
Saturday 28 March 2020

This and That from now and then

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend. Enjoy it and  stay safe in spite of everything! Just had my coffee on the balcony and watched the sun rise, always a great way to start the day for me.

Today I have another journal page to share. For this one I printed off a lino print  in green from a plate that I made back in the 90s. It is A4 size. I digitally faded the edges with a filter, and then added the greenery and the quote. This was fun to make! I am linking to Eileen's green challenge at AJJ

Today I am sharing photos taken back on this day 2015.

The blue-tit is a bit blurry, I took the photos through the window:

And I loved watching the sunrise back then, too:

This was a strange man in a flying machine on the other side of the Rhine:

Crows are always in the garden looking for food:

Lots of water fowl at the castle in Kalkum:

The blue-tit turned his back on me as I took the pic:

And somebody was having a stylish ride in a carriage:

Have a great weekend, take care and stay safe, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Our world changing drastically is brightened up by your fabulous post...xx

  2. Hi Val, good morning! The sun is shining, Mum's having a good day and she's in the garden with the kids for half an hour, so I have a few minutes piece and quiet. Love the beautiful green face and the quote with it. Great photos - a blast from the past! I can't remember seeing that flying man before, how interesting. Take care of yourself, stay safe, hugs, Sarah

  3. We´re both in the ... in den 90ern heute :-)
    Einstein war nicht nur intelligent, auch weise, gute Worte!
    Süßer Vogel, die hatten wir hier auch. Schöne Fotos und ich hatte mal einen "reichen" Kollegen/Kunden (er war VW ich nur Zulieferer), der hatte auch so ein Flug-Ding.
    Raben - tolle Vögel!
    Auf dass uns nicht "die Pferde durchgehen/die Decke auf den Kopf fällt"!
    Einen schönen Tag dir, GlG, Iris

  4. Danke Iris. Einstein war in der Tat einen sehr klugen und weisen Mensch.

  5. Coffee on the balcony watching the sunrise seems like the perfect way to start the day, Valerie. Let us all hope that the day is not far off when you will be able to enjoy coffee in a café again. Confinement is no fun, is it?

    1. Thanks David. It's perfect start for me anyway! Sooner or later we will get our freedom back! Stay safe!

  6. A good way to start the day with a lovely view and the great photo that you shared.
    I loved the page you shared with Eileen's AJJ theme, the Lino print face is fabulous and you found a wonderful sentiment to add to it.
    Stay safe and well.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. We have to make the best of it just now. I know you are having a hard time, hope things will soon be better for you. Take care!

  7. Valerie your art journal page is gorgeous and I love that quote.
    Your photos always show the beauty in this world of ours. Thank you for sharing the gorgeous scene's that you see through your camera.

    Big Hugs ❤💗❤

    1. Thanks Jan. I love Einstein's quotes, too. Stay safe!

  8. Love your creation, great words. Great photo capture of the Blue Tit. Stay safe and well. x

    1. Thanks Anesha. The blue tits are always on my balcony, and always hungry!

  9. It was very fascinating to watch! You stay safe, too!

  10. Beautifully green artwork! What gorgeous fiery sunrises. I love all the bird photos too!

    1. Thanks June. Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  11. I think I should love to have a stylish carriage ride! That looks very elegant and loads of fun. Thanks for all the beauty this morning!

    1. The coach-hiring place is just along the road here. They do a lot of coach tours and hay-wagon rides-

  12. Replies
    1. Thanks Christine! Have a great weekend in spite of it all!

  13. I really love this green art. Something very powerful about it. I remember some of these photos from 2015. Be safe and elbow hugs

    1. Thanks. Green is a powerful colour, I love it!

  14. Wie schön dein Journal mit dem Zitat!Herrlich was du alles siehst die Vögel und die Kutschfahrt!Die Blaumeise ist so süss beim pieken!
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende daheim und bleib gesund!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Dir auch ein schönes und erholsames WE!

  15. Your green art looks great.
    So nice to see your photographs, love the carriage … it is very stylish.

    Stay safe and well and enjoy your weekend.
    Must say coffee on the balcony is a good idea :)

    All the best Jan

  16. Your green page is gorgeous, Valerie. Beautiful sunrise and critters photos. Oh, I love birds!!! Hugs, my friend, and please stay safe.

  17. Hi Valerie, I Loved everything! Hugs-stay safe Hugs Kathy

  18. Great photos Valerie, I love watching the bluetits that visit my bird feeder. A beautiful green page too!
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. Bird watching ist always fascinating!

  19. Lovely green goddess. I enjoyed your photos, too. Take care.

  20. n’abend zusammen. - oder auch allein.

