
Saturday 4 January 2020

New challenge at More Mixed Media

Hi Everybody!

On the fifth of each month we start a new challenge at More Mixed Media Challenge Blog. Our challenges are always mixed media with an optional colour choice, which is blue for this month. All styles of cards, journals, tags altered objects are welcome as long as they are using mixed media. You have 4 weeks to link to us, and I am looking forward to visiting your blog and admiring your creations.
I made a 14" square piece using a new stencil from CWS.  I had this one before and made the mistake of lending it to someone, and it never came back, and then I found another one on EBAY for 1€. I placed the stencil onto a gessoed sheet of paper and sponged blue and black acrylics over it. I drew a frame around it and then sewed it to some re-purposed DP. I used a white pen to cover the dark background for the stars and moon, and then painted them over with a yellow brush pen. The sentiment was written by hand, a bit nonsensical but I couldn't think of anything better!

I am also linking to Jo's challenge at Art Journal Journey,
something new

And I have another tag for Tag Tuesday where Pinky's challenge is 'Celebrate'.
Celebrating life, love and hope is not always easy in this world as it is just now, with so many catastrophes around us, but we must carry on in hope and trust that things will get better. I used elements from me, Mischief Circus and Serif:

I am having great problems with my fingers just now, as I have had a lupus flare up over the past weeks, and up till now it has got worse, not better. Last year my toes were most affected, this time it's my right hand, and my fingers are very painful and stiff, and the skin on my finger tips is cracking and oozing, which is not pleasant. My doc has increased the medication so I'm hoping it will soon get better. Anyway, writing is only possible with my left hand, so my comments on your blogs will be short, yes, even shorter than usual....Normal business will be resumed as soon as possible! I have a couple of finished journal pages to share in the next week, but after that it will be digital, repeats  or nothing!

Some photos taken on my walks in past weeks. At the moment I can only use my cell-phone as it is easier to use.

My feathered friends in Hofgarten and Schloss Kalkum:

Some very strange fungi growing by the Rhine and partly on wood in the river:

The Nile goose looks like it lost its head:

Beautiful mallard ducks:

And the crows sitting in the tree waiting to greet the sunrise:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your at creations are stunning!
    I am so sorry that your Lupus is acting up again and yet you keep on creating, taking fantastic photos and are still physically active.

    Hugs 💮

    1. Thanks Jan. Staying active and being creative helps a lot.

  2. Hi Val, love �� the new banner, great fun! Looks like a girly time out. Wonderful journal page, very dramAtic and the words are great. Fantastic photos as always. Sorry you are not feeling so good and hope the medis soon help. Look after yourself. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Oh no, you poor thing Valerie. Hope the medication works successfully and asap!! Loving your gorgeous work but how rude to borrow something and not return it!! Glad you got another one though. Your tag is gorgeous! You are definitely the queen of tags!! Loving your gorgeous photos today. Take care!!

  4. Your new header is terrific! Great coverage of a variety of birds. I am glad to see that Canada Geese are conquering the world!

  5. Das ist ein wunderschönes Journalseite mit dem Baum und das Tag ist so bezaubernd zusammen gestellt, ach herrlich ich liebe so was!
    Deine gefiederten Freunde sind goldig ich mag sie,auch wenn es immer heisst sie machen so viel Dreck!Die Fotos mit dem Rabe oder Dohle im dunklen fast sind auch schön.
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  6. Wow, what an amazing page! I love the stencil you used and the blacks and blues of the night sky look stunning 😁. That's a beautiful tag too! Thanks so much for joining us at Art Journal Journey, I was so pleased to see you there! Wishing you a happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x


  7. Your works and photographs are beautiful. I wish you a good recovery. I send hugs :)

  8. I omitted to wish you well, Valerie, and I apologize for that. The flare up of your lupus sounds quite awful and I hope the drugs will work well and have you back to normal soon. If I had to type with my left hand only there might be a lot of one or two word comments!

  9. Hi Valerie, I enjoy all of your photos so much of the birds-Like I am right there with you enjoying them. Yesterday we saw snow geese-pretty cool.
    Your page is stunning-I love it

    1. I am so sorry about your hands-sounds awful and painful-hoping the new medication will work for you--No need to stop by my page til you are feeling better-hugs

  10. I am very sorry to hear about your hand Valerie, I hope the medication helps soon. Your art work is beautiful, as are your bird photos. That fungi looks as if something is going to burst out of it!!

  11. Oh Valerie I do hope your hand heals quickly! I love the dramatic framed tree and the contrast with your joyful tag! We really should continue to celebrate life even with all the dreadful things that are happening around the world! I love your photos of the birds! Take care of yourself! Hugs,Chrisx

  12. BEAUTIFUL all of this post is a stunner for tired eyes, love your tag and those photos, wow , love them...hope your hand gets better.xx

  13. I LOVE the new banner. It's totally cozy, very hygge! I'm sorry about the lupis flare and hope it eases off soon. That can't be at all fun. But I'm lad you can still use your phone.

