
Thursday 9 January 2020

Rain's Thursday Art Date - Snow creatures

Hi Everybody!

The week is flying by again. We have warm and damp weather here, flowers are blooming, and the hyacinths on my balcony are shooting up. I was not able to take any snow photos this year and have had to raid my pics and creations from previous years, Rain definitely has more snow at her place!

The first is a Russian themed journal page using an image from Gecko Galz, and it has lots of snow on it:

And a New York scene:

This is a photo taken from my balcony with some digital filters:

Erika looks good in the snow:

Children, birds and animals are all snow creatures:

Another altered photo taken at the Rhine during a freezing winter flood:

Jack Frost and his little dog:

And the Chronicles of Narnia were my fave books when I was growing up, I loved the idea of walking through the wardrobe to the magical, frozen wastes. And I loved the beavers and talking animals, and Mr Tumnus the Faun and all of them! The photo was taken in the back garden and then altered. We do have lampposts like that here in town, but I seem to have the wrong sort of wardrobe....

Some snow creatures from Pexels:

And some snow creatures seen in our little town in colder winters:

My wonderful Scruffy:

Some images from a German magazine from 1901:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday.

Sorry, I still can't write too much, but my fingers are slowly healing and that's the main thing. Thanks for all the well wishes!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. I'll grudgingly admit your snow pages are lovely. My favorite is the 2 robins at their birdhouse. We did get a dusting of snow today. And this weekend temps. are supposed to rise to close to 60 oF. That tea/lunch in the sun room weather! And I'd rather go through the wardrobe and come out onto a white, sand beach. With aqua blue water and palm trees. So glad to hear your fingers are healing.

    1. I love the look of snow, too, and don't mind walking in it, I just don't like when it gets wet and slushy and dirty! And a white, sandy beach on the other side of the wardrobe wouldn't be bad either!

  2. I am glad you feel better, Valerie. Hope that soon your fingers will be completely OK.
    Your pages are wonderful, my dear friend. Great use of filters too.
    Chronicles of Narnia is one of my favorites but the number one when I was a child it was Alice in Wonderland. Hugs, my dear friend.

  3. We had snow squalls come through this evening and give us a fresh inch. Little by little it is accumulating. And you have so much wonderful art to share. And I love the photo of SCruffy. Many dogs just love snow. One dog we had actually prefer the cold winter weather and he would go out on the coldest nights and sprawl out on the snow. Happy end of your week Valerie. Hugs-Erika

    1. My dogs always loved the snow, but not so the cats! They preferred warmth!

  4. You are doing incredibly well, Valerie, given the state of your fingers, in keeping your daily posts alive. I am sure that you have a good deal more determination and grit than many of us. It is always a pleasure to view your creative output and to read your entertaining narratives. Hope lots of coffee is helping somewhat.

    1. Thanks David. Coffee always helps. After a good cup pf coffee everything looks and feels better!

  5. Fantastic page and always fun to visit.xx

  6. Love the dogs in the snow pictures. Good to hear your fingers are healing.

  7. That first piece of yours really draws me in with its snow and mystical feel. And fun photo selection this time. Good news on the fingers but frustrating it has to happen at all.

  8. Die ersten drei sind wirklich superschön!
    Dennoch bin ich kein Schnee-Fan, brrr.... Zu Fuß geht es, aber Ingo muss fahren... nicht gut.
    Hier eher Regen heute :-)
    Dir einen schönen Tag und weiterhin gute Besserung! GlG, Iris

  9. *Wow*Was für ein wundervolles fantastisches Posting zum Thema, deine Seiten sind so romantisch, einfach herrlich an zuschauen und auch deine andere Fotos Auswahl grossartig. Ich liebe deine Art und Weise!!!
    Gute Besserung deinen Fingern und eine schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  10. Oh wow, love all those snow photos. No snow here only rain.

  11. Such a fabulous post! I love your artwork first I saw the Russian themed journal page which looks so amazing with the texture and layers that you created - stunning 😁. Then the beautiful New York page and then all your digital wizardry on the photos where you have created such frosty beauty - perfect! I enjoyed looking at all the cuties in the snow too. I hope your fingers are fully recovered soon and they are not too painful, sending you healing wishes! Hugs, Jo x


  12. We don't have winter this year either. The works and photographs with winter in the lead role are beautiful. Hope you get well soon:)

  13. Valerie,

    I like looking at the snow from afar but secretively I wish for a really good dusting like we had in 1993. Provided that our power stays on of course. :) I like the pureness but like you I don't like the dirty slush that follows. I wonder as much as we all enjoy old vintage images of a Victorian days I wonder if today's imagery will live long after we're gone holding similar feelings of nostalgia? Somehow I don't think it will. I'm sending to you prayers of healing, dear friend!

