
Monday 6 January 2020

T sTands for Tag Tuesday and More

Hi Everybody!

It's a grey day again, but at least it's dry and the weather is mild for the time of year, so it could be worse!

I have another 'celebrate' tag for Pinky's theme at Tag Tuesday, made using one of the presents Mia sent me. I can't do die-cutting and stamping at the moment while my fingers are so bad, (see my last post for explanations!) so I magicked the girl to Paris using elements from Serif.  Paris is a great place to celebrate life and kind friends:

Today I would like to say thanks to those who sent cards and presents for Christmas and my birthday. The post has been very slow this time, and some letters that I know were sent out are still not here, but I hope they will arrive sooner or later:

Top row, from left: A gorgeous stamp, paper, and cards from Sue.
2nd row - lovely cards and note-cards from Chrissie.
3rd row -  wonderful, hand-made cards and lovely napkins from Yvonne.
Bottom row - Elizabeth's tip-in, a glittery gold card from Linda,  and 2 cards from friends who don't want their names mentioned.
This fantastic card and gold material arrived last Saturday, from Cati in Spain:

And here are the contents of the prize Mia sent for her birthday, so many gorgeous things:

Just look at those tiny, hand-crocheted embellishments:

And a beautiful card and a die/stamp set, as well as a hand sewn purse and some chocolate candies:

And these fabulous stamps on the parcel:

 Thanks to all for your generosity, which warmed my heart!

Today is also Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday date so here a warm welcome to all of the ladies of the T gang.
I have been busy drinking coffee this week, here with my new umbrella on the table - I went into various bakeries:

And some beautiful cups and pots etc in a shop window:

It's good to see a sliver of light in the evening after a grey day:

The Canada geese out for a walk along the Rhine:

My boots out walking with me:

And forsythias in a neighbour's hedge: 

And this man stands on the column in his bathing suit whatever the weather:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I forgot to mention last comment I love the sock header. That is perfect for winter. And nic birthday cards. You are blessed with friends. (And maybe me will be a better one next year when I have time to get cards into the mail in December. But did you get my New Years card yet?) And I hope your fingers improve soon. I liked the photo of all the geese marching across the field. Nice boots too. And lastly, happy T day. I bet a warm cup of coffee is a nice break on your walks. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks. A Coffee warms me nicely when I am walking

  2. Hi Valerie. Hope you feel better soon.
    Enjoy all your gifts my dear friend. You certainly deserve all of them.
    The sewn purse is actually a case for sunglasses (handmade by me, like the crochet items too).
    The man on the coffee is one of the most impressive statues I have ever seen. And beautiful photos of geese. As for the tag, it is simply GORGEOUS!!!
    Hugs, my dear friend. Please take care of yourself.

  3. Coffee and Canada Geese - now that's a great way to start my day! I can see that we are going to have to make you an honorary Canadian, Valerie, and confer on you the title of "Keeper of the Geese!" And, by the way, good looking boots.

  4. Heart warming to see the beautiful gifts, cards and kindness that you share with so many wonderful friends. Thank you for sharing them with us, too.
    Always wonderful art and photos.
    Have a beautiful thought each day throughout the year.

    Hugs ❤

  5. Lovely cards and goodies. I can just imagine the delicious smells from the bakery.I always enjoy window shopping with you and walks along the Rhine. Forsythia, already?! My forsythia bush won't bloom for another 4 months! Happy T Day

    1. It's about 4 weeks early here. Bakeries are great places to hang out!

  6. Hi Valerie - A Belated Happy New Year and Birthday too.
    Love the tag using the stamp from your prize, so pretty. Sorry to read you are having trouble with your fingers, but pleased you are still out and about enjoyi8ng your walks and coffees. Love the boots and that wonderful photo of your 'bathing suited man'.
    Avril xx

  7. Such nice mugs in the shop windows I'd have been tempted by them. I love that little Merry Christmas card with the tree shapes. You have forsythia in bloom?! Nice! Happy T Day!

  8. Another lovely tag. Love those geese! Hope that things improve soon.x

  9. Lovely tag, that man looks so realistic in his bathing suit. Thoughtful post gifts.

  10. I think it's wonderful that you are so talented that you can make digital art, even when you can't stamp or die cut. That tag is wonderful and shows that nothing gets you down.

    Those Canadian geese are going to take over the world. They will certainly fertilize that field, though. I honestly believe there were more in that field than I see along the banks of the two rivers that surround my neighborhood. And I see many, many along the river. Especially because people feed them so they know they don't have to fly south, but can find food where they are. Lovely photos today along YOUR river. Especially that sunset.

    You got some absolutely beautiful cards and gifts. It never occurred to me to make you a birthday card because I don't make cards (as a rule). Great minds and all as I saw Yvonne's and Caty's gifts and cards. You'll understand when you see my T post today.

    I enjoyed seeing you out and about drinking your cappuccinos. That's a much brighter umbrella than the polka dot one you lost. I bet you would see where that one went if it took off.

    WOW. Those mugs are beautiful, but I think expensive if I read the euros correctly. Of course, everything in their display is beautiful, but those mugs are especially fun to see. Thanks so much for sharing your tag, your gifts you received, your walk along the river and by the field, and your cappuccinos with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend. BTW, glad you got your tip-in.

