
Tuesday 17 March 2020

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

I just came back from a walk and was shocked to see so many people sitting together, enjoying picnics etc all along the Rhine. There were huge groups of youngsters, who are supposed to be staying home as the schools have been closed, drinking beer, eating ice and having fun, all sitting close to each other, sharing bottles etc. I know it's not easy, but this is definitely not helping. I have no more appointments, so from tomorrow I will stay home, although it's something I really hate, unless I have to go out to get some shopping. Half of the population is chasing after toilet paper and noodles, and the rest just seem to be going crazy!

I have a new hybrid piece for Eileen's green theme at AJJ - a hand-painted background, a photo of my great-grandmother Rachel, and some embellishments from Serif. She was a courageous lady who left Russia with her husband and walked most of the way to England, the land of her dreams, where she settled in London's East End, made a home and brought up her family. I am also linking to TIOT - new home/ where do you want to live:

And I have another tag for Pinky's theme of women/feminine at Tag Tuesday. Once again I used a hand-painted background and some fun elements from Serif:

The water level in the Rhine and on the fields has dropped:

Blossoms are everywhere:

The ferry can move again, it's been moored up for 2 weeks because of the high water:

I just tried to concentrate on all the lovely things around me on my walk.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Liebe Valerie
    ich war heute Morgen nur zwei Gurken einkaufen mir kamen so viele Urlauber entgegen die von überall her kamen und im Einkausladen waren 1 Paar mit einem grossen kinderfahrzeug wo drei Kinder Platz haben voll gestoppt mit Lebensmittel und der Laden alles leer kein Quark, nichts und Fleisch. Nur Gemüse ist genug da alles wie weg gefegt die Waren. Haben die Menschen alle einen Knall weg. An den Stränden sind die Restaurant und Cafes überfüllt. Ich werde ab Morgen auch daheim bleiben weil die Urlauber kommen auch aus dem Krisengebieten von Bayern und NRW, meinen die weil bei uns nicht so viel los ist, dass sie dann zu uns den Virus her bringen können.
    Dann ist bei mir die Lage. Mein Schatz muss auch auf apssen wegen seinen conischen Bronchitis!
    Wundershcöne deine Tags und da sbunte ach wie herrlich freudig das aussieht.
    Das Frühlinsgwettter lässt alles blühgen und ich wüsnche dir eine gute Zeit daheim und auch wenns mal so ist aber besser auf jedenfall, wenn schon die anderen so unvernünftig sind. Bleib gesund und pass auf dich auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Es tut mir leid dass so viele Leute derart unvernuenftig sind, es ist vielleicht besser Zuhause zu bleiben. Dir alles gute!

  2. How lovely Memories is. So beautifully sentimental.
    Your other art is once again colorful and fun!
    Nice that the water is going down.
    Love those blossoms photos... gorgeous!!!

    Hugs 💮

  3. Thanks! The spring blossoms are wonderful!

  4. Hi Val, good evening. Had a mixed day here, the kids are grouchy and my mum even more so! Love the journal page with your great grandma, wonderful idea. Great tag with the fun loving ladies, too. Wish I was sitting in that car! Wonderful photos, too. Stay home and stay well! ,hugs, Sarah

    1. Sorry you are having a hard time at home! Look after yourself!

  5. Love your two creations, they are fantastic. Love seeing your beautiful spring photos. Hopefully this will all be over soon. Keep safe and well. Hugs Anesha

  6. Yes, I'm not sure how it helps having my daughter home from school and hubby still going out to work and business meetings etc. Hoping he doesn't bring any germs home. Your flowers are lovely but I really enjoyed the picture and story of your great grandma ~ What an amazing lady! ~ Stay well and keep doing the right thing

    1. That is indeed a problem. I hope you all stay safe.

  7. What a stunning page Valerie, I love the colorful background and that beautiful picture of your great grandma! Cute tag too, they look like they are having so much fun. Gorgeous photos- I love all of the blossoms!
    Take care & stay healthy.
    Hugs, Tammy

  8. To have those kinds of gatherings seems to fly in the face of reason. Do these people not listen to the news? This Coronavirus has the potential to affect us for many months yet. Stay well, Valerie.

