
Thursday 6 February 2020

Rain's Thursday Art Date - Dining

Hi Everybody!

This week is disappearing very quickly. Now, you won't believe this, but today it didn't rain....and we are supposed to get another 2 rain-free days, which is good. After that it will get very stormy, so hope it won't be too bad. The Rhine is flooding and has almost reached the pathway, but the geese, seagulls and ducks are very happy on the flooded meadows. On Wednesday I took the last of my antibiotics and cortisone, and am hopeful that the side effects will soon be a thing of the past. My fingers are still painful, but much better than they were, and thanks to all for the well wishes which came my way.

Rain's theme today is dining. Groan! I do eat, of course, but mostly quick things which can be eaten on the go and of course, lots of coffee, so I have extended the meaning of dining for me to include my lifestyle of coffee d(r)in(k)ing and snacking!

No day starts without my coffee. When I got my new knee a couple of years back there was a doctor standing by my bedside when I came round after the anaesthetic and he asked how I was feeling. I told him I was thirsty and wanted cappuccino. Then he told the nurse I was evidently okay and she should take  me back to my room and give me one, which she did. First things first!

The cup and cupcake stamps were hand cut by me:

This is one of my fave cafes in a neighbouring town where I often go for a coffee and a snack:

Fruit is also a meal I like - this was also made with self-carved stamps:

And my head is mostly full of coffee:

Chocolate goes well with coffee:

Some hybrid pieces about eating and drinking:

Here I used a painting of a picnic as background, and added in the bears, blackbirds, stork and the frog statue:

The girls hiding behind the tree are my mum and me:

In England people drink tea:

And in summer I mostly make myself a quick salad for lunch:

Sometimes I bake bread and cakes:

This is a lemon cream-cheese one:

And some good advice:

I enjoy eating out when I can:

The windows of the bakeries are always tempting:

Simple but delicious - fish fingers, fresh spinach and mashed potatoes:

A delicious fruit and nut cake:

Sometimes I get invited to eat by others:

And the next 2 pics are breakfasts we got in Holland when we went for a trip:

And in case anyone gets the wrong idea, I did not eat all of these meals on one day!

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh my gosh. So many wonders today. The woman in the Pollok meme looks like you. I'd love to have some of your breads and cakes. Yum.
    YOU have a great one.

    1. Thanks Sandra. The weekend should be cold and stormy, so it will be a good time for baking!

  2. Beautiful post on your dining options enjoyed all that food and coffee!

  3. Glad you clarified you didn't eat all this in one day! LOL! Fun, fun, fun creations. Love the coffee ones and the one with you and your Mum the best, but they are all great. Love your food pictures too - epecially the eggs. I think the dinosaur coffee comment - very cool.

    1. Thanks! Everything in one day would really be a tad too much. And always good to know why the dinos are gone!

  4. yummy scrummy and delish post.... nothing like asking for a cuppa after waking up from surgery, never had a patient ask me that one.xx

  5. OMGosh. I was hungry when I visited. Now I'm STARVING. Those eggs look delicious, but so do the salads. Of course, like you, I can't live without my coffee. We share that in common, that's for sure. I drink it 24/7 and it never keeps me up when I want to sleep, but if I don't have it, I suffer SEVERE headaches. I absolutely LOVE how you included so many coffee images. Wonderful art!!!

    1. Thanks E. Coffee keeps me sane, up and running! Funny how reading about food makes you hungry, huh?

  6. Ein wunderschönes Posting von Rains Thema herrlich deine Bilder und die digitale Welt darin so süss auch. grossartig eine wahre Kunst!
    Die Kaffeetante sie liebt ihren Kaffee inbrünstig lach so hat jeder seine Vorliebe und so soll es auch sein. Toll udn lecker muss ich sagen.
    Ich freue mich dass du jetzt die Tabletten weg hast und die Schmerzen wneiger geworden sind. Das Hochwasser habe ich im Fernsehen gesehen ganz schön hoch.
    Ich wünsche dir zwei schöne Tage ohne Regen und hoffentlich nicht zu stürmisch
    pass auf dich gut auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke. Ja, ich bin eine Kaffetante, oder vielleicht besser, eine Kaffee-Oma heutzutage....Ich hoffe auch dass das Wasser nicht weiter steigt.

