
Friday 13 March 2020

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's nearly weekend - enjoy!

The world is facing a lot of problems just now due to the quick spread of the Coronavirus, and people are understandably scared, and some are panicking. I know we need to be prepared, but I'm convinced that panic is not a good companion. I'm trying to carry on 'as usual', with certain restrictions, like avoiding crowds where possible, getting lots of fresh air and washing my hands even more than usual. Life is always a risk, but I'm trying to stay positive, happy and hopeful. I hope we all stay safe and healthy.

For Eileen's green challenge at AJJ I have another journal page. This time I have used a school photo from Erika. She is third from the right, the only girl with short hair. She had to leave school a couple of years later as Hitler came to power and Jewish children were no longer allowed to go to school. In spite of this, she had contact with her schoolmates right up to her death when she was 94.

And I made a second version with Erika in green:

The wet weather and relatively mild temperatures are encouraging the spring blooms:

Yesterday we had several sunny hours, which was great, although the water is still very high:

Violets between the cobble-stones by the basilica:

The magnolia trees are blooming:

 I discovered some wild hyacinths by the Rhine:

And there are some flowers on my balcony, too:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, just a quickie as we are off to collect mum. Love the journal page with the lovely photo of Erika, she always liked to be different! Great photos, too. We are bringing Mum here as she is unhappy in the care home just now, it's a difficult situation with the virus. Look after yourself! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! Hope all goes Well with your mum.

  2. Beautiful art Valerie. Indeed we must let our light shine. Happy PPF


    1. Thanks. Yes, we need to let our light Shine.

  3. I love your gummy bear header, Valerie. It makes me smile. Good advice. Let's keep calm and stay safe.

    Fabulous page! It's a wonderful composition and lovely color scheme. It's interesting to hear about Erika's life, especially during the War. So hard to imagine. Scary times of a different sort.

    Thank you for sharing this thoughtful page with us at AJJ.

    Blooming magnolia trees are so beautiful. You got a great picture of this one against a brilliant blue sky.

    Eileen xx

    1. Thanks Eileen. There have been lots of scary times in the history of the world and it makes me hopeful that these times will pass, too.

  4. So sad about Erica. Love your spring flowers although the water is so high! Stay safe at this difficult time, our grocery stores have lineups today with people stocking up.

    1. Thanks. It must have been so frightening back then. I think we will all be spending time in queues!

  5. ein wunderschönes Journal mit der Erika die diesen Zeit schlimmes erleben musste.
    Wunderschöne Fotos von so viel Wärme was bei mir nicht war. Wie das alles blüht und der Baum wie herrlich.
    Immer noch gnaz shcön Hochwasser bei dir.
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende und ich werde es genauso machen ich radle trotzherum und geh an den Strand aber kehre nirgendwo gross ein, weil wir viele Urlauber hier haben.
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke! Ich versuche auch mich nur draussen zu bewegen, es ist sicherer. Hoffe du kriegst bald besseres Wetter.

  6. yes, thank you! I have been watching and being careful but we have always been very good at universal precautions. I see the fighting over supplies and think the world has gone mad! just be informed and stay informed, I say :) LOVE your artwork and your beautiful pictures! Hugs!

    1. Yes, mad is the right word! Stay safe and healthy!

  7. Wow! look at those springtime photos ~ gorgeous floral photos and lovely digital artwork ~
    and such a colorful header ~ yummy looking too ^_^ ~ Be well, be sare.

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores

  8. Wonderful page! I love your design and all the images that you used 😀. It was lovely walking with you too, such beautiful photos capturing springtime. The magnolia flowers look amazing! Happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  9. I needed your beautiful photos right now ~ I'm feeling thankful that I found you and Elizabeth to follow and bring me so many positive and encouraging people and art ~ I love the water droplets on the leaves and flowers, just gorgeous! Your page is a wonderful tribute to a beautiful women. I love the sentiment and will save it for a card for my daughters ~ Blessings and well wishes!

    1. Thanks. We all need positive people around us. Glad you like the sentiment, it will be lovely for your daughters.

  10. Hooray for Erica. Thank goodness she survived that dark period in human history. The Coronavirus seems insignificant when contrasted with what Jews went through. The flowers are so wonderful and colourful. A burst of brightness is what we all need right now.

    1. You're right. We have had much darker times in our history!

  11. Beautiful Erika had 94 years of life. God Bless Her 💮
    The water is still very high!
    Gorgeous photos Valerie!

    Hugs 🌹

  12. Beautiful spring post and lovely arty design.xx

  13. Those spring flowers are certainly a beautiful sight, especially with all the dark virus news. And I love your latest art piece. It is a great piece for Eileen's green challenge-thank you for joining in- and it is actually a great piece even if it wasn't green. Say healthy and have a happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

  14. Totally agree with you, panic is not helpful. If we are all sensible we can get through this. I love your page, great layers. Lovely photos. Have a great day.

