Reminds me of your Kitty when she was small. I'm sure you still miss her a lot, she was with you for so long. Love the videos, they are sweet little creatures, but those cyclists are soooo stupid! Have a nice and restful evening, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Cyclist here behave badly, most of the time - ride on the pavements, they are rude and don't accept rules. But go mad if other people get in their way! Oh well, we won't change it. Have a nice afternoon / evenng!

  4. Beautiful views, as always. I love your sweet goslings. And the cat art? I've seen Lizzie assume that exact position!

    1. Cats are such posers! That's always entertaining.

  5. Such wonderful photos Valerie! I'm so glad you can get out again! I love the geese! I spend a lot of time watching the birds in my garden, I so thankful for that. Your page is beautiful too!
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. Watching birds ist always fun. Stay Safe!

  6. so great portion of good photos;)

  7. Lovely tags Valerie. I was only able to view the WhatsApp video, not the other two

    Happy Tuesday


  8. Two lovely creations, I love the cat! So glad you are able to visit your parks. Flower was yawning in my photo. :)

    1. Thanks Anesha. She really looks like she<#s laughing!

  9. Das sisnd zwei wunderschöne Seiten, so romantisch und Spassig!!!
    Die Videos sind klasse ach die kleinen Süssen und deine Fotos, herrlich an zsuehen wieder!
    So ein schönes Wetter bei dir bei mir ist es noch was verhalten mit den Gradzahlen.
    Schönen Abend dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke. Ich hoffe dass das Wetter bei dir bald besser wird. Bleib gesund!💖😁💖

  10. Beautiful page Valerie and gorgeous colors, cute cat on your tag! Gorgeous photos and I love the videos, the babies are adorable. The bikers are very rude here too. On my morning walks I really have to watch out for them on certain trails :( Take care and stay healthy.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. Sorry the bikers over there are rude, too. Be careful out walking! Have a great week!

  11. Love me love my cat ... they always have to do it! Can't help it!LOL
    The little goslings are fun!
    I also like the photo with the bike in grass. Was a left behind bicycle?
    Wishing you a nice evening! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella! The bicycle is there as decoration, always nicely planted according to the season!

  12. A lovely page with a beautiful red in the centre that really makes the whole thing pop. I love seeing dragonflies and it was good to spot them in there. I like how you have framed that central red.
    Lovely photos from the Schloss but I think the ducklings have taken precedence in this blog post. I loved the video of them scurrying after mummy duck - wonder if that was daddy duck at the back? Have been listening and watching a f
    Facebook Live with someone over here and she had goslings in her pond. She was delighted to tell us what they had been up to each day and then last week she took a video of them leaving her pond and making their way across an allotment and down to the river. It was so funny to see them all in one long line following mummy duck. What a delight ducks are.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. The ducklings and goslings are really the stars,always watched over by their parents. Mummy duck kept giving me the 'evil beak' as I was standing on 'her' lawn, and then they all scurried away back to the safety of the castle moat. I can spend a lot of time watching these delightful creatures. Have a great evening and thanks for coming by!

  13. Playing catch up Valerie and somewhat sheepish at my lack of visiting and blogging lately!
    Really gorgeous artwork Valerie and love the photos and videos of those cute baby ducks and geese. Glad you're enjoying your walks again.
    Have a lovely week, Fliss xx

    1. Thanks Fliss. You have had a lot to keep you busy lately! The ducks and geese are really cute!

  14. Hope you had a great Tuesday :) its 4;30pm here and I just finished cooking and getting my stuff ready for tomorrows pictures :)

    1. Thanks Monica. I had a good day, and even time for an afternoon sleep! Looking forward to seeing your pictures tomorrow, stay safe and well!

  15. I love ducks! They are so funny when they walk! Thank you for the beautiful photos and videos, Valerie. Your tag is lovely (I am a big fun of Mischief Circus) and your page is PERFECT! Wow! What a great idea to combine two of your handmade items and create an hybrid page! Thank you so much for joining me again at AJJ, my friend. Kisses!

    1. Thanks Sweetie! I love watching the ducks and geese, it's a great place to spend an hour. Take care of yourself!

    2. Hours in a park are so relaxing!

  16. Ohhh Valerie I love the red in that first piece. It is so darn pretty. Great photos and vidis too.

    1. Thanks Nicole. Red is a great colour. Stay safe!

  17. Love the color and vibrancy in the first piece. So pretty the way the color blends and changes.

    Always fun to see ducks and geese. How great that you can check in on them and see their progress and what they are up to. That bike with the flowers- love it!

