
Monday 16 March 2020

T sTands for a new Tag for Tag Tuesday and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all keeping well. Many of us are now experiencing things we never thought would happen - closed borders, concerts, theatres and events closed down, no sport, no schools. This situation is making people panic, and leading to hoarding of groceries and things like toilet paper....Even worse, people have been stealing hand sanitizer and disinfectant lotions from hospitals, and others are selling disposable face masks etc for exorbitant prices, using the worries of society to make money. A crisis brings out the best in some and the worst in others. Lets just try to keep calm and carry on!

For Pinky's theme at Tag Tuesday I have a tag of 2 strong ladies having fun and celebrating. For this tag I used elements from Serif and me on a hand painted background. I would love to see more people joining in:

The drinks the ladies are holding link to my next theme, Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday party, so here a warm welcome to all of the ladies of the T Gang who visit here. Here is my morning coffee that I am drinking while writing this post:

Last week I cleaned on top of the kitchen cabinets - eeeeeeeeek! It was necessary. These 2 old coffee pots have been standing up there for years, too. I have now cleaned them, and will be taking them to the thrift shop when it re-opens:

And these cups etc are in one of the shops here:

The 'Frida' cushions are sitting in front of another shop here:

This little porcelain piece used to belong to my great Aunt. I have put some spring plants into it: 

The water in the Rhine is still much too high, I hope it will slowly recede if we don't get more rain:

The willow tree is beautiful against the blue sky

I got this in a WhatsApp message - sometimes laughter is the best medicine:

(Picture from unknown from the internet)

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your tag. Keep safe and enjoy your walks.

  2. Hi Val. Great tag, those ladies are doing it right! And the panic room pic is just too funny, I can't stop laughing! Great photos, too. Mum is being a bit difficult just now - nothing new! But we will manage, as always. Have a lovely day, take care of yourself, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Have a good week, love to all!

  3. Habe vor Monaten, warum auch immer, Desinfektionsmittel gekauft. "Juhuu".
    Papier, solches, brauchen wir jedoch auch, werd mal gucken. Bekloppt. Ingo ist zu Hause, "krank".
    Macht ein bisschen Angst....

    Wir sollten feiern, stattdessen!!!

    Tolle Tasse! Und die anderen auch! Die Kissen sind toll!

    Sonne hier, dir einen schönen Tag, GlG, Iris

    1. Tut mir leid dass Ingo krank ist, gute Besserung! Feiern ist immer gut, auch wenn man eigentlich Nix zu feiern hat!

  4. Love your panic room but don't panic enjoy life to the fullest... gorgeous fun loving tag you made and love to see the photos of nature, gives strength and energy at this time of disaster.xx

    1. Thanks Annie - hope is always better than panic!

  5. It is a crazy time, isn't it? In Massachusetts they have closed all restaurants except for take out. And our CDC is now asking us to curb social activities. It is all for the best, and I am just glad I have art to keep to busy at home. I love the new tag today, and I also think that is a pretty vintage shell glass piece. Those flowers make it very cheery. Cheery is good right now with everything going on. And that dolphin coffee cup is very cool. Take care of yourself. And happy early T day. Hugs-Erika

    1. Crazy times indeed, same things happening here. 'My' ice parlour is still open. I wonder for how long?

  6. Hi Valerie: That coffee cup is fantastic! Maybe they even have them with a bird as the handle! As you show us the water levels are still too high, so we all have our fingers crossed that you will get no more rain for a while to permit conditions to get back to normal. Enjoy the week ahead without undue worries about CORVID-19.

    1. Thanks, I will look out for a birdie cup! The water levels have dropped a bit, I was pleased to see it when I went for my walk!

  7. Fortunately, I don't need a "panic room" ... but I do need the toilet paper, because is almost finished!
    The coffee cups and the coffee pots are beautiful!
    This week is going to be beautiful weather ... and we all need it!
    Be careful and take care of yourself! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ela! Good luck with getting some, people are buying like crazy here. I think some people will be living off toilet paper for years to come!

  8. Thanks Laurie, you look after yourself, too!

  9. U nas też ludzie kupują nadmierne ilości papieru toaletowego , nie wiem dlaczego. Wirus odejdzie a zapasy zostaną. Twoja praca jest super radosna . Piękne przedmioty umilają trudny czas kwarantanny. Pozdrawiam serdecznie:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna It seems to be a universal thing to buy toilet paper in a state of emergency! Stay safe!

