
Thursday 6 February 2020

The water's rising....

Hi Everybody!

Today we had another dry, cold day, with lots of opportunities for walking. The Rhine is rising rapidly after all the rainfall here in the past few days, Yesterday the water had risen up to the pathway along the river, but today the pathway was underwater, too. We are expecting a big storm with heavy winds from Sunday, so that should give us some excitement!

I made this A2 piece a couple of weeks back in art group. The background was gessoed and textured before I painted the circles. The little girl and peacock feathers were added with stencils and black acrylic paint using a sponge:

Then I made some digital alterations with hearts so it fits to Elizabeth's theme at AJJ and to TIOT, share the love:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

Wednesday was a cold but sunny day and I walked along the Rhine:

It is very full and has overflowed its banks:

The water fowl love the floods:

The water is up to the path:

The moon was beautiful:

Today (Thursday) the water was a lot higher, it's nearly up to the top:

The pathway is officially closed - not that it stops people walking there:

 One of the marks on the wall showing previous high water stands - this is nearly a meter over my head:

Some of the marks are higher than the wall, which is over 3 meters:

The little stream is now like a lake:

Water, water everywhere:

I'm wondering how high it will be tomorrow!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your piece of art. That's a lot of water, hope that everyone will be safe. Love your photos they are beautiful. Hugs Anesha

  2. Thanks Anesha! Yes, it's a lot of water, and tomorrow it will be even more.

  3. Hi Val, wow, what a lovely post, love your new art piece in both variations, great colours, too. The Rhine has really risen, it looks like it was 2 years back. Hope it doesn't get too high or the town will get wet feet! Look after yourself and please don't walk where it's dangerous, I know you!!! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Now, would I do dangerous things?! I will be careful, pinky promise!

  4. Your art page is sooooo cool Valerie-I love it so much, enjoyed all of your photos too

  5. I love this Valerie, especially now you've added the hearts. You really have had some water haven't you! We're expecting Storm Ciara on Sunday too, so a day to craft I think. Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. Sunday will definitely be a day to stay home!

  6. I love the heart balloons blowing in the breeze. You might need a balloon to blow you over the walking path so your feet don't get wet! That is a lot of water. The water fowl look very happy with all that water.Hopefully no damage from the flooding. Beautiful moon pic, too.

    1. Funny you should say that because I dreamt I was floating over the Rhine on a kite!

  7. The rising water may get to be too much even for the birds, Valerie, but obviously the Canada Geese will handle it best of all! I think you have to immediately stop being so creative (and this with sore fingers even) so the rest of us don't feel like clods. Maybe we need to drink more coffee!

    1. Yes David, more coffee is the solution! There were Canada geese in our back yard today, I've never seen them there before.

  8. Storming here as well.Love the colorful balloons.

  9. Gorgeous artwork Valerie and love that little girl - gotta love Banksy style. Great photos too and sorry to see the Rhine has risen so high. Hope it goes down soon.
    Have a great weekend.
    Fliss xx

    1. Thanks Fliss! The river will be even higher tomorrow.

  10. Wie es weiter steigt das Wasser und es soll ja nochmal an steigen am Wochenende!
    Schöne Fotos von den Vögeln!
    Zu deinen Bildern sie sind allerliebst ach so schön an zusehen!!!
    Die Kunst egal ob von der Natur oder eine eigne Kreationen sind einmalig!
    Pass auf dich gut auf gerade wegen deine Finger und auch deiner Gesundheit!Du siehst wieviele Menschen sich gednaken machen und auch sorgen*zwinker* du bist ein besonderer Mensch den man ins Herz einfach nur schliessen kann,
    Lieben Gruss Elke
    Ich wüsnche dir eine schöne Rest

    1. Ja, die naechsten Tagen werden kritisch sein mit dem Hochwasser. Und danke fuer die lieben Woerter!

  11. Fabulous art pages Valerie and I really like how you added the extra digital details and the image of the little girl with her balloons is so sweet.
    The Rhine looks so full and it must be quite a worry that it would flood.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Floods are always a risk near the Rhine.