    Looking over the Rhein from Kaiserswerth you’re only a stone’s throw away from my old Heimat: Krefeld!
    Getting the Strassenbahn to Duesseldorf always involved a stop at Kaiserswerth and my Mum and Dad and I often went and sat in the Restaurant on ‘our’ side looking across and sometimes even felt brave enough to visit.

    Well I never!

    Lovely pictures. I love watching birds from my window, the garden is a paradise for all sorts of them and there’s a river running round it.

    Give my regards to ‘my’ river. Rheinwasser war mein Taufwasser. I am quite envious that you are there and I am here, in the backwoods of the English/Welsh border.

    1. Good to hear from you! What a coincidence that you come from Krefeld, just across the river. I will say hello to the Rhine for you, I love to walk there. But your backwoods sound good, too! Take care!

  21. Coffee on the balcony is a lovely way to start the day and even better when you get such beautiful sunrises.
    Your green art makes me think of mother nature waking up for spring, it's a lovely serene face. Lovely photos - it's nice to look back on 'freeer' times.
    Have a good weekend and stay safe.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril! The good times will come again, I am sure if it. Stay safe!

  22. so fantastic photos:) i love them!

  23. Love the page Valerie! That quote fits well!
    Love your photos, doesn't time fly? Enjoy your weekend! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. Time does indeed fly by quickly. Stay safe!

  24. Gorgeous green artwork Valerie and love all those photos, especially all the birds. Thanks for sharing them with us.
    Have a lovely Sunday.
    Fliss xx

    1. Thanks Fliss. Enjoy your Sunday and stay safe. Hugs, Valerie

  25. Beautiful art work and I love the saying. Always enjoy your photos.

  26. Interesting journal page. What wonderful colours on that wee bird. I hope you are doing well. Glad to see you creating in your studio. hugs, Teresa

  27. That green lino print is great, You have used her before, but in green with the ivy it is really nice. Thanks for linking to Eileen's green challenge at AJJ again. And It is good to see 2015 again. Spring. Some signs here are finally showing up. Enjoy the rest of your weekend Valerie. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Glad spring is arriving at your place!

  28. A stunning sunrise again - even if it is from way back when - and that flying machine looks rather fun to me! Your lino print is just amazing - it has such character and depth - beautiful. Our tiny seedlings are starting to sprout unfurl in the kitchen just 72 hours after planting the seeds - so exciting!
    Hope you're enjoying a peaceful Sunday. Stay safe.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. That flying machine was really Something! Stay safe.

  29. Such cute photos of the birds, especially blue-tit ones, love those birds! And the shade of green on your work is so pretty☺

  30. Thanks Natalia, enjoy your day!

  31. Wonderful page - your plate you made is fabulous and the quote from Albert is perfect! Super cool pictures too - you have been taking great pictures for awhile. So much interesting stuff in your area! Stay safe!

    1. Thanks so much, Nancy! Glad you liked the pics.

  32. What a stunning page Valerie! I love all of the green (one of my favorite colors) and that awesome quote! Gorgeous photos- I love that sweet little blue-tit and WOW your sunrises are so beautiful!! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and take care.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. Green is always beautiful, isn't it. You take care, too, Tammy!

  33. Your So Right, Something Magical About A Sunrise - Sunsets Obviously Work - But Not Quite As Pure - Wonderful Photos For Sure


    1. Thanks a lot. The sunrise is always something very special indeed.

  34. "Live for today" are wise words :) I love your bird photos, especially that crow!

    1. Thanks a lot. Birds are always beautiful to watch.

  35. Thank you for sharing another wonderful page at Art Journal Journey. I love the lino print plate you made. Wow!

    I especially enjoyed your beautifu photos since we can't go outside much these days.

    Have a Lovely Sunday. Stay safe and well.

    Eileen xx

    1. Thanks Eileen, this is one of my fave lino cuts. Stay safe!

  36. Your photos are awesome. So different from Hawaii. Totally different.

    1. Thanks. I like living here, but Hawaii sounds good, too.

  37. Late again. My motto lately. Been offline again for almost 20 hours. I can take the stay at home orders, just not NOT being connected to the internet. I love that lino plate. It's gorgeous. You make the best lino cuts. I am always in awe. I love how you painted it green so you could share it with us at Art Journal Journey. Thanks once again for joining us at AJJ.

    Lovely photos of the ducks. Not crazy about the Canadian Geese, since they are everywhere in my neighborhood. LOVE those sunrises and a great way to start the morning with coffee, too.

    1. Thanks E! The Canadian geese have certainly taken over the world! They are beautiful, but rather invasive. Stay safe!


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