
Monday 18 May 2020

T sTands for new challenge aT Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week gets off to a good start!
It's started off cool and cloudy today, but we're supposed to be getting warmer weather  this week - that would be great!

This evening we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday
Our lovely and very talented Pinky is hosting this time, and has chosen 


as her theme. All animals are welcome, big or small, real ones, imaginary ones, and all tag formats are welcome, so hope to see YOU there! The challenge goes live this evening at 21:00 MET.

I made a dog tag for today. The image is from Mischief circus. My dog would not have agreed with the sentiment, she loved our Kitty and they were always 'partners in crime':

At TIOT our theme of lovely ladies is still running for another week, so I made this hybrid page as a reminder. I used an image from Mischief Circus on a hand painted background, adding some digitally cut out photos:

This evening it will also be Time for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit.
My fave drink is always:

The restaurant at the old ferry by the Rhine has re-opened, and is trying to lure people in to take a drink on their new sun terrace:

And the shops here are still reducing their prices, even for these very pretty cups and saucers:

Cappuccino at home tastes good, too:

As did my almond crumble tart:

One of my walks took me to Lantz'cher Park, where everything has recently been renovated, including the beautiful, old villa. The text over the entry, 'Pax intrantibus' means 'Peace be to those who enter'. Mostly it is accompanied by the second part of the phrase, 'saleus exeuntibus' - good health to those who depart:

This is the spot where I usually have a rest before walking back:

Hidden among the trees is the entrance to this old 'bunker' - air-raid shelter - from World War II:

This was the chimney to let some air in:

Grim reminders of a terrible time where so many people lost their lives.

I have no idea who this is:

I passed these cheerful flowers on my way home:

On the other side of the village street these cottages are hidden in the trees:

The parking space at the supermarket is separated from the street by a flower bed:

There are lots of beautiful poppies just now, I love to see them planted by the wayside or growing wild in the fields:

And the heron was taking a stroll through the fields:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. That doggy dog is very nice … and the beautiful girl too!
    Cheers ๐Ÿป for a life without Corrina! They want to open the terraces and beach bars in Nederland on the Ascension Day!
    The cups and saucers are very cute! The little chapel is cute too!
    I wish you a nice day and have fun with your walks! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella. Yes, cheers to a life without Corrina, we don't need her! Have a lovely day, enjoy your freedom!

  2. I love your tag, that dog image is so cute. What a beautiful park, you are very lucky to have such beautiful places to visit. Have a great day. x

    1. Thanks Anesha. The next tag will be with a cat! We are indeed lucky t have so many lovely places to visit. Have a great week!

  3. Hi Val, hope you are enjoying your day. Here the sun is shining, so mum's out in the garden and behaving herself for once, it's so nice when she has quiet days. Love your beautiful tag, that's a clever looking dog! And the journal page is very beautiful, too. I always love visiting the park with you, you see so many delightful things. Have a great day, stay safe, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! Glad your mum is having quiet day, that's good news. It gives you a bit of time to deal with other things. Have a good one, take care!

  4. Wow - such a great post! Love your creations. That dog is wonderful (love the words - so fun), the girl is so pretty - kind of reminds me of Jo and Albert was so smart, and your drinks all look fab. I want those pretty tea cups in the shop, the bunker is sobering (thanks for sharing that) and all your pictures are wonderful. So fun to walk around with you, Valerie. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. Albert was really smart, his quotes are always very to the point. I am trying to keep myself from buying one of those cups, I have too many, but tey are so pretty! Have a great day!

  5. Your superb talent is on display once again, Valerie. How you are able to come up with ideas and create every day is too much for a dullard like me to grasp, but I am able to enjoy everything you show us, including the two little birds you sent me that still live on my bookshelf and wink at me every day. That Grey Heron looks like he is on a mission. Every rodent scurrying though the grass had better beware. I suspect that vole du jour is high on the heron's menu for the day. Maybe you too, along with the ever agreeable Nathalie no doubt, will soon be partaking of coffee in the patio. Maybe even a little strudel to go with it! It is good to see life slowly getting back to normal.

    1. Thanks David. Dullard, huh, stop fishing for compliments! The grey heron snapped something small, brown and furry seconds after I took the photo - bon appetit! I visited the little goslings again yesterday, they get bigger day by day, I will post the pics tomorrow!

