
Monday 4 November 2019

T stands for loTs of This and ThaT

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was good. Here we had very mixed weather, but with longer dry spells so I was able to get out and walk a lot and meet up with friends, so that was fun.

Today we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday
Our lovely Michele is hosting and has chosen 'seeds and plants' as her theme, so hope to see lots of you joining in. She is also giving a little prize this time. I have chosen a winner for my last theme there, and you will be able to see who it is when the TT blog goes live on Monday evening. I made a hybrid tag in autumnal colours again, using a vintage greengrocer scrap, which was fussy cut. Lots of seeds and plants here:

Today is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T gang.
My drink is always cappuccino, so here some of this weeks beverages:

I just managed to stop myself from eating the cookie on time!

And on the 5th of each month we start  new challenge at More Mixed Media. All of our challenges are anything mixed media goes, and you have 4 weeks to join us there. The optional colour this month is black. I made an A3 mixed media face on a blue, black and green painted background. The face is one of  'my' heads, and the town was stenciled. The stars were collaged, the sentiment hand-written. I have used this head so many times, but I always seem drawn to using it again and again!

And I have some photos from my walks. On the day before we visited Xanten, which I showed last week, Nathalie drove us to  'Unterbacher See (lake)' . The lake is surrounded by beautiful woods, and we walked all round it, giving us a total of more than 18000 steps. It was a pleasant walk and afterwards we went to a snack bar near here. Nathalie had a huge pizza, and I had roast chicken, and we were so hungry we forgot all about photos till it was too late!

Somebody recently asked me if I didn't have hair, as I always wear a cap or hat. Yes, I still have hair, I just mostly like to tie it back and keep it under my cap!
Anyway, here you can see it, where I was getting ready to go out for my walk yesterday:

That's all for today!

Have a great one, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I would love to go on a long walk through those woods and leafy lanes and then join you for a cappuccino at the end of it all. That seems just about perfect to me.

  2. Good evening Val! Hope our week got off to a great start. I'm back home now. Love your various creations, just beautiful, as always. The face page is my fave this time. Great photos, glad you and Nathalie have been able to get out and walk a lot. Lovely photos of you, too! Have a nice evening and a great week. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Pięknie wyglądasz z uśmiechem na twarzy i aparatem w rekach. śliczne fotografie :)

  4. Deine Arbeiten sind wieder so fantasievoll gestaltet liebe Valerie und die Fotos von deinen Spaziergang gefällt mir wieder so gut.
    Hübsch siehst du aus, ganz flott wie eine Französin mit dem Kappe!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  5. Oh Valerie, I never supposed you didn't have hair! Lovely art for the challenges the coffees look warming. Lovely photos today.

  6. great art-as always and I loved the photos from your walk-so beautiful! and your coffees always look so delicious Happy T Kathy

  7. Love your tag, Valerie. I'm not sure what "greengrocer scrap" is, but I want some - lol.

    As always, I'm mesmerized by your beautiful photos. The mushrooms and Nathalie in profile really caught my eye today. (Psst, don't mention this to Nathalie. She might start demanding model's fees.)

    Is "Don't you have any hair?" a rude question in your culture? It is to me. Once, a customer said "You're wearing a wig, aren't you?" Then she reached across the counter and tried to pull my hair off!

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

    1. I found the question rather rude, too, but I don't think the person meant it so, I think she was concerned.

  8. Hello Valerie, lovely to catch up with you once more.
    Love your greengrocer tag, beautifully vintage... they (the greengrocers) are becoming all too rare in our country now unfortunately. A lovely theme.
    Those cafes and coffees are great - life's little pleasures. We love our morning coffee too.
    Your mixed media piece is beautiful.
    What lovely walks you've taken, no wonder you work up such an appetite :D)
    You look really smart and also comfortable in your outfit.
    Cheers for now xx

    1. Now that the craze for healthy eating has taken over, there are once again lots of greengrocers selling fresh veggies - I like this trend!

  9. Great tag and gorgeous post. We have one greengrocer not far from us and he has the best and freshest goods, you look fabulous too, gorgeous in fact.
    You asked about Monte, well he is the cutest of all....loves his daily walks/runs around the duck pond and always full of mischieve but he is still a

  10. What beautiful photos from your walk! The lake and woods remind me of here in Minnesota. I miss having the time to walk...or perhaps I should rephrase that to say taking the time to walk in nature.
    Thanks for sharing your lovely art work, open air cafes and nature walks today! I thoroughly enjoyed it.

  11. Wow, there is so much to talk about in this post. So I will say I love the art! I don't drink coffee but I love all the variety in the cups. It is surprising there is such variation. And that walk looks super. Plus it sounds like a lot of fun! Thanks for sharing your weekend. It looks like it was a really good one! Hugs-Erika

  12. Gorgeous tag! Thanks for sharing beautiful photos of your walk. Nice to see you too, with and without your cap. I wish I could go walking with you. I love to walk. Happy T Day.