  12. Beautiful art piece Valerie. I hope the storm is not a bad one, it looks like you ha enough water already.

    1. Thanks. We do indeed. And last summer the Rhine was so low ....

  13. I love your painting, it's so beautiful! The birds look happy indeed with the bonus waters...

  14. Beautiful page! looking very wet and green over there.

    1. Thanks. Yes, wet and green is a good description!

  15. BEAUTIFUL photos, just think your part of the world is amazing... love your painting,m so artistic and we have RAIN lots of it. Monte doesn't like it as he just wants to go for a walk and swim in the puddles.. silly monkey..xx

    1. Too funny, I would love to see Monty trying to swim in a puddle!

  16. I just love the new header Valerie. That is a fantastic photo and you can really see the high water level. Does that affect your walking paths? And very cool art today. I like the texture of the white and how you turned circles into balloons. Very clever. Hope your week is going well. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks. The paths along the river and through the fields are all under water, so I need to find other places to walk today!

  17. Whoops-I forgot to say thanks for linking up to Art Journal Journey too!

  18. And whoops again. Can you tell it is later in the evening after working all day? Thanks for linking up to try It On Tuesday also.

  19. Lovely photos, thank you for sharing!
    By the way, I followed you blog, I hope I can see you on mine too. Thank you.

  20. Is it just me, or does that little girl with the hearts and the balloons remind you of a Banksy image? This is absolutely adorable and simply perfect for my theme at Art Journal Journey.

    You have gotten a LOT of water. Those Canadian geese aren't deterred, though. Amazing photos, especially of the wall and the moon, too.

    1. Thanks E - it is a Banksy image, so perhaps that's why! Yes, we have plenty of water now!

  21. Hi there Valerie, love your sweet little girl with the balloons and hearts - just lovely!
    My word there has been a change in scene with all that water now... it will flush out those drier waterways and give them a new lease on life won't it.
    Love the photos of your walks xx

    1. Thanks Sue! We will be enjoying puddles and rubber boots for some time now with all that water!

  22. Wunderschöne Arbeit!
    Auch wenn Hochwasser dafür gesorgt hat dass wir zusammenleben, ich hoffe, der Rhein beruhigt sich wieder.
    Hochwasser zerstört, stinkt und erzeugt Stress, Wut, Verzweiflung und kostet Geld.
    Auch mein Bruder lebt in Wassernähe und ist schon mehrfach abgesoffen. Ich bin froh, dass die Oker nicht zu nah an uns ist.

    1. Ja. Ich bin ca 800 Meter vom Rhein entfernt, also im sicheren Bereich, möchte aber nicht näher sein!

  23. Hi Valerie :) Despite the danger, that river looks so beautiful. I love all of the photos that you shared with us! Your piece is so creative and brilliant! :)

  24. Loved your pictures today - the colors are so clean, crisp and clear. I almost feel as if I am walking along with you.
    Sandy xx

    1. Thanks Sweetie, good to see you around again!

  25. Wonderful colors, very cheerful! Beautiful shots too!

  26. Wow! That's a high flood! I hope the waters recede soon. Flooding can be destructive, though it looks like y'all have land reserved in preparation for high water. That moon photo is gorgeous!

    1. Yes, it's high indeed. We have wide 'flood-meadows' on both sides of the Rhine to take up the floods. But it is a bit scary!

  27. I love those colors once again and the sky on your photos looks perfect blue ☺

  28. Amazing overflowing Rhine River photos and your take on Banksy's street art creation is lovely ~

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  29. Your piece is very uplifting and colourful Valerie! I just love it. Thanks for all the beautiful photos too. We are awaiting storm Ciara's arrival this evening!!

    1. Thanks. The storm will be coming to us, too! Stay safe!

  30. Lovely art Valerie, the little girl is very sweet. I hope the Rhine doesn't rise too much more when the storm hits. I think we're in for the same storm this weekend.
    Alison xx

    1. On yes, we all need to batten down the hatches! Stay safe!

  31. Lovely art piece! And beautiful sceneries ...

  32. I adore that little girl image! Beautiful art page Valerie. Lovely scenery as usual-a pleasure to see. Happy PPF!

  33. so lovely this post! so much to read and see :))

  34. Lovely colourful art.

    I think most of our rivers/streams are running high at the moment, we've had so much rain.

    Stay safe in the storm they are talking about.

    All the best Jan

  35. what a good idea to be inspired by such a great artist! nice work :)

  36. I love those rainbow balloons and how the translucent colours overlap to create new tones. It's good to see that at least the animals and birds are enjoying the high water levels!
    Alison x

  37. Luv how you readapted that piece with baloons and feathers.
    Thank for dropping by my blog


  38. Oooh! That wonderful brightness is just what I need today! A great way to 'Share the Love' at TIOT, great to see this being entered- Thank you! Fabulous photos, we have had such changeable weather of late! Hugs, Chrisx


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