
Wednesday 8 January 2020

Midweek Random Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. We're still enjoying mild weather here, so that's something. We haven't had a single snowflake up till now, and I hope I'm not tempting fate by mentioning it. Thanks to all who left well wishes for my fingers. I think this flare-up  is slowly receding thanks to the large amounts of cortisone, and the daily dose is slowly being reduced so I will be rid of it by next week. We started off with 200 mg and I'm down to  40 already, so things are looking up, and I hope the nasty side effects will soon be a things of the past. I can now type with 2 fingers left and 2 right, that's progress for you!!😍

This is a random A3 journal page made last week on a background painted weeks ago. I was very frustrated because I couldn't get my fingers to do what I wanted, and in the end I just slapped all the bits from my table onto it and did some scribbling round about, and that was it. I am linking to Art Journal Journey, something new - I don't usually do scribbly pages, and I didn't even get round to sewing it:

And some random pics from our little town. The signs are sometimes confusing, and there are no explanations as to where the arrows lead. I don't need the information for myself, but it might be good for tourists,  So I asked in the bookshop if they had any explanatory brochures, but they didn't and advised me to ask at the Town Hall. The lady at the Town Hall said to ask at the Library, and they told me to ask in the museum, which was, of course, closed. It's good that this place is so small that you couldn't get lost if you tried:

This is meant as a direction for the fire-brigade:

And we have a defibrillator for emergencies, although there are 15 doctors, 3 apothecaries and 2 hospitals all within spitting distance - overkill?

X marks the spot?

The beginning is the  end?

Another ominous X:

Some fun murals:

A walk at sunset:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. No snow here either but my brother is certain we are going to get some soon(I think he reads monthly predictions!) Pleased that your fingers are getting better! I love the mysterious signs around your town! Hugs,Chrisx

  2. Great news that you are better!
    Your art is wonderful...even without seeing.
    Great photos again ... especially the one of you. You look great!

    Hugs 💮

  3. Glad you are improving a bit. Enjoyed today’s photos. Nice art.

  4. Sure doesn't look like your winter by the photos...more like your post and your photo of you is sweet, even the bandaged up

  5. Oh I like your page-it just is perfect in its simplicity. Glad to here there is improvement in your fingers. Nice photo with those bandaged fingers. Those boots look good on you. And if you are missing snow, I can send you a few snowballs. We don't have much for us but our weather is all over the place. Happy mid-week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks for the offer of snowballs! I am not missing it though!

  6. Wow amazing page with those sore fingers-happy to read it is getting better.those are wild street signs for sure. we are to finally see a bit of snow this coming weekend-we will see what happens last time at the lake we got ice-I will go tomorrow to stock up some groceries. Happy mid week-hugs Kathy

  7. Wonderful page for throwing it together Valerie! I enjoyed the signs photos. great to have the defibrillator outside. Ours here are in sports centres or doctors and are closed and locked after sports/business hours.

  8. Oh you are so chic and photogrenic! I do hope you feel better soon. I'm hobbling along with one bad hip and now something wrong with my foot - but at least I joke with my husband at least it's on the same side, ROFL! I love the hues in your art - just so vivid and fresh! Breathtaking photos - love the one with the start and finish at the same spot! Hugs!

    1. As we get older there's always something....and keep joking, that's the right way to go!

  9. OK, kein jinxing: wir hatten ein paar Flocken Schnee, und das reicht ;-)
    Vom Cortison habe ich gut ein Drittel meiner Haare verloren :-(
    Gewirkt hat es nicht. Dir alles Gute beim Absetzen!

    Das ist super geworden, die Sprüche nehme ich mir zu Herzen.
    Ist ja ein Ratespiel und Lauf von A-Z bei euch!
    Lieber ein Defibrillator zu viel als zu wenig, finde ich - und Schulung dazu, im Notfall, unter Panik, würde ich zu lange brauchen, fürchte ich.

    1. Ja, Kortisone hat viele Nebenwirkungen, und manche echt nicht gut, aber so lange es keine Alternative gibt werde ich es wohl oder Übel bei Bedarf wieder einnehmen müssen. Helfen tut's immer.

  10. well the small towns are always cute!
    I hope you get well soon :)
    Would you like to follow each other?
    Fifty Shades Fashion

  11. Liebe Valerie
    Kortison muss man nehmen wenn nichts anderes gibt, aber es hat geholfen das freut mich!
    Dein Bild ist wunderschön geworden, ich liebe es mit den Sprüchen und auch Farbe!
    Toll dass ihr so ein Defibrillator habt und du siehst bezaubernd aus trotz allem mit den Fingern!!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  12. Really like your page, the yellow just pops. Your village looks lovely and interesting. Keeping getting better. Hugs Anesha

  13. Good to see you still out walking, Valerie, despite the issues with your lupus. I am sure that lesser mortals would succumb to the temptation of staying home. Bravo!

