
Monday 30 March 2020

T sTands for This , That and The oTher

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all had a good weekend in spite of 'Corrina'. I was sad not to be able to go out as the weather was cold and frosty, just right for walking, but  I was at least able to see it from my balcony. Some places got snow and/or sleet. It's extremely cold again today, a strange beginning to summer time! Things just have to get better! But it did give me time to prepare posts, tidy files on my computer and do lots of reading, all positive things! My laptop is also misbehaving, the 'a' doesn't want to work, so I need to bash the key several times to get a result. Not good when your fingers are sore. My laptop is suffering from old age, like me, and sooner or later I will need a new one. 

I have another tag for Michele's bunnies and butterflies challenge at Tag Tuesday to share. This time I used Beatrix Potter figures. The quote is also from her:

This evening we will be beginning ElizabeTh's T sTands for Tuesday parTy, so here a warm welcome to all the lovely ladies of the T gang who come by.
I found this piece in a book I picked up, I don't know when I scribbled it, but it fits for today, anyway. I guess I mixed up my breakfast and mouse....But I must confess, my desk is never that tidy! 

Coffee at home tastes good, too!

My head is always filled with dreams of coffee:

Today I have some pics from my balcony flowers:

Nathalie has been sorting out at home as she will soon be moving, and gave me these 2 beautiful tins of French soap, which look and smell delightful:

And of course, my fascination with the sunrise continues:

I wrote this poem when I was at school, I recently re-discovered it in one of the old school magazines from 1960. My fascination with sunrise is not new:

Dark sky changing
Through rainbow hues
Into the clear light of day
Spider trembling in its web, waiting
The golden sliver of the rising sun
Sliding over the horizon
Filling the world with fire and light.

The flowers close in the evening and welcome the sun by opening up again:

Have a good week, stay safe,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are keeping well and fit in spite of it all! Love your Beatrix Potter tag, the kids love it, too. Great photos, too and I love the poem you wrote back then. you were always very talented! We have the usual chaos here and it's very cold and frosty. The kids are watching TV with mum, so they're occupied for a bit. Sorry about your keyboard, sounds annoying. Take care and stay home! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sweetie! Look after yourself. Good that the kids are looking after your mum just now, hope it lasts a bit!

  2. Danke. Du bringst mich trotz des Wahnsinns mit "Corinna" zum Lachen!
    Oh jeh, stell dir vor du heißt so!!! Hilfe! ;-)
    Yep, hier auch. Daten aufgeräumt.
    Oh, du arbeitest vom Laptop? Ich hasse das, ich habe einen Good old fashioned PC mit zwei großen Monitoren. Laptop nur im Notfall. Herrjeh, es tut mir leid, dass deine Finger noch nicht OK sind! Mein Husten ist fast weg. Ich hatte echt Angst es wäre Corinna. War vielleicht ne ganz Kleine...

    Hahaha. Eine Kollegin, die mit nur einem Monitor arbeitete, saß an meinem PC und griff die Mandarine. Ich dachte, naja, vielleicht hungrig?
    Sie schob die Mandarine hin und her und starrte von einem Monitor zum anderen - ein Kunde war dabei und ich hatte eine sehr harte Zeit, nicht zu lachen. Ich stubste sie (wir waren Freundinnen) und sie guckte mich nur böse an.
    Ich stubste wieder mit Blick auf die Mandarine.... und sie hatte auch eine harte Zeit, nicht zu lachen.
    Danke für die Erinnerung und: Du bist nicht allein.
    Ihre Chefin nahm mal ein Brötchen...
    Ingo hat mal ein altes Mobiltelefon durch die Gegend geschoben...

    Schöne Tasse! ..n, plural! Und wunderschöne Blumen.
    Das sind schöne Seifendosen. Ich hoffe, das Chaos ist vorbei wenn unser Französisches Festival ansteht, da gibt es auch immer so schöne Seifen.