  13. Wir sind Jäger und Sammler, schön, wenn mal der Mann sammelt :-)
    Oh, immernoch draußen sitzen? Zu kalt dafür hier... Schönes Herz, fast zu schade zum Trinken.
    "Kantinchen", oh, wie süß :-)
    Die Skyline-Idee mit dem Kopf ist super!
    18000 ist hervorragend. Und das Boot, so schön.
    Ach, Haare, kein schönes Thema für mich, ich hab so dünnes, da kann man nichts mit machen, du hast immerhin schöne Locken! Happy T-Day :-)

  14. Gorgeous artwork Valerie, and you've done some serious coffee drinking up too lol. The woods are looking amazing at this time of the year, no wonder you enjoy your walks there so much. Have a very happy week, Sue xx

  15. A great post Valerie. I loved seeing the photos from your walk, I am not surprised you forgot to take a photo of the food after all the walking you did that day.
    The coffee's you shared looked good, I think I would enjoy a cup of coffee occasionally if it looked as tempting as yours.
    Your art projects are fantastic and the vintage greengrocer scrap looks super on the tag
    Happy T day wishes Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Your tag is absolutely incredible. I love it. I look forward to joining in this fortnight, too. Your mixed media entry is also gorgeous. I especially like the stars and the glitter. It brightens up the night time sky and your beautiful head.

    You and Nathalie must have had fun walking around that lake. The views were breathtaking and there were certainly lots of photo ops, too.

    No wonder you have been drinking a lot of cappuccinos this week. You needed them to fuel you for all that walking you are doing. They were certainly fun to see, no matter where you chose to have your drink. Thanks for sharing your lovely tag, your beautiful mixed media page, your walk around the lake, and your various cappuccinos with us for T this Tuesday.

  17. You look lovely with your hair down Val! And the walk around the lake is absolutely beautiful. Such gorgeous colours. And those mushrooms are lovely.
    Your tag is great. I love an unusual theme. And I also like the black page with the Sting quote.

    Happy T-Day to you,

  18. Hi Valerie lovely pics love the one of you,nice to see you.
    Oh I love your plant and seed tag it's terrific and your mixed media page is awesome,well done my friend xx

  19. The green grocer tag made me smile. Made me think of the vegetable lady where my mother bought fruits and veggies when I was a kid. I like the colors and sentiment of your head page. I have recurring dreams about night skies. I like how the foam on your cappuccinos look like little works of art. Beautiful scenery around the lake and wow! all those steps, too. Happy T Day

  20. Love both of your project Valerie and how you have created your piece for MMM, beautiful and beautiful photo of love the photos you add to your posts..iv got a thing for taking photos of mushrooms as they just a bit different..hugs Lozzy xx

  21. let's see, what do I like more, the lovely artwork... or your travel pictures? BOTH!! You've now proven you have hair, I'm a witness! LeeAnna

  22. Amazing artwork! The night sky that you created looks amazing with the glitter and all those stars 😀. Such fabulous photos too, I always enjoy walking with you and the coffee with the heart is my favourite. You look so pretty in your hat with your hair down, beautiful photo! Wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  23. Such a variety of cups and settings! Sweet :) I enjoyed your Autumn walk through the woods around the lake. You got lovely photos of all the changing leaves and the mushrooms (toadstools?). I love it when there are benches along walks :) Happy T Tuesday!

  24. Wonderful artworks and great photos Valerie! I love the pottery mug containing your cappuccino, and nice to see you hatless :-)
    Alison xx

  25. It's always a joy to drop by your blog Valerie. I love the vibrant colours on your tags! You really are a coffee girl. Photos are just brilliant and the sparkle in your artwork is gorgeous!! Have a great week.

  26. Love the cap pic! You may be in Germany but you look very French:)
    Also love that warm, autumnal tag. It's a happy tag.
    YOU take care.

  27. Love the green grocer tag and the vegetables … superb :)

    Love the pictures of you, and that looks such a lovely walk.
    At the moment we seem to have more rain than sun …

    All the best Jan

  28. Wonderful tag Valerie. Your lake walk looks wonderful.

  29. Lovely artwork. I like the vintage man you used in your tag. Wonderful photos. That lake looks like a nice place to walk. Having benches to sit and view the water is good. Happy T-Day!

  30. That photo of Nathalie by the river is exquisite. She should use it as a holiday card or business card. It's wonderful. And I love seeing your pretty hair! And your big smile!

  31. your tag is marvelous! i love how the images stand out! i also love the photos of coffee and fungi. and you look adorable! xo

  32. Woww your tag is Wonderful Valerie !!, love every detail, and loove your amazing Art journal page, the colours of the background are great and I like very much this head. Happy belated T-day !! I´ve enjoyed your so beautiful photographs from your walks, and you are very pretty with this red hat. I wish you a very nice Thursday, and send biiig hugs,


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