  7. Thanks Laurie. Great to hear I am famous for my habits even in the frozen wastes of far away Canada!

  8. Haha, Liberté, Egalité, Filtercafé!!!! :-)
    Darauf mach ich mir einen Tee ;-)
    Hmmm, Pizza, Fischstäbchen mit Spinat, ich werde hungrig! (Und mach mir gleich ein Brot, wie langweilig!)

    Sehr gut zu hören, dass du das leidige Cortison los bist!
    Ich wünsche dir sehr, dass deine Finger wieder ganz in Ordnung und schmerzfrei werden!
    Trotz der Kälte dir einen schönen Tag, GlG, Iris

    1. Geniess den Tee! Und es ist Flamkuchen, schmeckt mir besser als Pizza. Nathalie ist die Pizza Spezialistin! Heute gibt es bei mir wieder Fisch und Spinat, yummy!

  9. Great hybrid pieces. I love this post with all the lovely food. Enjoy your dry day, we have lovely sunshine. x

  10. WOW!! You have been busy and I adore your hybrid makes xx A super post as always Valerie xx Love the dinosaur and coffee phrase xx

    Take care and best wishes
    Annie xx

    1. Thanks, good to remember phrases like that, huh!

  11. I never cease to be amazed at your artistic output. Bravo, Valerie. And what you eat looks terrific too. That which you call simple salads look quite wonderful and packed with good things too. Last night we had fish and salad for dinner and a glass of wine to help it down. After all fish need liquid to swim in, don't they? I have MY fingers crossed for YOUR fingers to be well again.

    1. Thanks David! Fish, salad and wine - yummy! And yes, fish must swim! And thanks for keeping your fingers crossed!

  12. Valerie,

    Your artsy dining creations are so nostalgic in feel which I very much love! Your summer salads look fabulous. I love salads but mine do not look as good as yours. All the foodie shots just make me hungry. Anytime is chocolate time, right? Have a good day, my dear.

    Check out today's post, Dining is what you make of it #art!

    1. Thanks Cathy. And yes, any time is chocolate time!

  13. The story of you coming out of anesthesia and asking for a cappuccino is funny. 😺Having the Pollock postcard and your apple tag made me smile. I love the pages with the bear and friends having a picnic. Oh, that food looks so good and the bakery windows so tempting. We have sleet and freezing rain today. Enjoy your good weather day!

    1. Thanks CJ. I'm off to Pollock's again on Saturday! Sorry about the freezing rain, not so good!

  14. Wow what delightful page-you are just like my husband-coffee is everything for him as his beverage choice. when in the hospital same thing I need a cup of coffee haha
    I love everything here-your art is amazing loving that you hand made stamps, all the food looks so delicious. is this normal for you rain instead of snow for winter? glad your off the cortisone-I have to take that when my asthma is really bad-I always gain weight with that ugh hope your hands finish healing.
    your page still has be smiling hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. Glad your hubby is also a coffee lover! The weather this year is not really normal, although we rarely get really cold and snowy weather here as it's mild along the Rhine Valley.

  15. That meme of the cup and cupcake is just yummy...and cheerful.
    Hope today is a good day.

  16. Congrats on finishing the meds :) and I hope you get good results :)

    I love your surgery and coffee story lol I tend to eat light meals and not cook a lot, so your snack meals sound great to me. All of your food photos look tempting. Yummmm!