    Schönes Gedicht, ich kann sowas gar nicht.
    Was ich kann: verbummeln :-( Ich habe deine Adresse verbummelt, kannst du sie nochmal schicken bitte?
    Und ich hab doch glatt die Sommerzeit verpennt!
    GlG, Iris

    1. Danke! Lachen ist wichtig, besonders jetzt. Ja, ich glaube viele Menschen verwechseln Maus und brötchen oder Kaffeetassen oder was immer! Eind Mandarine wäre auch gut! Sommerzeit würde ich auch vergessen aber die Uhren stellen sich alle automatisch um. Ich schicke dir die adresse per WhatsApp später!

  3. I think that some enterprising coffee merchant or international company should give you a juicy contract to promote their product. You would be the most sincere, genuine and believable shill they could have. And of course part of the deal would be to supply you with free coffee for life! Stay well, keep occupied and don't pound your fingers to a pulp on the recalcitrant laptop!

    1. Thanks David, you really have the best ideas! I could really start a second career with that! I think sooner or later I will pound my laptop to a pulp, it's not behaving well at all!

  4. Fotoğraflar çok güzel. Kahve içmek istedim:)

    1. Thanks, taking photos and drinking coffee are my hobbies!

  5. Beatrix Potter, love it, love your post and I sit here googly eyed at your funny note you

  6. Thanks Laurie. Sooner or later i will get a new laptop! Till then I have to suffer!

  7. You have such wonderful and positive posts. If I don't press pretty hard on my key board none of my letters show up. I truly need a new key board. Have a good day.

    1. Thanks Nicole. It's important to stay positive. Hope you get a new keyboard soon!

  8. You sketch made me laugh, great work. Love the tag as well. We had to replace our laptop recently as the kitten sat on it and finally broke the Have a good day.x

    1. Thanks! Kitties sometimes do strange things, huh? My cat used to lie on the laptop when I closed it, perhaps because it was warm?!

  9. Too bad about the laptop's A key. Hope you can fix it. I like the photo of the first coffee cup. Very pretty design. I used to drink coffee daily but now it makes me too wired so I don't drink it anymore.

  10. Thanks. The pretty cup is from an old service which belonged to my great aunt. I can't be without coffee!

  11. Lovely art and photos, nice soap from Nathalie. Valerie, my husband says a new keyboard might solve your problems, if you have an extra one hanging around, or there is Amazon! Hope this helps.

    1. Thanks Christine. I'll ask my neighbour when I see him, he always keeps his old parts!

  12. Love your Bunnies!!! The flower photos are beautiful. It's been nice here the past few days so Hubby and I have been working outside. We have alot of BIG trees that came down this winter with the storms. We are just cleaning up the smaller branches so that it won't cost so much when we pay someone to come cut up the massive trunks .
    Our President just extended the Stay at Home time until the end of April.

    1. Hi Carol, great to see you here again. Last winter lots of trees fell here, too. I can imagine it's a lot of work for you. Stay safe at home we're all in 'solitary confinement ' too. Look after yourself and stay safe!

  13. As always, everything is great. I especially loved your poem and the first tag. Soooo cute.
    Stay safe. Stay healthy.
    Here's a well-distanced hug.

  14. You have a good collection of balcony flowers, so lovely to see.
    That was a very nice poem, I enjoyed it thank you.
    … and even though I prefer tea, that looks a good cup of coffee :)

    Take care, and stay safe and well.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, you and your family stay safe, too!


  15. Beautiful poem and photographs. I am delighted with your joyful work. My laptop is also quite old and sometimes I have problems with the keyboard;)) Have a good week :)

    1. Thanks Lucyna! Old laptops and old people like me sometimes have problems!

  16. Your postings have so much beauty in each and every photo and your art is incredible!!!
    I am amazed how you create your beautiful art and how you use your camera to create breathtaking portraits of everyday life and nature.