  14. No winter since one brief snow in December, but I adore what you have created in years past. Beautiful art. What does Santa do in the off season? Looks like you found the answer to that. This is a great post.

    Glad the fingers are doing better. NOW it's time for them to heal completely, dear.

  15. I love how you frame your art images. I've always been a Narnia fan :) I'm glad to hear your fingers are healing.

  16. Very beautiful post from a very talented artist ☃❄⛄

  17. Hi Valerie :) I LOVE the layers on your Russian themed journal page! Your pieces are very pretty and wintery! We are ALL snow creatures aren't we? :) I love all of the photos of the snow creatures you posted! Especially the tigers! Your town's snow creatures are great, I love that Santa climbing! How fun! Oh Scruffy!!! Look at that cutie pie!!! :) I hope your fingers feels better soon!!! Thanks so much for joining in!

  18. Wow that post was such a feast for the yes Valerie!! Loving your amazing art work and the gorgeous photos. I am glad to hear your fingers are improving!! Take care.

  19. Always enjoy seeing your art. I especially liked the Russian themed piece.
    So pleased to read that your fingers are slowly healing.

    Enjoy your Friday and have a good weekend too.

    All the best Jan

  20. This is a wonderful collection!
    I remember some warmer Januarys in Germany, and then February came around and with it freezing cold winters with tons of snow. Watch out...

  21. Wunderschöne bilder sind das,mir gefällt besonders das russiische bild.
    ich mag nämlich den winter besonders,die klare luft,die ruhe,die eistropfen auf den ästen und blüten,herrlich!
    wünsch ein schönes we.

    hugs jenny

  22. Monte is doing so good thanks for asking. His behaviour is perfect in most ways, and if he was to be naughty badly again I wouldn't hesitate to take him back to boot camp but he has just gone outside after a hot day and her in the air conditioning...he is

    1. Thanks for the info Annie, glad to hear it! Give him a hug from me!

  23. Wow !!! What a fantastic post Valerie xx I love your snow makes, especially the Russian Father Frost xx The photographs are amazing too xx
    Sending huge hugs
    Annie xx

  24. Beautiful pages! I love the winter look, all look so glowing and magical! Great shots too! Happy New Year!

  25. Wonderful winter artwork and beautiful photos Valerie.
    Happy New Year.
    xxx Hazel.

  26. Such gorgeous pieces! Love all the snowy details.

  27. Lovely creative collage works and beautiful photography ~ love all the critters ~ especially, Scruffy ^_^

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  28. I miss snow so much, thanks for those , so pretty!

  29. so much wonderful snow related art and photos! This is the way I like to see snow- not outside my own door:) Happy PPF!

  30. I just love this post - so many snowy treats from around the world and across the years! The Russian page is simply beautiful, with those frosty trees and elegant figures. And there's an energy to the New York page which perfectly reflects that city.

    The animals in all the photos are fabulous, and the German magazine illustrations are just wonderful. Lots and lots of lovely snow (and no need for any of it ever to turn into grey slush as it melts!).
    Alison x

  31. Love warms the heart is my favourite today. Happy New Year Valerie
    Thanks for dropping by my blog today

  32. Hi Valerie, I was sorry to hear that you have injured fingers, but am glad they are getting better.
    Your work is always so lovely and unique. The photos amazing. My cats who were inside outside cats, loved to go out in deep snow and even when it was 6 degrees out. I now have an indoor cat, but he loves the screen porch and is out there for hours every day. It has been in the 20's some days! Today, freezing rain and some snow in the Chicago, IL area. Have a good week.

  33. lol, hard to pick a favorite from all your gorgeous snowy worid :)

  34. Love the wintry art and photos! Your blog is always a visual journey into your life! Love it!

  35. Glad to hear your fingers are getting better. A truly lovely post.

  36. I often dip into my old pictures when I think I don't have time to create, but my goodness you have many wonderful pictures and since I have not seen them before they are all new to me. Love your dog ... so cute. So sorry you had a Lupus flare up ... my heart goes out to you as I know how painful that can be. Glad you are gradually improving and wish you well from now on. I am late with my comments because my daughter is sick and I am very busy providing for her ... she too is getting better, so I hope we will all be back to normal soon. Take care Valerie ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  37. Lovely snowy photos Valerie, I do love nice clean snow, it's the mushy stuff I'm not fond of. We've had no sign of snow yet this year, plenty of rain though! Take care xx

  38. I love your snowy pages! We seem to be getting snow later in the Winter than we used to! Great snowy photos too! Hugs,Chrisx


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