
Friday 7 February 2020

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, enjoy!

We had a cold and frosty day here, but the sky was blue and the sun glittered on the water all around us. The water is still rising, and as we are expecting a monster storm with rain and gales  from Sunday afternoon on it could be bad. I hope all people in the way of the storm here in Europe and in the British Isles stay safe, in spite of Brexit the storm will visit everybody!!

I have made another piece using a painting from Paul Klee:

The head was digitally cut out and re-arranged on one of my hand-painted backgrounds. The quote is also from Paul Klee. And I gave my creation a heart so I can link to Elizabeth's challenge at AJJ
I am having fun doing these alterations and watching the picture change:

Today I walked into the Altstadt of Düsseldorf to see what the Rhine there looks like. The water in the old harbour here is at  'normal' level  as the entrance has already been shut off to protect the Altstadt:

The water here is also up to the brim:

This is a 'Pegel-Uhr'  a clock which tells the time on one face and shows the level of the Rhine on the other:

Here you can see the aluminium wall which stops the water flooding into the old town behind it:

The entrance and balcony on the Rathaus (town hall):

This stream is the Düssel which gave Düsseldorf its name - the village on the Düssel. There is no flood water here as the gates have been closed:

This house shows the year when Düsseldorf became a town:
(Our little town of Kaiserswerth is much, much older!)

One of the beautiful old houses in the Altstadt:

The Art Academy:

I walked back though Hofgarten before taking the tram back home:

And I always enjoy coming home to our little town - here some evening scenes taken today:

And the moon will soon be full:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. was für ein wunderbare Seite, du hast das so toll digital bearbeitet!
    Düsseldorf die rüsten sich auch auf das Hochwasser ganz schön voll ist der Rhein, tolle Fotos hast du mit gebrachtund wie die Sonne scheint schön. Leider war heute nur trübe bei mir.Ich bin mal gespannt mit dem Sturm oder Orkanböen bei dir und bei mir. Sturmflut soll auch bei uns kommen.
    Ich wünsche dir noch einen schönen Abend udn ein schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Schönes wochenende, pass auf wenn es stürmt!

  2. Love your art piece today :)

    Your photographs are lovely to see, especially that blue sky.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend, no mater what the weather brings …
    Stay safe and warm.

    All the best Jan

  3. Beautiful art work Valerie, and I really enjoyed your walk around the old town and along the river. Hope all goes ok when that storm comes over.

    1. Thanks a lot. Hope you are feeling well again!

  4. Hi Val, good evening. Your weather looks better than ours today, we had grey skies. Love your new Klee collage, always fun to see things differently. You really have a lot of water there, but the pics are all beautiful. You have special art of seeing things, and it's really good to see through your eyes! The kids are all in bed so I can have an earl night, too. Enjoy our weekend, stay safe, hugs, Sarah

  5. Hi Valerie :) I love your Paul Klee piece! I love the photo of the building with the blue doors!!

    1. That's the old town hall, it's a wonderful building.

  6. Such beautiful pictures. Love the blue sky and water. The town looks like a lovely place to visit. :) It is chilly here too!

    Hope you have a nice weekend.

    1. Thanks Jess. Blue skies make everything better!

  7. Valerie, I hope you know how interesting your posts are (for us in other countries) to read. I love how the town is prepared to stop flood waters entering. All the details you include in your photos and narrative are fascinating.
    I really enjoyed what you did in your art too - those colours are gorgeous.
    Sending good thoughts for yourself and everyone as you endure the coming storm. Hugs xx

    1. Thanks Sue. The towns here along the Rhine always have to be prepared and ready to block the flood waters. And thanks for the good wishes!

  8. AWESOMELY BRILLIANT POST just loving this and your art is amazing..xx

  9. You did it again. The Klee face looks super and and I like this technique you've been playing with. Lots of fun to walk with you too. Have a super weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks. It's a lot of work, even though it's digital, but it's fun!

  10. And I've got learn night is not my time to comment. Thanks for joining us at AJJ also.

  11. Oh wow, what a wonderful walk around "Old Town" - das Altstadt!I love your art piece- the colors are so rich and so vivid and it's a real eye catcher! I hope your stay safe in the storm, Valerie!

  12. Lovely photos today, thanks for showing the flood walls, interesting. Beautiful art too.

    1. Thanks Christine, it was an interesting walk today.

  13. I'm really LOVING your wonderful changes to the Klee face. It is fabulous, and I like all the different ways you come up with changing it. By adding the heart, you made me smile. Thanks beyond belief for sharing yet another Klee face with us at Art Journal Journey using my theme.

    I loved learning a bit of history about the Düssel stream and even more about Düsseldorf. One thing I noticed is those people on top of the beer can. They are everywhere (I take it) in Germany, it seems. Different people, same can. Great moon shot, too.