  11. Great tag Valerie! You received some wonderful cards and gifts too.
    Hope your hands are better soon.
    Alison xx

  12. Love your tag, she looks like she's having a great time!! What a great crafty loot you have received, lucky girl!! The Canada geese look amazing Valerie!!

  13. Lovely tag and photo's Valerie, and so glad that you gift arrived. Your coffee shops look amazing, much more interesting than ours xx

  14. A super post and beautiful tag Valerie, the cards and goodies looked lovely. You have good strong boots for walking Valerie, I noticed the hook over laces, I have a pair like that as well, much easier to tie up.
    I hope you're hands are nor so painful today.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  15. What a lovely post.
    You received some great cards and gifts …
    Love your tags and your photographs - goodness the man in his bathing suit looks so real!

    Take care

    All the best Jan

  16. Ein wunderschönes Bild und da bist du ja richtig toll beshcenkt wurden mit allem möglichen, toll!
    Schöne Fotos wieder hast du eingestellt!
    Gute Besserung mit deinen Fingern!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  17. I love your winter header! All those warm socks, such fun!
    I'm sorry to har your fingers are bad again. I hope they will soon improve, so hat you can 'play'with all those lovely little things people have sent you.
    Like Elisabeth, you have been spoilt with cards and gifts. Wonderful.
    Lovely photos of the geese. I enjoyed those. And I also enjoy the window shopping. Those mugs are beautiful. If I ever come to Düsseldorf, I will buy such a mug.
    Happy T-Day,

  18. Lovely tag, enjoyed seeing all of your cards and Mia is such a sweetheart-enjoy her fun mail. wow that is allot of geese right there-we don't see that many at one time, your coffees always look so good-enjoyed all the photos too hope you are feeling better-hugs and Happy T Kathy

  19. so many lovely gifts and cards Valerie! Thanks for sharing them. You know I love your Paris themed tag art!! Love all the photos, and of course your cappuccinos are always the best. happy T day!

  20. hOW WONDERFUL to receive such gorgeous gifts...thanks for showing....lovely post today.xx

  21. Lovely cards and gifts -- and so very well deserved. The one thing about the post being slow -- the fun keeps on coming!

  22. Das ist ein wunderschönes Tag! Und ich frreue mich schon auf die Kirschblütenzeit!

    Ich h0ffe, ich schaffe es endlich morgen einen Antwortbrief auf eine Weihnachtskarte abzuschicken, im Moment bin ich schlecht in sowas. Schöne Karten!
    Und tolle Geschenke :-)
    Und mein Bruder behauptet, Internetfreunde gibt es nicht...

    Ich habe heute - kein Witz - einen Mann in kurzen Hosen und T-Shirt draußen gesehen. Während ich extra-Pulli trug, also T-Shirt, zwei Pullis und Mantel...
    Der Badetyp ist zu süp!
    Happy T-Day und GlG, Iris

    1. Unser Hausmeister arbeitet draußen Winter und Sommer in Safari hut und kurze Hose, und klagt dass er immerzu erkältet ist....Ich hab's lieber warm eingepackt, auch!

  23. Love those boots! They look like my daughter's.
    What wondrous gifts, cards and friends.
    Cute tag!
    Hope those fingers are better soon!

  24. Wow, so many amazing cards! They are all so beautiful and I'm in love with those postage stamps that were sent on your parcel 😁. Your boots are fabulous too, they looks so comfy and stylish. Thanks for sharing all the lovely cards and photos, and wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  25. What beautiful "left-handed" art, the tag is fantastic. Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. Sorry to read about your hands, but you have some cool looking boots to walk in :)
    Thanks for the comment on my blog.

  26. All the stockinged feet in the header really caught my eye. How cute and warm and cozy. Clever girl - using your digital magic to make a die cut.

    A belated Happy Birthday to you!

    I enjoyed the phoos as always. You live in a very fascinating and pretty area - except for the weather.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

    1. Thanks Eileen! The weather here is not that bad! Well, not always....

  27. Liebe Valerie erstmal alles Liebe und Gute fürs neue Lebensjahr nachträglich.
    Deinen Socken-Header finde ich köstlich. :) Das Tag ist so schön frühlingshaft und macht Lust auf Frühling in Paris. Der Badehosen Mann will bestimmt zum Eisbaden und wartet da jetzt aufs Eis. Tolle Fotos hast du wieder geschossen. Deine Stiefel sehen zünftig aus, genau richtig für lange Wanderungen. Hoffe deinen Händen geht es bald wieder besser.
    Alles Liebe

  28. Wow, you certainly received a lot of beautiful cards and presents. I bet a walk to the mailbox is very exciting!
    Your tag is lovely and of course the Paris theme is always a favorite.
    The dishes in the window are so pretty and it definitely looks like a shop that I would enjoy browsing.
    Happy Tea Day,

  29. Lovely artwork. I'm sorry to hear your fingers aren't doing well. You received some lovely gifts in the mail. Your cappuccinos look delicious. Wonderful photos. But forsythia blooming? I thought you had some cold weather. How can they be blooming? (Sometimes mine get a few blooms in November, which is unusual.) Happy T-Day!

  30. Great tag - Paris is a favourite with me of course! You have received some lovely cards and gift I must say you do find some great places for coffee! Your photos made me smile, especially the ones of the geese. I hope your fingers get better soon! Hugs, Chrisx


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