    2. Thanks Laurie. Sometimes I lose the plot completely! Have a great week!

  6. Lovely art for the challenges, dogs and cats do often get along when they live together. That bunker was interesting.

    1. Thanks Christine. There are several old bunkers nearby, I went down into one as part of a tour, and it was scary!

  7. Cute tuxie dog and his dapper bowtie. I like the background colors of the nature page. Lots of cups in your post today. Your cappuccino cup is very pretty though I’d rather have tea. And piece of that almond tart. ๐Ÿ˜‹ Beautiful flowers on your walk and your bench looks like a serene place to take a rest. Happy T Day

    1. Thanks CJ! Yes, the cup ist a teacup and I misuse it for coffee! And the almond tart was very good!

  8. Oh this dog is lovely Valerie! with such pretty eyes, beautiful tag. My dog ​​also loved Lulu, our beloved cat, she was like her mother when he came home with only a month and half old. I really like your digital page and your drink. Delicious almond cake and lovely your cup of coffee. Happy T day! I always enjoy your walks, lovely places to visit, fabulous flowers and such a beautiful heron.
    Have a nice new week and stay safe
    Big hugs

  9. Thanks Caty, you have a lovely dog, too. It's always good to see cats and dogs being friends with one another. Take care!

  10. Poppies are my very favorites :-)
    Hier รถffnen Restaurants auch. Aber nรถรถรถ. Essen und trinken geht auch zu Hause.
    Erstmal Geld verdienen, dann รคndert sich das, man soll einander ja helfen!
    Dir GlG, Iris

  11. All of your works are wonderful.
    What a delicious aspect the almond crumble tart has
    Lantz'cher Park must be a beautiful place.
    I enjoyed walking with you through your spectacular photos. I especially loved the first photo of the poppy.
    Take care and have a nice week

  12. Thanks Maria! The tart was indeed very good! Glad you enjoyed walking with me.

  13. I think if I was able to travel to Germany I would put Dusseldorf at the top of my list. Every photo you share is so lovely! Those cups in the shop are darling but I love your pattern for the cap-at-home even more. Lovely post. Happy week!

    1. Danke Jeanie. There are a lot of pretty places near here. Cappuccino at home tastes good and saves money!

  14. A drink on a terrace or patio is as close to dining in as I feel like getting, but I'd be tempted by their ads :) Those cups and saucers would tempt me, too. The tart looks delicious! That bench does look like the perfect resting spot -a beautiful setting.

    Happy T Day!

    1. I always enjoy sitting outside and people watching, that's fun.

  15. Oh my word Valerie, you are spoiling us today! Haha to the dog sentiment, love what you made. Your artwork today is amazing!! I am loving those teacups and the almond tart would go perfectly with my afternoon coffee :) Lovely post today!!

    1. Thanks Pinky! The almond tart was really special,must make another one soon!

  16. Almond tart and cappuccino. I'd like one.

  17. I love the sight of that cappuccino in that pretty cup and saucer.

  18. OMG!!!
    How beautifully rustic your dog tag it!
    Your other piece is stunning!!! Also colorful and beautiful!!!
    Your photos are always exquisitely gorgeous!!!

    Stay Safe Valerie...Hugs ❤

    1. Thanks Jan. Glad you like the fun dog. Have a great, new week!

  19. Everything is so pretty, I love your pics- cute dog, nice flowers and all is perfect:)

  20. OMGosh Valerie what wonderful photos. I really like your handsome dog, and the flow of hair on the pretty lady. Have a great Monday.

  21. Beautiful artwork Valerie! I love the bow tie on the dog and what a great quote on the page! Your almond crumble tart looks delicious and gorgeous photos of your walk, the flowers are stunning.
    Take care and stay well- Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! I keep thinking of that tart, I must make another one! Have a great week!

  22. Das sind so schรถne Werke von dir gerade der Hund ist so sรผss und mit dem Hintergrund!
    Dein Mรคdchen mit den tollen farbigen Hintergund und den Spruch find eich so toll!
    Deine ganze Fotos da wรคre ich jetzt auch gerne spazieren gehen, wunderschรถn war dein Spaziergang!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  23. Love your dog tag Valerie and the quote on the second piece. Your almond tart looks amazing !! That renovated villa looks wonderful, so good older places are being restored and kept. The bunker is a reminder of what has gone and hopefully won't happen again! Wonderful walk photos.

    1. Thanks a lot! I love cheeky dogs! I'm glad they renovated the old villa at last, it had been looking so dilapidated. I, too, hope that we nver need those bunkers again!

  24. Awesome art Valerie, your dessert looks sooo good, and yes food and drink are good at home too-we rarely go out to eat any more-even before covid.
    beautiful photos-great art too love them both. Happy T hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. Eating out is good, but always expensive, and just now, I prefer being home. Glad you like the photos. feel free to use any pics you like! I loved your painting!

  25. So pretty! love the dog art :) love anything dog related :)

    1. Thanks Monica. I love dogs, too, and enjoy 'meeting' lots of them on my walks! Stay safe!

  26. Happy T day Valerie. Your almond crumble looks so delicious. And although I don't drink coffee, your cup is so pretty and it such an attractive looking drink. And your reminder page for TIOT is gorgeous. But my favorite is that dog tag. What a great pup. I think I can rustle up an animal or 2 for this challenge. Have a wonderful T day Valerie. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. That almond crumble was the best ever, I must make another one when I get visitors again. I don't bake when I am alone, for good reasons! Dogs are lovely, aren't they? Looking forward to seeing what you make! Happy T day!