    Glad you are able to get some time outside. :)

  18. Lovely art, photos and videos, the weather looks great. Take care of those cyclists going through.

    1. Thanks. We always have to beware of the cyclists on the paths through the fields!

  19. Lovely art work Valerie, the cat is cute and fun. Wonderful to see the young birds growing. The cyclists didn't get the memo about not riding in the park!!

    1. Thanks a lot. I love watching the birds, they grow so quickly!

  20. I like the slightly grunge effect from your latest too wet watercolor page. This is perfect for Mia's challenge. Thank you for joining us again. And that ct on your tag really made me laugh. Nice tag. And boy those goslings are getting big. I enjoy seeing them grow through your photos. Happy mid-week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. It's fun watching the baby birds grow. My cat used to do similar tings wen she was small mostly with toilet paper!

  21. Pretty colours in your art work and great post, enjoy your day..x

  22. Oh, du hast auch einen "Rufer"! Naja, der macht wohl eher Musik.
    Ja. In unserer Fußgängerzone ist Fahrradfahren erlaubt.
    Und dann haste die, die durchrasen, solange, bis es für alle verboten wird.
    Dumme gibt´s überall.
    Schöne Blumen. Bedeckt hier, aber ich "soll" Grillgut kaufen, na denn! Dir einen schönen Tag, GlG, Iris

  23. Hi Valerie oh your floral work is stunning and the cat ones so cute well done on your beautiful work my friend. Oh how cute are the ducks Thankyou for friend for sharing your lovely pics with us ,take care xx

  24. I love how you used the watercolour painting for the beautiful floral page you created and thank you for linking it up to Mia's Art Journal Journey theme.
    The photos were super and so were your short videos.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Glad you liked the photos and videos. Have a great day.

  25. Just like kids, those goslings grow quickly, but at least the parents don't have to buy a brand new wardrobe every few months! Before you know it, Valerie, those young Canada Geese will be indistinguishable from their parents. I am sure they look forward to their visits from Auntie Valerie!!

    1. The geese always love me - or is it my lettuce??? But the mummy duck was giving me the 'evil beak' all the time!

  26. Love me, love my cat. So true. Your page made me smile. I enjoyed the visit to the duck pond and the pictures of your walk. I wish I had an old bike to paint up and plant flowers around. That would look so fun in the Zensical garden. Take care and enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks. The image reminded me of my Kitty when she was small, she loved to wrap herself in toilet paper - after having removed it from the roll with pawing!

  27. Glad the ducks and geese are flourishing:)
    LOVE the pieces. The cat piece made me smile:)

  28. The goslings are really growing up, aren't they! And the ducklings :) So sweet. I love seeing the flowers :)

    Some people don't think rules are meant for them :(

    1. That's true, and bikers make their own Rules.

  29. A lovely colourful page Valerie and that's such a cute cat.
    Great videos of the ducklings in the park, but how rude were those cyclists, it would have been just as easy to go behind you.
    Hugs, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril. Some people have neither sense nor manners. They just don't care. Have a great week!

  30. Lovely art.
    Lovely photographs.
    Lovely videos.

    All the best Jan

  31. What fabulous pieces Valerie, your digital art is always so good, and you had me at the mention of a cat! Those goslings are so cute, all legs and fluff! Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

  32. I had a boyfriend for awhile when I lived in another state. I told him the same thing exactly. One weekend when he came over, I caught him trying to put the cat outside. My cat (Dog) had never been outside before. Needless to say, the cat didn't go, but the ex-boyfriend did. That tag spoke to me.

    I was also quite impressed by your hybrid flowers for Mia's theme at Art Journal Journey. This is an amazing and beautiful abstract floral entry.

    Those cyclists in the video looked like they were going to run over you. My personal favorite in this post is the winged trumpeter. It looks like it might be copper. Seems I'm once again running behind. Sigh!

    1. Cats belong inside. My Kitty ever went farther than the patio or balcony. The figure on the roof is bronze. Have a great day.

  33. Oh my gosh, Valerie! What a wonderful post! I love the photos and short videos so much! We have a pond by our home that has geese and ducks, too! We love walking our dog every morning and seeing all of the new wonders there. Your art work is amazing - the flower hybrid piece is beautiful and your cat tag is absolutely adorable! Take care of YOU, Valerie - stay healthy and safe. HUGS!

    1. Hi Sharon, great to see you again! Glad you enjoyed the pics, nature is so beautiful at this time of year. Stay safe!

  34. Lovely page, Valerie. Your tag really made me smile. In fact I'm still smiling.

    I enjoyed the videos. Those bright orange flowers are gorgeous! I wish I knew what they were.


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