    1. They seem to think it's clever to defy and deny....

  9. Those kids should go inside now. Lovely art and photos. Great to have a photo of your great great grandmother.

  10. The is a great take on the new TIOT theme. And I love the page too. Thanks for linking up to both that challenge and AJJ also. It is amazing how difficult life used to be and now we complain about so many little things. And wow, those ladies are having fun in your tag. The world is crazy right now with this virus. Both my husband and I are both working from home now. It is very tempting to go play with my art supplies. But better safe than sorry. Take care of yourself Valerie. Stay healthy, even if those crazy people don't. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Glad you can work from home, have fun with your art supplies!

  11. The blossoms are splendid. You're so far ahead of us. But it was a lovely day for a walk -- very few people out. I'm OK walking close here because there aren't many people but I would be so frustrated to see a crowd. They're pushing that message so hard -- I wish it would sink in. I can nest here at home quite happily. But we all need to work together to stay safe. Rachel was very beautiful and it is a wonderful piece.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. I love seeing the spring blossoms and fresh green of the trees. Stay safe!

  12. Thank you for the happy and cheery post, great photos and colours. So sad the young ones are taking this all so lightly, they are here too in Australia, like nothing is going on....Loo paper, beats me why they are all clearing the shelves like the virus gives them the runs...silly greedy and unnecessary...xx

    1. Perhaps people think the are in control of the situation if they defy rules and hoard toilet paper - beats me!

  13. Das sind aber wirklich dämliche "Kinder". Unverständlich. Ich hoffe, meine Nichten werden mal intelligenter sein!
    Hier machen Geschäfte zu :-(

    Ist das verrückt. Meine Großmutter stand an der Gustloff, es waren nicht genug Plätze frei und sie musste entscheiden, ob 3 ihrer 7 überlebenden Kinder auf das Schiff gehen und vor "den Russen" fliehen oder ob alle zusammenbleiben.
    Dass Menschen so verrückt sind, dass wir nicht endlich alle in Frieden leben können.

    Super Tag, so soll es sein, wir dürfen den Spaß nicht vergessen!!!
    Und die Frühlingsboten helfen (hier schlafen noch die meisten).

    1. Ja, dämliche Kinder in der Tat! Man kann auch anders Spaß haben.

  14. dear I love your photos:) dear are so great

  15. Lovely art, Valerie and a beautiful story about your great grandmother. What a lady! I can understand why you're proud of her.
    LOVE, love, love your ladies who are obviously having SO much fun. That's what we need to do...focus on the good things and what we have, rather than the fear and what we can't get! Supermarket shelves are empty here - it's almost laughable the way people are stockpiling, until we actually NEED something.
    Please stay safe.
    Thank you for linking to Try it on Tuesday.
    Cath x

    1. Thanks Cath! Yes, we need to focus on the good things, not the bad ones! And a cellar full of toilet paper won't save anyone!

  16. That is a very great story about your grandmother …
    You already know that I am a big fan of your art! Very nicely done this time too!
    People have really gone mad ... they just don't want to understand that this virus can be very dangerous!
    You were right ... some people really live only from toilet paper! LOL
    Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks Ella. There's a nice computer saying - garbage in, garbage out - perhaps that's why some people think they need so much toilet paper!

  17. Wow, using an old photo of your great grandma is such a beautifil idea! That looks so cool ☺

  18. Why can we not put all these folk who think of nobody but themselves onto an island and let them sort themselves a solution when they all get ill. They might just regret what they have done to their fellow humans.I get furious when I read of the silliness that is happening around the world while others are trying their best to keep us safe.
    Anyway this is a super post and your art looks fantastic, the tag is so cheerful to see the gals look like they will have lots of fun.
    I also love your journal page and the memories you shared in the story of your grandmother. Thank you so much for linking with us at Try it on Tuesdays and at Art Journal Journey.
    Stay safe Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Some people are just tooooooo stupid. They think 'corona parties' are fun. It just doesn't bear thinking about. Glad you liked my journal page!

  19. I had to visit when I saw your layout on the challenge, what a wonderful and courageous story of a strong lady. A Beautiful layout too.
    Faith x
    Seems the older generation had to be so much stronger than us.

    1. Thanks Faith. I think the older generations had to be strong. My great grandma was really strong, and a great example.