    Hugs and Stay Safe ❤❤❤

    1. Thanks Jan, you are always so kind! You stay safe, too!

  17. Beautiful art and photos Valerie, and I love your poem!
    Elbow hugs,
    Alison xx

  18. Oh I love your tag Valerie with the Beatrix Potter images, they are so sweet! LOVE all of the flowers on your balcony, they are so colorful! What a great coffee page too, I agree with all of the sentiments, oh how I need my coffee every morning!! :) Stay safe.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. Yes, coffee is sooooo necessary! Stay safe!

  19. I love your tag Valerie, beautifully done, and your flowers look so cheery!. I would love those soaps too, I still have one that my son bought me when he was 5 or 6 (he's 26 now lol) I hope Natalie isn't moving too far away from you - you would miss her. Take care and have a good week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue: Nathalie is moving into Düsseldorf, luckily not too far!

  20. Gosh, Valerie. I thought I would be early, but from the looks of things, I'm not. I actually just finished my T post because I was once again kicked offline.

    LOVE the bunny tag. It's so cute and clever, and a lovely quote, too.

    Your flowers on your balcony are doing great. You more than likely have a green thumb.

    Sorry about your laptop keyboard. My keyboard and mouse (I only have my home computer) are fighting again, and sometimes they won't let me write. I keep moving the mouse, then the keyboard, then the mouse again. Very frustrating. I even broke the back of the keyboard, the part that holds it up off the table.

    LOVE your coffee. You make the best looking cappuccinos. The cups are gorgeous, too. Even your head that's thinking about coffee first thing in the morning is wonderful Thanks beyond belief for sharing your art, your lovely flowers, and your cappuccinos with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

    1. Thanks E! Sorry about your internet again. I need a new laptop badly, I don't have another computer, and like nearly everything else I have, it's old. Oh well, my gadgets are I go well together!

  21. I have a finger-saving tip for you, Valerie. It's a little tedious, but it might be worth the trouble. Copy an "a" into a textPad or Note Pad page. Whenever you need an "a," go there and copy the "a," then paste it on the page you're working on. You can do a bunch at a time. When you need the keyboard to work well more than ever, is when it fails. That must be part of Murphy's Law.

    Your cartoon really made me smile. That should be a stamp!

    Love your tag: "Behave yourself and never mind the rest." Perfect manta for these days.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

    P.S. I'm sorry to hear Nathalie is moving. It has been delightful getting to know her through yout blog. I wish her well.

    1. Thanks Eileen! Nathalie is not moving far, we will still be able to meet and greet regularly! The quote from Beatrix Potter is one of my faves. Happy T Da, and stay safe!

  22. Happy T day Valerie. You have gotten so clever with your coffee. Love that happy smile. And nice Beatrix Potter tag. It is sweet and cheery in these troubled times. And your sketch is perfect by itself for T day. So is Nathalie moving close by? And I do love seeing your blooms on your balcony. Lucky you to have them. They must make you smile in these scary shut in days. Take care Valerie Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Glad you like the tag and sketch. Nathalie is not moving far, just into Düsseldorf, so no big distance. My balcony is a little refuge for me just now, my window to the world.

  23. Love your Beatrix Potter tag- such delightful characters! Coffee on the brain- I get it cuz when I can't have any first thing in the AM (like when I need to get bloodwork done)I am NOT happy -lol. How lovely your balcony garden is looking! And oh I would love the soaps as much as the tins they came in:) Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda. Yes, mornings without coffee are awful. Those soaps and tins are really delightful, I keep having a sniff! Happy T Da, and stay safe!

  24. That gave me a funny picture of you bashing the laptop keys.I know what you mean about old laptops, I am in the same boat.
    Beatrix Potter illustrations are some of my favorite! I love how you incorporated them onto your tag.
    The flowers are beautiful and I love the purple ones. Glad that you are able to enjoy the weather from your balcony if you cannot have your walks. Your hot drinks look perfect for a frosty morning.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. Normally I would be planting more on my balcony just now, but as I can't get out, it will just have to wait. Stay safe!