  27. Most inspiring, art, beauty, nature, delish food and fabulous doggy on your art is so your post at all times but this is a real 'cheer me up'

  28. That heron almost looks like a statue.
    I'm afraid that luscious looking tart is going to be all gone before I get there:)
    I love all three pieces.
    What a glorious walk.

  29. That dog is fabulous but I love the big gold bow tie!
    The poppies are beautiful at this time of year as well as all the photos from your walk.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. There are poppies everywhere just now, in all colours, they are so beautiful! Stay safe!

  30. Be still my heart...what a beautiful post filled with so many things I love like: your super art-yes!, animals- yes!, those teacups with saucers and matching boxes- yes!, cappuccino and tart slice- yes!, the sights of your surrounding area-yes!, and those red poppies- yes!!! I'll be having lovely dreams tonight for sure as it is getting late here on a Mon eve:) Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda. I'm seriously thinking of buying one of those lovely cups today, I can't get them out of my head! Stay safe!

  31. I fell asleep about 15 minutes before T time today. I was SO tired since I'd been up all night and day. When I woke to that dapper dog, I had to laugh at his enthusiastic face and bow tie. Quite a fun tag, Valerie.

    Your lady is beautiful and you can never go wrong quoting Einstein. It's a beautiful entry.

    I love the idea of cucumber sandwiches and scones served with tea. However, like you, my preferred drink is coffee. Your art is beautiful and your own cup of cappuccino is beautiful. I'm sure your tart was wonderful, too. Thankfully, I'm not hungry for once (grin).

    I was especially taken by both the poppies and the old WWII bunker today. Seems they probably go well together. Of course, those cups are beautiful, too.

    Thanks for sharing your art and your cappuccino and walk with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. Dogs always look so enthusiastic and happy, that's what I love. And tea is something I don't drink unless I need to be polite and someone has foolishly made me some thinking that all Brits like tea! Stay safe, get well!

  32. how nice it is to immerse yourself in nature :)

  33. I have enjoyed reading your post and seeing the photos, I would be very tempted to a piece of the tart you made, it would go down a treat with the cup of tea that is beside me just now.
    The tag looks sweet and I love the page you created with the beautiful lady.
    Was the old Villa a family home? I did like the words above the doorway.
    Stay safe and well.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! The tart would taste good with tea, I'm sure of that! The villa was once a family home built in the 19th century on the grounds of an old castle, which they knocked down! The house is privately used for some swanky offices, but the gardens are open to the public.

  34. Lovely artwork and great photos. You have beautiful places where you can walk. Happy T-Day!

    1. Thanks Anne. I enjoy walking here. Take care!

  35. Lots of pretty art themes this week, and I love them all. Your doggie pic is so amzing, and I always love, love, love looking at teacups/coffee cups. Wish there was a way I could teleport myself there to see them all!(lol) Air Hugs, RO

    1. I know what you mean about teacups, I was out today and looking into more china shops! Stay safe!

  36. Luv your animal tag Valerie, cute doggie
    Have a good Tuesday


  37. I love all your pieces, but the one with the book, drink and cookies is my fav.
    Stay safe. Stay healthy.

    1. Of course you had to like the book best! Stay safe, my friend!

  38. Awesome pics! Thanks for sharing! ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ Stay safe! ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ

    1. Thanks Carol, much appreciated! You stay safe, too!

  39. Great photos and wonderful art Valerie!

  40. Such a fabulous tag, the dog is super cute! I'm loving your hybrid page with the lovely lady too - beautiful ๐Ÿ˜€. As always your photos are wonderful, it looks like you've been having some lovely weather and the flowers are gorgeous! Happy T Day! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. The weather has indeed been beautiful.

  41. Gosh, it seems just like old times, Valerie. You went out for coffee. Woohoo! And you had a good walk around town. Thank you for the lovely photos. The poppies are beautiful. So is your lovely lady page.

    Happy T-Day! Eileen xx

    Happy T-Day! Eileen xx

  42. Lovely artwork. That doggie is a cutie. I always enjoy your photos so much as well.
    Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Halle. I met a cute puppy out walking today! Have a great week.

  43. Such a lovely mix of photographs and your coffee and almond crumble tart look good :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, and the almond tart ist low carb, too.

  44. Fabulous art works Valerie,and your photos are beautiful - especially the almond crumble. It's been too hot to walk anywhere here today, but hopefully it should be a little cooler tomorrow. Take care, Sue xx

    1. Yes, it's a great photo, and it tasted even better!

  45. Wow, what a fascinating blog post - I love the pictures of your walk, the villa is beautiful. Your tag is very cute and I love the sentiment.

    1. Thanks Diana, glad you enjoyed walking with me!


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