
Thursday 26 March 2020

It's all Corinna's fault....

Hi Everybody!

This has been a hard week for us all, coping with the restrictions and problems caused by the corona-virus. As Nathalie typed 'Corona' into her phone, it got corrected to Corinna - hence today's title - it's all Corinna's fault!
Whatever, we have to get through this crisis, and I hope we all come through it unscathed. And here in Germany, one man in Aachen is trying for a court case against the government, because he wants to be able to go out and enjoy life with his friends....Words fail me, polite and printable ones anyway!

For Michele's bunnies and butterflies challenge at Tag Tuesday I made a tag with an Alice theme. I used images from Itkupilli's Mr Whiskers set:

 I made this journal page using a photo taken a couple of years back.
I  did some tricks to change the colours of the shadow of the vase, and put three little figures into it. At the moment I really feel like being behind glass, watching the world go by through the window:

I am linking to Art Journal Journey, Eileen's green challenge:

This was the original photo:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday!

As I can't get out just now I have photos taken on this day 2017:

A nutria by the stream:

A hawk sitting in the tree:

A bunny who sat still to have his portrait taken:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a brilliant bunnies and butterflies tag - I've always loved Tenniel's illustrations for the Alice books, so whenever I see them in action, they make me happy. The meaning behind the figures stuck behind glass is really powerful (and what a wonderful original photo of the green glass shadow in the first place) - I hope that you will be allowed a bit more freedom soon. I loved seeing your photos from 2017 - a nutria? Either I missed that post originally, or I've forgotten about him, because I can't remember ever meeting a nutria before!

    I feel so lucky to have a bit of outdoor space - just a small courtyard and then a secluded parking area and garage in front of the house which has lovely plants and trees all around. (It's just for these three little houses - but since neither of the other two inhabitants come out of their houses - one is 102 and one is a genuine hermit - it's really only me and Cestina who go out there.)

    I've just added some photos of plum blossom to my springtime tag post - you missed them because you're always such a wonderfully early visitor! But I thought I'd mention them in case you're interested - seeing your beautiful blossom photos here reminded me.

    Stay safe, and keep looking out of the window - even that connection with nature is better than none.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. We have a stream flowing by here, and the nutria often goes for a paddle or swim, or enjoys the plants along the banks, They have funny, orange teeth, really strange! I looked at your lovely blossoms, thanks for sharing. You are lucky to have a little space outside for your yourself. Stay safe!

  2. Hi Val, I've got here earlier this time, just saw this before I turn in for the night. The kids and mum are all in bed, so I have a few, peaceful minutes. I love the tag with Alice, and the second piece is absolutely gorgeous. I don't know how you did it, but well done! Love the photos from 2017, the weather looked good back then. Good night, sleep tight! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Hope you have had a good sleep and are fit for your hard day! Stay safe!

  3. Oh how I love your Alice art! The photos are so lovely too, I adore the bunny...

  4. What is a nutria? I have never heard of one but I am going to look it up in a few minutes. I just love the pictures you post of the walks you do. That blossom is beautiful and it is such a shame you cannot go out and about like you are used to, but your time will come again and just think how thankful you will be - how we all will be.
    In the meantime enjoy your art and enjoy sharing it with us. I love Alice and I love the original Tenniel drawings no others will do for me . That is a fabulous page you have done. Those figures are so bright and I love how the rabbit is towering over Alice.
    The next piece is powerful! It sums up what is going on in the world today. We are all living in a glass bowl of some kind, looking out on the world. Really a thought provoking piece of artwork that speaks volumes.
    Sending hugs across the water
    Neet xx

    1. Nutrias are animals which used to be bread for their fur, but have now 'gone independent' and live where there's water. They were originally from South America. I love seeing them near the streams.

  5. We had some people who tried to sue the state for the same thing-they wanted to go out and have fun, but the courts were smart and threw out the case. I know what you mean, what a waste of people's time. But I love the tag and that is such a clever journal page. It certainly speaks to life right now. You did a great job with it. It might be tough but we can do this. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I hope the case will be thrown out, too, some people are just plain stupid. Life now is certainly different. Stay safe!

  6. Ohhh some people just don't get it. Your art today is brilliant. That rabbit is excellent. Stay safe and elbow hugs.

    1. Thanks Nicole. That was a nice rabbit to sit for me! Stay safe!

  7. Gorgeous art and photos, it seems like this time will never end...

    1. Thanks Christine. I'm sure it will end, we need to stay hopeful - and patient!

  8. I think you have the same creeple people we do. And I thought they were an American thing...

    Love today's art and photos too. I saw my first bunny today and snapped a pic but it turned out fuzzy. Yours is far more delightful!

    1. Yes, some people are just too stupid....stay safe!

  9. Cute bunnies, gorgeous blossoms and lovely post. Take care and hope you are doing ok..x

  10. Alice art is lovely..your bunnies look like the ones we see around our house.
    We'll have lockdown in Southern Finland starting tonight till 19.4......