  20. Fabulous artwork Valerie and what a wonderful story about your Great Grandmother. Our streets are like the supermarkets - empty. The schools are still open but I don't think for long. My son's partner is a teacher and she says that the amount of teachers that are off will make the schools shut due to the student/teacher ratio. There's going to be some really chunky people in a few weeks with the amount of pasta they have to eat! Take care and stay safe, Sue xx

  21. It's a crazy situation Valerie! Sorry to hear that you will have to stop your walks. We walked to our local wooded park, and kept a good distance from people, but if we have to stop that, at least we have our garden to work in and enjoy.
    Your hybrid piece is beautiful, and photos are lovely as always.
    Stay safe and well,
    Alison xx

    1. Crazy is the right word! I walked through the fields behind the house, better than nothing!

  22. Your Rachel was a beautiful woman. Your art is well done. Love the photos.

  23. Such beautiful artwork Valerie and lovely photos to see too of all the signs of Spring. Shopping over here is very difficult due to people going mad panicking and clearing out a lot of shelves and freezer cabinets so rationing has come into force locally!
    The whole thing is worrying and although lots of people are staying home there are still a lot of elderly people about when they're not meant to be out.
    Hoping the virus runs it's course soon as it's causing such trouble over here.
    Stay safe, Fliss xx

    1. Same here, Fliss, it's been chaos here for 2 weeks. Stay safe, look after yourself!

  24. Your great grandmother sounds like an amazing person! Wow!

    So glad you were able to focus on the little things during your walk. So many things to stop and observe as we go about life. People are going crazy here too. I never thought I would see so many stores without toilet paper! I have stayed home since the weekend. It would be wonderful if everyone took a step back and distanced themselves from others right now to help stop spreading the virus. Stay safe! Sending you hugs. :)

    1. Thanks Jess, she was an amazing lady! Same lack of toilet paper here! Stay safe!

  25. I'm staying home except for groceries, but I hear some continue to gather in groups. We only have 4 cases so far in the country where Memphis is, and some people may be finding it hard to take seriously. I'm trusting they'll wake up.

    You do have beautiful surroundings for your walk :)

    1. I'm going shopping with my neighbour tomorrow, and then it will be stay at home. A lot of people here are sick, Rhineland is the county with the most infections. Scary!

  26. Your tag is brilliant. So bright and cheerful and colourful! Our schools are now closing from Friday so it's going to be tough on the parents. My son, daughter-in-law and kids are in their 2nd week of isolation and they live next door. Stay save and be careful out there.

    1. Thanks Pinky! We have some hard times to get through!

  27. Here in the UK our schools will all close after Friday. I feel sure there will be those that will still congregate in large groups!

    I love your blossom pictures and pleased that the Rhine levels are dropping.

    All the best Jan

    1. Yes, some just can't be helped, and don't care what happens to others.

  28. How in the world could I be this far behind? Your lovely art for Eileen's theme at AJJ is amazing. It is a super homage to a strong woman. So glad she traveled to London and you were able to grow up there. I also LOVE the tag. It's SO European. It looked great, even if your driver is not on the right side of the car (grin).

    Loved the sight of the ferry and those incredible magnolia blossoms. You have ushered in spring.

    1. Hmmm, I thought you had gone into hibernation.....That car would probably get stopped here!

  29. I don't understand people!!!
    Your Great grandmother, was a beautiful, strong woman! I love both your art pieces!
    I can't believe how green everything is where you are! Wow! Gorgeous!
    Big Hugs!

  30. Gorgeous spread of your Grandmother and an awesome story! Thanks so much for joining us at Try it on Tuesday! Beautiful blog BTW!!! ((HUGS)) Helen

  31. What lovely art tags and the flowers are also so beautiful to see! Thank you!

  32. Fabulous page Valerie - your Grandmother looks to be a remarkable woman! Love the fun tag! I'd better get on with mine! The photos look much brighter than of late - pleased to see the river has gone down. We walked by the Mersey and the island is back at long last! Hugs,Chrisx

  33. Oh, Valerie, I really love the one with your great grandmother and her story. That is truly remarkable how she got to London, but back then maybe not, lol. People today are just stupid, Valerie. So many do not even know how to behave civilly and for the greater good. I do hope your hospitals can keep up with them when they infect each other. Mine too. XOX

    1. Thanks. She was a very strong and determined lady. Back then people had to cover enormous distances with no transport. And yes, people are sometimes so stupid, and I can imagine they will complain very loudly when they get ill!


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