    1. Thanks. Snacking and coffee drinking is my way of life!

  17. Great post Valerie! Love the fantastic art pieces and all the yummy food.
    My favorites are healthy salads!!!
    Hugs, Mar

  18. WEll of course, Coffee ... what else? My day doesn't start until I have downed at least one cup of coffee. Lately I have been lazy and have been buying the Starbucks cans of coffee that I can just reach in the refrigerator and pull one out and drink it down. I do, on a rare occasion drink tea and enjoy it and tell myself it is better for me, but in reality, I am hooked on coffee. Some of your salads look so good ... I am tempted to go right now and fix myself one. In fact you have made me so hungry that I am rushing my comment so I can go grab a bite to eat with a can of coffee, Ha! Your are awesome, Valerie ... I loved this post :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea and enjoy your food and coffee!😁💖😁

  19. What a brilliant post Valerie! So much gorgeous art and photographs to look at. This English person cannot stand tea, it's coffee all the way for me, and cream not milk thank you very much! Have a great evening, Sue xx

    1. Glad to hear it, you are a person after my own heart!☕☕☕

  20. Wonderful post Valerie, your salads look amazing , so yummy.

  21. Oh my goodness, all of those beautiful food posts! Super yummy looking!

  22. OMYGOSH, Valerie, I saw your girlie tag on MMM and came over and am reminded now of all the eye candy every one of your posts are. I need to subscribe again - done. My gosh, I have no words between your art and your photos and that amazing food! Overstimulated comes to mind, lol. Love it all and I haven't even scrolled down to the tag yet, XOX

  23. Fabulous art and food Valerie! I love the dinosaur quote.
    Alison xx

  24. Valerie your post today was DELICIOUS!!! Oh my gosh everything...where do I start? Well of course, all of the food photos made me very hungry!! I'm actually have a latté right now as I read your post! I love all of your coffee-love pieces! And the story about the cappuccino! Wonderful! Your sense of humour with your teddy bear pieces are great, and I really laughed so hard at the "tourist" one ha ha ha ha! And how clever to make your own stamps! They look great!!!

  25. There is so much here, I forgot...I'm so glad that you are at the end of your meds for your fingers and I hope they continue to be okay! Be safe when you walk near that river!!

  26. Yummy food. Beautiful photos. Blessings friend

  27. A fabulous post today, great artwork, loved the coffee theme, and lots of yummy photos of food. You certainly have a very varied diet, love the look of you salads.
    Hope your weather's not too bad, we're expecting this storm on Saturday night/Sunday so it might blow itself out by the time it gets to you.
    Avril xx

  28. OMG now I am hungry. Great post.

  29. Hello Valerie! So glad you are now at the end of your medications - good wishes to you as you heal and get over those side effects.
    Well, I'm really knocked out at all your fun, clever and creative art here. Coffee is my daily joy too - and I totally understand your sentiments!
    Loving those little scenes in the woods too. Happy PPF! xx

  30. I know it's winter but I love the look of those salads …
    Continued healing wishes …

    All the best Jan

  31. Oh my your making me hungry now haa haa.. give me your salads any day of the week along with coffee we are well matched Valerie, coffee keeps me going there would be so many people let down each day if I didn't have my coffee!
    The Teddy Bear's picnic pic made me chuckle :))
    Happy belated PPF Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S Keeping fingers crossed the storms coming our way do not cause any damage along their way to you.. (((Hugs))) to those fingers x

    1. Thanks Tracey! Salads, stir-fries and coffees are always my go-to meals - quick, healthy and delicious.

  32. I'm feeling a little peckish now! But maybe I'll just have another cup of coffee instead... Loved seeing all your drinking and snacking artworks - all those picnics! - and I remember your hand-carved apple and pear stamps (fabulous), but I'm not sure whether I saw the cup and the cake before (also fabulous). Great post for the theme.
    Alison x

  33. Oh Valerie! I'm with you on the coffee! Love all of your food related phots and reminders of your art too! Hugs, Chrisx


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