  11. Wunderschön Alice im Wunderland und das andere Tag mit dem Schatten der Vase, passend, wäre die Zeit schon vorbei, aber wie kann vor Gericht gehen, schüttle nur den Kopf drüber von so viel Blödsinn!
    Deine Fotos machen Freude!
    Alles gute und Gesundheit!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke.Manche Leute sind eben echt blöd! Irgendwnn ist vorbei!

  12. Diese Corinna!!!!
    Danke, man muss auch mal lachen können, trotz Allem.
    Süße Tiere, in Kunst und echt! Dir einen schönen Tag (ich habe noch nicht Fenster geputzt, aber ich soll ja auch eigentlich im Bett liegen...) GlG, Iris

    1. Ja! Es immer gut wenn Jemand schuld an die Misere ist! Lass die Fenster und ruh dich aus, gute Besserung!

  13. A perfect picture of the bunny, along with the Alice in Wonderland tag is so wonderful, and the colorful flowers are so amazing. Hope you're having a fabulous day and stay safe. Hugs, RO

  14. What delightful post! You are very talented. The digital art is just beautiful. I always love my visit here.

  15. What a stupid man!! Seriously, it is unbelievable how silly some people can be Valerie! I adore your tags today, so bright and full of detail and that gorgeous journal page! Sadly mine is neglected at the minute. Thanks for the beautiful outdoor photos! Take care xx

    1. Yes, stupidity is sometimes without limits! Look after yourself, take care!

  16. I suspect that many people will be mining their photographic archives, Valerie, as they are confined to home for extended periods, and maybe short story writing will experience a resurgence! Stay well dear friend.

    1. Thanks David, I have indeed spent a lot of time sorting through photos, I need to keep myself occupied. Look after yourself!

  17. Your artwork and photos are lovely, as always. That foolish (and selfish) young man who is suing for the privilege of going about his life and having some fun in the midst of a pandemic needs to learn a lesson. I think the court should allow him to leave his house to volunteer at the hospital every day. Might open his eyes to something beyond his own nose.

    I didn't know nutria were in Europe. I always associate them with South America, but thanks to you, this is the first time I've ever seen one. Thanks! Cute little bugger.

    Take care, dear lady. This, too, shall pass.

    1. They are indeed 'at home' in South America. Animals were imported to be bred at 'fur farms'. Some escaped, took their fur somewhere else and settled down here. As far as I know the fur farms are not allowed any more. They are cute, I love watching them, there are a lot round here thanks to the Rhine and various streams and moats etc.
      Yes, it will pass!

  18. I’m loving all your photos! The nutria especially caught my attention. :)

  19. Cute tag and clever way you made the girls look like they were behind the glass. I think we're all feeling a bit like that. Stay safe.

    1. Thanks. Yes, we all feel somehow different and isolated just now.

  20. A beautiful and dreamy post with so much beauty and are magical yourself.
    Corrina , Corrina go away
    and never come back to us on any day!!!
    Do you think she'll listen?
    If only it was this easy to get rid of this deadly virus.

    Hugs and Stay Safe Valerie 🌷❤🌷

    1. Thanks Jan! Fun idea. Perhaps if the whole world sings together the magic might work!💖

  21. Your tags, specially the one of Alice in Wonderland are beautiful! Thank you for sharing all those lovely pictures. I hope all this situation with the virus will be over soon.
    Stay safe

    1. Thanks so much Diana! Stay safe, happy and creative!

  22. I'm loving your Alice in Wonderland tag and that's such a interesting journal page, the effect is amazing 😁. That's a great idea, I need to look at my photo archives and old journal list ideas - I always have so many and never get to complete them all 😉. Hope you are not going too stir crazy staying indoors, atleast we are aloud out to exercise once a day here! Take care and sending happy wishes your way! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. We are allowed out for walks, but I need to stay home because of my auto-immune disease. Stir crazy is the right phrase just now, although I do as much exercise at home as possible! Stay safe!

    2. Better to be safe and you are so good exercising whilst at home 😀. Hugs, Jo x

  23. A disaster indeed Laurie, stay safe!

  24. What a gorgeous tag Valerie, I love that rabbit! I love how you transformed the photo into a beautiful page, perfect phrase too, we all feel that way now. Awesome photography, I love how green everything is and that bunny is adorable!!
    Take care & stay safe!
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! Yes, I think we all feel strange just now. That bunny was really darling! Stay safe!

  25. Since I am a newcomer to your blog, I appreciate seeing your photos posted previously.

  26. Beautiful artwork and photos ~ you have used your time well ~ Favorite is that sweet furry bunny ~ ^_^

    Be well ^_^

  27. Nutrias are an invasive species here and compete with the native beavers. I love your bunny. I never see rabbits here, though they _are_ here just not on urban patios ;)

    1. Farmers don't seem to like bunnies or nutrias. I enjoy watching them. I sometimes have bats on balcony, but never bunnies!

  28. I kept thinking I had missed something, so I went back and looked. I see I totally missed your early weekend post with the lovely Frida tag and the journal page you made for Eileen's theme at Art Journal Journey. My sincere apologies. It looks like I'm late today, too, based on how everyone else has already visited.