    1. Thanks David. Walking keeps me sane, I can't stand being cooped up in doors all day!

  14. So glad you are doing better , love that shade of blue on your work!

  15. So pleased to hear that you fingers are getting better, that's a lovely photo of you in your new boots too! I'm loving the ethereal style of your pages and the signs around the town are so interesting, maybe there is treasure where x marks the spot 😁. Thanks so much for joining us at Art Journal Journey and wishing you a wonderful week! Hugs, Jo x

    1. When my fingers are better I'll start digging....good idea!

  16. Oh Valerie I do hope your fingers get better soon x The mention of cortisone always makes me wince as I have had 4 in the tendon in my arm many many years ago ouch !!!!
    Your journal page is fabulous and I love your drawings and scribbles. The blue is so vibrant x The signs made me smile as they would certainly confuse you xx Take care and huge hugs.
    Annie xx

    ps we may have snow tomorrow according to the forecast.

  17. Your poor thing! I hope your fingers get to feeling better soon. It doesn't look like you let them slow you down too much, but I hope the flare-up is short-lived.

    Your artwork is lovely, as always. It's been mild here, too. Supposed to hit seventy later this week. Maybe winter isn't gonna come...? (Riiiiiight! HA)

  18. You had me laughing at those signs. Some made NO sense at all, and some were truly hilarious. I think if you were having a heart attack, that defib would really come in handy. Time matters when the heart is involved.

    How fun to see you getting better, and you are smiling even though your fingers are bandaged. Glad they are weening you off the cortizone, too.

    I really like your random page, especially the heart and the music. Simply wonderful. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey using Jo's theme.

  19. Hola Valerie! Feliz Año Nuevo... llevo tiempo sin visitarte.

    Me alegra que estés mejor, y puedas poco a poco retomar el trabajo y los paseos por la ciudad para mostrar fotos preciosas.

  20. I'm glad you're seeing improvement.

    I love the colors you chose for your piece. The signs certainly have me guessing lol. I'd need an accompanying map. The murals are wonderful!

  21. Glad you're feeling better Valerie. Your page is beautiful! And those signs are intriguing.
    Alison xx

  22. Look at those poor fingers. Relieved you are on the mend.
    You did a great job of slapping on bits. Love it.

  23. You look so pretty Valerie! :) I"m so glad you're feeling better and the meds are reduced. That A1 photo really made me laugh, we have something like that here too, but with STREET SIGNS...there are two next to each other, both with arrows pointing in different directions. The locals find it hilarious, but I'm sure the tourists furrow their brows!

    1. Too funny! I wonder what's going on in the heads of those who put up the signs!

  24. So pleased to read that your fingers are getting better.

    I like your art, you've put a lot into your page, I especially like the music sign.
    ...talking of signs, what a lot there are and on all sorts of things too, it's made me more conscious to look at the signs around our neighbourhood when next out and about.

    Take care and enjoy the rest of your week.

    All the best Jan

  25. It was good to read that your fingers are not so painful, I hope the healing continues well. Super photos of the signs, I think many tourists will be walking around lost if they tried to follow some of those arrows.
    No snow here yet but very strong winds, blowing pots around the gardens, the weather has bee totally different to our usual winters so far.
    I love your fantastic journal page and all the super images you added for us to enjoy looking at. Thank you for adding this beauty to Jo's theme at AJJ.
    Yvonne xx

  26. Hi, I follow you on gfc # 382 ,follow back?

  27. I love the walk through your town and the funny signs with your own very clever captions!

  28. Your poor poor fingers, all bandaged up. Hope they soon return to normal and you can get on with your crafting as you used to.
    In the meantime I love that page of yours. The blue and the green really provide a stark contrast to the page which is wonderful - it kind of lights it all up. Then the addition of the other colours, especially the splashes of red and bits where they look purple all add to the liveliness of the page.
    Thanks for the journey around town - always something of interest, especially somewhere I haven't been to.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  29. I'm glad your lupus is responding well to the cortisone and that you can tolerate that high a dosage, Valerie. At 35 mg for my autoimmune issues, I had a reaction that sent me to hospital. It took almost a year to recover!

    It's interesting that every page you create now is something new because of your uncooperative fingers, perfect for Jo's January AJJ theme. The sentiment is one of a real fighter. "Fall down. Get up. Straighten your crown. Carry on." Boy, you're a terrific example.

    Your signage observations were very interesting. We have signage issues in Mexico but in the opposite direction - not enough signs. Thank goodness for Google Maps, without which I would be lost forever.

    I love your (almost) victory signal photo at bottom. Eileen xx

  30. I love your page Valerie, so colourful! Your town always looks so lovely, and the confusing signs made me laugh. It must be a very healthy place to live with so many doctors around lol xx


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