  25. Gorgeous tag Valerie, really love seeing Peter rabbit on there. Sorry about your computer issue and have to say I'm hoping no problems appear with mine as now would not be the right time for that!
    Your balcony pots look amazing, so colourful and must be a comfort when you can't go out.
    The poem is beautiful too, thanks for sharing it with us.
    Have a good week, Fliss xx

    1. Thanks Fliss! Problems always happen at the worst possible time. Take care of yourself!

  26. I made a cuppa and brought it to the table and have enjoyed reading your post.. I laughed at the keyboard bashing a regular event with this old laptop as well. It has never learned to spell and is worse since it got older it even gets spells of capital-I-tis, but while it works it is a plus.
    I loved your tag and sketch page, the poem is wonderful as well, I think you may have more of these and hope you will share some here. The balcony flowers look so pretty.
    Stay safe and well and enjoy your coffee, it looks good.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Hope you enjoyed your cuppa. Laptop keyboards wear out too quickly. Mind, I have been using this one since 2011 every day, I don't have another computer, and it has been quite good really. But old is old! I have lots of poems, I will share some here and there! Stay safe!

  27. Those coffee/teacups are fabulous, and I'm getting ready to make some coffee right now, Valerie. It's been near 80 degrees here in NC, and I sure wish there was a way I could teleport some of your snow or cold weather.(lol) Such lovely and bright flower pics! Hugs and stay safe. RO

    1. Thanks Ro! I would gladly send you some icy blasts from here, any time! Look after yourself!

  28. Morning Valerie, I really love your tags, they are so vibrant and gorgeous, and the drawing, i sometimes think that too, ha,ha, my ipad does that, sometimes it misses a T, just hope it's not on it's way out, it's not that old yet.
    lovely photos and flowers, your coffee mug is very pretty and i like the smiley face.
    I'm still waiting for a new battery for my laptop, ordered in February, not likely to get for quite some time.
    Take care and those hand soaps will come in useful, they look so lovely I would be loath to use them!!!
    Jan x

    1. Thanks Jan! We all rely on our technical products, but they all seem to develop weak spots sooner or later! That's a long time to wait for a battery! Stay safe!

  29. Wow Valerie your balcony is so full of beautiful blooms-what a lovely spot to enjoy during these crazy times.
    I love your bunny and the sentiment, and loved the old sketch you found-perfect.
    You make beautiful capachino! used to shop at a store years ago with a friend that sold these huge bars of lavender soap from France at a very discounted price-I loved it-Have not seen soaps in a tin-awesome as afterwards you have a tin.
    Always enjoy your photos and your posts-stay safe and hope your hands continue to heal hugs Happy T Kathy

  30. Thanks so much Kathy! That soap is really lovel, almost too nice to use! Stay safe!

  31. Is there life before coffee. Ha Ha. Good one.
    You stay safe and healthy.
    Sending a six feet distancing hug.

  32. The Beatrix Potter tags are so cute. Your coffee filled head made me laugh. Such pretty cups for your cappuccino. Your Spring is further along than here. Your balcony flowers are just gorgeous as well as your sunrise pictures and your sweet poem. Take care and Happy T Day

  33. Lovely bunnies, on your tag and also your header of course is so sweet. I have only recently noticed that the rabbit in your header only has one ear!
    Oh your cappuccino looks so yummy, I wish I could make that, but I will need a special machine to fluff up the milk. I have tried shaking in a jar and that works a bit, but it is not the same as a cappuccino from the barista.
    Your sunrises are spectacular. Even in 1960, when you wrote the poem, you were into sunrises.
    I'm sorry your keyboard is imitating your fingers. I have an old laptop with the same problem but when it happens, I use the on screen keyboard, which I always have running in the background in case one of my keys goes on strike.
    Ooh that soap! a beauty! I hope Nathalie is not moving too far away. so you can still see each other.
    Your balcony flowers are gorgeous. I love the gerberas.
    Take care and happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. The rabbit had 2 ears, one is just laid back! I have a milk foamer machine from Aldi, makes foam and milkshakes. Take care!