    I was shocked to read about the guy who wants to sue your govt. Some people are not playing with full decks. Sort of like the guy running my govt. Maybe they are cousins.

    LOVE the tag. Looks like Alice and I are on the same page, or at least in the same time zone (grin). THAT tag hit too, too close to home!!!!!

    it looks to me like you behind the glass is YOUR metaphor this week. I always love your digital art and this turned out great, even if it does feel like a prison to you right now. It's another lovely entry for Eileen's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    I had NO idea what a nutria was Had to look it up online. DUH. It's an animal that reminds me of a woodchuck/groundhog. Love the photos from 2017. Your part of the world gets green far sooner than mine, I fear. Stay safe and stay well, dear friend.

    1. Thanks E! I'm at least getting a lot done just now, but I hate being stuck inside, but sooner or later it will be possible again. Take care of yourself!

  29. Such lovely photos and art Valerie! Cute animals!
    Keep positive and safe,
    Alison xx

  30. Lovely photos and art. I'd not heard of nutria, I know it as a coypu.

  31. Beautiful art and photos Valerie. I luv the light of Easter in the darkness of Corona

    Thanks for dropping by my blog today

    Happy PPF


  32. Love your tag Valerie and your journal piece is just stunning! I think we all feel a little bit like this at the moment, but at least I can get out each day (not that I do) Take care and stay safe, even if it does have to be indoors x

    1. Thanks Sue. The world is strange just now. Stay safe!

  33. Valerie ver tus fotos de paisajes y naturaleza son un soplo de aire fresco... ahora que todos permanecer aislados.

    Me encanta Alicia, el tag es ideal. El montaje fotográfico es espectacular y un reflejo de como estamos en la actualidad, protegidos dentro de una campana de cristal.

    BESOS... Feliz Fin de Semana!!

    1. Muchas gracias! Que tengas un buen fin de semana.

  34. Absolutely gorgeous artwork Valerie and really love your new blog header, that bunny is so cute!
    Thanks for all the lovely photos too, they bring Spring to life.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Fliss xx

  35. so grateful to see the bunny photos as well as the alice-themed bunny tag! all so wonderful! take good care, Michele

  36. I find it hard to understand why that man would want want to take the govt to court?? Does he not think the virus is dangerous? Your art work and photos are beautiful.

    1. There are unfortunately a lot of people who find it clever to disobey the rules and think they always have the right to do what they want....Some are just plain stupid.

  37. Sorry I am late calling in Valerie. Even being home all day and I still have to catch up.
    First of all I loved your art projects and was so happy to see the page you liked for Eileen's AJJ theme.
    Corinna was a good title , I hope the idiots who do not follow the guidelines don't meet her anytime. It is everywhere the folk who think they are immune to it all and the rules are for others.
    I need a soap box to stand on and rant, I;m sure you would join me if we were allowed to stand close together.
    Take care of your self Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Oh yes, we could stand on a soapbox all day! Nobody likes staying home, but this is not being forced on us to annoy us, but to keep us safe. I hope the courts throw his case out!

  38. The bunny in your header is just so cute and adorable.
    I have recently changed some of our indoor decorations and ornaments, and everything looks a little more spring-like. I will have to get the Easter Bunnies out soon.

    Always enjoy seeing your photographs.
    Take care.

    All the best Jan

  39. Your photos of nature, animals and sky are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

    New Post -

  40. Oh! How I love that tag! I can now spend some time doing what I want to for a while! Your journal page is wonderful! What a a thought !
    Loving the photos! Take care, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. I think we all have lots of time now....

  41. Don't you just hate auto spell check? Love all your blue skies and spring blossoms. We are in a week of rain and clouds which doesn't perk up our mood very well. - Margy

  42. Fabulous photographs. I love all those wee critters. Your tags are the best. The branch on this one look so real. hugs, Teresa

  43. Great Alice page - I so love Alice images and these are cool. I was late a lot the last few weeks - about 5 minutes late to every meeting - I feel a bit sluggish working from home but I know it will get better. Your figures in the vase creation is FABULOUS. All these creations are really metaphors for what we are facing now... Great old pictures too I enjoyed them all. Super post. Glad I came by to catch up! Hugz

    1. Thanks. I think working from home must be difficult. Glad you like the figures in the vase, I think we all feel shut in just now. Stay safe.

  44. It's all Corrina's fault - lol. I love anything Alice, so of course I love your tag, Valerie.

    The forlorn little girls behind the glass just took my breath away. It's so haunting that I could hardly take my eyes off it. The original photo is amazing! Thank you for sharing your Corrina page at Art Journal Journey and for all your support of my theme this month.

    I can only imagine how trapped you feel having to stay indoors all the time. It doesn't bother me - yet; but I'm not an outdoor girl like you. I know you miss your long lovely walks very much.

    Stay safe and well.

    Eileen xx

    1. Thanks Eileen. It's always fun working with Alice images. I love the story. Glad you liked the girls in the vase, I really feel like that just now. 24 hours each da alone is really hard, but we have to get through it somehow. Sooner r later things will get better!

  45. Ein tolles tag
    und sehr schööne Bilder mal wieder.☺


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