  10. I love those cups and pots, so pretty! And your work is so fun, perfect for thus crazy time now!

  11. Yummy coffee ~ you treat yourself well with your beautiful cup in the morning. Great photos and your thrift shop will be lucky to receive those two coffee pots. I'm hoping to do more cleaning too since I won't have an excuse not to now ~ Blessings & Craft on!

    1. Thanks! Hmm, yes, more time for cleaning - is this an upside or a down side to the crisis?! Stay safe!

  12. I love your banner with your pretties. Your ladies' tag really made me laugh. Yes, we need to laugh or we'll go around the bend. The blue skies and green leaves and grass are just spectacular though it looks like you live near a lake instead of a river. Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks! Yes, laughter helps! The Rhine has been looking like a series of huge lakes for many weeks, but today the water level was down a bit.

  13. Yes, this virus has the world in an upset. I have cancelled all of my doctors appts for now. I love your post today. Those 2 ladies are very hip and cool. LOL and the first coffee cup is so pretty. Have a good Monday.

  14. Thanks Nicole. I will not be going near the doc's just now, either. I hope the world will soon get back to normal. Stay safe!

  15. Es ist schlimm und bei uns sind so viele Besucher und Urlauber an gekommen, gestern war es so viele ich bin nicht weg gegangen am Sonntag!
    Ich bin gerade mal heute Morgen früh nach dem einkaufen an den Strand rasch gegangen, da waren wenigtsen keiner Unterwegs.
    Schön sieht dein Tag aus richtig vergnügen tun sich die Damen
    Herrlich deine Fotos mit der Sonne durch die Wolken und wieder so viel Hochwasser bei dir.
    Ich wünsche dir alles gute und bleib gesund!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Oh jeh, klingt nicht sehr gut! Mir gefällt auch alles besser ohne Turisten! Dir einen schönen Tag!

  16. These virtual gatherings will be even more important in the coming days. I _love_ that 2nd coffee pot! And those lovely cups :) That fresh spring green of the willow tree is striking against that bright blue sky. The panic buying of toilet paper is a strange thing. Happy T Day!

    1. You're right there. Yes, buying mounds of Toilet paper is a strange way of coping! In the shops the shelves for pasta, long-life milk and toilet paper were empty!

  17. Great tag Valerie, and lovely photos!
    I've seen lots of fun gags involving toilet paper.
    Keep smiling,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. 2020 will be a toilet paper year!

  18. I just love your coffee cup. It's beautiful, just great for drinking your latte.

  19. Love your new header!
    We may all become toilet paper hoarders before this is all over.your photos are always beautiful even when you take them of rising waters.
    Love your tag! So sassy and gorgeous!
    I could never be a minimalist... especially with beautiful coffee pots and cups a treasures from family members.
    Great post Valerie Hugs💮

    1. Thanks Jan. Minimalism ist certainly nothing for ne, I like having the things I love around me. Stay safe!

  20. i love love love your stylish beautiful celebrating ladies! they really make me smile, as does the "panic room." i wish people would not hoard. but we will stay positive, kind and artful! wishing you all the best as always! xoxo

    1. Thanks Michele! Positive, kind and artful is sound advice!

  21. I was admiring your header photo. Lovely tag. Hope that water goes down soon. Stay safe.

    1. Thanks Christine. The water ist slowly going down!

  22. Hi Valerie, Your tag is awesome, and I am in Love with your coffee cup! do you have just one or a set? very lovely.
    You have some wonderful china pieces, and I always enjoy your photos.
    Stay safe-how your hands? hugs and Happy T Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. I have 8 of those cups, Each one is a little different as they are hand crafted. My hands are a bit better, thanks.

    2. thats awesome to have set of those cups-glad your hands a little better

  23. What a gorgeous tag Valerie, I love the images and how colorful it is! Beautiful photos too, I love your coffee cup with the dolphin and the willow tree photo is stunning. Your panic room photo did make me laugh, we all need laughter in our lives right now.
    Take care & hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks so much, Tammy! Yes, we need to see the funny side of things, especially just now.

  24. Those ladies look like they are having fun, what we all need just now would be something to cheer us up. All our European countries are having issues and the TV news programs here seem to go on all day about the virus.I am happy I have internet friends as it seems we will be asked to stay home very soon,our sons think many will be asked to work from home soon.
    I loved the shape of your coffee cup and your china pots looked beautiful, I would be wanting to keep those for a while before taking them to the Thrift Shop, Great photos of the shop windows and the Rhine.
    Happy T day wishes Valerie and stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Yes, the news is bad everywhere just now, so we need things to cheer us up more than ever. Stay safe and well!