  14. So sorry about your flare up Valerie, hope you improve soon. Lovely art and your photos are fantastic.

  15. That is a cool tree and I am glad you found such a good deal so you could get the stencil. It makes a nice page. And nice tag too. You cell phone takes great bird photos. You see so many interesting ones on your walk. Have a great rest of your weekend. Hugs-Erika

  16. Hi Valerie wow you do such beautiful work my friend and I hope your hand gets better soon,my mum had lupus so I know that it's very painful,take care and hope you have a lovely day xx

  17. Your photos are always beautiful, Valerie. I especially love the crow waiting for the sunrise. And your creations are adorable! I love how you used the stencil on the first one. Please take care of yourself, my dear friend, and don't worry about commenting. We all understand. I hope you will feel better soon. Kisses!

  18. That is a great stencil and a fabulous page. I can see many ways that you could use the stencil on pages, it was good that you found a replacement.
    The photos were lovely, the birds always look as if they are posing for you.
    Take care of yourself and I hope the medications work and get the fingers back to order soon.
    I like your cosy new header as well.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Oops I forgot to say that we are so happy to see your page linked with Jo's AJJ theme. The stencil tree looks stunning.

  19. Sehr schöne Arbeiten - und das mit solchem "Hindernis" - Daumen sind gedrückt, dass es dir bald besser geht!
    Die Möve hält sich ja gar nicht richtig fest (OK, die kann fliegen, aber mir wird ganz schwindelig!).
    Und die eine Ente guckt so verträumt, süß!
    Das Beste für dich, GlG, Iris

  20. A great Dt piece for that stencil.Lucky you found another.
    I lent someone one of my fav stamps, in fact I did a swap, I gave the one back that I borrowed but got nothing but excuses for getting mine back, finally she found it and returned it almost a year later.
    Love your Tag for Pinky's challenge...xx

    1. It's a shame when people aren't fair with things they 'borrow'

  21. I hate to hear this Valerie - hope the increase in meds does the trick. I hate taking medications but sometime you just have to.
    Sandy xx

    1. What has to be, has to be, even if we don't like it!

  22. You have such a positive outlook which comes through your art and your writing. As my elderly neighbor used to say: Better days are coming.

  23. Hi Valerie! Your tree piece is GORGEOUS...I love the detail in the branches. And your bird photos are so wonderful! I'm so sorry you are in pain from a lupus flare up! I do hope your meds help you soon! xxx Take care of yourself!!!

  24. Your works are stunning, love that blue color! Hope you will feel better soon!

  25. I love this piece, the tree shape and the background with that moon. Striking! I don't think I knew you had Lupus, but I've known a couple of people who had it. I hope you get some relief with your meds. I always enjoy hearing and seeing crows, but we don't get them coming to our patio so I enjoy your photos :)

  26. I am a SO sorry to read your lupus has flared again. I hope the increased medication can help. So glad you took your phone on the walk. I LOVED the one with the swan and the water dripping from its beak. My favorite of the day.

    Your tag is so beautiful and uplifting. It certainly shows how your positive attitude shines through.

    Of course, your MMM entry was fabulous. I love the dark blue sky and the white trees. But equally lovely is the fact you shared this with us at Art Journal Journey. Thank you for that, too.

  27. Adore your tag and the mixed media piece. Might have to play along. lol Sorry to hear about your fingers, do hope the medication helps. x

  28. I love the first art :) Pretty pics ❣

  29. Oh dear, I knew Lupus was a terrible thing to have but had no idea it would affect your fingers like you say. How awful for you and what a shame when you use them so much in your art world. I do hope the medication works for you, quickly.
    In the meantime thank you for sharing all of those beautiful photographs of your feathered friends, some of the closeups show the feathers off to full advantage and I do like the one of the bird in silhouette against the branch.
    Your tags are beautiful what gorgeous images you have used and how well they marry together.
    The tree is something special, I love the starkness of the white against that dark background, what a lovely entry for the AJJ and Jo's new theme.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  30. I do like your header photograph …
    I love your art and all of your photographs.
    So sorry to read that your Lupus has flared up, I hope the medication helps you.
    I am just so pleased you keep as active and creative as you do … I think that is the best thing to do.

    All the best Jan

  31. Wondrous pictures of fowl and fungi:)
    Your piece and tag sparkle.
    LOVE your header.
    Sooo sorry about your fingers. I hope that is in the rearview mirror soon. Kudos for leaving comments at all.

  32. Great photos of the birds and fungi, and I love your tree art Valerie! xx

  33. I love your art work Valerie, and I'm so glad that you managed to find another stencil. So sorry to hear about the lupus, it sounds horrible - hope your medication works quickly. Take care, Sue xx

  34. I'm so sorry to hear you have lupus, Valerie.I hope the flare is under control soon and you fingers heal quickly. Oh my :-(

    The weird fungus looks like something from another planet.

    Eileen xx

    1. Thanks Eileen. That fungus was something very different!😁


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