    1. You are right,but being sensible seems to bs difficult for some just now.

  15. so lovely photos:) they give hope that everything will be all right

  16. Morning Valerie, with all the panic right now it's a sign of hope to see those amazing flowers and plants share their beauty and light. A clever and modern way to highlight Erika in green a real twist within the mix in your journal page.
    Good to see you carrying on regardless, I have to do the same as there are people in my life that need me. Lots of extra precautions in place it's good to see so many people coming together to help get through this.
    Take good care of yourself dear Valerie Hugs (because I can) Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. We need to stay calm and stay hopeful, and the spring flowers and weather give me hope, too.

  17. That's an absolutely stunning page - such beautiful layers. I especially love the birds up in the corner, and the golden irises echoing the sepia of the photograph... such a wonderful photograph, with such a potent history to tell.

    Glorious springtime photos. I agree about the balancing act with the Coronavirus - just been musing about it at the end of the post I've just published. We just have to deal with what comes.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. You're right, we need to deal with what comes. Kepp calm and keep on crafting!

  18. What a gorgeous page Valerie, I love that vintage photo and beautiful quote! How remarkable that she stayed in contact with her classmates over the years. Beautiful spring photos, so colorful, I love the ones with the droplets of water, very cool! Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
    Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy, Erika was indeed a remarkable lady. I love seeing water droplets, too. Have a great weekend!

  19. Love the old photograph of Erika with her class. Looks like a gym or exercise class. And what remarkable young women to keep in touch with each other through turbulent times. Hope is a wonderful thing and I love Erika in the color of hope.

    the color of the Rhine and sky are almost the same so it looks like the tree is growing out of the water or down from the sky. Beautiful flowers especially the magnolia. They make me think of my friend, Prissy the elderly lady who lived across the street from me. She had a beautiful magnolia tree in her yard. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Yes, I was impressed that Erika had kept contact with so many of her old school friends although she lived for much of her life in other countries. Many of them came to her funeral, which I led, and I distributed copies of that photo to all who came.

  20. Yes, panic is not the answer at all. I have 2 friends that are ill but can't get tested here in the US and especially in my small town. Love you art and the springtime photos.

    1. Sorry your friends can't get tested, that sounds like Trump should be doing something about it and not just talking.

  21. Sehr schöne Seite mal wieder! :)

  22. Beautiful blooms and I love your journal page!
    Trying to carry on as normal as possible here like you Valerie, I tend to avoid crowds when I can anyway 😊
    Hope you're having a good weekend,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. Carrying on as normal as possible is probably the best way to cope.

  23. Hi Laurie, good to see you! Spring is really on its way here, sorry you still have so much snow!

  24. I am impressed that those trees standing in the water are still thriving. I thought they would rot from the water. Nice art!

    1. Thanks. The water doesn't seem to hurt the trees.

  25. Oh those blue skies are wonderful, so too the magnolia.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks. Blue skies and blooms are a real tonic!

  26. The panic really is bizarre. I can't help but think that clearer instruction and more information would've led to less panic, but nobody asked me ;)

    Your tulip magnolias (that's what they look like to me, anyway) are _gorgeous_. And all those spring flowers and blue skies! You've brightened up my day :) It's raining here again -or should I say it's raining here _still_ lol

  27. You're so right! Sorry about the rain, it's been almost dry here today!

  28. I agree. People should take precautions- wash hands, stay away from crowds, stay home if feeling sick, spend time outside, etc. I am completely fine being home for 2 weeks if needed and working from home. I have supplies and know that my not needing to go will make the stores less busy for those who may need items for their health etc. I wish more people would follow the directions for stopping to spread COVID 19 (and all other flues and sicknesses).

    Your pictures of your artwork and the outdoors are beautiful. They brighten up this crazy world for sure! Love seeing all the flowers. I am enjoying time outside on my deck and in my yard. Maybe we all need this time to stop and slow down and appreciate all that we have and realize the things that take up our time that we don't need.

    Stay healthy! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Jess. We all need to be sensible, and accept that we sometimes have to adjust our lives to what is happening around us. It might be hard, but I am sure we can manage it!

  29. Beautiful, beautiful pictures - thanks for sharing. I agree on your choice not to panic - I had to talk myself away from it a few times this week. I am trying to stay away from the news as it was what was riling me up. Breathe.

    Your pages are wonderful - I love her in green. I love all the sweet details you added. How special she kept her friends forever in her life. We should always hold them close no matter what. We get so distracted. She is admirable. I love that you did a tribute to her here on these lovely creations. Special post - I loved it.

  30. nature is living and blomming:) so pretty photos!

  31. Your art is wonderful!!! I also love the photos of the beautiful flowers and water. It's so nice to see parts of the world that are so beautiful. I'm glad to meet you!

  32. Your "green" art is lovely and all your photos a balm for anxiety!

  33. Fantastic journal pages Valerie and a very positive post to read. If we listened to all the news programs we would be hiding away for a few months without the restrictions they are going to place on us soon.
    Yvonne xx

  34. Bless Erika's heart!!! I love the art pieces you did of her!
    Your photos always make me smile! Thank you my friend! Big Hugs!


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