    1. Those 'beer cans' are what we call 'Litfass' columns, used for many years for advertising. A brewery in Düsseldorf sponsored the artist - Christoph Pögeler - who made the life-size people, and there are ten of them, all in Düsseldorf.

    2. WOW. I learned something new. The people are incredible. I know I've seen three of them now, but had NO idea they were all located in Düsseldorf. Thanks.

  14. Looks like you had a great day. Beautiful photos and like your altered art.

  15. Schöne Klee-Interpretation!
    Von der Pegel-Uhr habe ich noch nie gehört, meinen Vater hätte das sicher sehr interessiert!

    Oh, jeh. Ich glaube nicht, dass ich so ruhig hinter der "Mauer" sitzen könnte - ich hoffe, der Sturm beruhigt sich.
    Lustig die Palme beim "Frozen Yoghurt"!

    Schöner Balkon, Henry sagt "hallo" :-)

    Wunderbare Abend-Fotos - dir einen schönen Tag, GlG, Iris

    1. Ja, die Uhr ist ungewöhnlich und sehr fasszinierend, Alle machen Fotos davon!

  16. Another super transformation of Klee's magnificent art the colours and the shapes give such a positive vibe, much needed with the worries of the world we all have.
    I forgot to say I splash in the puddles too.. but i'm not aware of those around me that maybe watching i'm usually in my own little world :D
    Hoping those banks and rivers all work together to help those rising waters.
    Saturday Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S Thank you for a wonderful read, you've started my weekend off perfectly x

    1. Thanks Tracey! Have a good weekend, stay safe, and I hope the storm will not be as bad as people think!

  17. Water, so essential to all life on earth, can be at the same time extremely destructive, and we have often built in areas without taking due heed of the potential for catastrophic floods. I hope you have a few days without additional rain, Valerie, to allow the levels to subside a little. Otherwise you will have to wear flippers when you go for a walk!

    1. Too true, a lot of our problems are man made. The Rhine was a bit lower today, which is good, but we are expecting heavy storms and rain from tomorrow, so we have to hope it won't get worse again!

  18. Your face creation is so fun, and I love the concept of one eye sees and one eye feels. Lovely thing to think about. Your pictures are so fun to see. I am so glad I came by and could see them. Everything there is so pretty! Makes me want to come visit. Hope the water stops rising. Thanks for sharing all this beauty.

    1. Thanks! Klee's quote impressed me, too, and that's what I tried to show here. Really something to think about!

  19. Your reorganised Klee head is amazing - and the words are so powerful. Very arresting and thought-provoking. I loved wandering around the Altstadt with you, but most of all those serene, peaceful evening reflection photos towards the end. It was like releasing a deep sigh looking at those photos, and of the moon - thank you so much.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. That quote from Klee gives us a lot to think about! And I'm with you - I love going places, but coming back here is always wonderful!

  20. I love the way the Klee face opens up to illustrate what the eyes do. Really beautiful pictures especially the entrance and balcony of the town hall. Stay safe and dry this weekend.

    1. Thanks CJ! The town hall is beautiful and he keep it well - with all the money we pay in taxes!

  21. cool idea for your art page-turned out wonderful. enjoyed the tour and all the photos-stay safe with all the flooding coming in-parts in the usa are getting flooded too with tornados

    1. Thanks Kathy. It seems to be crazy weather world wide just now!

  22. A very clever alteration of the Klee face to create your page Valerie and the text suits it so well.
    Great photos too and hope the threat of flooding is now gone. Lovely pics of Dusseldorf too.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Fliss xx

  23. Fabulous artwork! I loved all your photos too with those beautiful blue skies and old buildings - perfect 😁. Wow, the water level is high, isn't it! Let's hope the storms aren't too bad, we have them forecast here too. Sorry I haven't visited much this week, our yearly beer festival is in full swing at the moment so I've not had much time, cheers 😉. I hope you've had a great week and wishing you a happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. I can understand very well that a beer festival is more attractive than staying home blogging. Cheers! Wish we had a coffee festival here, it's always 'just' beer over here!

  24. This Klee piece bends my mind lol Those flood walls are massive! I hope the storms aren't too bad. It can be scary :( Again, that Moon! You get such wonderful photos :)

    1. Thanks. It bent m mind trying to make it! (But perhaps it was bent before!

  25. Glad to see that the town is protected- those water levels are high! Love your page! Such lovely photos again! Chrisx

  26. I love your Paul Klee art Valerie! Beautiful photos too!
    Alison xx

  27. I love what you're doing with these painting Valerie, so unique! Your pictures are stunning, I bet it doesn't look like this today if the storm has hit. Take care, Sue xx

  28. A fabulous page Valerie, i love the painting you created and how you linked the pieces together and joined them with a heart.
    A great inspiration piece and it was good to see this linked with the theme at Art Journal Journey.
    All the photos looked lovely. Stay safe when the latest storm gets to you, its bee aweful here with the strong winds.
    Yvonne xx


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