  34. Gorgeous tag! I love everything Beatrix Potter and you used the images beautifully 😁. Your drawing made me laugh, so much that I had to show my hubby ... lol ... hope that your computer lasts a bit longer for you. Wow, you balcony flowers are beautiful, it must be so uplifting to see them everyday along with those amazing sunsets too - perfect 😀. Your coffee looks wonderful too, so much to smile about today! Wishing you a happy T Day, stay safe and well! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Oops, of course I meant sunrises not sunsets 😁. x

  35. Thanks Jo! Glad the drawing made you laugh! Stay safe!

  36. Liebe Valerie
    ja so ein Mist dass der Pc so langsam der Geist auf gibt aus gerechhnet jetzt, ich drück dir die Daumen dass er noch was länger hebt.
    Wie süss dein Osterhasenbild! Die Fotos von deinen wunderschönen Balkonblumen und der Sonnenaufgang herrlich an zusehen.
    Der Kaffedurst ist immer da bei dir und Moment trinke ich auch mehr*zwinker*
    Ich wünsche dir gute Tage und halte durch und bleib gesund!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  37. Beautiful work today Valerie. I do love your Beatrix Potter creation! Your scribbles made me chuckle, think we are all the same. Gorgeous uplifting photos today. Take care xx

    1. Thanks Pinky. Yes, I'm sure we all do similar silly things from time to time!

  38. Beautiful photos and poem! Your bunny tag is precious too ~ Enjoy the soap I'm sure it will come in handy as we all wash our hands 3xs as often as we used to! ~ Blessings

    1. Thanks Karen! Yes, we are all washing our hands a lot, so good soap is a big bonus just now.

  39. Oh I love your bunny art! It is wonderful! The photos are also so pretty. Thanks for the lovely visit.

  40. I love your coffee at home cups, especially the one with the pretty flowered edge. Oh, the tag is darling and I love your sunrises. So pretty. I can relate to computer issues -- I've had more than a few in recent months and it's incredibly frustrating!

    1. The cups belonged to my great aunt. Sunrise ist always a wonderful time.

  41. I'm sorry to hear it got cold there again. Lovely tag. Beautiful flowers. Your coffee (and cups/saucers) look great.

  42. First of all the words: a really beautiful poem, Valerie - and so interesting to see that your fascination with the sunrise goes so far back to your childhood - and a great quote from Beatrix Potter. Now the pictures - a delightful tag with so much colour and life for one of my favourite literary characters. Your little scribble is so eloquent of your frustration! And the photos, as always are an enchantment - lovely flowers on the balcony, such delightful vintage soap tins, and those stunning sunrise photos too.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison! Beatrix Potter and her books were a part of my childhood.

  43. We're getting gradually warmer weather, and it's hard not to get out to a park when the sun is so pretty. But I'm staying in except for grocery trips. Your Beatrix Potter tag is adorable! Your balcony flowers are beautiful, and that view! Sometimes coffee at home is perfection :)

    1. Thanks, coffee is always good! It's wise to stay home just now, stay safe!

  44. i love how you've been incorporating storybook bunnies into your creations on this theme! another winner. xo

  45. I really love how the photos reflect geometry in nature too. Yes, I think all our houses should end up looking good!

  46. Know I am dreadfully late in our case, but I'm here now and thoroughly enjoying your photos. The flowers on your balcony look lovely! When it gets to this time of year it gets rather too hot for plants and flowers so I choose from some of the imitation ones I've bought over the years. We had a buzzard flying round earlier - I thought I saw it being chased by crows the other day but couldn't believe that we would have one around! I love your tag - my GD loved the Beatrix Potter tales. You have clearly been a sunrise lover for a while too, what a lovely poem! Your little cartoon drawing had me laughing - Oh the frustrations on technology! Take care! Chrisx


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