  25. I don't even like coffee but I swear I'd order it if I was with you, just for the pretty designs on top! I loved the photos and your Frida pillows are so dashing!

    1. I'm sure I'd get you hooked on our cappuccino!

  26. Wonderful tag, Valerie. Your ladies are awesome and the phrase fits perfectly.

    Love your dolphin mug. Thanks for the reminder to clean that top decorative shelf in the kitchen. Why is that a job I hardly ever remeber to do?

    Use that t.p. wisely ;-)

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  27. Thanks Eileen. Top shelves and tops of cupboards seem to evade us! But I won't wait quite so long before doing it next time! And yes, I'm being very careful with the toilet paper!

  28. it's chaos, but we must be positive.

  29. A lovely tag and like many others, I too like your coffee cup.
    I'm still laughing at the panic room :)

    Stay safe.

    All the best Jan

  30. Love having women unite! Great job! :)

    Glad to see you are enjoying your days. I adore willows too!

  31. Love your new banner Val!!! The ladies tag is so fun, and just what we need at the moment:) Beautiful coffee pots, and such wonderful displays out and about. Love the nature pics- even with those high waters, and that willow tree is beautiful. Happy T day!

  32. thank you for those lovely photos!

  33. well Valerie I don't know where to start, firstly I love your tag, such fun the ladies are having and your coffee pots are lovely, a shame to give them away, I too have some teapots and coffee pots on the tops of my cupboards, it gets very dusty up there!!!
    Beautiful photos as usual and as for those cushions, the eyebrows are stunning, LOL
    Have a great week
    Jan x

    1. Thanks J! The coffee pots are lovely, but I have toooooo much of so many things, and I am sure other people will love them, too. Look after yourself!

  34. I like your new header with all that blue porcelain. Your dolphin cup wouldn't look out of place there either.
    The tag is great! The world depends on strong ladies. I also laughed at the 'panic room'. I have no idea why people panic buy toilet paper. Luckily I have enough, and when I run out, the shops will have re-stocked. And if that fails we shall have to go back to washing our bums. Not a bad thing.
    Your photos are beautiful. I love the sun rays shining from under the clouds. Every cloud has a silver lining and the sun is never far away. People shoul remember that.
    Yes, the river is still very high. I hope it recedes soon, before the next bout of rain.
    Happy T-Day my friend,
    and stay safe,

    1. Thanks Lisca, your comment really made me laugh, and laughing is much better than running about after toilet paper! And yes, perhaps washing our bums will come back into fashion! The river is starting to go down, that's postive, and we have lovely weather, all good things. Stay safe!

  35. The panic room is hilarious.
    I LOVE the strong ladies tag.
    You have some beautiful china. I would have problems parting with that flowered teapot:)
    Hope your fingers are behaving.

    1. Thanks Sandra! My fingers are slowly getting better, but it's a long journey.

  36. What a fun page and I'm loving your cup, what an unusual design and shape - fabulous! The coffee pots look amazing and wow, those pretty pansies look perfect in their new home - gorgeous 😁. Glad to see the water levels are reducing too! Take care and sending happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  37. These are strange days we're living in right now. Your tag is beautiful. I love the dolphin handle on that mug. Those coffee pots are beautiful. Wonderful assortment of photos. That panic room image made me laugh, which is good for times like now. Stay healthy and safe.

  38. Oh I love your tag, what happy ladies! Lovely photo's too, and the panic room did make me laugh though it's very true arround here at the moment! Take care, Sue xx

  39. I'm not sure you'll see this, but I'm FINALLY back online. You are the first person I am visiting.

    LOVE that tag. It's certainly "matronly." I also adore that cup with the dolphin handle. It's beautiful. I can't begin to imagine getting rid of those incredible tea pots, but I understand downsizing. Great photos of the river and birds in the trees. I think that's Sally's panic room (grin). Thanks for joining T this Tuesday. SORRY I'm so late visiting.

  40. Your tag is the best!!!
    What is everyone doing with all this toilet paper? LOL!
    I love your dolphin cup! I have been cleaning too!
    Truly gorgeous photos! Big Hugs!

  41. Love the tag Valerie! I think we will all have a sort out in the next few months and be collecting things for charity! The shop windows look great as do the views on your walk! The Mersey was still high yesterday but not as high as it has been! The greenery does look encouraging!!! Take care and belated Happy T Day! Chrisx


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